The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 18, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 11, Image 11

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Rev. Dale Delivers
Sermon to Seniors
CHAMBERS — Baccalaureate
services for the senior class of
^Chambers high school were held
Sunday evening in the high
school auditorium.
Rev. L. A. Dale, St. Paul’s
Lutheran church pastor, deliv
ered the sermon, using the
Scripture text: I can do all
things through Jesus Christ
who strengthens me.
A girls’ choir, composed of
high school students, sang
“Faith of Our Fathers” and
"Jesus, Savior Pilot Me.” Voices
were those of Minerva Sander
son, Diane Hoffman .Barbara
Wilcox, Delores Harley, Angie
Spath, Joan Daas, Armenta
Gleed, Rose Marie Gibson,Ne
♦ va Jarman and Betty Thorin.
Other Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens
and children, Marilyn and Ter
ry, of Atkinson, were Sunday
dinner guests in the E R. Car
penter home.
A dinner was held in the Roy
Seery home Sunday in obser
vance of Mother’s day and to
honor Mrs. Seery’s sister, Mrs.
Darold Couch, on her birthday
anniversary. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dexter
and family, of O’Neill; Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Rothchild and baby, all of
i Atkinson; Anna, Walter and
Herman Shipman, and Mr. and
Mrs- Fred Seery and Mr. and
Mrs. Buck Westover.
Leo and Glen Schibelbein, of
Araphoe, spent Sunday visit
ing their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Walter and fam
ily. Mr. Walter’s father, John
Walter, sr., also spent the day
with them.
The Lutheran Ladies A 1 d
held a meeting on Thursday,
May 11, at the church. Fourteen
members were present- The
president, Mrs. H. C- Walter,
conducted the business meet
ing. There was no lesson. Mrs.
L A. Dale, Mrs. Vernon Van
Horn and Mrs. H. C- Walter ser
ved refreshments.
% Mrs. Anna Albers and Mrs.
Charlotte Honeywell were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Honeywell.
Merle Fagon attended a lock
er convention in Omaha on Sun
and Monday, May 13 and 14.
Mrs. Esther Wood returned
Saturday from Lincoln where
she had undergone a major op
eration a few days ago. She has
been staying with her daughter
and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Law
pence Hanna, for the past i
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Styles
brought her home. Mrs. Styles
who is a sister of Mrs. Wood,
remained for a visit. Oliver
Wood, who has been here for a
bout 6 weeks, returned with
the others to her home
The Kellar Presbyterian Aid,
* which has not met for several
months because of bad roads,
plans to hold a meeting at the
home of Mrs. Elmer Wondersee
on Wednesday, May 24
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle,
her mother, Mrs- Mary Lenz,
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Hoerle
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Pavel and family, Lloyd Hoerle,
Edwin Hoerle, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Walter and John Walter, all
of Chambers, attended the fun
eral services for Mrs. Henry
Hoerle at Clearwater Saturday.
Mrs. Herley was a sister-in-law
of Jake Hoerle.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Couch,
of Omaha, spent the weekend
in the Darold Couch home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar
' and Mr. and Mrs. John Winter
mote enjoyed Mother’s day din
ner in the Herman Cook home.
Lyle Walter and family
drove to York Sunday, to get
Mrs. Walter, who had spent
several days there caring for
who is ill.__
Sales. Service & Repairs
for All Makes
Agents for: Underwood
Typewriters & Sundstrand
> Adding Machines
Phone 360
122 Norfolk Ave.. Norfolk
Poppy Poster
Winners Named—
CHAMBERS — In the poppy
poster contest sponsored by the
American Legion auxiliary the
following winners were named:
Class 1 — Darlene Harley,
first, and Betty Hoerle, second.
Class II — Gene Adams, first;
Ardith Walter, second; Vivian
Harley, honorable mention.
Miss Marilyn Fritton, a stu
dent at St. Catherine’s hospital
in Omaha, visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fritton, for
the weekend.
