Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
5 mm I FOR SALE PLANTS FOR SALE: Tomato pepper, eggplant, broccoli cabbage, snapdragon, petunia aster, phlox, columbine, salvia, pansy, and marigold.—Charles Crook, O’Neill, 1 block south library, 2nd house east. 52tl FOR SALE: All prices and sizes of new and used West inghouse, Norge, and Servel gas refrigerators, 110- and 32 - volt. We deliver the goods. Write for price and models. — Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview, Nebr. 45tf FOR SALE: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Blk 39, Riggs Add. O’Neill. These lots are located across the street south of Marcellus Impl. Co., price $1,300. See P. C. Donohoe or Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 51 tf FOR SALE: Dahlia bulbs; also colored gladioli bulbs.— Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski, O’Neill, phone 509-W. 50-52p85 STEEL WINDMILL TOWER FOR SALE REASONABLE EXTRA HEAVY 4-POST 40-FT. A. C. PETTITT Route 2, Norfolk, Nebr. 52-lplOO FOR SALE: Wm. Rogers & Son 26-piece service for 6 starter bulk set, $19.95. In Exquisite and Gardenia patterns.—Mc Intosh Jewelry, O’Neill, phone 166. 52c FOR SALE: See shopsmith at Leidy’s, lathe, saw, drill and sander. Only $169.50.—Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 52c AUTO 0WNER8 IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can write it for you! We need and ap preciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE. One 13-month oid, Anxiety strain registered Hereford bull calf.—Robert J. Deming, Stuart, Nebr. 49-52e. FOR SALE OR RENT: Good garage, partly equipped with light plant if desired. Also a large store building that could be made into good living quar ters.—Fred Truax, sr., Red bird, Nebr. 52-3pl00 FOR SALE: 110-volt, 1,000-watt alternation light plant, $225. One 32 - volt Delco, $70 — Plainview Farm Equipment Co. 4tf DANCE Summerl&nd EWING Sunday, May 7 Music By Don Shaw and His Trombonaires MASSEY - HARRIS TRACTORS You get more for your money in a Massey-Harris Tractor than any tractor on the market. Get our prices before you buy. We give you a good price for your used tractor in trade. _ NEW 1951 WILLYS PICKUPS JEEPS AND STATION WAGONS You get the best deal and trade at the Outlaw Impl. Co. MASSEY-HARRIS COMBINES All Sizes Discs - Drills - Plows - Listers Manure Spreaders | We carry the largest stock of parts in North Nebraska for Massey-Harris Machinery Willys Jeeps and Pickups Kaiser-Frazer Cars 4 Factory-Trained Mechanics in our shop. We do Car-Tractor-Truck Jeep Repairing of all kinds Outlaw Impl. Co. O’Neill, Nebraska FOR SALE: Good used 17-jew el water and shock proof watches.— McIntosh Jewelry, O’Neill, phone 166. 52c 500 New Firestone Truck & Car Tires Get Our Prices Before You Buy The Best Tires on Market at Low Prices New Deal Oil Co. O’Neill Nebr. 46tf FOR SALE: Used gas stove $25 — Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 52c I FOR SALE: Red cedar posts, | all sizes, See: Chas Lawrence, j O’Neill, phone 342-W. 41-3p FOR SALE: Two building lots in West O’Neill.—Lyle Green, O’Neill, phone 438-M. 49-52pl10 FOR SALE: Vigoro and bone meal at L e i d y ’ s in O’Neill. 52c FOR BRIGGS & Stratton ser vice and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41 if. 1 JEEPS JEEPS JEEPS $100 extra allowance on your car or pickup on the new 1950 Jeep! Willys 2- or 4-wheel drive Pickups or 2- or 4-wheel drive Station .Bargain Prices Wagons Used cars or Jeeps Massey-Harris Machinery All Bargains Combines - Tractors - Discs Plows - Drills - Cultivators Mowers - Listers We take your old machinery in on trade. New Litchfield 4-wheel Manure Spreaders Largest size $250 each 15-ft. New Discs, $165 Outlaw Impl. Co. Phone 373 O’Neill, Nebr. 49tf PUMP JACKS FOR REA Now even the humblest homes can be modern. Ask about our electric pumps, plumbing fixtures and service. ALL WORK GUARANTEED KELLY’S WELL SERVICE Phone 145-J O’Neill £ R. H. SUER Wind Sc Tornado, Truck it Tractor, Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —Phone 106 Farm Property FOR SALE: 8-room house, all one floor, entirely modem, very good neighborhood, can be shown by appointment.