Ed Allen Dies - At Marion, la. EMMET — Mrs Agnes Gaff ney received word on Sunday morning of the death of her brother, Ed Allen, of Marion, la. Mrs. Gaffney left on Sunday to attend the funeral 4here. Other Emmet News Claude Bailey, of Amarillo, Tex., arrived on Tuesday, Ap ril 18, to spend a 2 weeks’ vaca tion with his sister, Mrs. Frank Foreman, and family. He is em ployed at the Veteran’s hospit al at Amarillo, and is a veter an of World War II. Mr. and Mrs. C. Traubaugh, of Atkinson, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy and family Mr, and Mrs. Bob Fox and eon, Dick, were Sunday dinner ' guests at the Paul Newton home. | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith at O’Neill Sun dav evening. i Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Holtz and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford, of O’Neill, were Friday eve- ! ring visitors of Mr. and Mrs- i Wm. Schmader. Miss Deloris Doolittle, of A melia, was a weekend guest o Phylis Rzeszatorski. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaaf ,;f Atkinson, were Monday din ner guests at the Joe Winklei home, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and •>ons, Marie, and Gordon Fox of O’Neill, attended the hot rod races at Hasting on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fox and family and Melvin Fox, of O’ Neill. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- Gilbert Fox. _ . , Mrs. Henry Patterson left last week for Clinton, la., where she is spending sometime visit ing her neice. Mr and Mrs. Howard New ton and son, Dewey, of O’Neill, were Sunday visitors at the Wm. Newton home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stevens, of O’Neill, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Friday evening . .., Mrs. Guy Beckwith visited her mother, Mrs. Vera Hickman, at Atkinson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusat ko and sons, Jimmy and Jerry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mm. Jerrold Dusatko. Mrs. Esetella Kendall and Mrs. Wayne Fox and sons visit ed Mrs. Gilbert Fox Monday af ternoon. ,, .... Mr. and Mrs Harold McMil lan and daughters, of Newport, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan. Farmers: Very Liberal TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE On THE PURCHASE OF A NEW VAC CASE TRACTOR (For A Limited Time Only) SEE US TODAY WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL West O’Neill Phone 537 Fred Perry, of O’Neill, and son, Dean Perry, of Emmet, and Mrs. Eva Winteringer, of Har tington , left on Friday for , nuuuwr, .vimn., wntre tney at j undt-J vhe luneral of the ir 1 lather and grandfather, Daniel Pe*ry, on Sunday. Claude Bailey, of Amarillo, i Tex., and MerJe Foreman spent Friday at Bristow visiting Mr. ana Mrs. James Foreman and family. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Brain ard and lamny were Wednes ay, April 26, supper guests o/ Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Fox. Rev. Anthony Urbanski spent several days visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Urbanski, at Omaha, last week. Charles W. Edwards Weds Minnesotan CHAMBERS — Edna L. Mar tin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin, of Park Rapids, Minn., formerly of Chambers, became the bride of Charles W. Edwards, son of Mrs. Blanche Edwards, of Chambers, in a single-ring ceremony read by Rev- J. H. Grostephan at the Riverside Methodist parsonage in Park Rapids, on Wednesday evening, April 26. They were attended by Mrs. Steve Mikus, of Chambers, sis ter of the bride, and Glen Knight, of O’Nfciill, cousin of the bride. The bride wore a street leng th dress of aqua blue rayon crepe with black accessories. She wore a locket and bracelet set, a gift from the bridegroom. Her attendant wore blue print street length* dress of ravon. Bridegroom and his attendant both wore blue striped business suits. Both the bride and bride groom are well known in this community. They will make their home at the P. E. Robertson ranch where the bridegroom has em ployment. Accepts Position , In Scottsbluff— James Harty, 35, of O’Neill, will leave May 12, for Scotts bluff where he has accepted a position with the J. C. Penny Company. Harty will be em ployed as manager of the wom en’s fashion department. Harty has announced his res ignation from Osborne Shoe store here. - ■ Mrs Crabb Is Hostess— The