The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 29, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 13, Image 13

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    McKim Family Pays Tribute to the Late
John L. McKim, Civil War Vet, and Wife
A family reunion was held
on Sunday, June 25, at the
home of Mr. and Mre. Lyle
McKim honoring the memories
♦ of the late John L. McKim and
his wife, Phoebe Norwood Mc
Mr- McKim was a Civil war
veteran. He came to Nebraska
in 1880 from Indiana and home
steaded hear the Elkhorn river
west o f Clearwater. Eleven
children were born to this cou
ple and Anna Mitchell, of Mar
ion, S. D., is the only one now
living. . I
Five of these children marri
ed— Anna, Myrtle, James, L. ,
C. (Posy) and Alexander.
From these marriages 49 of
the 92 descendents were able to
attend the reunion.
4 The spirit of this group, how
ever, is illustrated by the fact
that some came from as far as
New Mexico, California and
South Dakota. ,
This family also has four 4
getneration groups o f which
there was only 1 present—Mrs.
L. C. McKim, Lyle C McKim,
Mrs. Hazle DeGeorge and Shir
ley Rae DeGeorge.
A big picnic dinner was en
joyed by all present followed
by ice cream and a large angel
food anniversary cake baked
and decorated by Mrs. Orville
Caroline Jorgensen
Becomes a Bride
CHAMBERS — The new Free
Church of Stanton was the
scene of a pretty wedding cere
mony on Sunday, June 25, when
Miss Carolyn Jorgensen, eldest
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Jorgensen, of Hoskins, became
the bride of Alvin Engdal, of
The double - ring ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. R.
Mock, pastor of the church, at
3:30 o’clock before an altar
banked with flowers.
Miss Arlene Olson, a friend
of the bride, sang “The Lord’s
Prayer’ and "Together Life s
•Pathway We Tread,” accompa
nied by Mrs. Harold Hardy, who
also played Lohengren’s wed
ding march.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
gown of dotted Swiss with a
high neck buttoning down the
back with pearl buttons. The
skirt, trimmed with ruffles,
ended in a train. The tulle veil
was held in place by flowers.
She wore a 2-strand pearl neck
lace and carried a white Bible
and a bouquet of red roses.
Ella Mae Mason, friend of the
bride, was bridesmaid. She
wore a gown of pink satin and
carried a bouquet of white car
nations. „ ,
The bridegroom was attend
ed by Dwight Jorgensen, broth
er of the bride. The bridegroom
“wore a gray suit and the best
man wore a blue suit. Both
wore white carnation bouton
nieres. _ „
The ushers were Don wur
dinger and Loren Johnson.
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held in the church
parlors for the relatives and
friends. ,
The bride’s table was decor
ated in pink and white and was
centered with a 3-tier wedding
cake topped with a miniature
bride and bridegroom.
Mrs. Engdal is a graduate of
the Chambers high school with
the class of 1948.
Mr. Engdal is a farmer near
Stanton. i
> The young couple will mase
their home on his farm.
Friends from Chambers at- j
tending were Mrs. Art Walter
and Dennie and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Grimes and Bonnie.
Present at reunion were:
L. C. McKim, of Clearwater;
Mrs. Anna Mitchell, of Marion,
S. D.; Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Mc
Kim, of Fresno, Calif.; Mrs. G.
W McKim and daughter, Bob
bye, of Albuquerque, N. M.;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Engel
haupt and family, of Gering;
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Glover, of
Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Rockwell, of Wayne; Mr. and
Mrs. George Hemenway, of
Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. /Carl
Hemenway, of Neligh; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Loewe, of Brunswick;
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Storm
and family, of Royal; Mr. and
Mrs. James Frink, of Binder;
Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim,
of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. John
DeGeorge and daughter. Miss
Hyldred McKim, and Lyle Mc
Kim, jr., all of Omaha; Mrs.
James Bradshaw, of Valentine.
The 2 eldest members at
tending were Mrs. Anna Mit
chell and Mrs. L. C. McKim.
It was planned to hold the 1951
reunion at Bressler park in
5 Lynch Children
In First Communion
LYNCH — Five children took
part in first communion Sun
day, June 25, as the climax of
the 2-week summer Bible school
held at the Catholic church here.
First communicants were: Ja
net France, Virginia Simpson,
Jean Marie Lueken. Russell Bir
meier and Robert Simpson.
Altar servers were Leo Kal
kowski, Leon Birmeier and Le
roy Purviance, jr.
