The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 04, 1950, 1 SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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CORK — Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Cork, of Spencer, a son,
weighing 8 Vs pounds, born
Monday, May 1, at Sacred Heart
hospital in Lynch.
DIERKING — Mr. and Mrs.
Harlan Dierking. of Amelia, a
daughter, Cynthia Jean, born
Friday, April 26, at the Luther
an hospital in Norfolk.
BRAUN — Mr.*and Mrs. Jake
Braun, of Atkinson, a daughter,
weighing 7 pounds, born Satur
day, April 29, at the Barrett
nursing home in Atkinson.
MITCHELL — Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Mitchell, of Page, a
son, Daniel Charles, weighing
7 pounds, born Saturday, April
29, at Lincoln.
BAKER — Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Baker, of Chambers, a son,
Joseph Evans, weighing 10 Vi
pounds, born Saturday, April
29, in O’Neill hospital.
KNIEVAL — Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Knieval, of Deloit, a son,
Christopher Paul, born Friday,
April 28, at Norfolk. The Knie
vals operate a country store.
CHANDLER — Mr. and Mrs.
James E. Chandler, of Schles
wig, la., a son, born Monday,
April 17. The Chandlers now (
have 2 sons. Mrs. Chandler is
the former Miss Bernice Tho- |
rell, who was reared in the Bris
tow community.
GATZ — Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Gatz, of Niobrara, a son,
born Monday, April 24, at the
Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch.
LOWELL — Mr. and Mrs.
Don Lowell, of Niobrara, a son,
born Tuesday, April 25, at the
Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch.
BLACK—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Black, of Ewing, a son, Robert
Dewain, born Wednesday, Ap
ril 26. The Blacks have 2 other I
SNYDER — Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Snyder, of Ewing, a son,
born Friday, April 28 Mr. Sny
der is a teacher in the Clear
water school.
WATSON — Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Watson, of Ord, a son, born
Thursday-, April 27, at Ord. The
Watsons have another child a
daughter, Betty Jo
and Mrs. Scheonenberger, of,
Bassett, a daughter, Alice Joy, !
weighing 7M> pounds, born
Wednesday, April 26, at the
Stuart Coimmunity hospital.
CAVANAUGH — Mr. a n d j
Mrs. James Cavanaugh, of O’
Neill, a son, Harry Collin,
weighing 7 yk pounds, born
Tuesday, May 2, at O’Neill hos
pital. •
HANSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Ar
nold Hansen, of O’Neill, a son,
weighing 6 pounds, born Tues
day, May 2, at O’Neill hospital.
3d Door North
Golden Hotel
Herbert Neilsen
Buys Fair Store
INMAN — Herbert Neilsen
has taken over operation of the
Fair store, which he recently
purchased from Earl Watson.
Possession was taken Monday.
Mr. Watson, who has been in
the store for 36 years, announc
ed that he has no definite plans
for the future, but will assist
with the operation of the store
for the present time.
Other Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Carr, of
Hornick, la., visited Mrs. Carr’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Con
ger, sr., Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday, April 25 and 26.
A micellaneous shower was
! held Tuesday evening, April 25,
at the WSCS parlors for Mrs.
Merle Carr, formerly Josephine
Conger. The bride received
many gifts. The hostesses ser
ved a lunch of ice cream, cake
and coffee.
Dotty Moore, LuEUa Watson,
and Tom Clark of Wayne spent
the weekend visiting in their
respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Crosser
and son, of Cherokee, la., came
Friday to visit in the H. T. Me- j
Grae and Earl Miller homes.
Mr. Crosser returned to Chero- [
kee Sunday but Mrs. Crosser [
and son remained for a longer
Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard,
visited her mother, Mrs. Lottie
Thompson, last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark took
their son, Tom, to Wayne Sun
day where he attends college.
The Inman high school sen
iors and their sponsor, R. L.
Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Smith, left Sunday morn
ing for Omaha and Lincoln
where they art' spending their
“sneak day.” The seniors are
Harlan Morsback, Don Lines,
Le Roy Moore, Junior and Ray
mond Sobotka, Robert Gillogly,
Deritha Smith and Marlene
Miss Betty Jo Watson, of Ord,
came last Thursday to spend a
few days in the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Watson.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Clark and
son left last week for Salem,
Ore., where they have employ
Brownies Plant Ttfee;
Receive Flag—
Troop II of the Brownie’s
planted a tree at the playground
Tuesday. They also brought
nose bag lunches and cooked i
their suppers at the park.
