Future Subscriber* KfthXUs Mi **«4 Hr. Mmr gM* v# CtaMBhtb m ttdtfk. tatt j^»^yh fcwni Ttentefi H^ji5 j % % ft" .< * * i r mw > %4 K** mg I * tfe* It i* -f » C#;«. •! i.f» H • *- Cfa Pm iMM* ftirtB1 r! add) t KSWUMAII — Ut mA Mr WMm» Cw»r,rf>*r.n. « itettf Imn m ikw taw hi titfww m Tfmt*w4*> Aj» y s' I* Mn Cvw>^^n « tte ?»< !."» 1k*.^HChA itf I, vrv; ami y*7 awr tew S «S*s»i, MH cocvr* - m ms Mi. R*» -*t Chm’4. M H,*V ,iml far? id *►» Bur ~t II* **'. huv Ari fan&e*i Apul Ml mflVrtfK — H- -ftd H UM i>u»*w- 'W *.'f A,r «_*, a 4m)i ir - fans fa ite 9mt*^ H- fefjfdil. Tn&Mf Af*tf I fCACL M* «fa Un Or.afa H »-a «i Jipteter. » nfa fa»r> f the §mt*4 Uteri tep^j ,. it far fanner Max AS* Wtarftewa UtllAUStJiV — Wz wfa Mr* Hwty Ktdhar^M *1 P* nfe JFmcMm b, « 4*^p^*-r. bam fail M**rt Mn ] "i a a i*t fagwf CM* Hit fcw>- «f Lr«*. a 11 ml*11« fate Mmby A#r« J# *t ffa Smrml Hrari ***** 1 fa aC rTT — M? end Mr* Ma* m Snti rf a <>m*T*r^ ■» Mold'd t gwatt Im* bii9. Xwdb 31, al Sw? {Vkrmkq*. At Kttaxr. a A< m# j»ir Vra T*mw 4ay Asvi A ad OTtofl 1m^ aai B6XWM—Mr M-t Zaar %t,"w ** at CbsMtMn, a sml bt>ftt Yi ‘iiMry. April !i, at OlbJ trayitt. KOFETJKA - Mr aai tti Frank »C« patjifc i, mi €f%t%3k, a •ml «■>- • fWM&fa *mra Iwbr Apr9 It. ad O^dD tw>*u ■rVAT -Mr ltd Mr* Claw A '/aj af E » <« a A«^rr ’ fc^-bars Jaar- **-& *. % *S paw, Mt Miwiay Ap’J IT, st cr^« a^jytosfm—m and Xn Ksaaetz ELaaML at a t an|t H i lama Artrar w»yc a- j Aprrf Si st O W bMfSta.' EYA3l*~Nr X» ^ , •st |w «• ’rTtaSL a »t ■ •best. jr » •■*■«> raf pmmkt. fc®*b • «d wiaCay Apr„ IP, at 0W*J» baapatat MTOW-JC' r^^X * Wad s^isrs H 50th Anniversary 0 To Be Celebrated "I*1•t mImI•I« t•V • i tot. t and fl Sudw M C«cp ahartfeagad tvpnKilint oftw 'if*. t • * Bewti art*. Sh4n H laicrty ec* jraitwn. e^mruphv. K Mn Ira George, En* 1k1< Iff m! IV', ipHth d; tri *a; Sf»**"r V Fw»re» pm*** ' m fine tlwb (teitr. Ill K J Ku tauM private pi*fr> dam m ft ?«- H Miiine, irt Hr Gumrge. ta«d ft*-!***- M Jotonta, mW* ? »*d •. fiasder H Ca*il da, crad** i and i, SMcr M r«*,aarf, fndei J ud 4: to* ♦er Rot-arnara- orrdrcat and sac* flit*’,, Sn&er H Anthont, re fe -mam Sji iter M H< i*-nrU». r'*d» J. ftrtw H !*• 2>d pr. - ’nary and #*/t4. S«tar M Sera !, * ftvniitarw*; Sister V* Ed* « *»4*, culinary trt* Mcdbrr H Erif* Hudtw*. a 4 Battle Creek and a *.t M.i.rv ' ^nadua'e is bow «u ,>**ior of trie Slaters «f St Fran ’*» prtwmdl mother hwue to I>eri«wJ, €3e4» Si*i<~r M Ge.iT f* Sboeoaker. i laws flf Iff!, directed prtdtir- j .d to ■» h4e leodfaes with gold Jetter the 1# toup lithographed book, feat urmg hiutdredf «# pbf> Vio^m end histortoa] data, fat beige driivirwl t> pumdiase’ s dm weeie O'HEILL HOSPITAL MOTES MmmmxB April 12— W’il hans Walter of £wing. nu.w wry y condition "good 13— Donald Van Burs?. of OTfeill, mcdbtcai condition “fair"; Pat nek Lydon, of Ewing. Hrwdieai, admitted from ..Rochester, Mauri 14—Harold Peteraon of DWeili medical, condition •good" Charles Homolka of CMMStam —wfiral. condition » rd Id—Mr* Fiank Kopet jka, at ONeiB 17--Mr- Claire MrVay. of Ewing 1* — Mr Kwwetii EDingsun. of O’NeflJ. Mr* George Butterfield, of Vena*. James Boham. of O' TTriB afenr surgery, condition good*' IS—Mrs Robert Evan* of Still m hospital Mrs Char les rf Atkinson DisTTiwsalr April 13 — Wen dell BahL of Emmet 16—Pat rick Lydun