The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 04, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 9, Image 9

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    Rev- and Mrs. Melvin H. Gros
enbaek and baby have return
ed after spending 2 weeks at
Ipswich, S. D., attending Bible
services. Mrs. Grosenback and
baby spent a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curvie
Johnson, at Plankington before
joining her husband at Ipswich.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ford and
children of Lake City, la., vis
ited over the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Anne Ford, and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Strong, and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moler
returned Tuesday, April 25,
from their wedding trip. They
visited Mr. Moler’s sister. Mr.
and Mrs. James Motachek, and
family at Capron. 111. They at
tended a baseball game in Chi
cago, 111., between the Chicago
Cubs and St. Louis Cards, and
also visited relatives at Ken
osha, Wise. They have moved
into an Asimus apartment in
west O’Neill.
Why do people neglect their
own or their children's teeth?
—Dr. F. J. Fisher, Dentist.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moos
and family went to Omaha Sat
urday to visit their son, LeRoy.
He has left the hospital and is
staying with Mrs. Moos’ sister,
Mrs. William Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Med
calf went to Elgin Saturday to
spend the weekend in the home
of Mrs. Medcalfs brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Darrel Van Wey, and
Earl Starkey has arrived from
West Virginia to join his wife
and daughter who have been
making their home in O’Neill.
Mrs. James Murphy and
daughter, Mary Joan, spent Sat
urday in Sioux City, where
Sammy Stevens &
His Orchestra
Sunday, May 7
A dm. & Dance: $1
Mrs Murphy went for a medi
cal checkup. Mrs. Murphy re
turned to her duties at the O’
Neill public school Monday
Weekend visitors in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kilpat
rick, were their daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Voecks and son, of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl left
Monday morning to spend a
| weeks vacation in Leavenworth,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shlerk vis
I ited friends in Norfolk last Sun
Dr. E. C. Bild, of Miami, Fla,
visited on Saturday with his
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rod
man, and family.
Roy Sauers accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Finley of
Atkinson went to Elgin Sun,
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Finley and family and to help
Archie celebrate his birthday.
Lloyd Rubeck went to Grand
Island, Wednesday on business
He returned the nex,t day.
Visitors in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Walling last
week were Mrs. Walling’s niece,
Mrs. Jack Liveringhouse, of He
mit, Calif., and her sister, Mrs.
Ed. Blaekmore, of South Sioux
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thar
nish visited Sunday with Char
lie Cole and family at Star.
Mrs. Tom Sullivan visited
with relatives in Spencer Fri
day. I
Mrs. Zada Weier, of Dakin,
and Mr. and Mrs Norris Weier j
and family and Mr. and Mrs. !
Bill Weier and family, of Fair- j
bury, visited over the weekend |
with their son and brother, Mr. j
and Mrs. Harold Weier, and
Mrs. Ed. Tharnish and daugh
ter, Kathleen, visited from
Wednesday to Friday last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thar
nish at Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bow
ker and children, who have
been visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. H. J. Hammond, mov
ed Saturday to their new home
in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
; John De George went to Clear
! water, .Sunday to visit Mrs. Liz
zie McKim.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman De
Groff had Sunday dinner in
Ewing with Mr. and Mrs- Peter
Mrs. M. L. Moody and son
left for their home in Cash
mere, Wash., after having vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Cavanaugh for 6 weeks.
Mrs. George Peterson, of Co
lumbus, arrived to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Clark, for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins
and Curtis and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Long and Oran were sup
per guests Wednesday, April
! 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
1 Lowell Culver,
D. D. DeBolt went to Bassett j
Friday on business, Mrs. De
Bolt stopped at Newport to vis
it her mother, Mrs. Sophia
Mrs. Carrie Borg and Miss
Marvel went to the Howard
Rous© home Sunday for dinner.
In the afternoon, they visited
Virgil and William Hubby and
their families.
Mr- and Mrs. Edward Camp
bell spent the weekend in Om
aha. They visited their son. Ed
ward. a student at Creighton
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendor
fer were weekend guests in
Sioux City at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran
were in Norfolk Sunday
Guests at the home of Mr. j
and Mrs. D. A. Baker recently
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trav-:
er and son. Harold, of Amelia,
and Mrs. O. G. Cromwell and
Mrs. Gene Cromwell, of Creigh
Mrs. Edward L O’Donnell
left Wednesday, April 26, for
her home in Salina, Kans-, af
ter having attended St. Mary’s
jubilee and visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates
drove to Bristow Friday to vis
it their daughter, Mrs. James
Miss Marian Doyle, of Brocks
burg, arrived Sunday for a vis
it with her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs., Earl Bauld.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Napr
stek and daughter visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. William
Naprstek in Creighton. Nora
Mullen accompanied them and
visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz Dostal and family.
Youth Topic of
Amelia Meeting
AMELIA — Amelia Women’s
society met Wednesday, April
19, at the home of Mrs. Edd
White. Fifteen members were
Mi's. Ernest Johnson and Mrs.
Louis Bachaus had charge of the
program and devotional entit- j
led, “Youth, Our partners in
the Kingdom.” Nine members
brought their coin offerings.
Mrs- Laurence Barnett review
ed the approval study. Election j
of officers was held. A noon
dinner will be held May 10 at
the home of Mrs. Blake Ott.
Everyone is invited to attend. '
Mrs. Geo. Fullerton and Mrs.
Laurence Barnett served lunch
of salad, canapes, cupcakes and
coffee. Next meeting will be
with Mrs. Allie Sammons.
Other Amelia News
Miss Gloria Ott and friends,
of Denver, Colo., visited a few
Fresh new sunshine fash
ions in new styles, cool
fabrics. Waffle piques,
butcher rayons, madras,
cotton and B e m b e r g
sheers. Selection includes
sunbacks with jackets and
three-piece coordinated
outfits. Every dress priced
for top value. Buy now!
Festival feature! Washable
80-square cotton housefrocks
L Crisp new home fashions
in a bevy of captivating
styles. Approved by Good
Housekeeping. Choose
Buy Mother a dress for Mother s Day!
hours Sunday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs Blake Ott
Mrs. Delia Ernst was a din
ner guest Sunday at Frank
Mrs. P. L. Stronger. Kieth
and Marlon visited the first
part of the week with Mrs. Lind
sey and Florence. They were
on their way to their new home
at Omaha.
Mrs. Gene Thompson and son,
Ronnie, are visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dierks,
at Scottsbluff
The sixth, seventh, and eighth
graders, with Mrs. Dona Car
son, the grade teacher, attend
ed the singing school in O’Neill
Friday. Mrs. Lee Gilman, Clyde
Burge and Clyde Widman fur
nished cars to take the group.
Mrs. Julia White has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Braddock, near Nenzel,
the past 2 weeks. She expects
to visit her son, Ray White,
and family at Martin, S. D., for
a couple of weeks before re
turning home.
Mr and Mrs Bob Reis and
daughters, Marilyn and Julie,
visited Mr. and Mrs Bill Reis
at Lincoln Sunday, April 23,
then drove on to Omaha on bus
Mrs. Alice Prewitt and son,
Dean, drove to Curtis, Thurs
day, April 20, to get Lynn Pre
witt, who had attended school
there the past year.
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence
spent Sunday, April 23, at Nor
den, visiting the P. I». Stren
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sladek
entertained several friends at
a card party Friday evening,
April 21. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clifford and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gil
man and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Anderson, Roy and Norma;
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston;
Mrs. Helen Pokorny, Don Elsie
and Edith; Mrs. Gertie Adair,
Ralph and Joan; Mrs. Alice Pre
witt, Dean and Lynn, and
George Sladek.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo
and family visited Mrs. Waldo’s
j uncle, Ralph Friedrich, and
family at Spencer Sunday, Ap-;
iril 23.
Bob Leder, jr., who is in the
air force and stationed at Chey- \
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
enne, Wyo., spent the weekend
Bob Leder, sr. He will be grad
uated from the school this week. 1
Vein Sageser’s old house is
being torn down and a new one
will be built as soon as possi
ble. j
Mr. and Mrs Alvin Forbes,
I Gerald and Leslie spent Sun
j day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
| Bob Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krutz
and Linda visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frahm
Sunday. Mrs. Frahm’s brother,
of Grand Island, was also a vis
itor, returning to his home Sun
day evening.
