2 WAN^VS. TOR SALE FOR SALE: 1946 V-8 truck, 16 ft. combination grain a n < stock rack, new motor, goo* tires — Dick Tomlinson, O’ Neill. 5-8p95 FOR SALE: 1947 Ford truck 1 Ms-ton, 24,000 miles, gooc shape.—1 block north of St Mary’s academy, Carl Col faek. 8-9pllf FOR SALE: One 24-ft. auto matic hydraulic dump rake, with Farmall H or M tractor hitch.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: All prices and sizes of new and used Westing house, Norge and Servel gas refrigerators, 110- and 32 volt. We deliver the goods. Write for price and models. Also dragline work of all kinds. Basement digging, ex cavating of all kinds, drain age ditches, etc.; we have available a limited quantity of International lister culti vators, trail mowers, rotary hoes, and 1-ways, priced right. —Plainview Farm Equip ment, Plainview, Nebr. 4-1 Ic FOR SALE: Returned Spinet pianos on display at the Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Nebr., during (our special piano sale Wednesday, June 28, to Sat urday, July 1. Kimball, Wal., was $820 Now $605 Betsy Ross, Wal., was $645 Now __ $515 Wurlitzer, Wal., was $665 Now $565 Wurlitzer, 2-tone, was $520 Now .. $482 Wurlitzer, Mah., was $645 Now $539 Lester, Blonde, was $815 Now $685 Above prices include bench and free delivery. Small down payment, balance in 24 mos. All pianos sold with a new guarantee. Trade in your old piano as part payment. HOSPE PIANO COMPANY Sioux City, la. 8c FOR SALE: Delco light plant, batteries, motors, iron, radio. —M. G. Helmricks, Orchard, Nebr., phone Ewing 2F13. 6-8p80 FOR SALE. Building 12 x 14 x 7, Amelia school district 228. See Clyde Widman, Amelia. 7 8c FOR SALE New 1950 Massey - Harris 14-ft. No. 27 Self-Propelled Combine Bargains. 7-ft. Clippers with or without motors 10-ft. pull-type with motor Must be sold in 10 days. We never miss a sale if you are a buyer. OUTLAW IMPL. CO. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 373 7-9c FOR SALE; Two A-6 Case com bines, 6-foot cut; one G-4, 12 foot 9 Drunkard 15 Weight allowance 17 On the ocean 19 Lock opener 21 Mouth part 22 Signs 23 Skin openings 26 Pelts 27 Property item 29 Novel 31 Greek letter 15 Great Lake 36 Ignited 37 Winglike part 38 Be alive 43 Alone 44 Without (Fr ) 45 Place 46 Against 47 Pull 49 Republic (ab.) 51 Baglike part 53 Sign of ap proval (coll.) 55 Pound (ab.) I Zi 4 5 (. 7 8 4 To il 3 15 ?p!5iw — ia-JWT3~t^-“* Trjryzm—mamm^—r:ir u ’WlW: ^ p| |ip ^ ^ ■wbi * mi Mi 44 ^^45 4b ———• mT 2f) 50 51 ?T —-?T —^p56 — — tfiiLu — _ — u±1l —_ _ 57 ^ 5Q MISCELLANEOUS WM.’S BIKE SHOP 2t£ blocks north of Ford Gar age, O’Neill. Buy, sell and re pair. Have parts for bikes, < Whizzer motors, scooters, skates, household appliances, etc. 52tf Long Term 4% Federal Land Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ! ELKHORN VALLEY Nat'l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Neibr. REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire, all work guaranteed. — CHAS. CHAMBERS, O’Neill, phone 247-R, or leave word at Gil lespies. 40tf ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiring. Guaranteed repair of home radios, auto radios and elec trical appliances of all kinds. We are now located in our new shop 2 blocks west and blocks south of the state garage, O’Neill. Ttf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and trac tor repair. Acetylene weld-1 ing. LOST: 6:50x20 Chevrolet truck tire and wheel between O' Neill and home, Sunday.— Ed Boyle, O’Neill. 8p65 GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neil! HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FLOOR SANDING DON’T SETTLE with plain sanding. Have a beautiful long-lasting finish applied to those floors. We have eight machines and over ten years’ experience finishing floors. Our machines enable us to give fast, efficient service. Our prices are reasonable. Free estimate. 51tf EFF. R. CARMICHAIL Box 201 _Spencer, Nebr. HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399; O’Neill 43ctf iEWING MACHINE SER VICE: We repair all makes, free estimates on repair, re building, electrifying. We have a complete line of new and rebuilt machines for sale. — Midwest Furn. & Appl. Co.; O’Neill. 26tf Dog Kills 13 Chickens— LYNCH—Ninety-three chick ms were killed recently by a ‘town” dog at the Fred Fanner farm, just east of here. Fanner had gone to help leighbors put up some alfalfa ind when he returned home in ;he early part of the afternoon le found all but 7 of 100 chick ms dead. BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to know all that is going on where you live. But you live also in a WORLD where big events are in the making — events which can mean so much to you, to your iob, your home, your future. For constructive reports and interpre tations of notional and interna tional news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enioy the benefits of being best informed—locally, nationally, internationally — with your local paper and The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the New*." And use this coupon today far a special in- * ^ g. a troductory subscription. ^ I me The Christian Science Manlier One, Norway P. Barton IS,Mars., B.ik Please tend a* an hslrsductery rubisftpHsu to The Christies t rise so Monitor —Issues. • so rises ft. leddrsss) (city I (sans) < state I -tE __ . WANTED WANTED: Wall papering and interior painting.—Mrs. Chas. Beilin, phone 338-J, O’Neill. 6-8c WANTED: Married man for ranch work; separate, modem house, apply before 5 p.m.— C Bar M Hereford Ranch, 5 miles south of O’Neill on highway 281. 6tf FOR PROMPT, efficient mech anical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 on 21. CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted sheller, 1,500 bu. hour capac-! ity. Make arrangements for you rshelling with K. C. Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping Service, phone 289, O’Neill. I 50tf | Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insarunce of All Kinds HAYLAND FOR RENT 540-acres of hayland, all or part. Located 51& miles north of Page.—J. J. Harrington, O’ Neill, Nebr., phone 75. 8tf FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wiring installed by our skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures for a complete job. All ma terial and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs Kelvinator Appliances CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC Spencer, Nebr. _ 29 tf Biglins Honored— A picnic supper was held Thursday evening, June' 22, at the O’Neill Country club hon oring Dr. and Mrs. Robert Big lin, and family, of Chico, Calif., who have been visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Biglin. Forty-six relatives and friends j were in attendance. 32 Boys, Girls at 1 Celia Bible Set::! CELIA — Rev. Orin Graff conducted a vacation Bible school in the Hendricks school house the past week and 32 boys and girls attended this school. He was assisted by Miss Lor etta Berry. Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Brennan visited the Mark Hendricks family Sun day afternoon, June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hickok and Mrs. Jess Hickok and daughter, Laura, of Denver, Colo., yisited the Connie Frick el, jr., family Wednesday eve ning, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and Patricia visited the George Beck family Sunday evening, June 25. Mary Catherine is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry, in Atkin son. Mrs. D. F. Scott entertained the Atkinson Iris club at her home Monday afternoon, June 26. | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder and daughter, Mrs. John Adams, I were supper guests at the Mark [ Hendricks home Monday eve ning, June 19. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and daughters, Mary Catherine and Patricia, visited the Ham merbergs Monday evening, June 19. Edward Heiser purchased a new John Deere combine the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Algot Hammer berg visited the Linford Sweet, James Deming and Merrill Smith families Sunday after noon, June 25. They saw 2 deer as they were returning home. One was in a pasture and close to the section line. The other was on the section line and ran along side of the car for about 300 feet then crossed the road in front of the car and leaped the fence to the opposite side of the road. Mrs. D. F. Scott entertained the Charity circle at her farm home Wednesday afternoon, June 21. Alex Forsythe left Friday night, June 23, for Villisca, la., to visit relatives and also to at tend the church wedding of a niece on Sunday afternoon, June 25. Marvin Focken is tak ing care of the chores while he is gone. D. F. Scott reported seeing a bobcat in the neighborhood re cently. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry visited the O. A. Hammerberg and Frank Kilmurry families Thursday, June 22. Emil Colfax and family visit ed the Clarence Focken family Friday evening, June 23. Conrad Frickel and Alex For sythe went to Burwell on busi ness Wednesday afternoon, June 21. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore went to Fremont Wednesday morn ing, June 21, to attend the Theta Rho girls’ club, which is sponsored by the Rebekah lodge. The meeting was held in the city auditorium from 1 o’ clock Wednesday until 4 p.m. Thursday. Two hundred and fifty registered for the meeting. Nebraska ranks third in Theta Rho membership on the North American continent and 4th in the number of clubs in any state. Clarence Fritchof and sister, Alma, of Omaha, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg Tuesday momin.g, June 20, and also visited the Lawrence Smith home where they formerly liv ed and had the Celia postoffice from 1893 to 1909. They visited Butte, Anoka and Ft. Randall that same day on their way back to Omaha. Alex Forsythe was a Wednes day evening, June 21, visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Stanley Johnson and Ed Bausch helped Milton McKath nie put up alfalfa the past week. Friday, June 23, an estimated crowd of 150 persons gathered at the Milton McKathnie home to charivari Milton and his bride, the former Marjorie Rouse, of O’Neill. They were married June 9. Treats were given the crowd and the eve ning was spent in visiting. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg at tended the Faith Circle meeting at the Wilma West farm home Wednesday, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more and son, Bob, and Leonard Chaffin are helping Lauridsen Brothers put up 100 acres of alfalfa for hay. Willing Workers 4-H Club In Meeting— Willing Workers 4-H garden club met at Ford’s park Friday, June 23. Eleven boys were pres ent. Roll call was answered by names of insects. Demonstrations were given by Merle Pease on mulching and by Ronnie Ross on dusting plants. After the lesson games were played. Lunch was served by Mrs. O. Ross. Next meeting will be at the home of Robert Bauman on July 6.—By Pat Gamel, news report er. TKE-TWUi-Oqfl- THE ^ FAsJf&t'> COTTER* FT, BABY f __ hoplp >ou ACCEPT AKiPEwmiAimxcm ZTKMCFBIHAiMHV MEW CONVERTIBLE, ff= I ^ ‘*MO)LX> TMS -£TRAW©frR \ LOOK LIKE ME ? ^ 1 ^ANPIFTWE \\ ' ^TJZAMOWe tt«V£ HQW6CY ANP PeiVJNO A <5APRA©E WAtfO*|Z / 1 /^4J_ ' lx. --—. Saturday, July 1! Sno Creme DRIVE IN Carl Beach, Prop. West O’Neill (Just East of Wm. Krotter Co.) j ■ SNO CREME DRIVE IN FEATURES • SNO CREME CONES ” • ROOT BEER • BARBECUE BEEF SANDWICHES r — — — — — —— — — - ____ TO ALL KIDS PRESENTING I 1 FREE THIS COUPON THEY’LL FRFF 1 - RECEIVE 1 nt,l‘ 1 ■ I ; A FREE SNO CREME CONE ! | Coupon Good Only on Opening Day, Sat.. Julv 1 1