of E*mg, dismiss ed to a nursing home at St Edward: William Walter, of Ewing Id—Mrs Ease Bowse and aon, at Chambers IS—Mrs Frank Xopttjka and sea. of In man: Donald Van Buren. at OTSesll IS—Char ks Homolka. of CSsambers rawly Fete* Mrs C £ Wurth was honor ed at a birthday anniversary dinner Wednesday. April 12. at bet home Guests included Mr and Mrs Benny Wetziei and Benny. Mrs Mary Wetxler and Mr and Mrs Daniel Page and daughter and Mr and Mrs Roy Karr, of Spence?. Sick and Injured LYNCH — M. i Ray Honke, of Butte, was dismissed from the Sacred Heart hospital Sun April 16 Sb* is nun fi im p uv®rF Mrs. Hershel Miles, i at Dorsey underwent a major operation Thursday. April 11, at tire Sacred Heart hospital , . . (iaylyn. 6-year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Floyd Carney, un derwent an op* ration for rup •u d appendix Thursday, April1 13 SI. ii "getting along nicely j Frank Mulhair, sr„ is re- j ported * not so good** at the I Sacred Heart hospital. His daughter Pauline Mulhair, who j rJ& been a patient in the local j hospital the past week, is "get ting along satisfactorily." . , John Kopeccy, of Bristow, w j about the sameat the Sacred j Heart hospital . Christian j L hi of Bristow, motored to Sioux City Friday, taking his wife to a hospital there , . . j G*orge Vejvoda. of Niobrara, urn* Thursday, April 13, after h w ife, who has been a patient r; th Sacred Heart hospital the pact 16 weeks . , . Little Donald Ray Emane was dis muaed from the Sacrid Heart hoF.pitel Wednesday. April 12 He had been in the hospital 3 weeks, a victim of vims pneu r .a Ora Brunson, of Spencer has been on the sick nd i*> being cared for by .ughter. Mrs Harry Mul •,t. !r at her home here . . . Mrs } h‘ * r m a n S* hochenmaier, of | teel, S. D, entered the ■ d Heart hospital Saturday. Ap- li o Carol Ann stayed wnn rwr rrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albtrt Kalkowski, of Lynch . . . Ed John* has had a severe case of carbuncles on the back of his neck , . . Mrs Robert Row, of Spencer, is “improved' in the Sacred Heart hospital . . Arthur Pspstem. of Spencer, was in the Sacred Heart hospit al while having his teeth pull ed.*, Paul Michael Kalkowski, little son of Mr. and Mrs Xav ier Kalkowski, recently was a victim of mumps • . . Mrs. Nel lie Sinkey is “still quite poor ly" at the home of her daught er, Mrs. Ruth Mikkekon A nother daughter, of Wyoming. k here helping to care for her . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Pinker man, of North Lynch, have both been sick with flu . . . Word has received from Art Veseley. who is in an Omaha hospital, that she is “improving" but will have to remain in the hospital several week . . . Mrs Richard Ducker fractured a rib in a fall while housecleaning at her home O'NEILL — Mrs Nick Sch windt has been ill at her home. She is “much improved." . . . Mrs. Jack Taylor, who has been "very iU,” is improving , . . Robert Taylor has been unable to work because of a “bad hand'* . . . R H. (“Ray”< Shriner, who ait critically ill last month with double pneumonia and a heart ailment, returned to JUft home here Monday afternoon. He was driven home from a Lincoln hospital by his nephew, Billy Maine, of Ute, la. . . Mrs. William Wolfe returned Satur day from Out Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk She is staying at the home of her daughter. Mrs Bayne Grubb, of Chambers • . . Mrs. James Murphy arrived home Sunday from St Vincent's hospital, Sinoux City, with her husband and son and daughter. She had been a patient for about 2 weeks. . Mrs. Edward McMan us returned Sunday from St. Catherine's hospital in Omaha. She submitted to a appendec tomy last week AMELIA — Mr and Mrs Lloyd Waldo took their little daughter. Debby, back to the 1 ospital st Bassett Friday for a checkup. She was “improving satisfactorily ” Mike Curran accompanied them also for a medical checkup. He is “slow ly improving” - - Word reach ed A me! la that Mrs. Clarence Fry, former occupants on the Mrs Bertha Johnson ranch, had suffered a heart attack They planned to sell their ranch in Colorado on account of her illness INMAN — Michael Gallagher entered Our Lady of Lourdes i hospital in Norfolk last Thurs day evening and underwent major surgery- Friday morning Mrs Gallagher returned Mon da y ATK1NSON — Mr and Mrs Duke Hoffman took their baby to Sioux City Monday. April 17, for a medical checkup The little one has not been well for sometime PAGE—Mr and Mrs George Claser and Roy Wilson drove to Norfolk Friday. Mr Wilson went for a medical checkup. EMMET—Mrs Walter Span gler entered the Methodist hospital in Sioux City Monday MOW IN PHILIPPINES INMAN—Sgt Edo in C Sob otka, son of Mr and Mrs Char les Sobotka, has been recently assigned to the 44th Fighter Bomber squadron at Clark air force base. Central Luzon. Phil lpr.ne islands O’NEILL LOCALS Mr and Mrs Cecil Landis and Linda, of Payette, Ida, ar nved Saturday to visit rela tives m O'Neill and Page Mrs. H. J Hammond and Mr and Mrs W H Bowker went to Norfolk Saturday M - Vera Dell Be coon and Viss Elaine Huwaldt of Neligh •ere Friday suppe: guests at j Se Howard D Mans on home O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs William Ernst and Eve lyn, of Emmet, and Mr. and Mrs Gian Loienz, of Cham bers. were Sunday dinnei guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Carl Lorenz. Mrs. Rnher Lowery, Mrs. Fritz Yantzie, Mrs. Anthu Brinkman and Miss Eldora Lowery went to Norfolk Tues day Mr and Mrs M B. Marcellus and family visited Sunday in Amelia at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robert Tams Sgt. and Mrs. Thomas H Preston and son, Michael, left Sunday for Columbus, Ga., af ter an extend'd visit with her mother, Mrs. Marie McDonald" Mr. and Ms. Lawrnce Haynes and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and family in Page Sunday. Mr. and Mrs William H. Bowker and family plan to move to Atkinson next week. Mrs. Mildred Scheel, of Cas per, Wyo., arrived Friday to T>end the weekend with her rother-in-law and sister, Mr :.nd Mrs. M. M Krause, and i, mily. Mrs, L. O. Johnson and Miss Betty visited in Stuart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Pat Hynes vis ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Funk, of Deloit, Sunday. James Bridges arrived Fri day to spend his spring vaca tion with his mother. Mrs. Al i wr— I ice Bridges He is a student at | Nebraska Wesleyan college at Lincoln Mrs. William Dierks and Mrs. Gerald DeGroff, of Atkin sod, were guests Tuesday at ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Krutz. Visitois Sunday at