Friendly neighbors ex tension club met Wednesday, April 26, at the home of Mrs. Dorrance Crabb There were 10 members and one guest present. Mrs. Dale Fetrow and Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr., presented part 2 of “Floor Coverings.” Refreshments were served by Mrs. Crabb and Mrs. Emmet I Crabb. — By Mrs. Raymond I Eby, reporter. PM LEE STORES CO. f* HAVE THE GIFTS ft MOTHER WANTS Ladies' Boxed HANDKERCHIEFS Pure Irish Linen Fancy, Lace, White, Plain, and Colored 3 |n box n'\ Nylon ^ Hosiery | PYREXWARE »£» Pie Plate _u_ Casserole 89c iJ Utility i#A ! Pan 69C Boxed Stationery 24 I Sheets % Gift Wrapping Paper PAPER I ■■ -—--1 WHITE I Plastic Handee Jar I JSSSjeS S; I ()(} iS.'.NKLE 1 color, loory and red. (•]? I \/\7 TYE ■ yellow, green and ^ 1Ae I Wne. I v Colors: Pink, Pastels [5.4.0. Stores Co # 25c & 1.00 I Wesleyan Methodist church in O'Neill on Friday evening. _ \ METHODIST (Page) Rev. T. O. Brownfield, Mer wyn French, Harold Heiss, El mer Trowbridge, and Nevin Ickes attended the district broth erhood banquet and rally at Randolph on Sunday evening. Eighteen young people en joyed the MYF service on Sun day evening. Barbara Trow bridge was the leader, and a short play was used in connec tion with the lesson. Ernest Graves had charge of the rec reation for the social hour which followed {ind Carroll French served the lunch. On Sunday morning, Rev. T. O. Brownfield gave a sermon for the children. The juniors sang a special number. There were 4 persons baptized and 4 taken into the church, 3 on con fession of faith and one by let ter. Rev and Mrs. T O. Brown field, Miss Elsie Lamason, Mrs. Alton Braddock, Mrs. A. L. Dorr, Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mrs. Merwyn French, Mrs. E. A. Chichester, Mrs. Richard Asher and Mrs. Robert Van Horn attended the district conference and WSCS annual meeting. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Friday, May 5, 8 p. m. the choir of Miltonvale Wesleyan college, Miltonvale, Kans., is making its first appearance in this vicinity. The public is cordially invit ed to attend these services and enjoy the contribution of this group. Sunday, May 7: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; worship, 11 a. m. Our Sunday evening service will be dismissed on account | of the anniversary service at ■ Center Union The Elkhorn Valley Holiness association prayer conference will not be held this Saturday, but will be announced later for a later date. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Saturday, May 6, 8 p. im., will be the first service of our group of anniversary services in com memoration of our 45 years of holding church and Sunday school in this community. On May 7 there will be 3 ser vices—at 10 a. m., Basket din ner and afternoon service at 1:30, evening services at 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. E. Udd, of Omaha, and Rev. L. L Knapp, of Ips wich, S. D., will be our special speakers. There will be topics and a good variety of special singing by church folk of this community. We invite everyone to attend these services and enjoy them | with us. DELOIT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mooney j and daughter were visitors at | Wayne recently. Jewell Tomjack is employed i as an accountant for a motor | company at Hastings. Frank Harpster is visiting at | Fred Harpster’s Mr. and Mrs. '< G. A. Bauer called at Fred Harpster’s one evening last week. Fred Stearns took a load of cattle to Omaha last week. Mi's. Louis Reimer is visiting her daughter, Audrey, and fam ily in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and son spent Sunday at Wil bur Napier’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and Elayne attended 4-H fun night at O’Neill Saturday evening. About 500 attended. Ferdie Hupp is driving a new car. Doris J Bartak, who attends school in Norfolk, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Otto Reimer is visiting at the Hupp home in Omaha, j Mr. Weaning, of Elgin, pas sed away suddenly Saturday a m.. He was Mrs. Ralph Schindler’s father. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sau ser. of O’Neill, were Sunday visitors at Venteicher’s. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill Nebraska FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Services for Sunday, May 7: Sunday-school, 9:45 a m., Roy Sauers, superintendent. Special cradle roll service. • Worship service, 11 a.m., ser mon by the pastor, music by the choir. Westminster Fellowship, 6:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Durlin De Bolt and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Taylor, sponsors. A May musicale, under the direction of Mrs. John Harbottie, will be presented at the meet ing of the Women's association on Thursday, May 4, at 2:30 p. m., in the church sanctuary. Mrs. A. L. Borg will direct the devotional period. Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Christene Williams, Mrs. Harry Ressel, Mrs. Loren Nelson, Mrs. C. E. Melena and Mrs. F. H. Mahaf fey. KELLAR PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Chambers) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Services for Sunday, May 7: Worship service, 9:30 a.m., ser mon by the pastor. Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Ray Hoffman, superintendent. O'NEILL LOCALS Friends of Mr. and Mrs- Frank Ellis and daughter, June, of Buhl, Ida., learned this week that they are leaving soon for a tour through Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, New Mexico and to Alva, Okla., to visit thier daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norvell Olson. June will graduate May 14 from high school at Buhl and plans to spend the summer with her sis ter. The family formerly lived in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hal stead, of Page, were Friday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman. fc’ .. Touring Choir Coining to O’Neill The Miltonvale (Kans.) Wes leyan college choir will appear in O’Neill Friday, May 5. The group will sing at Wes leyan Methodist church at 8 p. m Earlier in the day the choir will present a short concert at the O’Neill public school. According to Rev. M. H. Gros enbach, Wesleyan Methodist church pastor, this will be the first appearance of the choir in this vicinity. The group consists of 26 voi ces and travels extensively each school year over a 6-state area. “Although the choir has been in existence only 5 years it has gained a pleasant reputation and has brought inspiration to imany congregations by offering a service of gospel music and transcriptions of great music al literature. “Included in the offerings are not only choral numbers by the group, but numbers by smaller ensembles, interpretative read ings and illustrations through chalk artistry. “The brief testimonies of the young people of the choir are enlivening and reveal the spir it of youth serving Christ,” Rev erend Grosenbach continued. “The public is invited to at tend these services and enjoy the contribution of this group.” O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reynold son and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson entertained Mr. and Mrs David Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McVicker, of Al bion, at dinner and bridge Sun day evening. Misses Rosemary Corkle and Mary Louise Wilson entertain ed a teenage group at a dancing party at Slats cafe Monday, Ap ril 24. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto and children visited in Atkin son Monday evening at the Eli McConnell home. Bud McCon nell, who has been spending his leave at home, left for duty in Hawaii. Mrs. Owen La Prath accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohn to Sioux City Monday. Tuesday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lanman were their daughter, Mr. and MrS. George Mellor, and baby, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ritts vis ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz. Frontier for printing! m&MMjm n m v. For MOTHER’S DAY or GRADUATES’ GIFTS Ladies’ and Men’s BULOVA WRIST WATCHES TIE CLASPS — Many Exquisitely Styled Gifts For Either * Occasion McIntosh Jewelry “Where Price & Quality Meet” Phone 166 O’Neill MEN ONLY! THE OTHER 364 DAYS A YEAR SHE’S JUST THE GAL THAT DOES EVERYTHING FOR US But on May 14th SHE’S TOPS — It’s HER Day — It’s MOTHER’S DAY Show her how much you appreciate her by giving her a gift that lightens her load all during the year — t AN ELECTRICAL GIFT FROM JACOBSON’S!! We’ve Taken a survey—These are the things they covet: A Radios Coffee Makers Toasters _ ____ ' v In case any ladies have read this, drop in and tell us what you want — maybe we can help get the Old Boy to open those purse strings a little! - "M I, *