Mrs. Bob Tams and family
visited friends at Ewing over
Saturday night, returning home
Sunday evening.
Charles Bligh and Lewine
| Wickham visited Mr. and Mrs. I
Frank Pierce and Raedee Sun
day. On their way to Amelia 1
they were the first ones on the 1
scene of a 2-car accident. Le- !
wine knew an occupant. There
were 6 people involved in the 1
| accident. It was learned later j
I that one of the victims, a 19
vear-old girl, passed away early
I Sunday morning.
Daughter of Former
Residents in Recital
Miss Marilyn Powell, soprano
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Powell, formerly of Opportun
ity, recently presented a recital
in the Corvallis, Ore., museum
Miss Powell, a college sopho
more, has distinguished herself
as a musican. Last year she won
the Alpha Chi Omega award as
the music student making the
greatest contribution to the
campus during the year, and
last spring she won 2 solo e
vents in the Oregon Music
Teachers association contest in
She is a member of the Ore
gon State college a capella choir,
Madrigal club, and Euterpe,
Women’s music honorary spon
soring this recital.
Many heard her last fall as
soprano soloist with the college
choriis during the production of.
Handel’s “Messiah.”
Two members of the Metro
politan Opera company have
auditioned Miss Powell as have
a leading book agent and one
of Chicago’s leading voice teach
ers. All agree that she has a
most promising future.
Her parents operated the Op
portunity store for several
Stockman’s Hotel
Being Remodeled
ATKINSON — Wes Gage is
going along with the rest and is
doing considerable improving
this spring. Mr. Gage and his
wife are proprietors and owners
of the Stockman’s hotel and
they are adding a new wing to
the east side of their building.
The finished addition will
house 8 completely modern
The Stockman's hotel is one
of Atkinson’s old landmarks and
has been the home of many of
her prominent and famous citi
zens through the years.
Permanent Offlcee In
Hagenaick Building
Phone 107
Cyea Examined . Qlaeeee Pitted
Opportunity Days!!
Friday & Saturday
May 5th & 6th
Doors Open Friday 8:30 a.m.
Be Here Early for Best Selections
ll-oz. denim. "Ruff Rider." sanforized, size 28 to
38 waist.
PER PAIR $2.69
Quality white cotton, ideal for summer wear, sizes
34 to 40.
EACH 49c
White batiste with eyelet, Fruit of Loom quality.
. sizes 32 to 40.
EACH $1.59
Short sleeves, printed and woven H
fabrics, assorted designs, sizes 6 to 16.
B.lue nr red. 24-inch size, seconds.
3 FOR 49c
One group. 14 pair, summer weights in assorted
fabric, broken sizes, 32 to 40, no alterations.
PER PAIR_ ... $2.00
Elastic tops, assorted plaids, fast colors, slightly ir
regulars, sizes 8 to 10 Vi.
5 PAIRS $1.00
Short sleeves, skip-dent fabric, slightly imperfects,
assorted colors S-M-L.
EACH $1.00
One qroup. values to $3.49. florals, dots I
and stripes, fast color cottons, broken B
sizes up to 40.
EACH .. .... $1.97 I
Thrill loop, non-skid backs, beautiful, long-lasling,
washable, many wanted colors.
SIZE 24x42 ONLY $2.00
SIZE 18x30 ONLY $1.00
Colton and rayon, blue, pink and maize, sizes 2-4-6.
5 PAIRS $1.00
Red label. 81x99. 130-thread count, wide, even hems.
EACH $1.89
Comfort, gauze quality, absorbent, durable. 20x40.
1 DOZEN _ $2.47
Full cut rayon crepe, fancy lace trimmed, ■
white or T-rose, sizes 32 to 40. I
Super percale print, fast colors, permanent finish,
preshrunk, 36".
YARD 44c
One assortment of ginghams, spun rayons, cham
brays, etc. Values to 98c yard.
Washable celanese rayon, 81-inch length, egg shell
PER PANEL ..$1.29