Bible scool concluded Friday,
June 23, with a picnip.
The first communion proces
sion was led by Lawrence Kal
kowski, who acted'as the-cross
bearer; Billy Rosicky and Jim
my Lueken, who acted as can
dlebearers; Marjean Weeder and
Marjean Birmeier, who portray
ed angels.
Other Lynch News
Gene Harris and Cabrel
Chambers work in Pickstown,
S. D., commuting daily.
Joe Birmeier is working near
Louis Birmeier is visiting rel
atives in Osmond this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connot and
family were Lynch visitors Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blair
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
John Blair, all of Spencer, were
Sunday dinner guests at the
Don Stewart home.
Ben and Dollie Reiser, of
Butte, were Sunday callers at
the Mel Lueken home.
The Birthday club held a
stork shower in honor of Mrs.
George Courtney Monday eve
ning. A lunch was served after
the evening’s visiting. Many
nice gifts were received.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whetham ob
served their 51st wedding anni
rersary on Sunday, June 25.
Relatives from Omaha, Nio
brara, South Dakota, Spencer
and Lynch attended the family
Mrs. Agatha Kohler, of Ver
del, was a weekend visitor at
the Vince Jehorek home.
Dr. R. E. Kriz, Leonard Wheel
er, Mel Lueken, Dr. J. A. Gut
tery, Peter Mulhair and Glen
Hull attended the highway 12
round table discussion and ban
quet dinner held at Wynot
Thursday, June 22.
Emma Pesicka, of Lake An
des, S. D., spent the past week
with her cousin, Mrs. William
Mahlendorf, and family.
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Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and
sons, of Fremont, spent from
Saturday night, June 24, until
Monday morning, June 26, vis
iting at the George Park and
Rollie Snell homes. Miss Bonnie
Keating accompanied them here
to visit with Miss Sherry Stew
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller
and son, of Chambers, spent
Wednesday, June 21, with Mr.
Miller’s father, N. G. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Krugman and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek
went to Norfolk Wednesday,
June 21, to visit Clarence Stew
art, who is a patient in Our
Lady of Lourdes hospital, and
Mrs. Stevens, who is staying in
Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
are the parents of Ed Stewart,
Mrs. Juracek . and Mrs. Krug
Mrs. Melvin Lorenz and son,
of O’Neill, vsiited Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Michaelson and daugh
ter Monday afternoon, June 26,
at the Henry Michaelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Michael
son and daughter, of Myssa,
Ore., came Tuesday, June 27, to
visit Mr. Michaelson’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michaelson,
and other relatives and friends.
They were accompanied here
by Mrs. Michaelson’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Newman, al
so of Myssa, who are also visit
ing relatives and friends. They
are all former residents of this
community and have many
friends here.
Leo Frey, of Fierce, brougnt
his sister, Mrs. Minnie Haynes,
to Page Monday forenoon, June
26, where she took care of busi
ness matters. Mrs. Haynes is at
present staying with her moth
er, Mrs. Ida Frey, at Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Micli
aelson and daughter, of Myssa,
Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reut
zel and family, of Neligh, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and
family, of Lincoln, enjoyed a
picnic at Norfolk Sunday, June
25. The ladies who were res
pectively Dorothy Newman, Bet
ty Howell and Marion Ickes,
were schoolmates at Page high
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rasmus
sen and 2 children, of Rich
mond, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
Munson Stewart were dinner
guests Wednesday, June 21, of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dim
mitt and Harold Banta and son,
Gary, spent Sunday, June 25, at
Long Pine with Mrs. Jesse Roan.
Mr. Banta is a son and Mr. Dim
mitt a brother of Mrs. Roan.
Genelle Park, Barbara and
Judy Trowbridge, Nancy Heiss,
Jackie Russell, Dolores Kem
per and Carroll French returned
home Saturday, June 24, after
spending a week at the Metho
dist youth camp at Ponca.
Mr. ana ivirs. vciuvu
and daughters, of Los Angeles,
Calif., were supper guests Fri
day evening, June 23, of Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Smith.
H. W. Botsford, postmaster at
Meadow Grove, and Burton
Arrison, also of there, stopped
to visit B. H. Stevens Monday,
June 26. Mr. Arrison and Mr.
Stevens were schoolmate® at
Middlebranch 40 years ago.