1 Troop I of the Brownies me*.
Tuesday. The monitor was Kay
McCarthy. We made invitations
to invite our mothers to a tea
I Tuesday, May 16. We received j
i our new American flag. — By
| Betty Jean Rodman, reporter, j
Party Delayed—
i ATKINSON — Little Karen
Weller was hostess to a group
of children at a delayed birth
day party on Thursday, April
27. Karen’s birthday anniver
sary is in February but each
time for the last 2 birthdays the
weather interfered. This is her
first party as a hostess. She was
6 years old on February 28.
t i
order those extra prints j
! your favorite snapshots !
You’ll want them for those In the
1 pictures . . . other friends . . . and
| for the folks. The next time you
l write, be sure to include a few
IN snapshots. Just bring in your nega*
W *'ve$ ~ we'll lok« care of the rest.
Phone 1 O’Neill
Smooth and creamy . . .
manufactured before your
very eyes in our new IRISH
CREAM machine.
CONES 5c and 10c
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller, Props.
Sick and Injured
O’NEILL—Gerald Potts, son
of Mr and Mrs. Daie Potts, sub
mitted to major surgery at the
University hospital- in Omaha.
Tuesday, April 25, Lyle McKim,
jr, donated blood for transfu
sion. Lyle returned Thursday
evening, April 27, and reports
Gerald’s condition to be “sa'is
fac:ory’' . . . Herbert Underwood the misfortune of losing a
part of 2 fingers while working
on a car for William O’Connor
. . . Mrs. Bernard Matthews is
in St. Elizabeth's hospital in
Lincoln. She received a badly
broken foot when the bleach
ers broke on the academy camp
us on Sunday, April 23 . . . Rob
ert McNiehols sustained a pain
ful injury Saturday. He was
struck on the neck by a truck
tire which rolled from the
truck. He will be unable to
work for a week or so . . . Chas.
Crook returned Saturday from
a hospital in Ainsworth. He had
virus pneumonia . . . Mrs- Carl
Lorenz returned Sunday from
Sioux City, where she had vis
ited her mother, Mrs. Walter
Spangler, who was a patient in
the Methodist hospital. Mrs.
Spangler is staying with her
daughter, Mrs. Orville White in
Sioux City until she is well
enough for a tonsilectomy . . .
Miss Ann McManus left Tues
day for Sioux City for a check
up . . . Miss Florence Ponton
was in an Omaha hospital sev
eral days this week for a check
up .. . Mr- and Mrs. W. W. Grif
fin recently returned from the
Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn.,
where Mr. Griffin submitted to
a major operation . . . Mrs. Clark
Willson is in St. Joseph’s hospit
al in Sioux City . . . Mrs. Syl- |
vester Zakrzewski received a
telegram Monday* from her
niece, Mrs. Helen NeShane, of
Chicago, 111., saying her father,
Paul Wytaske, had undergone
surgery and was in “very crit
ical condition’’ Mr. Wytoske is
Mrs. Zakrzewski’s brother.
LYNCH — Jim Minaek re
turned home to Verdel Sunday
from the Sacred Heart hospit
al where he had received medi
cal care for some time . . . June
Keeler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Keeler, of Butte, is
improved at Sacred Heart hos
pital . . . Frank Reiser, sr., of
Butte, is a patient in the Sac
red Heart hospital at Lynch . . .
John Kopecky, of Bristow, is
“getting along slowly” at the
Sacred Heart hospital follow
ing a recent leg amputation . . .
Mrs Dan McKenzie, of Winner,
S. D., is a patient at a Sioux
City hospital. Mrs. McKenzie is
a former Lynchite . . . Mrs.
Louise Wilson suffered a stroke
Sunday, April 23, and a Lynch
doctor was called. She is “im
proved” . . . Amos MeColley re
turned hcwne to Verdel from
the Veterans hospital in Sioux
Falls, S. D„ last week . . , Ern
est Olson has had a badly in
fected hand but is “much im
proved” now . . . Frank Farnik,
of Walnut, was in town Friday
to see the doctor . . . Mary Do
pheide, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Dopheide, of Butte,
entered the Sacred Heart hos
pital this week “seriously ill’
with diabetis . . . Mrs. Anna
Motacek, of Rockford, 111
formerly of Lynch is in a Rock
ford hospital “seriously ill” . .
Mrs. Frank Jonas, of Spencer
is improved at the Sacred Hearl
hospital at Lynch . . . Sandra
Aim Forseth, of Spencer, is
"improved” at the Sacred Hear!
hospital at Lynch . . . Mrs. Har
vey Scott, of Verdel, is “not sc
good” at the Sacred Heart hos
pital in Lynch.
PAGE — E. E. Stevens lefi
Tuesday for the Veterans hos
pital at Sioux Falls, S. D., foi
a medical checkup . . . Mrs
Hannah Stevens, who was or
the sick list several days Iasi
week, is “improved” . . . Mrs
John Lamason, teacher in the
grades of the Page high school
is ill and unable to teach. Mrs.
Richard Asher is the substitute
, . . Relatives here have receiv
ed word that Forrest Ramsey,
of Verona. Mo., who was seri
ously ill” last week is “some
what improved Mr. Ramsey
fomerly lived in this commun
ity. His wife is the former Miss
Bertha Carey.
ATKINSON — Mrs. Mary
Henning is in St. Mary’s hospit
al at Rochester, Minn., follow
ing major surgery on Friday,
April 28. Her son, John, and her
daughter, Mrs- Gus Obermire,
of Stuart, were with their moth
. . . Mrs. Anna Ramold, Mrs.
Thaine Humphrey and Joe
Kamphaus are at Our Lady of
Lourdes hospital in Norfolk
this week following surgery,
Mrs. Harvey Grof, who has been
there for sometime, is “slowly
improving.” . . . Mrs. Ren Krou
pa is “satisfactory.”
AMELIA — Joe Kamphaus,
sr„ is in a Norfolk hospital re
cuperating from an appendect
omy . . Juanita Ragland was vic
tim of 3-day measles last week
- . . Mrs. Jimmie LaFoy went
to Sidney Thursday, April 27,
to help care for her daughter
in-law, Mrs. Glen Siebken, and
infant daughter.
DELOIT—Mrs Stanley Huff
man and Joe Ann are staying
at the Huffman home in Elgin,
where Joe Ann is recuperating
i from her recent illness . . Jan
| ey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
I Mark Sehi, has measles and Ed
j die Funk's small daughter, has
| chicken pox.
| Corrine Sweet is at home frorr
: high school sick with the meas
EWING — George De Bilzan
returned on Friday from Sioux
Falls, S. D., where he had gone
for a physical checkup at the
Veterans hospital . . . John Q.
Archer continues to improve
after his recent illness.
INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brittell returned last Thursday
from Omaha. Mr. Brittell had
been hospitalized there after
suffering a skull fracture while
j sawing wood.
EMMET — Mrs. Anna Ram
j old was taken to Our Lady of
Lourdes hospital at Norfolk on
Sunday following a serious at
tack of gall stones.
2*2 blocks north of Ford Gar
age, O’Neill. Buy, sell and re
pair. Have parts for bikes, Whiz
zer motors, scooters, skates,
household appliances, etc. 52tf
FOR SALE: 1 1949 2-row Chase
corn lister, on rubber, practi
cally new.—Pete Peterson, O’
Neill. 52p50
THE O’NEILL Hospital staff
wishes to thank all the O’
Neill Brownie troops and
their leaders for the lovely
tray favors which they so
generously matte for the pa
tients on the following occa
sion; Valentines, St. Patricks,
Easter and May Day. 52c
I WISH to express my thanks
to all who helped in every
way after my accident in get
ting me to# the hospital and
the cards and letters sent me
during my stay there and
since my return home. 52c
FOR SALE: Storkline baby bed
and mattress, excellent condi
tion. — Phone 275-W, O’Neill.
Mrs. Hattie Fox spent Sun
day, April 23, in Newport. She
attended Mrs. Mary Thompson’s
funeral at Bassett
Mis- Don Krotter spent Wed
nesday. April 26, in Ainsworth.
Mrs. Wilfied Seger entertain
ed the Afternoon Birthday club
Wednesday, April 26. Mrs. J. B.
McGrew and Mrs. John Kal
lemeyn were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metzger,
Kenny and Maureen, of Friend,
spent the weekend at the home
of Mrs. Amelia Westerman and
Mr. and Mrs- Ward Flanigan
returned home Friday, April 28.
They have been visiting with
relatives and friends in Omaha,
and Waterloo, and Marshall
town, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yarges, Roy
Rhodes, Fred Zink and Rev.
Orin Graff went to Gordon on
Friday, April 28. to attend the
Methodist church conference
Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser, Joan
and Tony, were in Atkinson
Saturday, April 29.
Mr and Mrs. R*. A. Coffman
went to Lincoln, Saturday, Ap
ril 29, for a few days visit.
Miss Barbara Moses, who at
tends college in Lincoln, and
Miss Helen Moses, who teaches
in the Meadow Grove school,
spent the weekend with home
Mrs. B. Mitchell and Lucille
were in Atkinson Saturday, Ap
ril 29. Lucille had some dental
work done.
The Cub Scouts had their
pack meeting Monday evening.
Adrian F. Broda, 28, of Ew
ing, and Mae Lorene Weyhrich,
20. of Ewing, April 21.
Dean Stevens, 22, of Ewing,
and Elaine Smith, 21, of Cham
bers, April 28.
