The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 29, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 14, Image 14

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    Raydean Slaymaker
An Atkinson Bride
ATKINSON — Miss Raydean
Slaymaker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. 0. Slaymaker, of
Atkinson, and Fredrick Kunz,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz,
of Stuart, exchanged nuptial
vows on Tuesday, June 20, at
9 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Catholic
Rev. A. A. Lehmen, church
pastor, officiated. St. Joseph’s
choir, with Miss Leona Kilmur
ty as organist, provided the mu
The bride’s gown was of
crisp organdy net with long
pointed lace sleeves. The high
net yoke buttoned in the back.
There was a lace bodiee and the
silk lace extended into a very
full net skirt over satin in tri
angular shape. The skirt ended
in a court train.
Her circular net veil was held
by a double brim, pill box hat
covered in net and pearls. She
carried an arm bouquet of white
carnations centered with a white
orchid with a lavender lip and
tied with white satin streamers
ending in feather carnations
and fern.
She also carried a pearl ros
ary’, a gift of the bridegroom.
Her only jewelry was a 3-strand
necklace of pearls.
The bridesmaid and matron
of-honor wore matching gowns
similar to that of the bride.
Mrs. Doris Vogel, sister of
the bride, was gowned in or
chid marquisette over lace bod
ice and satin skirt. Miss Jo Ann
Kunz, sister of the bridegroom,
wore a dress of nile green.
Both wore half bonnets of net
and satin matching their dresses
and each carried an arm bouquet
of yellow carnations and satin
ribbon the same color as their
Johnny Dvorak and Max
Kunz, attendants of the bride
groom, each wore a white car
nation boutonniere and were
dressed in light suits.
The bride’s mother chose a
light aqua crepe with white ac
cessories and Mrs. Kunz's gown
was a pink sheer bemberg with
white accessories. Each wore a
pink rose corsage and feather
A wedding dinner at l o ciock
was served to about a hundred
guests at the Knight of Colum- j
bus hall by Mr. and Mrs. E. O. i
Slaymaker. The tables were1
tastefully decorated in seasonal
flowers and orchid and green
tapers. The wedding cake, dec
orated in the bride’s colors of j
orchid and green, was baked by
Mrs. Doris Vogel. The cake cen
tered the bride’s table. To the
left of it was the breakfast bou
quet of orchid iris, made by
Mrs. Robert Marten. To the
right was the bride’s bouquet.
Jeannine Bammerline, of Ains
, worth, had charge of the guest
book. Friends of the bride who
served at the wedding dinner
were: Alice Dunn, Leona
Schmidt, Mary Ann Bouska,
Maxine Ziska, Helen Martens,
Doris Davis, Elta Richardson,
Mary Ann Jensen, Ethyl Strak
a and Geraldine Hanel.
Mr. and Mrs. Kunz entertain
ed their friends with a wedding
dance in the Stuart auditorium
in the evening and will be at
dome to their friends on a farm
southwest of Stuart after they
return from their wedding trip,
for which the bride wore a
beige crepe dress, white acces
sories and an orchid corsage.
Out-of-town guests for the
wedding were: Mr. and Mrs.
William Spence, of Ewing; Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Ruby, of Ew
ing; Mrs. John Law, Miss Mar
garet Sullivan, Miss Jeanne
Bammerline and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Steck, all of Ainsworth;
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miergard, of
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knob
De, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sleck
L*t, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lueck
eskoff, all of West Point; Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Bruening and
family, Mr. and Mrs. I. Bruen
ing and family, Don Becker, all
of St. Helena; Miss Kate Kunz,
of Valentine.
Mr. Kunz served 4 years in
the air force as .an aerial engi
neer and airplane inspector.
Mrs. Kunz atended Norfolk
college and was recently em
ployed by the department of
roads and irrigation as a secre
tary at Ainsworth. Recently she
has been secretary for the At
kinson Creamery from which
she resigned.
Feted in Double
Prenuptial Shower—
PAGE — Miss Beverly Kelly,
of Page, and Miss Velma Abney,
of Inman, were honored at a
double prenuptial shower at
the Methodist church parlors
Monday evening, June 26. A
large group of ladies was in
attendance. ;
The entertainment consisted ,
of several contests. The honor- ■
ed guests received many gifts.