Mrs. Alton Braddock, Miss
Alice French, Mrs. A. L. Dorr,
Mrs. Melvin Smith, Miss Marie
Hess and Mrs. Merwyn French
drove to Sioux City Tuesday,
June 20, to visit Mrs. Earl
Hurst, who is in the Methodist
hospital there and to see the
new son of the Hurst’s.
E E. Reed, of Royal, spent
Thursday, June 22, visiting rel
atives and friends in Page. He
was a dinner guest at the home
of his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes.
All Ulry, wno nau aiicu*
eral months with his son, Clay
ton Ulry, and family, at Rio
Vista, Calif., arrived in Page
Tuesday, June 20, to visit his
daughter, Mrs. Earl Parks, and
family. Mr. Ulry spent about 35
years on a farm 4 miles east of
Page. Since Mrs. Ulry’s death
he spends much of his time
visiting relatives and friends.
W. E. Snyder, of Ainsworth,
visited relatives here the last of
the week.
Mrs. Soren Sorenson, accom
panied by Mrs. Harry Park,
drove to Ainsworth Wednesday,
June 21, where Mrs. Sorenson
stayed at the home of her son,
William Sorenson while Mrs.
Sorensen was in the hospital
and to see her new grandson.
Mrs. Park visited at the home
of her brother, Ralph Hart, and
with other relatives. They re
turned home Sunday.
A nice sized crowd attended
the pie and ice cream social
sponsored by the Improvement
club Saturday evening at the
American Legion hall. The pro
ceeds will be used to help pay
for the new fountain that has
been installed at the bank cor
Miss Viola Haynes, of Lin
coln, and Miss Mildred Haynes,
of Denton, spent the June 24-25
weekend with their parents
and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Haynes.
Jack Weber, jr., of California,
visited friends in Page the last
of the week. His father, Jack
Weber, sr., formerly lived in
Page. For several years he
bought hogs and grain here.
Mrs. Jessie Shaw, of Orchard,
and daughter, Mrs. Claude Car
ey, and 2 children, of Verona,
Mo., visited Saturday afternoon,
June 24, with Mrs. Allen Hay
nes. The Shaws and Haynes
were neighbors several years
ago when they lived southeast
of Page.
Mrs. Tom Sinnard drove from
Grand Island Friday evening,
June 23. to attend a shower foi
Miss Naomi Steinberg and alsr
to attend her wedding Sunday.
She is visiting at the home of
her father, George Fink, and
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soren
sen and family and Soren Sor
ensen spent Friday, June 23, at
Ainsworth at the William Sor
ensen home. They went to see
the new son of Mr. and Mrs
William Sorensen, who is the
first grandson of Mr. and Mrs
Soren Sorensen. They have 8
Twenty friends and former
classmates met at the home of
Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., Friday
evening, June 23, to honor Miss
Naomi Steinberg at a prenup
tial shower. For entertainment
the group enjoyed contests and
a treasure hunt. The honored
guest received several gifts.
— , _ - . -
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry
and children were visitors at
the Herman J. Janzing home
Monday, June 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. O’
Donnell, Mrs. P. J. Biglin and
Miss Marie Biglin, who is visit
ing here from Salt Lake City,
Utah, returned Sunday, June 25,
from Salina, Kans.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and
Mary returned Sunday evening,
June 25, from a 10-day vacation
in the Black Hills and Yellow
national park.
L. D. Putnam and boys were
in Ewing on business Saturday,
June 24.
Mrs. W. W. McIntosh and
Billy left Tuesday, June 27, to
spend a few day with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Beaty, in Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hougland,
of Utica, visited his sister, Mrs.
Edward Olson, Friday and Sat
urday, June 23-24. They were
on their way home from Cali
Mr. and Mrs. William Napr
stek, of Creighton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Naprstek, of New
York, visited the Willard Napr
stek family Tuesday, June 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phalin
and sons left Tuesday, June 27,
for their new home in Freeport,
111. They had moved from St.
Petersburg, Fla., and had spent
2 weeks visiting his mother,
Mrs. Frank Phalin.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Clem Deav
er left Wednesday, June 28, for
their home in Cheyenne, Wyo,
Mr. Deaver, who graduated
from Harvard university, was
>n his way to Cheyenne with
Mrs. Deaver and stopped to
visit his mother, Mrs. Clinton
K. Deaver, for a week.
Mrs. Levi Yantzi, Mrs. Fritz
Yantzi and Mrs. Robert Lowery
were in Sioux City Friday, June
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack
and family visited the Anton
Tomjack home in Ewing Sun
day, June 25. Mrs. Arthur Berg,
of Long Prairie, Minn., is visit
ing in Ewing at the Anton Tom
jack home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Luben and
Karolyn Ann, of Crawford, are
visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Luben, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Russ, and her sister and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hutton and family. They ar
rived Saturday, June 23, and
will remain until July 5.
