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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
f Legal Notices (First pub. April 20, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3646 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 13, 4 1950. In the matter of the Estate of | Lemuel C. Mallory, Deceased. Creditors of said estate are : hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims j against said estate is August 11, 1950, and for the payment of debts is April 13, 1951, and that on May 11, 1950, and on August 12, 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. < (County Court Seal) 50-52 (First pub. April 20, 1950) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3656 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 13, 1950. In the matter of the Estates of Theodore Thorson and Cora E. Thorson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said es tate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the ap pointment of Orville Thorson as 4 Administrator of said estates, < and will be heard May 11, 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebras kci LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 50-52 (First pub. April 20, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3658 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 17th, 1950. In the Matter of the Estate of Hattie I. Tefft, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all \ persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Julius D. Cronin as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard May 11, 1950, at 10 o’ clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 50-52c (First pub. April 27, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO DISTRIBUTE PERSONALTY PURSUANT TO WILL Estate No. 3646 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska; 4 In the Matter of the Estate of " Lemuel C. Mallory, Deceased; April 24, 1950. Notice is hereby given that j J. M. Pucelik, the duly appoint ed Executor of this Estate has j filed an Application in this j Court for authority to distrib- | ute, pursuant to the Will of said deceased, one Oldsmobile, J Model 88 Club Coupe, and one Willys 2-passenger Jeep, des cribed with certainty in said ap plication, and the household j furniture, fixtures, heirlooms, j rugs, pictures, and other per- j sonal property situate in the dwelling of the deceased at the time of his death, to Joan Emily Mallory Pucelik. ! That said Application will ; m come on before this Court for hearing at ten o’clock A.M. on the 17th day of May, 1950, at which time all persons interest ed may be heard. By the Court: LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. ' (County Court Seal) 51-53c LEGAL NOTICE i (First pub. April 27, 1950) T. F. Nolan, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3606 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 26th, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of William H. Harvey, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator with Will an nexed of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard May 17th, 1950, at 2 o’clock P.M. at the County Court Room in O’- I Neill, Nebraska, when all per-. sons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final | report and the distribution of, said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 51-53 (First pub. May 4, 1950) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Ella Riley, Deceased. To all persons interested in the said estate, both creditors and heirs; Take notice that on the 29th day of April, 1950, Thelma A. Cronk, filed her pe tition in this Court alleging that Ella Riley died intestate, a res ident and inhabitant of Holt County, Nebraska, seized and possessed of an undivided one half interest in the following described real estate, towit: The Northeast Quarter, and the East one-half of the North west Quarter of Section twen ty-nine, in township twenty eight, North, of Range Ten, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, that petitioner is the daughter of said deceased and prays for a decree determining the time of the death of decedent, that she died intestate, and a determina tion of her heirs, and fixing the degree of kinship thereof and the right of descent of said real estate and for an order barring claims of creditors of said de ceased and for such other relief as may be just and equitable; that said matter is set for hear ing in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska on the 25th day of May, A.D., 1950, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon. Dated this 29th day of April, 1950. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 52-54 ‘Bolts and Nuts’ Draws Large Crowd — PAGE — A large crowd at senior class play, “Bolts and Nuts,” at the school auditorium Friday evening. The cast of characters includ ed Carol Stevens, Jane Parks, Shirley Sorenson, Dona Parks, Dale Braddock, Carroll French, Sterling Allbright, Sidney Frahm, Joan Terrill, Ernest Graves, Genelle Park, Ross Fink and Maurice Waring. Marion D. Mitchell was dir ector; Dena Knight, assistant director; Jack Hartman, stage manager; Richard McIntosh and Jim Ballantyne, property man agers; Willis Robinson, electri an; Leo Neubauer sound effects, and Jane Simmons, make up. Specialities between acts, in cluded: “It Isn’t Fair” vocal so lo, by Nancy Heiss; “Dear Hearts and Gentle People,” a saxa phone solo, by Dolores Kemper. Other Page News Donald Braddock, who has employment in Omaha, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Braddock. and family. Miss La Vonne Albright, Miss Byrdie Ann Parks and Harold Tegeler, of Wayne State 4each ers college, spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Townsend, of Osage. Wyo-, spent from Wednesday until Friday, April 26 to 28, with Mr. Townsend’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsend. They went to Allen to spend several day's at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swift, and family. Miss Beverly Kelly and Cy ril Hansen spent the weekend at the Jesse Kelly home. Mrs. C. A. Townsend. Mrs. Ray Snell, Mrs- Anton Nissen and Mrs. W. E. Howell