Raymond E. Elsbury, 21, of
Atkinson and Darla Marie Dav
is, 21, of O’Neill, May 2.
-.... i i
500 Attend 4-H
Fun Night Affair
(Continued from page 1)
Canning mill — Mary Agnes
Boyle, of O’Neill; sifter — Mary
Ellen Boyle, of O’Neill; chopper
I — Ila June Coon, of Inman;
[ fork — Mary Taggart.
Food mill — Alice Whaley, of
O’Neill; sifter — Janice Swan
son, of Amelia; chopper — Jan
ice Hall, of Amelia.
Flour certificate — Mrs.
Frank Vanek, of Amelia; Janice
Swanson, of Amelia; Darlene
Tasler, of Atkinson; Doris
Stearns, of O’Neill.
Trip to club week and news
writing certificate — Michael
Boyle, of O’Neill; trip to club
week (registration only) — j
Thomas Kelly, of Page; certifi
cate — Riverside community
club; Junior Chamber of Com
merce scholarship — Maxine
Peterson, of Amelia; members
service — Marie Schneider, of
O’Neill; garden — Marily Ries,
of Atkinson and Levon Gunter,
of Ewing.
In addition to the county
aw’ards, state champions were
recognized. They were Bridget
Boyle, state forestry champion;
Edward Boyle, state garden
j champion; and Twila Whaley,
state frozen food champion. Twi- j
la and Edward received a trip |
to Chicago in November. Twila
also received a $300 scholarship.
Mrs. Damkroger, home agent,
paid recognition to the 4-H
clubs that have reorganized or
that are new clubs in 1950.
Miscellaneous awards: medal
—Marilyn Fetrow, of O’Neill;
Mary Agnes Boyle, of O’Neill;
Elaine Boyle, of O’Neill; Brid
i get Boyle, of O’Neill; homemak
I ing mill — Vesta Mitchell, of
j Stuart; sifter — Marilyn Fetrow,
of O’Neill; chopper — Mary
Boyle, of O’Neill; fork — Elaine ;
Boyle, of O’Neill.
Legal Notices
(First pub. May 4, 1950)
To: Edwin F. Hiscocks; Ayers
Blocher; The heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Cyrus
Lester, deceased, real names un
known: and all persons having
or claiming any interest in the
Southwest Quarter of Section
Twenty-seven, East Half of the
Southeast Quarter of Section
Twenty-eight, Northeast Quar
ter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section Thirty-three, Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quar
ter, North Half of Northwest
Quarter, Southwest Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter, and
Northwest Quarter of South
west Quarter of Section Thirty
four, Township Thirty - two,
North Range Ten, West of the
6th P.M. in Holt County, Ne
braska, real names unknown, de
You and each of you are here
by notified that on the 3d day
of May, 1950, Guy Pinkerman
as plaintiff filed his petition in
the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, against you
as defendants, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet and
confirm the title in him, the
said Guy Pinkerman, to the real
estate hereinabove specifically
described, as against you and
each of you, and to secure a De
cree of Court that you have no
interest in, right or title to, or
lien upon said real estate or any
part thereof, and for general
equitable relief.
You are required to answer
said petitioq on or before the 5th
day of June, 1950.
Dated this third day of May,
By Julius D. Cronin,
52-3 His Attorney.
Frontier for printing.
Mother’s Best Flour
50-lb. Bag.$3.49
ORflHGES, ft 10c
Spanish - Sweet - Yellow
ONIONS, lb 5c
Delicious or Winesap
■nmm •
Cream Style Golden
Corn 7<i279c
Early June
Peas 7 “79c
■i ■ -1 m H
STEAK, lb 43c
HAH, lb-.37c
P. Pimiento - Mac Cheese
LOAF, lb . - 43c
1.99 100-lbs. to 3.89
Certified Red Triumph and Cobblers ;;
Marshmallows l°k°*- 17c
Chocolates, 2-lb. pkg. 59c
— — ... ...—
Sunshine - Krispy
Crackers, 2-lb. box.. 47c
Snack Bar
Malted Milks.17c
8 ..
Beans, 4-lbs.45c
Oleo, 3-lbs.67c
Spaghetti or
Macaroni, 2-lb. pkg. 29c
ppppp ppppppg mmmmm pjippppppipipi pippppHpppppppm n ^ ^ ^su mpppp^§ ppptpnppiK»mps
Started Baby Chicks On Hand
AUSTRA WHITES Plus Reasonable Starting Charge BLACK AUSTRALOPE
Try Our Market
on your
Thank You
PHONES 56 - 78
Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.
MAY 4-5-6
A Full Line of
Poultry and Hog
Soy Beans or Lincoy