— R H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’ Neill, phone 106. 52c FOR SALE: 7-ft steel s,tock tank. — Ralph N Leidy, O’ Neill. 52c FOR SALE: Elite cafe building and lot. — Mary G. Horiskey, O’Neiil. 49tf FOR SALE: Modem 12 - room dwelling with garage and 2 lots, 90 x 170 feet, good loca tion; 4 blocks from center of town, priced to sell.—P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 49tf FOR SALE: 5-ft. hen feeders $2.75, each—Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE: 110-v, 1000-watt automatic home light plant. Original cost six months ago, $375. You steal it at $150. — JACOBSON’S, O’Neill. 52tf. For Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE * L G. GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O’NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. FOR SALE: Modern home lo cated just outside the city limits of north Atkinson. The property consists of a 6-room house with full basement, a garage, small hen house and about 3/4 of an acre of land. If interested see: Glen But terfield, Atkinson. 51-52c I HAVE just returned from a trip to Mexico City, Old Mex ico, and will be at my office. I have eastern money to loan on farms, ranches and city property. I also have farms and ranches for sale. If any of your property is for sale, let me sell it for you.—Write R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 45tf FOR SALE: Growing chick feed ers, 25c each—Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE: Just arrived new shipment of disc harrows, 10’, 12’, 18’, 21’ sizes.—Wm. Krotter Co. or O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE: 2 ice boxes that were traded in on new HOT POINTS. You pay your mon ey and you take your choice at $5. — JACOBSON’S, O’ Neill. 52tf. T AM IN A position to take care of your turkey insurance. I have made a contract with the Farm Owners’ Insurance Co. Insurance up $4.50 per tur key.—R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 59c FOR SALE: Used Magic Chef coal, wood, gas combination. This is a pipper — Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill 52c FOR SALE: Available IHC No. 9 and trail mowers. New Idea and Lundell power mowers.— Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview, Nebr. 6tf FOR SALE: Registered Angus bull, 18 - months - old, new blood for this area.—Harry Ressel, O’Neill. *50tf FOR SALE: Gladiolus bulbs for sale.—Mrs. Herman Janzing, O’Neill, phone 532-LJ. 52c FOR SALE: Used coal wood range like new — Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 52c M)R SALE: Two lots on sewer and water—Ed Dumpert, O’ Neill, phone 229-R. 49-52c FOR SALE: Used oil brooder, $4.95. — Ralph N. Leidy, O’ Neill. 52c FOR SALE: Fordor Ford, eight; 1949 club coupe Chevrolet; 1948 Pontiac 4-door, 6 cylin der; 1946 Pontiac sedan coupe, 6 cylinder.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 52c FOR SALE: Four-room dwel ling, partly modern with fur nishings if desired and two lots. — Geo. Robertson, res. pho. 161-W O’Neill 52-lc | FOR SALE: 32-v. Delco home light plant, new batteries, radio, vacuum cleaner with attachments, iron, % HP mo tor, light fixtures, bulbs, etc. We should have $175 for it but come in and make us an offer. — JACOBSON’S, O’ Neill. 