Miss Barbara Trowbridge had
charge of Miss Abney’s gift
book and Miss Byrdie Ann Park
had charge of Miss Kelly’s gift
book. i
The shower was sponsored by
the Chatter Sew club, which j
provided a luncheon of cake,
ice cream and iced tea. 1
Miss Kelly will wed Cyril ,
Hansen and Miss Abney will
marry Thomas Kelly in a dou
ble wedding ceremony on Sun
day, July 2, at the Page Metho
dist church. i
Visits Iowa—
Frank Froelich drove to Hol
ly Springs, la., on Saturday,
Juno 24. to make the acquaint
ance of his new granddaughter.
He returned home Sunday.
Mrs. Froelich, who had been 1
visiting there with her daugh
ter. Mr and Mrs. B. E. Wanser,
and family, returned with him.
Rat urn to Iowa—
The Misses Jane Anderson
and Patty Schell returned to
their home in Harlan, la., after
having been houseguests of
Miss Mary Lou Wilson for 10
Mrs. Lyle Dierks, of Ewing,
and Mrs Edward Verzal were
dinner guests Tuesday of Mrs.
H S. Moses and her daughter,
Mrs. A- S. Evans.
Charles Fox took Melvin Fox
to Kearney Sunday, June 25,
and spent the day visiting Mel
vin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs- M.
D. Fox.
Green-Harney Rites
Read at Chambers
CHAMBERS—A pretty dou
ble- ring wedding ceremony
was solemnized at the Cham
bers Methodist church Satur
day afternoon, June 24. at 2 o’
' clock when Miss Marjorie R
Harvey, only daughter of Mr
i and Mrs. Ed Harvey, of Cham
bers, became the Hride of
i Donald W, Green, of Chambers
Rev. L. R. Hansberry read
the marriage lines before an
altar flanked with cut flowers
Miss Angie Spath sang ::A1
ways,” accompanied by Miss
Katheryn Newhouse.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, was
charming in a gown of white
slipper satin. Her gowm was
fashioned with a sweetheart
neckline and long sleeves com
ing to a point at the wrists
Two rows of lace extended
down the front of the gown
and down the back of the skirt,
forming a long train. Her fin
gertip illusion veil was edged
with chantilly lace and fell
from a beaded tiara. She wore
a double strand of pearls, a
gift of the bridegroom, and
carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Miss Joan Beed, friend of the
bride, was bridesmaid. She
wore a sheer pink formal and
carried a bouquet of white
The bridegroom wore a grey
suit. Lester Green, brother of
the bridegroom, was bestman
Both men wore white carrtation
Roland Harvey, brother of
the bride, and Robert Green,
nephew of the bridegroom,
were ushers.
The bride’s mother wore a
green silk print dress Her cor
sage was of white carnations.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride’s parent
following th ceremony. Cen
tering the bride’s table was a
3-tier wedding cake which was
decorated in her colors. It was
topped with a miniature bride
and bridegroom.
Miss Ruth Weber was in
charge of the guest book. Mrs.
Lyle Childers, sister of the
bridegroom, cut the wedding
cake. , * ,
Mrs. Green was graduated
from the Page high school with
the class class of 1948. She at
tended Wayne State Teachers’
college and has been teaching
in Holt county the past 2 years
Mr. Green served 3 years in
the army. At the present time. !
he is employed on a ranch west
of Chambers where the young
couple will reside.
Other Chambers News
Rev L. A. Dale left Monday, j
June 19, for Milwaukee, Wise.,
to attend a synod as a delegate, j
He was accompanied by Cas
per Harley, of Atkinson, who
is also a delegate.
Mrs. Ruby Martin and grand
daughter, Barbara Jean Wil
cox, left Tuesday, June 27, for
Sedro Wooley, Wash, and Los
Angeles Calif. They will make
then- home at Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. John Casparie
and grandson, Donald Breiner,
of Palmer, came last week for
a short visit in the Zuelke
Julia and Mildred Haussler,
of Holbrook, accompanied Mrs.
Vernon Harley to Chambers on
Friday, June 23, to spend the
weekend with relatives. They
are all attending college at
Mrs. E. R Carpenter accom
panied Mrs M L. Sageser and
Mrs. Alvin Forbes to O’Neill
Thursday, June 22, to attend
the annual picnic of the Holt
county extension clubs held at
Ford’s park
Mr and Mrs. Charles Hart
and son, Roland, of Mandan,
N. D., expected to return home
Wednesday. June 28 They had
been visiting her parents, Mr
j and Mrs Theodore Moss, and
sister and husband, Mr and
| Mrs. Charles Grimes, and sons
I since June 16
Mr. and Mrs. J. W Walter
took Mrs. L. A. Dale to th^
Lutheran hospital at Norfolk
on Friday, June 23, returning
to Neligh Saturday where Mrs
Walter remained until Monday
Mr Walter returned to Neligh
Sunday and on Monday they
drove to Norfolk to meet their
son and wife, Mr. and Mre Ir
ven Walter, and son, of Oma
ha, who are spending their 2
weeks’ vacation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jarman,
who opened a cafe is Cham
bers on June 7, last week sold
the business to Mr and Mre.
