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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
Mrs. Mark Schelkopf 4 New Grand Regent r ' The Catholic Daughters of America me* Tuesday evening at the Knights of Columbus hall for a regular business meet ing and election of officers for the year. There were about 60 in attendance. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Mark Schelkopf, grand regent; Mrs. Frances Gilg, vice-grand regent; Mrs. Stan ley Holly, prophetess; Mrs. Ivan Pruss, lecturer; Mrs. Eileen Spittler, historian; Dorothy Clark, financial secretary; Ag nes Clare Hickey, treasurer; I Mrs. Harry Sullivan, monitor; Mrs. Oliver Ross, sentinel; Mrs. Fred Heerman, Mrs. Walter Donohoe and Mrs. James Sulli van, trustees; Mrs. Herman Jan zing, organist, and Rev. A. A. Onak, chaplain. After the business was con cluded, a lunch was served by the comittee. 700 Attend Grade School Operetta— Three hundred twenty - four grade school students Thursday, April 27, participated in an op eretta at the O’Neill p u b 1 i c high school auditorium under the direction of Miss Rosemary $ Vondracek, vocal instructor. Approximately 700 people at tended the 2-act operetta and students from the first through the sixth grades participated. The kindergarten rhythm band played various numbers. Mrs. Grace Peterson was in charge of speech and the room mothers of the Parent-Teach er’s association helped in the production of the event. To Hold Banquet— The O’Neill public school jun ior-senior banquet will be held tonight (Thursday) in the pub lic school auditorium. The theme of the banquet will be built around the customs of the Dutch people. ^ Relumes from Minneapolis— George Gilbertson returned early Wednesday morning after spending three days in Minne apolis, Minn., on business. O'Neill Rural Youth In Banquet— Over 82 O’Neill rural youth and their guests Tuesday eve ning heard W. H. Brokaw, re tired director of extension at the University of Nebraska, say the “hope of Germany’s future lies in its youth.” Brokaw was the featured speaker on the program at the annual banquet of the rural youth group. The event was held at the O’Neill American Legion auditorium. Brokaw, who spent the sum mer of 1949 in Germany help ing set up an extension pro gram, showed colored slides of Germany’s rural residents and their farm life. George Peter was toastmas ter. Many guests from around Holt county and the state 4-H club office in Lincoln were pre sent. David Grasmick Is 3-Years-Old— Little David Grasmick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grasmick, celebrated his third birthday anniversary Tuesday with a party at his home. His guests were Carol Jean Kline, June Duckworth, Bobby Jo Moore, Loren Lorenz, Donna Jonas, Mark Skulborstad and Dale Skulborstad and their mothers. Service Officer Attends School— John Grutsch, recently ap pointed Holt county veteran service officer, is attending an administration school at Lin coln- Grutsch left Saturday and will return Saturday, May 6. Grutsch said the county service office will be closed during that time. Country Club Bridge— Hostesses at the Wednesday Country club luncheon-bridge were the Mesdames H. J. Bir mingham, F. N. Cronin and Ed ward Campbell. Mrs. Carl Lorenz returned Sunday afternoon from Sioux City, where she has been help ing care for her mother, Mrs. AwaL Spangler. Mrs. Spangler has left the hospital and is stay ing in the home of another daughter, Mrs. Orville White. ORDER ■ STAR a NOW Have Confidence In the Superior Quality Of Star Hybrid Seed Corn SOYNE HARDWARE O’Neill Phone 21 AGAIN WILLYS IS FIRST WITH THE LATEST! t Now on display at the OUTLAW IMPL. CO. are brand new Willys Station Wagons and Jeepster models featuring the sensa tional new HURRICANE engine. This amazing engine squeezes more ener gy out of every drop of fuel — gives you more power and more mileage. See these new Willys models now. 4 At their new low prices, they give you ! more for your money than any other full ' sized station wagon or open car in Ameri ca. Drop in today and ask for a HURRI CANE ride! OUTLAW IMPL. CO. West O’Neill Phone 373 l O'NEILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowker and 2 children moved to Atkin son last w'eek. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Miss La Veta Lehn expect to leave Sunday for Omaha to attend the Nebraska Dental association meeting May 8, 9 and 10. Miss Lehn will attend the Nebraska Dental association meeting. William Miller is expected today (Thursday) from Lincoln. He will visit M H. Herisky and Miss Mary Horisky. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hav ranek and daughter visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek in Atkinson Sunday. Mrs. George Hansen, Mrs. Roy Lowery and Mrs Clarence Hicks attended Ladies Aid Tues day at the home of Mrs. Axel uorg. Mrs. M. L. Harmon aad Miss Bonnie, Mrs. Alvin Vorce, Mrs. Wayne Harmon and Mrs. C. D. Harmon were in Omaha, last weekend. Dr. and Mrs. C- M. Eason plan to leave Saturday noon to attend the Nebraska Dental as sociation meeting in Omaha May 8, 9, and 10. They expect to leave from there for Louis ville, Ky., where they will spend a few days. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Howard were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stroim bern, of Plainview. Mrs. Matt Hynes, Mrs. Pat Hynes and Mrs. John Hynes went to Inman Monday to visit Mrs- John Rotherham. Mr. end Mrs. Herman Janz ing and family visited John and Bernard Janzing’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Janzing. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went to Ainsworth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- Vernon Lorenz and daughter were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Ernst and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert to supper Thursday, April 27. The occas sion was Mrs. Dumpert’s birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs- H. J. Grady re turned Sunday morning from a 7-weeks’ visit in Riverside, Cal if., Phoenix, Ariz., and Dallas, Tex., where they had visited relatives. In Riverside they vis ited Mrs. J. F. Hayes, mother of Mrs. Grady; Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur King, at Phoenix; Mrs. Genevieve McCormick and fam ily, in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green drove to Creighton Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neyens K. V. l_.ucas speni ruesuay m Omaha on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Ware Sunday arrived from Los An geles, Calif., to visit Mrs. Ware’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bowen Mr. Ware is being trans fered to Joilet, 111. They will spend 10 days here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pound, of Blair, returned to their home Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey. They came for the St. Mary’s academy jubilee cele bration. Pfc. James Urlaub, nephew of Mrs. Tim Harrington, returned to the United States on Friday, April 21, after having spent 10& months in the Aleutian Islands. He returned on an emergency furlough. His mother, Mrs. Theresa Chiochorn, of Omaha, has been critically ill. James made his home with the Har ringtons during 1946, ’47 and ’48. Miss Mary Holiday returned Sunday from Coluimbus where she had been visiting since ear ly March. Sunday visitors at the home of Sylvester Zakrweski were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and baby, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. William Podany and family, of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakrweski and family, of Star; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zakrweski and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jareske. Celebrates Birthday— A. D. Johnson was honored at a Tuesday night dinner cele brating his birthday. Mrs. John son was hostess and guests were Ben Kuroki, of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Apgar. Fol lowing the dinner, Mr. Johnson received a birthday telephone call from his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, from Los Angeles, Calif. Entertains Her Club— Winners Saturday afternoon at the MM club were Mrs. John Conard. of Emmet, high; Mrs. H. G. Kruse, second high, and Mrs. Larry Johnson, all-cut They had a 1 o’clock luncheon at the bakery and then played cards at the home of Mrs. Esth er C. Harris, the hostess Jeudi Club Meeting— Mrs. C. V. Sullivan enter’ain ed the Jeudi club last Thurs day. After dinner at the Tom Tom. they played cards at the Sullivan home. Winners were Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs. Norman Gonderinger. Peggy Sullivan and Dan DeBacker Honored— Wednesday evening, April 26, the KFAB club held a surprise birthday party for Peggy Sulli van and Dan DeBacker at the home of Donna Davis. Honorees received many gifts. Cards were played after which a lunch was served Club to Meet— The Dorcas society will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Raymond Eby. ,!.t Libby's Apricot or Plum Preserves, lb. jar 19c Woodbury Soap 3 bars.... 20_c Smoked Salmon, £-lb. can 29c Prem, can 39c Royal Jello, 3 pkgs... 19c VEL - SURF Dreft, package,. 24c Fancy Peas, 2 cans... 23c I CUDAHY’S ANNIVERSARY SALE !!! I I Bones . . 2 lbs. 25c RING LIVER U. S. FANCY - ■ « Sausage, lb...... 37c Beef Roast, lb.. 53c 11 LEAN MEATY 11 mm II Pork Steak • • lb. 41c|| CUDAHY READY-TO-EAT CUDAHY PURITAN SUMMER V M Picnic Hams, lb. 33c Sausage, lb.49c 11 Bacon*YA lb. 29c || -- ^ s In Sauce Spaghetti, 2 cns. 19c i In Syrup 2 No. 2 Cans i Boysenberries 49c * Grapefruit Juice, 46-oz. can 37c Del Monte TOMATO Juice, 2 No. 2 cns 25c In Syrup Peaches, 3 c.°J 39c Otoe TOMATO Soup, 3 cans.25c Gerber's Baby Food, 3 cans 25c -— —— f Medium - Juice ORANGES 2-lbs.19c Winesap % Pascal APPLES I CELERY 3-lbs.25c | Lb.:.lQc White - Seedless « GRAPEFRUIT I 2*.19c I t .