William (“Billy”) Shoemaker
of West Point, is visiting friends
and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rodybush,
of Ewing, were all day guests
Friday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman De Groff.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Tacke
and 2 sons, of Cottonwood, Ida.,
were guests Wednesday, May
10, and last Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Mary Uhl.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone spent
the weekend in Atknsion help
ing with chores while Mr. and
Mi's. Ralph Reis were in Lin
coln attending the funeral of
Mrs. Reis’s sister-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Elkins and
family, of Hay Springs, were
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sawyer
drove to Pickstown and Lake
Andes, Sunday, May 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Egger
and four daughters, of Fairview,
Mo., left Saturday after visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. William Eg
gar, Miss Margaret Egger and
Walter Egger. They left for
Mrs. Sophia Lashmett, of
Newport, visited her son-in
law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. DeBolt from Friday until
Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawes
and sons were Sunday supper
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bennie Hill.
Mrs. Margaret Elkins left Sat
urday to spend a week with her
daughter, Miss Bernice, in Sioux
Falls, S. D.
Vincent Meier flew to North
Platte last Thursday to bring
his cousin, Mrs- Rex Horner, to
visit her father, P. V. Hickey
and other relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Meier, who have been vis
iting the Hickey’s and other
relatives, left for their home in
Los Angeles, Calif., Monday in
their plane. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Fuhrer and son drove Mrs.
Horner to Grand Island Satur
day where she met Mr. Horner.
They spent the weekend in
Beaver Crossing with Mr Horn
er’s parents, The Fuhrers spent
the weekend in Grand Island.
Do not go through life with
out teeth. Everyone will like
you better with dentures. •
Dr. Fisher. Dentist. 2tf
Dinner guests recently of
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Adamson
were Mrs. Mildred Davis and
Darrel Adamson, of Fullerton
and Miss Corinne Brinker, of
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asimus
returned last Thursday after
spending 3 days in Omaha. Mrs.
Anna Bowers, of Plattsmouth,
returned with them for a few
days’ visit. Mrs. Bowers is Mrs.
Asknus’ mother.
Weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker
were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hull
and family, of Sioux City, and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Traver and
Harold, of Amelia.
Mr. and Mrs- Lee Brady, jr.,
and family, drove Mrs. Brady’s
mother, Mrs. C A. Bare, to her
home in Lynch Sunday. Mrs.
Bare had visited them for a
week. The Brady’s drove to Dor
sey to spend the rest of the day
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Brady, sr. . , „ ,
Rev. and Mrs. Merriedy Hub
by, of Wayne, and Miss Myrtle
Jensen, of Spencer, visited Mrs.
Carrie Borg last Thursday af
Mrs. Neil F. Clarke and chil
dren visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Trussell, of Or
chard, from Friday until Sun
Charlene Shoemaker, of West
Point, spent several days last
week visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Wilson.
Hybrid Seed Corn
Following Numbers in Stock:
302 - 4297 - 4319 - 22 -12
A. P. Jaszkowiak
Phone 38 O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakr- j
zewski and family visited Sun- J
day with Mr. and Mrs, William
Podany and family, of Butte
They also attended the eighth
grades graduation excercises in
the Catholic church. Their
granddaughter, Mary Lou Pod
any, was a member of the class. '■
Mrs. C. E. Worth and Mrs. '
Benny Wetzler and son return- 1
ed after a week’s visit in Lead,
S. D., with their daughter and ,
sister. C. E. Worth and Benny
Wetzler and his mother, Mrs.
Mary Weteler, drove to get
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNal
ly, of Ainsworth, spent Mothers’
day with Mrs. Christine Wil
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller
visited Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Waller’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Snell, of Page.
John Wildes took Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Hamilton and Joe
Jareske to Rochester, Minn.,
Thursday May 11, where Mr.
Hamilton and Mr. Jareske will
go through the clinic.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kersen
brock visited from last Thurs
day to Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs- Harold Connors and son,
at Sidney.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and
sons, of Norfolk, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Van Every.