Donald Grimes. Mr Grimes’
mother, Mrs. Genevieve Bell,
is operating it. Mrs. Jarman‘6
health would not permit her
handling the work.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Baum
gartner, of Harlingen, Tex.,
came Sunday, June 25. to visit
Rev. and Mre L M Ha ns ber
ry. She is an aunt of Mrs. Hans
berry’s They came here from
Valentine and Chadron where
they visited her sister and oth
er relatives. They plan to leave
in a few days for Kearney to
visit relatives They will spend
the summer in Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thom
son and Mr. and Mrs Merlin
Gr»6snicklaus spent Sunday.
June 25. In the Ed Bushard
home north of O’Neill.
Mr and Mrs Ernest Thorin
and daughter, Betty, and son,
Charles, and Lloyd Winter
mote drove to Ewing Sunday,
June 25, to attend a reunion of
Mrs. Thorin’s family.
Marlene Black, of Ewing, Is
visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Thorin, for a
week or more
A shower will be held on
Saturday, July 11, at the Lloyd
iiome lor Mrs- Donald
Mr. and Mrs Ray Bachaus
and family were dinner guests
junaav, aune 25, in the Wil
lard Thomson home
tyrs. H. 3. Hubbard and Ed
Porier accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Chauncey Porter, of O'
Neill, to Beaver Crossing Wed
nesday, June 21, to attend a
funeral of a cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor
and children returned Friday,
June 23, from a 16-day trip to
Eugene, Ore., where they visit
ed her father and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Brotherton,
and son, and brothers, Mr- and
Mrs. Delbert Brotherton and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brotherton,
and family. They went via
Greeley, Colo., where they vis
ited an uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs. Weaver Brotherton,
and family. They also visited at
Denver and Estes Park and oth
er places of interest around
Denver. They visited places of
interest in Oregon. On their
return they visited the Yellow
stone national park, Salt Lake
City and other places.
Plan Float for
Chambers Fair—
The Eagle Creek 4-H club
held a monthly meeting Sun
day, June 25, at the home of
Gene O'Neill.
After the dinner at noon, the
business meeting was called to
order by the president, Doris
Sterns. Each member answer
ed roll by naming his favorite
movie star, and 2 pictures he
or she has starred in.
It was decided to use part of
the box social money for a
float at the Chambers fair.
The girlS are getting along
“fairly well” with their sew
ing boxes.
It was decided to have the
next meeting at Janet and Ga
len Hull’s on July 30 —By Bet
ty Lou Curran, reporter.
Visit Pickslown—
Mr and Mrs. Francis Mur
phy, Clarence Murphy and
Mr s Marie McDonald and son,
Thomas, went to Pickstown on
James Merriman and Thom
as Harty were in Omaha over
the weekend.
Saturday, July 1
Music By
Rex Pine and
Hi* Orchestra
Valuable Prise*
July 4th Fishing
• Shakespear
• Wonder Reel
• Glass Wonder
Bamboo Poles & oth
er Fishing Supplies
See Us Now While Supplies Are Complete
it it it
Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor
Sunday, July 2:
Sunday - school, 9:30 a.m.
Roy Sauers, superintendent.
Worship service, 11 a.m., mu
sic by the choir, sermon by the
pastor: “The Strategy That.
The choir will meet for re
hearsal on Thursday at 7:15 p.
The annual ranch picnic of
the Women’s association will be
held on Thursday, July 6, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
B. Price.
The dates of our vacation
Bible school are July 10 to 21.
The John Conard family, of
Emmet, entertained the mem
bers of the Youth Fellowship of
the O’Neill Presbyterian church
at their home on Wednesday,
June 21. Following a period of
swimming, the 23 guests heart
ily enjoyed the outdoor supper.
Reverend Gerber, pastor, and
Miss Barbara Bennett, of O’
Neill, left Monday morning,
June 26, to attend the national j
assembly of Westminster Fel- I
lowship at Grinnell, la. This na- j
lional assembly, which is held
every 3 years, brings together
2,000 Presbyterian youth from
every state in the nation. Miss
Bennett is attending the assem
bly as an official delegate of
Niobrara Presbytery Westmin
ster Fellowship; Reverend Ger
ber is the adult representative
of Niobrara Presbytery. They
will return to O’Neill Saturday
Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor
Church school, 10 a.m., classes
for all ages.
