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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
BIBLE STUDENTS GIVE PROGRAM Methodist & Presbyterian Pupils at Ewing Exhibit Work EWING—Daily vacation Bi ble school of the Ewing Meth odist and United Presbyterian churches, which started on Monday, June 19, came to a close on Sunday evening at the Methodist church, when the pupils and teachers presented a program to the public. The primary group sang songs and gave memory verses learned during the week, with Miss Sally Christon and Mrs. Frances Schrader in charge. The junior class, with Miss Lois Bergstrom as leader, also sang songs and presented Bible verses learned The intermediate group, un der the supervision of Miss Vaulda Welke, sang “This Is My Father’s World" and gave Bible verses. Reverend Chap pell was isntructor for the 7th and 8th grades. A Bible quiz was held, followed by a panto mime of “The Prodigal Son’’ with Miss Jean Welke as nar rator. A picture of Palestine was drawn by Robert Hobbs, assist ed by Bonnie Jo Jeffries. Each student was presented with a certificate by his or her teacher at the end of their part of the program. The parents and friends were invited to the basement after the program to see the exhibi tion of art and hand work done during the week. Other Ewing News Mr and Mrs. M. B. Huffman and daughters went to Elgin on Sunday, June 25, where they spent the day visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and • Mrs. S. M. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Hoag, of Omaha, came Friday, June 23, to spend the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Perry Saiser. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg strom, accompanied by their son. Leonard Bergstrom, of California, came Thursday, June 22, to visit his brother, Elmer Bergstrom, and family and other relatives- They re turned home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Berg strom and daughter, Kay, were guests on Sunday evening. June 25, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frances Hoffman, and family at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs Roy Bridges and family, who have been guests at the home of his moth er, Mrs. W H Briggs, the past ;> weeks, left for their home at Coos Bay, Ore., by the way of Los Aneles, Calif., on Wednes day, June 21. On Friday, June 23, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King and family left for their home at Oswego, 111. They had been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Briggs, for the past 10 days. Victor Kennedy, of Ord, was an overnight guest of Mrs. W. « 1 H Briggs on Friday, June 23. | On Thursday afternoon, June 22, Mrs. Alvin Gibson enter tained the NOT club of Neligh at her home at a 1 o’clock i luncheon. The afternoon was spent socially Miss Shirley Baker, of Ne . ligh, was a guest of Miss Mar I cia Gibson on Thursday, June 22. Miss Jerrel Dean Black, of O’Neill, was a weekend guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Ed ith Black. Mrs. D. W. Gemmill left on Tuesday, June 20. for Lander, | Wyo-, where she will visit for several months at the home of her daughter, Mrs Rex Min shall, and family. Aubrey Wood, of Lincoln, accompanied by H. R. Porter, spent Friday and Saturday in Ewing to spend some time fish ing. While here, he was the guest of his aunt, Miss Vina Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Dewain Ben don and family, of Des Moines, la., are spending their vacation in Ewing, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Krachie, and other rela tives. On Sunday, June a num ber of friends and relatives were entertained at the Henry Fleming home at a dinner par ty given in honor of Mrs Flem ing's birthday anniversary Three huge birthday cakes made a centerpiece for the ta ble. Guests present were: Mr and Mrs. Walter Wernich, of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs El vin Wernich and family, of Plainview; Mrs. Dora Town send, of Page, whb was accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. Robert Weir, and daughters, of Hartington. Mr. and Mrs Frank Belmar, jr., of Ewing, visited his par ents at Clearwater on Sunday, ; June 25. „ On Thursday, Juno 22, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riekert and daughters entertained at their j home, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Riekert, of Neligh, who were accompanied by their j granddaughters, Nancy and Donna Riekert, of Oakland. On Monday, June 19, Robert Benson and his mother. Mrs. Dolly Benson, of California; ( Ray Benson and wife, of Aus- , tin' Tex.; Mrs Lottie Ander- | son, of Omaha: Mrs Grace Dal ton, of Chicago, 111-, and Earl Deck, of Peru, greeted old friends in Ewing. Robert Ben son remained overnight with j Marcus and Jerald Snyder, the j others returning to Omaha that afternoon. Mrs, Dolly Benson, accompanied by Robert, will continue on her vacation trip to Tennessee where they will visit her daughter, Phyllis, and family, before returning to their home in California. Mesdames Harmon Are Winners— The O’Neill Garden club met Friday at the home of Mrs Lowell A. Johnson. There were 5 members present. Roll call was answered by a favor ite fragrant. Most of the an swers were lilacs. The lesson on “Roses" was given by Mrs. Johnson- The book o n “Flower Arrange ments’’ was discussed and or- , dcred for the club. Each mem ber brought a flower arrange- , ment. ltfrs. M L. Harmon won the prize for an iris bouquet The quiz, given by Mrs Johnson, was won by Mrs. Clinton Har mon. ___ r i'L. j SUAVE SPECIAL COMBINATION— $1.09 Value, both for .—- 79c EINOT PIN CURL Home Permanent, plus tax $2.00 EVENING IN PARIS BATH POWDER With Rottle Cologne, $1.75 value, both Plus Tax $1.35 ; HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDES, up from .... 39c Richard Hudnut HOME PERMANENT Plus CREAM RINSE Roth for $1.50 Plus Tax DYOCIDE WETTABLE DUST Contains 50% DDT. ..In 4-lb bags ISOTOX, Containing Lindane . 1-lb. Cans INSECT REPELLENT LAMP ' 60-watts.17c lw-waus-25 C FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES KODAK FILMS “We Give S & H Green Stamps” GILLIGAN & STOUT “The Druggists” OPEN EVENINGS O’Neill Phone 252-W Most Corn Has Been Replanted DELOIT — Most of the corn in this community has been re I planted. The 4-inch deluge on ! June 14 necessitated the re | planting. Water is still standing in low' ! places. Other Deloil News Rev. C. J. Kaup, of St. John’s, i called at the Leo Funk home j Monday evening, June 19. Mrs. Scott Clow, of New Mex ico, spent the first of last week at the Fred Harpster home. Judy Werkmeister visited Elayne Reimer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne were Norfolk visit ors on Friday, June 23. Clearwater Creek club held its annual picnic at the park in Neligh on Sunday, June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack j were Elgin visitors on Friday, j June 23. Mrs. Otto Reimer spent last week in Elgin at the Faubel home. Additional farms were being staked for REA last "week. Darlene Tomjack came from Omaha to be bridesmaid for her roommate^ Helen Sturbaum, whose wedding was in Ewing on Thursday, June 22. Ellis Shrunk was measuring corn land for PMA last week. Marilyn Funk, who is attend ing summer school in Wayne, pent the June 24-25 weekend at home. Mrs. James Hawk went to I Lincoln on Friday, June 23, by bus to attend the wedding of a niece. L.ouniy juage and ivirs. l.ouis Reimer entertained the Reimer | families on Sunday, June 25, at their home in O’Neill in honor j of the June birthday anniver- | saries. Dinner guests were: Mrs. j Roy Johnson and Winifred; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanne, of Ne ligh; Mrs. Scott Clow, of New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rei mer; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harp ster; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harp ster; Mr. and Ms. Leiu Belling and Rex; Mrs Anita Lee and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reim er, jr., and son, of Lincoln; Mr. 1 and Mrs. Henry Reimer and daughters, and Mrs. Ray Ward, of New York City. A badger killed 300 young chickens Monday night, June 12, for a farmer’s wife in this ; community. Carol Mooney attended Bible school in Neligh last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Manson, of O’Neill, spent Saturday night, June 24, at the Sidney Ander son home. Theye were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Stearns home in Neligh. Mr. Ralph Mooney visited re cently at the Ray Mooney home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Buck enter tained on Siinday. Mrs. Buck’s. 3 sisters were there. Mr. and Mrs. S. Venteicher were in O’Neill on Friday, June 23. Mrs. Ray Ward, of New York City, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson. Mrs. Ward was formerly Zella John son. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoch enmeier and Carol Ann, of Bonesteel, S. D., called at the Albert Kalkowski home Wed nesday afternoon, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart were in Fairfax, S. D., Thurs day, June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Collins and family, of Ravenna, visited at the Elmer Christensen home Sunday, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christen sen enjoyed a recent visit from their daughters, Tolsie and Mel ba, and husbands, viz: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fenstermacher, of Nebrska City, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gulleck, of Chicago, 111. Mrs. William Dix, of Butte, was a Lynch visitor last week. Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and child ren, of Sioux City, visited at the Mrs. Nata Bjornsen home the past week. They also visited at the Arden Darnell home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vomacka and baby visited at the Sam Hansen home in Spencer Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek and family visited at the Joe Nemic home in Spencer Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Whetham, of Omaha, spent the weekend vis iting relatives in Spencer and at the Ed Whetham home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alford cele brated their 25th wedding an niversary with a dinner on Sun day, June 18. Relatives from Spencer, Monowi, S. D., and Lynch were present. Phyllis Budensiek, of Zum brota, Minn., is visiting her brother, Rev. Morris Budensiek, and family the past week. Master Albert Lee Brady is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr. Visit Mrs. Borg— Mr. and Mrs. William Hub by and family visited Satur day, June 24, with Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter. Marvel Howard Rouse also was a Sat urday caller Recent Movers — Among the people moving recently were the Glenn Tom linsons, Mrs. Marie McDonald and the Roy D Johnsons. ^ • Mrs. Jimmie Bone, of Beau mont, Tex., is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L I Brady, jr., and family. • MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERT Saturday, July 1 1. “The Star Spangled Ban ner,” Key. i 2. “The March of Time,” Barnhouse 3. Waltz, ‘Till We Meet A gain,’’ Whiting 4 “Majestic Galop,'' King. 5. “Clarinet Polka,” Echtner. 6 Selection, ‘‘In a Chinese Temple Garden,” Kettleby. 7. March, “The Great Centu ry, ’ Weber. 8. Vocal solo, “Stout Hearted Men,” Romberg, by John Bow en, baritone. 9. Selection. “Spirit of Amer ica,” Zamacenik 10. Hymn, “Nearer My God to Thee? Mason. 11. March, “Stars and Stripes Forever,’ Sousa. - ' ; E v J I t < 1 Mrs. Harold McNally and , < Sandra Lee returned Monday ! to their home in Ainsworth af ter having spent 5 days with 1 Mrs McNally’s mother, Mrs. ! t Christine Williams. Mrs. Joseph Hamilton and 1 children returned t o their ;c home in Monmouth, 111., after j having attended the funeral of Claude Hamilton. Mrs. Ivan ( Sai.ndon returned Wednesday, j June 21, to her home in Den- 1 ver, Colo Mr. and Mrs. John T. Den nis, of San Diego, Calif., are ^ visiting Mr. and Mrs- L. C. , Walling. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace ] were weekend guests in Min- ( len at the home of her brother ] and his wife, Mr- and Mrs. t Steve Seward. ; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van j Every came from Grand Island Saturday to get their daughter, j Carolyn, who had been visiting her grandparents, Mr .and Mrs George Van Every They re turned Sunday Mr. and Mrs Carl Miller and two sons, of Norfolk, visited the Van Ev erys Monday. Mrs. Sewell Johnson and daughter and Mrs. Low'ell A. Johnson and Lynette attended a shower in Atkinson Sunday for Miss Carole Lech. Little Diane Marie Zakrzew ski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Paul Zakrzew'ski, was baptised Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wade and Camille and Steven, of Venango, left Tuesday. June 20, after having visited her oarents, Mr. ana Mrs. Harold i'oung, for a couple of weeks Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth vere guests Sunday at the | lome of Roger Rosenkrans, of Dorsey. Junior Worth, who is vorking there, spent the week >nd at home. Bernard Gribble, of Omaha, r rived Monday to visit rela ives in and around O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelham t were in Omaha Sunday and donday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ten >org and son, of Emmet, visit d Mrs. Katie Stearns Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V Moore, of Jrunswick, were Sunday guests if Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stor ohann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stutz ntertained her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. W. J. Oik, of Peters iurg, Sunday. Miss Beverly Ponton left with ier father, George Ponton, for heir home in Elgin. She has! dsited the Leo Tomjacks for il.most 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, drs. James Davidson, sr., Mrs Drville Johnson and Mrs. Fred Degnan, of Buffalo Gap, went o Omaha for the weekend to ee James Davidson, who is a >atient there. Mr- and Mrs. Thomas Hutton ind family spent Friday at the Kenneth Waring home at Pag? for supper. Weekend guests of June 17 18 at the C. E. Yantzi home were her brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs William Barnard, and son, Billy, who were on their way home to Casper. Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard had attended Billy’s graduation from the University of Wiscon sin at Madison. He graduated with honors Sr. M. Eugene, of Sioux Ci ty, visited relatives here Sun day. She returned Monday. • Mr. and Mrs- E. F. Adamson and daughter visited with rel atives in Butte Sunday, June 25. Jack Duffy, of Petersburg, visited Wednesday and Thurs day, June 21 and 22, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A- Arbuthnot and family. Tony Asimus transacted bus- $ iness in Omaha Saturday, June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colling were visitors Sunday, June 25, of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wett leaufer, of Page. m'lllllM iilililih. FIREWORKS STAND ON HIGHWAY 20 , — AT — Emmet, Nebraska BE SURE AND SEE THIS DISPLAY! A large assortment or all kinds day or night fireworks STAND WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING THROUGH JULY 4TH By Now For Best Choice f Owned and Operated by BEN FRANKLIN STORE — O'NEILL, NEBR. — «NOW! 1950 COLD CLEAR TO THE FLOOR KELVINATORS z/to # Never before so much eold apace in a refrigerator of this size. Never before have you seen such wonderful features. This big new “12” is value packed from top to bottom. It gives you the apace — the exterior and interior beauty you’ve always wanted. Many interior parts are of Polystyrene, the new wonder material that’s white all the way through. ^ ft 42W-LB. FROZEN EXTRA ROOMY 40 QT. COLD FOOD CHEST BOTTLE SPACE SUPER CRISPER HD A UiCD ^ r% COME INI SEE THE FULL LINE OF NEW, EXTRA SPACE, EXTRA VALUE, KELVINATORS NOWI Prs. Brown & French Eye* te«ted. glasses filled, broken lens replaced in 14 hours Other repairs while you waL Complete X-Ray MODEL RC — The Bit "Six" with 17 lb. frozen food che»L Roomy crieper. Lot* of roomy shelf ipece. Only $189.95 MODEL RB - rh« ipidout "Sovon" with 25 lb. fro2«« food ch«*t€»tr» till bottlo spoco Crtipor. OnU $214.95 MODEL RE-lScu. ft. of cold tptco. 35 lb. froitn food chttl. Wo'ldt of tbtlf tptco. Crltpor. Only $229.95 MODEL RK-A bl| ■EI|M" with 40 lb. across tht top frown food chost. Crispsr. Spies for svsrythinf. Only $249.95 MODEL RL-SO lb. •cross-til* top froitn food chast faaturas this spacious "8". Two crispars . Only ' $279.95 MODEL FM-Nw cold-deer-tothe floor ''ll". 50 lb. Iroiin food chest Hindi Crisper. $339.95 MODEL MM-50 lb. froion food chert. Mont-cold through out. Supor crijpor. boom foroverythin*. Only $389.95 MODEL TM-Two door “moist master"; Holds 80 lbs. froren food Crisper drawer holds 40 quarts. Only $449.95 •Prion abowa an far daUvorr In roar Utobao with t-Yaar Protaction Plan Stata and local taxaa axtra. Prioaa and •parifloatioaa auhjoot to ohanga without notloai Get tie Space / Get tie Beauty f Get tie Buy / rsa 1 _ Awarded by Kalvinatqrt* our "5-Star Salesmen7. .• 4 m/m mm' m/f K it aaeuree you the liigheM Get f MIDWEST FURNITURE & APPLIANCE West O’Neill Phone 346-J --■■ I ‘ ' I