Joseph Kellar, of Humphrey,
arrived Sunday for a visit with
his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Mc
Carville, sr., and Mr. McCar- }
Benny Asher, of Page, spent
the weekend with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Switzer. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Asher, were Mothers’
day dinner guests and he re
turned home with them.
Joe Hamilton, of Manmouth,
111., came Tuesday, May 9 to
visit his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Hamilton. He returned
home Thursday.
Mrs. Hannah Semon is spend
ing a few days in Spencer, with
Mrs. Ida Schmalt.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Enright
drove to Columbus Sunday.
Mrs. Marne Enright, who has
been visiting there, returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stuifber
gen and family were weekend
guests of Miss Maud Johnston,
of Valentine.
Stanley Soukup returned
Wednesday, May 10, from Om
aha, where he was transacting
Billy Marne, of Ute, la., who
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Shriner, left last week
for Chicago, 111., to enter the
Coyne technical school to study
J. L. McCarville, sr., was in
Butte Monday.
Mrs. H. O. Russ returned Fri
day after spending 10 days with
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. John Luben, at
St. Mary’s Counts
25 Eighth Graders
The following are St. Mary’s
academy 1950 graduates from
the eighth grade:
Bennett Bazelman, James
Cronk, Richard Graham, Mich
ael London, Robert Mullen,
George Tomlinson, Duane Weier,
Rosemary Babl, Mary Belzer,
Patricia Boyle, Alice Berger.
Catherine Condon, Karen
Donohoe, Joan Determan, Pa
tricia Gran, Patricia Judge, Jo
an Langan.
Lavonne Miller, Joan Peters,
Shirley Ross, Frances Schaffer,
Joan Sullivan, Mary Kathryn
Turner, Mary Anne Winchell,
Mary M. Zakrzewski.
Program for eighth grade
graduation night follows: open
ing song, “Help It On,” by the
class; instrumental selection, by
James Cronk; skit, “What’s in
a Name?” boys and girls; in
strumental selection, Duane
Weier; song, ’’Rueben and Ra
chel,” boys and girls; piano se
lection, Joan Sullivan; elocu
tion selection, “Shopping List,”
Lavonne Miller; piano selection,
M. K. Turner; dance, boys and i
girls; poem, “It Couldn’t Be ]
Done,” by Shirley Ross; song, j
Catherine Condon; distribution
of diplomas, Very Rev. Timothy
O’Sullivan; song, “Good Night,”
by the class.
Eighth graders will graduate
on Tuesday evening, May 23.
Southfork Club to
Hoffman Home—
The 212 Southfork club met
at the LeRoy Holcomb home
Friday night, April 28.
The meeting was called to or
der by the president, Joellyn
Backus. The minutes of the last
meeting were read by the sec
retary, Donald Strong, and were
approved. Roll call was answer
ed by giving a daily food re
quirement. We repeated the 4-H
pledge. Then we sang songs as
Mrs. Strong played the piano.
One more member joined. Nyal
Rouse and Lois Strong gave a
demonstration on how to fringe.
We judged our pin cushions
and dust clothes.
Plans were made for a roller
skating party Friday night, May
Sixteen members and 2 visit
ors were present. Mrs. Holcomb
served a lunch. The next regu
lar meeting will be held at the
Joe Hoffman home Friday, May
26.—By Jennie Vee Halsey,
news reporter.
Cubs on Hike—
Twenty-two boys, members
of Cub-packs 5 and 8, hiked to
the river Thursday afternoon,
May 11, where they had a wein
er roast. Mrs. Tom Sullivan and
Mrs. Stanley Holly were spon
’age Banquet in
Oriental Setting
PAGE — A social event of the
ichool year, the annual junior
>enior banquet, was held Satur
lay evening, May 13, in the
Page public school dining room.
To represent oriental gardens,
he room was decorated with
red and white streamers, the
senior colors, and many Chinese
anterns were hung about. In
;he background was a miniature
garden with poppies growing
iround a well.
Thirty-six guests found their
places at the table by the place
cards, deorated with little Chi
nese umbrellas. The nut cups
were little Chinese ships with
Jragons on the sails. Sweetpeas
vere also used in the decorations
The program:
"Soo Happee,” welcome, by
Jane Parks; “Thankee Honor
able Ann,” response, by Dale
Braddock; “I Takee Much,’ by
Margie Finch; “Confuseious
Say,” by Genelle Park; "Kow
tow Our Honored Seniors, by
Tom Hutton, high school teach
er; “See No Evil, Hear No Evil,
Speak No Evil,” by Mrs. John
Lamason, primary teacher.
Solo, “Slow Boat to China,
by Jane Parks; solo, “Daddy s
Little Girl,” by Dena Knight:
speech, "Future Possibilities,
by Marion Mitchell, high school
teacher; duet, “Faraway Places,
by Jane Parks and Dona
Knight; trumpet solo, "Blue
Skirt Waltz,” by Jim Ballan
tyne; “Soo Long,” by Jane
The menu: Fruit cocktail, pear
salad, creamed peas, baked ham,
string beans, mashed potatoes,
gravy, dinner rolls, angel food
cake topped with whipped
cream, maraschino cherries and
The food was furnished by the
juniors and prepared by their
mothers. . _,
Six sophomores — 3 girls and
1 boys — waited tables. Joyce
Clasey, Roxie Simmons and
Lorna Stevens wore kimonas
and parted their hair in the
middle with a bun on each side.
The boys, Vernon Dorr, William
Zemple and Bob Sorensen, wore
coolie jackets and large coolie
hats. -__
During the program Dona
Parks and Maurice Waring were
crowned king and queen. They
were selected by the vote
Plen Nickels t' eted
In Farewell Party
PAGE — A farewell party
for Mr. and Mrs. Plen Nickel
and sons was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks
Thursday evening, May 11. Thir
ty - nine were present. The
evening was spent playing pin
ochle with high scores going to
Mrs. Alfred Connor and Robert
Harvey and low to Mrs. Roy
Grubbs and James Finley.
Luncheon was served by the
Mr. and Mrs- Nickle have
spent all their married life on
a farm east of Page. Last spring
Mr. Nickel decided to go to
Idaho, where a change of work
appealed to him. He went there
in March. Mrs. Nickel and sons
remained here where the boys
could finish the school year.
A few days ago he returned
here to help Mrs. Nickel get
ready to move. They left on
Saturday, May 13.
Name Flowers—
PAGE — The Page extension
club met with Mrs. George
Clasey Tuesday afternoon. May
9, for a 1:30 luncheon. Eleven
members answered roll call by
giving the name of their favor
ite flower. Mrs. Mcrwyn French
gave the lesson on “My Flower
Garden.” Mrs. T. O. Brown
field led the group in singing
several songs. The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. A. L.
Dorr, June 20.
Mrs. J. M. Peters, of De-s
Moines, la., spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. '
and Mrs. Stanley Soukup.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Tacke and .
sons, of Cottonwood, Ida-, vis- j
ited Wednesday, May 10, with ’
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Uhl and 1
family and other relatives in O’
Neill. They were on their way ‘
to New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Summers, >
of Ord, and little daughters of 5
Kenneth Bergstrom, of Elgin, '
visited Sunday with Mr. Sum- 1
mers’ mother, Mrs. Belle Sum
mers at the Frank Summers '
home. (
Edith Castleman and Mrs.
Jimmy Souhrada, of Washing- (
ton, who has been visiting 1
Mrs. Castleman, went to Lin- J
coin Friday to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ott, of <
North Platte, visited his par- -
ents, L. A. Ott, and other rela
tives here from Wednesday,
May 10, until Saturday, May 13.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich attended the Kentucky
Derby, Saturday, May 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz
attended baccaulaureate ser
vices in Atkinson May 7. The
Stowell’s son, Rex. is a mem
ber of the graduating class.
Mrs. Rose Jennings, of Blue
Earth, Minn., arrived May 5, to
visit relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C- R. Hill and
sons were May 5 supper guests
at the Lloyd Whaley home.
■ ■■ —- ■■ -
Harry S. White . i
Is 80-Years-Old
AMELIA—Neighbors gather
ed at the Harry S. White home
on Friday evening, May 12, to
help him celebrate hie 80th
birthday anniversary. Mr. White
is a well-known southwest Holt
county resident.
Evening was spent visiting
and refreshments were served.
Other Amelia News
Mrs. Elmer Oetter and daugh
ter, Lana Kay, and Janeth drove
to Norfolk Wednesday, May 10,
to visit with relatives a few
Peter Frahm drove to Stanton
Friday, taking his daughter,
Mrs- Jerome Krutz, and her
daughter, Linda, to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fuller
ton, Joan and Beth spent Sun
day with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Fullerton, near At
Mrs. Mae White, of Benning
ton, is visiting at the Harlan
Dierking home and getting ac
quainted with her granddaugh
ter, Cynthia Jean Dierking.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edward
went to Long Pine Saturday tf»
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Snelson who had both been
quite ill
Mrs. Arland Fryrear has been
rehired to teach in the Swan
Lake school next year.
Several attended the senior
class play in Atkinson Wednes
11. XZ AZ AA
day and Thursday, May 10 and
11, and commencement exer
Monday evening. Those from
the Amelia community gradua
ting from Atkinson this year
are Dean Gilman, Kenneth
Small, Shirley Withers, Maxine
Peterson and Delores Doolittle.
The chicken dinner served
by the WSCS Wednesday, May
10, was well attended and net
ted $60.
Mf an excellent new treat
ill W ment for ivy, oak or su
Bf ra W mac poisoning. It's gen
| Vf If tie and safe, quickly
dries up the blisters-often within 24 hours.
• WE WISH to announce that we are
now located in the Soukup building, |
2Yl blks. south of the stoplight in O’Neill.
• WE WILL be pleased to serve you
with our auto salvage service, auto- [
motive parts and repairs of all kinds, and
buying and selling of new and used cars.
We Have the Following Used Cars
On Hand NOW:
1946 Chevrolet 4-Door, Excellent
1940 Chevrolet 4-Door $250
1936 Ford V-8 Tudor _ $175
1930 Ford Model A Coupe, Clean $150
1930 Ford Model A Fordor_ $75
Ford Model A Pickup with truck gear
and stake rack _ $125
Phone 523-W O’Neill
Mrs. Ed Vacio, of Omaha,
isited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd
Valdo, and family Saturday.
Mrs. Bob Friedrich and son,
Lirk, of Omaha, visited her sis
er, Mrs. C. F. Small, and fam
ly Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser,
ilr. and Mrs. Link Sageser at
ended the open house honor
ng Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnholt,
r., in their home in Bassett
Sunday. It was also their 45th
vedding aniversary.
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence
dsited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snel
on at Long Pine Sunday.
Mrs- Lloyd Clemens and chil
Iren spent the weekend with
ier sister. Mrs. Milton Clemens
ind family. .
The Curran families .from
TNeill visited at the Art Wald
man home Sunday and with
Mrs. Delia Ernst.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Coolidge and Kenneth, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Ragland and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, attend
ed the 45th wedding celebration
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Arnholt,
sr., Sunday at Bassett.
Mrs. Lou Backhaus attended
the Sharp funeral at Venus Sat
urday. Evelyn and Mae Sharps
are friends of Mrs. Backhaus.
r.. -------
; W. F. Finley, m. d. ;
Finl National Bank Bldg. {
May 20
* •
Bigger Savings
51 .
All Coats
Dressy Dresses