52tf Mrs Alma Eby, of Ainsworth, visited her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby from Saturday until Monday. WANTED —————~^ ^ m m n-—-— — — — — FOR PROMPT, efficient mech anical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 on 21. MEN WANTED District Manager Curtiss Candy Co. I WILL BE at the Waldorf hotel in Norfolk all day Saturday, May 6, to interview applicants for our Albion territory. Man selected must move to Albion. Our salesman now averaging over $300 per month. 52c WANTED: Garden plowing with small tractor. Reason able prices. — Bus Wright, O’Neill, phone 392. 52c Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Call or see: ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds BRICK LAYING, stuccoing, plastering, all kinds cement and block work. — Pat Pit tack, Plainview, Nebr. 47-51pl35 STEERS WANTED TO PASTURE Running water WERNER POESSNECKER Stuart, Nebr. 52p50 CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted sheller, 1,500 bu. hour capac ity. Make arrangements for your shelling with K- C. Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping Service, phone 289, O’Neill. 50tf. FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wiring installed by our skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures for a complete job. All ma terial and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs Kelvinator Appliances CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC Spencer, Nebr. 29tf WANTED; Girl or middleaged lady to work in modern ranch home, good wages and per manent job.—Clesson Keller, Newport, Nebr. 52-53c HELP WANTED: Married man for year around farm work. Must be experienced. House furnished.— Marvin Stauffer, Page, Nebr., phone 3F2. 52c WANTED: AbouL 100 head of cattle to pasture, flowing well water.—Mark Gribble, O’Neill, (phone Chambers.) 51-52p65 Atkinson Lions Host to Athletes ATKINSON — The Atkinson Lions club was host to the Hay balers of Atkinson high school and Bluejays of St. Joseph's hall at a banquet held in the Knight of Columbus hall, Thurs day, April 27. E. C. Weller was toastmaster and J. C. Belford, of Creighton university, was principal speak Rev. Asa Wood, of the Wes leyan Methodist church, gave the invocation. Lions club presi dent, Bernie Wilson, welcomed the Bluejays and Balers, who were later introduced by Coach Lou Wewel, of St. Joseph, and Coach Randall Smith, of Atkin son high school. Music was fur nished by St. Joseph’s male quartet and by the barbershop quartet of Atkinson’s male chor us. Donald R. Davis had charge of the group singing. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byran Lacy were Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Willit, of Valentine. Mrs. Willet is Mr. Lacy’s sister. A RNC -gjJto! VOU kXEW I WA4. 1 «TONV-BKOtcE AND VET VOU ORDERED A 'WPCG. ATOM i\lA04 MUH...ANDMETWG <5UY t^NOWN A^/Tfia ^PfcNDGCii TOO BAD NOtJ CANT FAWN THAT HEART OP&OLaSANCr /C»»rri l I IZZAT SO* ALL RIOWT THIS OH, VERY WELL/BUT 4 ■flMfi WPRfc THROUGHi KINDLY VOU'LL WAVE TO PICK IT RETURN MY PStUEETAS IT OUT.' I CANT REMEMBER JUST SO HAPPENS A CERTAJ N ' LITTLE GAL HAS MADE TURES FOR IT...C'MON, KNOW VOU CARRY IT AROUND I MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR SANDING DON’T SETTLE with plain : sanding. Have a beautiful long-lasting finish applied to those floors. We have eight machines and over ten years’ experience finishing floors. Our machines enable us to give fast, efficient service. Our prices are reasonable. Free estimate. 51tf EFF. R. CARMICHAIL Box 201 Spencer, Nebr. i SEWING MACHINE S E R VICE: We repair all makes, free estimates on repair, re building, electrifying. We have a complete line of new and rebuilt machines for sale. — Midwest Furn. & Appl. Co., O’Neill. 