The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 11, 1950, 1 SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Teen-Tattler —
Claude Cole and Gerry Fredrickson
Preside Over Junior-Senior Banquet
Hi kids!
Have you been down to the !
duckpin alley yet? Boy, is it fun.
My first game made me a little !
stiff but it was worth it be
cause I won by one point.
The OHS junior-senior ban
quet was held Wednesday, May
3. The public school was beauti- '
fully decora
ted in a Dut
ch t h e m e.
Each side of
the gym were
dikes with
tulips grow
ing from
them. In fact
almost every
place you
looked there
were tulips
Barbara daintily grow
Benneti ing.
In the back qf the gym was
a life sized windmill "with the
arms going around.
On the stage was a painting
of a huge ship the “Flying
Dutchman.” Sixteen sophomores
served and gave the program,
and they were dressed in Dutch
One part of the program was
a Holland Polka. It was a
scream. About five couples did
a polka and was it funny!
Some of the couples at the
banquet were, Jaunita Anspach
and Tom Sullivan; Barbara
Hancock and Don Riley; Gerry
Fredrickson and Tiny Layh;
Donna Crabb and Ted Lind
berg; Lois Harder and Claude :
Cole; Phyllis Seger and Don
The King and Queen were
Claude Cole and Gerry Fred
rickson. Mr. Ira George crown
ed them “King Cole” and “Queen
The junior members of the
glee club at SMA are going to
St. Francis Mission in South
SMA had a dance last Thurs
day night given by the fresh
men. They played games, like
musical chairs, which Gene
Stasch and Patty White won.
Several prizes were given to
the winners.
Last Thursday the seniors of
OHS had their sneak day. They
went to Long Pine. It was a
bad day (weather wise) but they i
had fun anyway.
Thats all for now .See you
On May 4, the Thursday
Bridge club was entertained at ]
the home of Mrs. A. S. Evans ;
with Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard and;
Mrs. S. W. Brion assisting hos- I
tesses. Prize for high score was 1
won by Mrs. Everett Rudy and
Mrs. Earl Billings received the
all-cut prize. Guests were: Mrs.
Wm. Spence, Mrs. M. B Huff
man and Mrs. Claude Warner,
of Clearwater.
Among those from the Ew
ing vicinity, attending the 4-H
Fun Night at O’Neill Saturday
evening, were: Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Christon and family, and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and daughter, Elaine. A silver
dairy meddal was awarded Sal
ly Christon.
Jewell Tomjack, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack, has
employment at a Hastings mo
tor company as accountant
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Savidge
and family, of Neligh, have
moved to Kansas City, Kans.,
where Harold has gone into the
sporting goods business with
his uncle, Louis Savidge. They
are former residents of Ewing.
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., on
Sunday, April 30, were Mr. anl
Mrs. Pat Cronin and sons, of
Norfolk, Mi's. W. J. Cronin, and
Mrs. Frank Noffke ,jr., and
children of Ewing.
WJAG . . . 780 on your diaL
4-H Club Leaders
Hold Meeting
An all-day meeting of Holt
and Boyd county 4-H club lead
ers in animal husbandry, dairy
and other agricultural projects,
was held Tuesday, April 25.
K. C. Fouts, animal husband- :
man from the agricultural ex
tension division of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, and William
Smith, of the state 4-H club of
fice at Lincoln, were on hand
for the event.
During the morning session,
which began at 10 o’clock,
organization reports and keep
ing of proper records were
discussed. The afternoon was
devoted to animal husbandry
subject matter.
The meeting was held in
the assembly room of the Holt
county courthouse.
Light Steers Hit
$27.50 At O’Neill
- \
Two hundred forty head of
cattle and 460 head of hogs
were sold at the Thursday, May
4, sale held at the O'Neill Live
stock market.
Top butchers brought from
$18 25 to $18.60, mostly $18.45
to $18.50 while packing sows
cleared from $15.50 to $16. Some
heavy sows sold down to $14.50
with light feeding sows bring
ing $17.25.
The comanagers of the mar
ket, Verne and Leigh Reynold
son, said there was a good run
of feeder pigs which brought a
higher price than those sold at
the April 27 sale.
Light steers brought $26.25
to $27.50 with some good qual
ity calves hitting $28.25. There
was a good quality of plain,
light cattle bringing $23.75 to
$24.50- Bulls brought up to $21.
Frontier for printing ... all
kinds . . . prompt delivery.
a* seen In
Centerofa. racrion on her day //
and every day in a dress that . /
> Pays tribute by way of slim- M
mmg the shorter, fuller figure.
I Proportioned sizes makes it
3 Perfect a perfect gift!
K- Ss *#’
b. No. 6337 —A soft print with
white waffle pique. Handkerchief
washable. Sanforized and exclusive Martha
Mannln n Tu
and Grey Si7#»« nt *
22*. $8.95 X * I4* to
front ed«d £” 7th butto"
Naw JSS n *yelet organdy.
Vk i
Plan Bake Sale
On June 3—
The Happy Homemakers club
met at .the home of Mrs Gor
don Harley, on Tuesday, April
25, with 12 members and 1 vis- i
itor present.
It was decided to sponsor a
bane sale to be held June 3. 1
Mrs. G- C. Smith is chairman. !
Several different projects for ;
summer work were discussed.
After the business meeting the
ov ening was spent playing
games, Next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Frank
Spath, Thursday, May 11.
Heiss Initiated into
Agricultural Fraternity—
PAGE — Darrell Heiss, juni
or at the University of Nebras- j
ka, was recently initiated in Al
pha Zeta, a national honorary
agricultural fraternity. Heiss is
the#son of Mr. and Mrs. K L
'Bid or Bye'
Club Meets—.
PAGE—The Hid or Bye club
met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd
f ussleman Wednesday af ter
noon. May 3. Mrs. Fussleman
held high score and Mrs. Gear
old Lamason all-cut
Thirteen Present At
Help U' Meeting—
PAGE — The Help U
£lub met with Mrs. Clarence
I;ink Wednesday, May 3,
t°r an all day meeting
iVth I!!rmbers present. Mrs. j
Max McMaster and Mrs. Tony I
i Gehrke were guests. A no-host
dinner was served at noon. The
j afternoon was spent» doing
I needle work for the hostess
Attends Wedding_
PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Will Sim
mons, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Lamason, Nelson Gibson and
Maurice Waring, of Page, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Allen, of O'
Neill, and Mr and Mrs. A D
Palmer of Norfolk, attended
the wedding Sunday at Omaha
of Miss Minnie Kirk, of Omaha
and Terry Taylor, of Fremont!
Other Page News
W. E. Snyder, of Ainsworth,
came to Page Wednesday, May
3. where he was a dinner guest
at the home of his brother,
Frank Snyder and wife. Wed
nesday afternoon, May 4, they
all drove to Norfolk where they
visited until Thursday, May 4,
with another brother, Harry
Snyder and wife.
C. P. Leach, of Bellingham,
Wash., who had spent 10 days
at Page left Tuesday, May 2, to
visit triends at Sioux City. Mrs.
Leach left Friday, May 5, to
join him there. They will de
part for their home in Wash
ington. They had visited Mrs.
Leach’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Williamson and other
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carson
entertained the following at
a dinner Sunday: W. E. Snyder
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fink, of
Ainsworth; Mr .and Mrs. Bert
Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Fink and son, of Ewing; and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder and
Mr. and Mrs. George Fink and
sons, of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bolin and
daughters, Carlene, Ura, Mar
ian and Mrs. Edward Down,
all of Lincoln, and Mrs. Stella
Bolin, of Panama, spent from
Friday until Sunday at Page
where they visited at the home
of the following relatives: Mrs.
Hester Edmisten, Mr. and Mrs
Edgar Wood and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Edmisten. From Page
they went to Plainview to visit
another daughter, Mrs. Oliver
Sazama and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaynes
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Har
per were guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and ;
family. ,
Mrs- Evelyn Gray returned
to her home here after spend
ing several weeks at the home
of her son, Duane Gray, and
family at Valentine.
Mrs. Robert Stevens, of Page,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. O. J.
Hoffman, of Clearwater, to O
maha Thursday, May 4.
Mr and Mrs. Junior Sorensen
and Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes
drove to Lincoln Friday, where
they spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n
Jackson. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs
Sorensen are daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Ickes. Glenda Soren
sen stayed at the home of her
grandparemte, Mr. and! Mrs.
Soren Sorensen.
Mrs. Ross Taylor, of Troy, O.,
came Thursday, May 4, to be
with her daughter, Mrs. Char
les Sorensen following her op
eration Saturday. They will
stav at the Sorensen home to
help with the work and care
of Mrs. Sorensen when she re
turns home from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs Will Townsend,
of Osage, Wyo., who had vis
ited relatives at Allen, came to
Page Thursday, May 4, and
stayed until Saturday morning,
at the C. A. Townsend home
when they left for Wyoming.
Mrs. Ross Taylor, of Troy, O ,
and Charles Sorensen were din
ner guests Sunday at the Soren
Sorensen home.
Dr .and Mrs. E. J. Bild were
supper guests Sunday evening
of Mr. and Mrs- Roy Stewart.
Mrs. Harry Park and daught
er Maxine, were Creighton vis
itors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller
and son Glen, of Chambers,
were guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tegeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soren
sen and daughter, of Creigh
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sor
eneen and daughter, of Ains- j
worth, spent Sunday with Mr. |
ind Mrs- Robert Nissen and
Holly Hoffman, of Clearwat
er, spent from Wednesday, May ;
1, until Sunday with her grand- j
mother, Mrs. Gailord Albright. I
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson
and family and Mrs. Amelia j
Larson were guests Sunday of j
Mr. and Mrs. George Rost, non- |
aring the birthday of t h e i r j
daughter, Mrs. Ralph Larson,
Tuesday, May 9.
The Presbyterian Cleveland
congregation was privileged to
hear Safi Lotfi, a young Iranian
convert from Moslem, now a
student at Hastings college, on
Sunday morning. April 23, at
the regular church services. He
was here to speak at the youth
rally in Atkinson Sunday after
noon and accompanied Rever
end Graff to both Cleveland and
Stuart for morning services.
The Cleveland Clackers club
met with Mrs. Linford Sweet
on Friday afternoon, April 23.
At this meeting the club made
I W. F. FINLEY, M. D. }
' First National Bank Bldg. {
plans to hold an entertainment
for the benefit of the United
Nations international children’s
emergency fund. This is a
world-wide organization for the
care of needy children. The en
tertainment will be held the
evening of May 5 at 8 o’clock at
the Cleveland church basement
County Agent Neil Dawes will
show pictures and a short pro
gram, besides the pictures, is
being planned by the program
committee. The club will serve
lunch to raise the desired fund
and no admission is being
Bohemian Band
Sunday, May 14
A dm. & Dance: $1
I____ _ _ _ ___II
move owt that old rdrifflw
cold dear
to the floor -
Simply move out that old, too-amall refrigerator . . . gel
worlds more cold space hy slipping in a new 1950 Kelvinalorl
Get a big 50-Ib. Frozen Food Chest . . . loads of shelf room
. . . huge Sliding Crisper Drawer at bottom, with over a
bushel of additional cold space!
Tremendoua value! Full
width frozen foad-kreping!
Elbow- roomy shelves — no
need to stark foods! Ilig 12
qt. Sliding Vegetable Crisper!
Plus-powered by Kelvinator's
famous Polarsphere! Make
it yours!
•Price* shown ire for delivery in your kitchen
with 5-Year Protection IM in State and local
taxaa extra Prices and specification* subject
to change without notice.
W Look for this Emblem! 7
Awarded by kelviuator to 1
our "'5-Star Salesmen” ... f
it assures you the highest 1
standard of courteous,
helpful service! I
GET A BIG "12” ... ONLY **
Get tie Space / Get t/re Beauty/ Get t/e 8uy /
Get ALc/iwa^a^t /
Phone 346-J West O’Neill