Worship service, 11 a.m.
Senior MYF, 7:30 p.m.
We were very glad to have
Phillip Fruhoff, of Norfolk, as
our guest speaker Sunday morn
ing, and present the work of
the Gideons. He gave a fine
The Missionary Circle will
meet tonight (Thursday) with
Mrs. C. W. Porter.
The basement of the church
is being redecorated and begins
to present a fine appearance.
We are hoping that our good
attendance at Sunday - school
will continue during the sum
mer months.
We will have all of our ser
vices next Sunday.
(Amelia Rural)
Rev. Ira I. Dixon, pastor
Sunday - school and program,
10 a.m.
Worship, 11 a.m. ,
Children’s and young people s
. 'rvice, 7:30 p.m.
Evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Midweek service (class meet
ing) Thursday, 8 p.m.
Light and Life hour, Sunday,
1 p.m., KMMJ, 750 kilo.
You are invited to the Fourth
of July picnic.
You have &u influence. Is it
counting for God and eternity?
Attend and support the church
of your choice.
Rev. Orin Graff, pastor
Unified services, 10 ajn. class
es for everyone.
Sermon Sunday, July 2:
‘ When Men Want a King. —
1 Samuel 12. The sacrament of
communion will be observed.
Choir rehearsal Thursday
(tonight), 7:30 p.m.
Men’s council tonight (Thurs
day) 8 o’clock.
Two infants were baptized on
Sunday, June 23. They were
Mary Lynn Heyne, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Vernon Heyne,
and Dennis Wayne Yarges, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Yarges.
(RFD, Chambers)
Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor
Sunday. July 2:
Worship service, 9:30 a.m.,
sacrament of holy communion.
Sunday - school, 10:30 a.m.,
Ray Hoffman, superintendent.
Mrs. Mike Mullen and son,
James, were Sunday supper
guests at the home of Mr and
Mrs John J. Mullen.
Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor
We were happy for the good
boys’ and girls’ camp at Lexing
ton the past week. There were
9 boys and g rls from O'Neill
and 2 from Bristow that went
with us to the camp. An enjoy
able time was reported by all
who attended. We plan to begin
our story hour in the near fu
Services will be as follows
i this week: Sunday - school, 10
a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.
There will be no evening ser
vices on account of the A ins
worth camp meeting in pro
gress. We trust many will at
tend this great camp that closes
the night of July 4. Services
are at 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and
7:45 p.m. ecah day.
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Prayer meeting has been
changed to Tuesday, 8 p. m.
Sunday, July 2: Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship, 11 a.
Youth camp at Niobrara
state park, July 10-14.
July 4 picnic dinner and ball
game. Come and spend the day
with us. Come to church for
special direction to the picnic
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Prayer meeting each Wed
nesday, 8 p. m.
Youth camp is being held
this week at Long Pine. Their
closing service is Sunday, Z p.
Sunday, July 2: Worship,
9:30 a. m.; Sunday-school, 10:30
a. m.
Note: Change of time of ser
vice for this Sunday only.
You are welcome to all of
our services.
Eddie Campbell drove to
Sioux City on Monday, June
William J. Froelich visited
over the weekend with his
family. He returned to Chica
go, 111., Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dexter
visited in Creighton Wednes
day evening, June 21.
Weekend visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Neil Dawes and family
were Perry Swan and daugh
ter, Shirley, of Lincoln. Mr
Swan is Mrs- Dawes’s father
and Shirley is her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cronk,
who are attending school in
Wayne, spent the weekend
with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dexter, cf
Amelia, and 3 grandsons visit
ed Saturday with the boys’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Dexter. Jerry and Darrel are
staying at home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schaaf
and children, of Atkinson, call
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert
Monday afternoon, June 26.
Mr. and Mrs- Charles Crook
made a business trip to Omaha
Friday, June 23.
Visitors this week of Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Asinute are Karen
Bowers and Twila Pearson, of
Wednesday, June 28 to Saturday, July 1
Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Be sure and see these new and used Spinet pianos and
grands. Twenty different styles on display, 90 others
to choose from. Such famous makes as Kimball,
Wurlitzer, Lester, Betsy Ross and Mason Hamlin.
Prices from $395 up. Several returned Spinets mod
erately priced. Come in and see for yourself. 10%
down, balance in 24 months. Bench and free delivery.
Trade in Your Old Piano As Part Payment
— Sioux City, la. —