26tf JAMES G. FREDRICKSON — AUCTIONEER — Ready to Serve You Phone 267-J O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and trac tor repair. Acetylene weld ing. H U iTtEsT" PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399; O’Neill 43ctf GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. NOTICE Dog licenses will be delin quent May 15, 1950. See I. L. Watson, village clerk, for re newal. VILLAGE OF INMAN. 51-52c WHEEL ALIGNMENT SERVICE We have a new “Bear” wheel alignment machine. Also wheel balancing mach ine. For all makes of cars. Also car-truck - tractor re pairing of all kinds. 3 factory trained mechanics. Good work, reasonable prices. Phone 373, Harry Sullivan for appointments. OUTLAW IMPL. CO. West O’Neill HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf Long Term 4% Federal Land Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire, ail work guaranteed. — CHAS. CHAMBERS, O’Neill, phone 247-R. 40tf COKER’S LOCKERS West O’Neill Locker patrons save money with handy, economical sharp-freeze and storage ASK US FOR DETAILS Glenn L. Rice, James Riggs Speak— The Bethany Ladies Aid met Wednesday, April 26, with Maude Urban. Seventeen ladies, 10 men and 8 children were present. Mrs. Carl Lambert called the meeting to order with the group singing “Near the Cross.” Mrs. Walter Summerer read the scripture from Matthews 25:30 46. | Mrs. Lambert read an article j on “Family Worship” and Mrs Magne Goranson and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman sang a duet. The Aid i enjoyed talks from both Glenn I L. Rice, secretary of Nebraska synoa, and James Riggs, field I representative of general con sel. The meeting adjourned with the repeating of the Lord’s prayer. — By Mrs. Bob Sum merer, reporter. Frontier for printing of all kinds. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales. Service & Repairs for AU Makes Agents for: Underwood | Typewriters & Sundstrand Adding Machines TWIN STATES TYPEWRITER CO, Phone 360 i22 Norfolk Ave„ Norfolk New Atkinson Mayor in Office ATKINSON — Francis D. Lee, Atkinson attorney, took the mayor’s oath of office at the meeting of the city council Tues day, April 25. Mayor Lee suc ceeds Dr. W. J Douglas, who had held the office for many years. The new mayor made only 1 new appointment, that of chief of police and the city water en gineer. George Bartos succeeds Roy Traner, who held the posi tion for almost 16 years. Reappointments inc 1 u d e d' Dwight Baab, night police: H. A. Snyder, water commissioner: L. P. Hayes, electrical inspector; Earl Coxbill, city engineer; H. J Heuton, fire chief; L. P. Hayes, assistant fire chief; Dr. W. J. Douglas, city physician; Mrs. H. A. Snyder, member of city parks commission. Other council members whose terms have not expired are: Mrs. C. C. Raymer and Mrs. Mary Gilg. All appointments were accepted along with the mayor’s recommendation that the wages of the police force be raised. REAL ESTATE THANSFERS WD-Harold J Panzer to Ora | R Yarges & wf 4-17-50 $4,200 NWy4 - NV2NEy4 7-21-16. WD-Helen McCarthy et al to Dennis A & Margaret M Mc Carthy 4-24-50 $l,500-Ny>NEy4 4 - Ny2NWy4 3 - NEy4 - S\i 10 27-12. WD-Florence I Hewitt et al to Guy Pinkerman 3-50 $6,720 swy4 27- EV£>SEy4 28 - NEy4 NEV4 33 - NWy4NEy4 . n>/2 - nw>4 - swy4Nwy4 - Nwy4 - SWy4 34-32-10. WD-James G Fredrickson to W A McMonagle & wf 1-4-50 $8,500-Lots 18, 19 and 20 Blk D Fahys 2nd Add O’Neill. WD-Christene Williams to W B Gillespie 4-24-50 $5,700-No 70 ft lots 22 & 23 Blk D O’Neill & Hagertys Add O’Neill. WD-Frank Pruss to Anna Pruss 6-1-48 $1-SW14 25-30-14. WD-Frank Pruss to Anna Pruss 6-1-48 $l-Lots 11 & 12 Blk M Fahy’s Park Add O’Neill. WD-Frank Pruss to Anna Pruss 6-1-48 $l-NWy4 32-SWy4 SWy4 29-30-12. WD-State Life Ins Co to Hans C Lauridsen 3-16-50 $1 SEV4 29 NE!4NEy4 - SM-NEy4 - SEy4 NWy4 - SEy4 32-32-13. WD-Humphrey M Gill to Gardner Gill 4-11-50 $4,000-Lot 1 Blk 1 Western Town Lot Add Stuart. WD-Leo