Miss Elaine Ressel, daughter
of the Harry Ressels, left Sat
urday, June 24, to go to Hast
ings to take part of her nurses’
training at Engelside. She had
been vacationing at home. She
is enrolled at Bryan memorial
hospital at Lincoln.
. Guests at the W. W. McIn
tosh home from Thursday, June
22, until Saturday were his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mc
Intosh, of Meadow Grove.
i Mr. and Mrs. Max Larsen and
children, of Deadwood, S. D.,
left Monday, June 26, after
visiting her mother, Mrs. Em
ma Lawrence. They were on
then- way home from a vaca
tion in the Ozarks where they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Wrede, of Branson, Mo.
Mrs. Elaine Dunne and boys,
of Chicago, 111., arrived Friday,
June 23, to visit in the Virgil
L. Laursen home. Mrs. Laursen
and children had been visiting
in Allen while Mr; Laursen was
on a fishing trip.
The Misses Suzanne and Sar
ah Lou Moss, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Moss, visited at
the Charles E. Chace and W. H.
Bowker home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Irving Moses,
of Wayne, were June 24-25
weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKen
zie, jr., and family visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr.,
at Dorsey Sunday, June 25.
Miss Jeannine McElhaney is
visiting her cousin, Miss Kath
leen Clifton, in Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marcellus
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rent
schler, all of Stuart, visited the
M. B. Marcellus home Thursday,
June 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCar
thy and family left Monday,
June 26, for their home in
Boise, Ida. His brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. John McCar
thy and family left Wednesday,
June 21, for their home in
Scottsbluff. They had been vis
iting relatives here and had at
tended the golf tournament.
Miss Anna L. O’Donnell and
her brother, Frank, of Dallas,
Tex., were in Omaha from Sun
day until Tuesday, June 25-27.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzi and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin were
in Atkinson Sunday, June 25.
Mrs. Ethel Olson is expecting
to leave shortly for Yates Cen
ter, Kans., with her brother,
Hay Houghland, of Utica, to
visit another brother, Edward
Houghland, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy
and son, Calvin, visited Air. and
Mrs. Herman J. Janzing and
family Sunday, June 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law
rence and Mr. and Mrs. Ebncr
Straube, of Broken Bow, were
Sunday, June 25, dinner guests
of Mrs. Emma Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter
and son visited her brother and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rotherham, in Tilden Sunday,
June 25.
Complete Assortment Of
NOISE—1 & 2 Inchers; Cherry Bombs
BEAUTY - Skyrockets, Sparklers, etc.
Open Until Midnight Every Night
3L’s Cafe
On US Highway 20
Mrs. Etta M. Serck, Mgr.
IGA Brand - Home Style
French Dressing, i-pint bottle.. 23c
Paper Drinking
Cups, 12 for_iqc
Spoons, 12 for_ jqc
Van Camps
Pork & Beans, 8-01 can gc
Fly Swatters, each _ jpc
Dial Soap, 2 bars
Tissue, 7 rolls - $1
Whole Spiced
Crabapples. 1-lb. jar_ 24c
Pure Aluminum
Foil, 25-ft. roll _ *jgc
IGA Homo
Milk, 2 tall cans _ 23c
Gerber’s Baby Fc:Js, 3 for
Large California
Red Plums, lb. _ 23c
Vine Ripe
Cantaloupe, lb. _ JQC
Large White
Grapefruit. 3 for - 23c
Head Lettuce, lb. - 15c
(Minced Ham)
Big Bologna, lb. _ 39c
Premium Braunschweiger
Chubs, each _ 3gc
Premium Skinless
Franks. 1-lb. cello pkg. 49c
Wilson’s C. K.
Bacon, 1-lb. pkg. - 47c
Waxed Sandwich Bags, 40 count, pkg. 10c |
* ' '
O’Neill Restaurants
Will Observe July 4th, Too
Restaurants to be Open July 4th
West O’Neill
★ ★ ★
Restaurants to be Closed July 4th
★ ★ ★
West O’Neil]
★ ★ ★