the home j of Mr. and Mrs. George Klein ! were her parents. Mr. and Mrs Joseph^ Brandi, and her brother and hjs wife, Mr and Mi's Jack Brandi, all of Coleridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Treck er, of Broken Bow. The little Kleip boy was baptised Sun day. Mrs. Trecker had been helping Mrs. Klein for a week. (First pub April 20, 1950) i Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3658 In the County Court of Holt Count}', Nebraska, April 17th 1950 In the Matter of the Estate of Hattie I. Tefft. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all ( persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Julius D. Cronin as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard May 11, 1950, at 10 o’ clock A M., at the County Court Room in O'Neill, Nebraska LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. i (County Court Seal) 50-52c • 9-fOOT WIDE HEAVYWEIGHT 1st Grade | LINOLEUM 8 Different Patterns OUR CLEANUP PRICE PER RUNNING FOOT I_ POLLY MAKE-BELIEVE AN OPERETTA Presented by Grades I to 6 of the O’Neill Public School With Special Numbers by the Junior High School Chorus and the Kindergarten Rhythm Band O’Neill High School Auditorium APRIL 27, 1950 - —8:00 P.M.— ADMISSION 50c and 25c SCRAP IRON WANTED Paying Up to S15 Per Ton Contact by Mail Robert Leder Amelia, Nebr. MONDAY thru SATURDAY SAVE ALL the WAY EVERY DAY YOU WILL FIND SPECIAL PRICES IN OUR STORES EVERY DAY . GREEN PASCAL CELERY, lb 10c DELICIOUS - WINESAP APP|esoi§l JUICE ORANGES, lb 10c GREEN TOP CARROTS, 2 bun 1 Sc SNACK BAR SPECIALS MALTED MILKS 17c - SCHOOLS - SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN ON ORDERS OF ICE CREAM FOR YOUR SCHOOL PICNICS PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW We Can Supply Your Orders for Party Molds ■ Decorated Slices - Etc. See Us For Price Or Details BaconEnds 2-ibs..i9c PORK STEAK, lb 39c MINCED HAM, lb 34c Rrrr , ROASTS, lb 51c SEED POTATOES CERTIFIED CERTIFIED WHITE CLOUD lot-lbs. $3.89 - - RED TRIUMPH $3.89 Great Northern Navy BEANS ■ 4-lb.celio43c Rare Treat PEAS 7 79c Rare Treat - Cream Style or W. Kernel CORK, 5 No- 2 cans.53 C Curtiss MARSHMALLOWS. . 17c Heinz-Gerbers-Strain. Baby Pet Evaporated FOOD, 3 y- 25c MILK, 3 35c CHOCOLATES. 2 lb bag 59c Yellowstone SALAD DRESSING, pi i”23c California I ^ Seedless RAISINS 4-lb. cello 59c / Servit Brand OLEO 3* 67c NUTRENA POULTRY k HOG FEEDS WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ! STARTING THOSE CHICKS ON NUTRENA CHICK STARTER CRUMBLES WE HAVE IN STOCK 15s. EGG CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES 2?% BALANCER CRUMBLES 33% CONCENTRATE 243 = PIG k SOW NUGGETS 40% HOG MEAL NUGGETS SOYBEAN MEAL CUBES PILOT BRAND • O. SHELL CUDAHY MINERAL I BLOCK • CRUSHED R. SALT S*# Us For Discount On Quantity Ordar* HAVE YOU BOUGHT THOSE BABY CHICKS?? WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH BOTH DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS AT ONLY $10.95 yr;. SHELHAMER FOODS PAGE — O’NEILL PHONE 53 PHONES 56-78 Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., April 20-21-22 __ WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK THAT YOU TRY OUR MARKET BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR CREAM EGGS POULTRY EGGS TODAY Per Do«. Price Subject to Market Change i