attend ed the initiation of 5 candid ates of the Eastern Star at Ew ing Tuesday evening, April 25. Miss Ella Butler, of Indepen dence, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Jay Butler, of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Downey and son, of South Gate, Calif., were din ner guests last Thursday at the L. H. Downey home. Mrs- Herbert Stevens, of At kinson, spent last week visit ing at the home of her brother, J. I. Gray, and wife, her moth er-in-law, Mis. Hannah Stev • list, FALSTAFF BREWING CORF. • ST. LOUIS • OMAHA • NEW ORLEANS ens and other relatives. Her bert Stevers and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and family, all of Atkinson, spent Sunday here at the Gray home and also visited their mother and grandmother, Mre. Hannah Stevens. Mrs. Ste vens returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Soren sen and daughter, Glenda, and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, Shirley and Bobbie spent Sunday at Creighton with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daughter. Soren Sorensen, who has em ployment at Wausa, spent Sat urday and Sunday at the Sor ensen home. Mrs. Gailord Albright, La Vonne and Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and Arnott Buxton spent Sunday at the O. J. Hoffman home at Clearwat er. Miss Donna Stollenberg and Melvin Albright of Wayne col lege were also guests. Dr. R. H. Gallagher returned to Page Wednesday, April 26, after spending almost 8 months at a rest home at Deer Lodge, Mont. Dr. Gallagher’s sister, Mrs. C. jA. Townsend, and Har old Canaday drove to Grand Island to meet him. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matsehul lat transacted business i n Creighton Friday afternoon. From there they went to Bloom field where they were dinner guests at noon of their daught er and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony, and family. Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs. Henry Fleming were cal lers Saturday afternoon at the C- A. Townsend home. Mrs. Townsend, who is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Weir, and family at Har tington, had spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fleming, at Ewing, and had attended the Eastern Star initiation Tuesday evening, April 25. She return ed to Hartington Saturday eve ning. The HOA club met Tuesday, April 25, with Mrs. Harry Lam port with 14 members present. Mrs. George Wisetman was a guest. Afternoon was spent do ing needlework for the hostess. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg was hostess to the RNA Kensing ton Wednesday afternoon, Ap ril 26. There were 8 members and 1 guest, Mrs. Neven Ickes, who attended. A covered dish lunch was served. The Contract bridge club met with Mrs. John Lamason Thurs day night, April 27. Mrs. Rob ert Gray and Mrs. C. Carroll were guests. Mrs. Alton Brad dock was high score winner and Mrs. Melvin Held, low. Mrs. Leonard Heiss was hos tess to the Just-a-Mere club Friday afternoon with a 3 o’ clock luncheon. There were 9 members present. Mrs. Herbert Stevens, of Atkinson, was a guest. Attends Insurance Convention at Lincoln— CHAMBERS — Ed Thorin, of Chambers, local representative of the State Farm Insurance companies, has just returned from Lincoln where he attended the annual state convention of the companies. The convention, one of the largest ever held in Lincoln by the State Farm In surance companies, drew agents [from every section of Nebraska. Adlia H. Rpst. executive vice - president, and A. W. | Tompkins, agency vice - presi dent of the companies, were present at the convention. Mr. Thorin was accompanied to Lincoln by Mrs Thorin. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf Next Hostess— The Live and Learn extension club met on Thursday, April 20, with Mrs. Mary Lewis and Mrs. Ralph Stowell as qohostess. All the members and one guest, Mrs. William Claussen, were present. Mrs. Gus Rohrs, the song leader, led the group in sing ing folk songs. Mrs. John War ner won the guess what. The circulars on "Selection and Care of Carpets and Rugs” were distributed by the leaders to the members to be studied and the lesson will be continued at the next meeting. | On May 18 Mrs. Elmer Schaaf will be hostess with Mrs. Gus Rohrs assisting. — Mr. and Mrs. Willard Napr 1 stek and daughter visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. William Naprstek in Creighton. Nora Mullen accompanied them and Mrs. Fritz Dostal and family. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER i j REFRIGERATORS See This Complete NEW Line Today New in labor-saving convenience. New in economy, both of operation and space. New in beauty, and the only refrigerators with smooth Shadowline Styling, so much easier to keep clean. For The Modern Woman, and built to last her for years.. and years... and yearsl Femineered Features of the new International Harvester refrigerators include everything that can make for easier, more efficient use. The exclusive new Egg-O-Mat "hands eggs to you.” The super-convenient shelf arrangements make it easy to store bulky foods. Porcelain-enamel interiors have acid resistant floors. Huge freezer and crisper capacities let you store everything you want. There’s even a built-in bottle opener on all models! SEE THEM NOW-THEN DECIDE MODEL H-92 $^^C^95 • NEW PANTRY-DOR holds more, in view, in reach. • Full 9.2 cu. ft. COLD-TO-FLOOR • Full 18.5 sq. ft. SHELF AREA ^ Q _ • FULL-WIDTH FREEZER stores 50 lbs. * | yy • BIG Porcelain-Enamel Meat Drawer holds 10.8 lbs. » NEW-A BIG 7.6 CU. FT. REFRIG • DIFFUSE-O-LITE illuminates ERATOR IN THE SPACE OF A 41 Only 25 entire interior without glare in. wide and 28% in. deep. • SHELVES—bevVl-edged • B,G *H.lf-and-a-half for TALL BOTTLES • HUGE CRISPERS e Wide variety of SHELF ADJUSTMENTS-arrange space HOLD 23.3 qts. ^ „ n„ded • 11.6 sq. ft. of SHELF AREA • BIG LIGHTWEIGHT CRISPER holds 11.3 qts. of fruits and vegetables, is easy to clean, fits conveniently in different positions. Women Dreamed Them .. . Home Economists Planned Them — THEY’RE FEMINEERED! Shelhamer Oil & Equip. Co. O’Neill ^ our International Harvester Dealer” Phone 34