S Tomjack to Bennie Hill & wf 4-27-50 $1 So 83 ft of lots 1 & 2 Blk E Fahys 2nd Add O’Neill. WD-Lloyd Heeb et al to Ed j win Heeb adm 6-9-49 $l-Lots 6 7 & 9 Blk 2 Tuller & McNichols j Add Atkinson. WD-Joseph Heeb to Elizabeth Ryan 4-25-50 $l-Lot 9 Blk 2 Tul ler & McNichols Add Atkinson. WD-Jane Robertson Spann to Franis L & Dorthy Yantzi 4-28 50 $500-So 6fl ft lots 1 & 2 Blk i I Fahys Park Add O’Neill. WD-Fred E Boettcher to Al bert Lemmer 4-28-50 $12 000 - EM- - E^W'i 13-26-R16 S% 18 i 26-15. WD-M B Higgins to Charles R Joseph S Edward G Elizabeth E & John R Dvorak 4-10-50 $115,500-Wy. - SEy4 2 -Ey> - sy2sw»4 3 - sev4swv4 . swv4. SEV4 4- SEVi 8 - s^ - NEy4 - Ey2NWV4 9 - All 10 - N!£ 11 - w».2swy4 - swy4Nwy4 12 - NV2 15-27-16. WD-M B Higgins to Fred E Boettcher & wf 4-10-50 $35,000 SWV4 15 - Sy> 21 - SWV4NWy4 N^NEt4 - SEV4NEy4 21 -NW^i -W(4SWV4 22 . NNE14 - SEy4 NEy4 28-27-16. QCD-City of Atkinson to State • of Nebr. 9-30-47 $1-Pt SE^SW^i 30-30-14. ROYAL THEATER ' — O'NEILL — Thursday - May 4 Dennis O’Keefe, Gail Russell and Charlotte Greenwood in THE GREAT DAN PATCH | In the annals of harness racing, Dan Patch was the greatest horse of them all. This is his story, a tale in which speed and sentiment are neatly blended. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c plus tax 2c Total 12c Friday and Saturday May 5-6 i Gen Autry, World’s Greatest 0 Cowboy and Champion, World’s w Wonder Horse in RIDERS OF THE WHISTLING PINES 1 With Patricia White, Jimmy Lloyd, Douglass Dumbrille, Cass j County Boys and the Pinafores. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax Total 12c Matinee: Saturday 2:30 Sunday - Monday - Tuesday May 7-8-9 The Academy Award Winner Best Picture! Best Actor! Columbia Pictures present Robert Rossen’s Production of ALL THE KING'S MEN With Broderick Crawford, Jo anne Dru, John Ireland, John Derek, Mercedes McCambridge. I* Adm- 42c plus tax 8c. Total 50< Children 10c, plus tax 2c. Total 12c Matinee Sunday 2:30 Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on APRIL 24, 1950 Published in response to call made by ComptroUer of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS f Cash, balances with other banks including re serve balance, and cash items in process of .. ~ $ 712,226.27 united States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 2 335 795 23 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 61,522.80 Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) _ 3,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $109.41 overdrafts) 374.423.66 Bank premises owned $3,000.00 _ 3,000.00 Other Assets 328.45 Total Assets _-- $ 3,040,296.41 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 2,523,402.39 Deposits of United States Government (includ ing postal savings) 56,420.94 Deposits of States and political subdivisions_ 167,122.84 Deposits of banks _ 91,597.71 Total Deposits $2,838,543.88 Total Liabilities____ $ 2,838,543.88 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common Stock total par $50,000.00 _$ 50,000.00 Surplus -- 50,000.00 Undivided profits_ 101,752.53 Total Capital Accounts_ 201,752.53 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts_ $ 3,040.296.41 * MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes_$ 347,500.00 State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: I, J. B. Grady, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is true to the best of my know ledge and belief. J. B. GRADY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of May 1950. ALICE E BRIDGES, Notary Public. (SEAL) My Commission expires July 25, 1950. Correct—Attest: F. N. Cronin, E. F. Quinn, Julius D. Cronin, Di rectors. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ^ (Thu; bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders)