Teen-Tattler — Rented Juke Box Provides Music for Future Fanners and Guests at Dance B7 BARBARA BENNETT Hi there' Last week the class C basket bail tournament was beid at At kinson. St Marys Cardinal played 4 games. On Monday, February 27, they placed and defeated* Chambers Wednes day, March 1, they played (and defeated' Lynch; Thurs day. March 2, they sank Butte: ami cm Friday. March 3 — in the fi nals — they lost to St Jo seph's halL of Atkinson. 29 Bajbara 25. In the ecm Bennett solabon finals, Butte won ov er Stuart by 4 points. The members of the FFA of O'Neill high school sponsored a dance the other evening. The room was decorated in blue and yellow—the colors of FFA. They rented a juke box for the eve ning and the records were very good. Everyone had a swell time. The kids at O'Neill high school lave finished then 4 State Editors Meeting This Month The aeeiisf of the Ne braska Press isto(jati« >n Mar- IS-17-IS a2ords all af as the opportsaity to salute this f«ar :ta -airihfcitkii $ Iks state aad its dlmM. These psbtie-spirised lead ers wield a eossaderaMe m faeoee for pod k eK«t btr aad supporuag wroitky reecystre iu: 'JJ yewgnas weeks' exams and received their report cards. That leaves only 2 more 6-weeks! My, how the time does fly! Another issue of the "Eagles Chatter the O'Neill high pa per, was published last week. It contained some very fine articles. A column on "ima gine if" was very good and the human scavenger hunt brought out some interesting statistics. The Lions club was entertain ed by the OHS music depart ment recently. The girls’ octette sang "Sleep, Kentucky Babe”; the brass ensemble played March Triumph.” and John Bowen sang a vocal solo, “Bell of the Sea." The Stuart kids seem to have a new fad. Those little green hats are real cute. If you were in the Tom Tom the other evening you would have thought you were seeing double or should I say quin tuple. Five girls were dressed identically They came in and lined themselves up at the counter It was really cute. I read an article the other day that kids in some town ate dill pickles in their cokes. Doesn‘t that sound appetizing? Ugh! That's all for this week. See , you around. REA Lights Homes io Sandcreek Area , SANDCREEK — The Sand creek community has been ■origr.tened the past few days by energizing REA lines. Those whose homes and farmsteads were already wired already are booked up Other Sandcreek News Mr and Mrs. James Demmg isd son were in Atkinson on cosiness Wednesday. March L Mr. and Mrs Lotas Prange wee in O'Neill or business Wednesday. March L Warren Berry and Mrs. Elsie Sweet called at the Herbert Sweet boose Wednesdar after - neon. March L Tom Berry 5 at home after .•oral. ng sacra? --’tv* vtsrtmg his laughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Bill Finch. James I>aaag and sac fed cattae for Merrill Smith Thurs day. FebraaiT 23. morning as Mr Smith was “down with the Al* Sunday afternoon. February 3S. ra.jcrs a: the RusseB 3ipke hame wre Mr and Mrs Joe Sccmasaew and family Murry and Benue MeBor «f Atkinson and Bob Summerer. at Ewing. Herbert Sweet was an At knsatt calSer Tuesday. Febru ary 2& The ’23" telephone line com pany held a speesa! meeting of members ae Fnday night Feb ”~ary M at the Herbert Sweet 1 name In discuss rebuilding of j the 'Tes An oysaer stew treat! was furnished hr James Dem- j 3M W arren Derry and Charles I>chias called at the Merrill MerrtZ South home Friday ' eaccT.atg. February 24 and gate a hand with chores Eay HipcC* asai Jimmy Seh maderer ace beginner popb at daSmcc 21* las: week 4 Children Chowan As 'Shut-Ln Frwnds— The Live and Learn extension club met on Wednesday, Febru ary 22. with Mrs. Paul Roth. Mrs. Edward Steams was co hostess. Fourteen members were present Mrs. Albert Stearns »i as a guest Mrs Gus Rohrs, the song leader, led the group in sing ing "My Nebraska” and "Follow the Gleam.” Mrs. George Ries won the "guess what?” Four children were chosen as shut-in friends for the time being. Mrs. Paul Roth and Mrs Orville Hitchcock were appointed to serve as cheer committee. The leaders. Mrs. Gus Rohrs and Mrs. William Wilkinson, gave the lesson: "Part II of Clothing | Construction." The next meeting will be on March 16 with Mrs. Elmer Schaaf with Mrs. Gus Rohrs as sisting. Faye Irene Ballanlyne New President— PAGE—The Nifty Needier? 4-H club organized at Brenda Beeeart’s on Friday. February 21 with 10 members prerent. The following officers were elected: Faye Irene Ballantvne. president: Marian Heiss. vice - president: Bette French, secre tary and treasurer. Brenda Bee leart news reporter. Sewing boxes are to be ready . for the next meeting which will be March 21. at the home of Mrs Melvin Held, leader Mrs Frank Beeleart Is assistant lead er There was a lunch of jello, cake and cocoa served. . - Taylor Earns BA At Wittenberg— PAGE — A Troy. O.. news paper recently stated that Ed mond R Taylor, son of Mr and Mrs. Ross Taylor. 515 Grant street, has completed his stud ies at Wittenberg college for a , 3A degree in business. He will ! receive the degree when the 1950 class graduates in June Taylor has accepted a position as salesman for Swift and Com pany ami at the present time is taking a training course in Chicago. Cl. Edmond Taylor is a brother of Mrs Charles Sor enson. of Page. He was bora and spent his boyhood days here before moving to Ohio with his parents. Mrs. Finley Hostess— PAGE — The Just-a-Mere club met Friday afternoon. March 3. with Mrs. Bert Finley with a 2:30 dessert luncheon. The afternoon was spent with needlework Mrs Mary Mich aelson and Mrs. T. O. Brown field were visitors. Nickels Entertain— PAGE — The Pinochle club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs Pien Nickel Sat urday evening High scores were woe by Mrs Herbert Stein berg and Cecil Waterman and low scores by Mrs Alfred Con nor and Bernard Mosel Loach was served by a committee 3 Guests Are Present— PAGE — Mrs. Will Simmons was hostess to the Bid-or Bye bridge dub Wednesday after noon. SCarcb 1. Mrs Alton Brad dock. Mrs Herbert Steinberg and Mrs. Robert Gr%y were "uests of the club. Mrs. Jerome Mien wot high score and Mrs. Harold Kelly all-cut. PAGE LOCALS Evx Haynes, of Denton, -pest from Wednesday. March until Sunday nsting hi* randparents. Mr and Mrs. Al len Haynes, and with other rel itives and trends Mr. and Mrs Charles Crock returned boene last Thursday, j March 2 front California where tray had spent 8 weeks with their son. Elwm Crjrx and iHliV Mr and Mrs Dale Asher and :ns and Mr and Mrs Ed Stew m and far- ly were Sundae turner guests of Mr and Mrs George Park Mrs Myrtle Coon returned to rer home in Page Thursday. March 2 She had been awa” froec her Scene since December 5 when she fell and fractured her arm After several days ' -'pent at the Orchard h eptd. she nad gooe to the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs Harve> Spangler, j where she had stayed until re turning to Page Rev and Mrs T O. Browr spent Tuesday and Wed nesday. February 21 and March 1. visiting friends at Cedar Rap ids and relatives at Cccad Mr and Mrs. Alien Haynes spent last Thursday at Royal with Mrs Haynes's swxMhe*-in law and sister. Mr and M s Fred Storm. Mr and Mrs Bert Fink at Ewing, were d-r.ner guests ,«f Mr and Mrs Frank Snyder Wednesday noon. March 1 The . all spent the afternoon at the farm home of Mr and Mrs George Fins Mr and Mrs LaVerne Wiesv o! York, were dinner guests Sunday at the home of then rrandparents. Mr and Mrs Al ka Haynes James \ hi. of Lmcwbv spent from last Thursday until Sun day at his home in Pape He wrought his w ife and daughter. \ *ckv home after they had >pe*t a few days at lunovdn Mi and Mrs George Bark re lumed home last Thursday aft moon, M arch J. after spend.ng \ weeks, visuting relatives at >or#olk and Ftwvyvnt and C\>un ' d and WwdKuw la They were acvNunpanvod Wi e v Vlis Asker and aim. *ha v ouUd At the ftoRte Siwll ad Baik h.v.swa M s. .1 R Rusoe|kM.> kiiH'aj ’ Mts thsu pH K.u| JU.atej Ann and Carolyn Russell and Elaine and Lorraine Clacey were N'eligh visitors Saturday ’ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorer - I son and daughter, of Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lindquist were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nlssen and family, I Mr. and Mrs Charles Sorensen and family and Mr and Mrs. | Junior Sorensen and daughter were afternoon visitors. Miss Carolyn Russell spent the weekend with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Rus [ sell. Dale Asher, of Fremont, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. He came to get his wife and sons, who had been visiting relatives. He was ac companied here by Mrs. Earl Anderson, of Fremont who vis j ited her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Eickhoff. They all re : turned to Fremont Sunday eve i ning. Charles Sorenson and family and Junior Sorenson and fam ily were guests at a waffle sup per Saturday evening at the Soren Sorenson home. La Vorne Albright Byrdie Ann Park. Beverly Kelly and Harold Tegeler. of Wayne, spent the weekend with relatives hers. Norman Trowbridge, Merwyn French, jr., and Donald Heiss who attend college at Lincoln spent the weekend with rela tives here. Mr and Mrs Raymond Heiss returned home Saturday after spending the winter in the west ern states Mr and Mrs. Marvin Stauf fer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeleart and fam ' dy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Harry Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French entertained a group of relatives at their home Tuesday noon, February 28. It was to have been a dinner In honor of the birthday anniversary of Dr. O. W French, of O’Neill, whose birth date is February 29. How ever. the doctor was unable to to present The sixteen guests were seated at the long dining room table that was centered by the birthday cake. Guests were: Mrs. Merle Brouse, of Val entine; Mrs. O. W French and granddaughter, of O'Neill; Mr and Mrs. Leonard Heiss; Mr and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Bon nie; Mr. and Mrs Harry Har per; Mr and Mrs Allen Haynes; Mr, and Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. Jennie French. Mr. and Mrs. William Handke. of Trentwood. Wash., were Monday evening. February 27.' guests of Mr. and Mrs Orville Kemper. Mr and Mrs. Ed Portes and Mr and Mrs. Junior Sorenson and daughters were Sunday, j February 26. dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Seven I ekes Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kem per and Mr and Mrs. William Handke spent Thursday after noon. February 23. at the Ker bert Hempen home Mr and Mrs Plen Nickels have had a farm sale and Mr. Nickel will soon leave for Ida * ho. Mrs Nickel and 2 sons will remain here until the end of the schoo. vear. Mr and Mrs William Handke of Trentwood. Wash., have been visiting the past week at the Theodore Kemper home Mr Handke is a brother of Mrs Kemper, whom she had not seen for 24 years Mrs Handke is a sister erf Mr Kemper Mr and Mrs. George Wink ler and children and Dale Lud ington were Sunday. February 26. dinner guests at the Theo dore Kemp-: borne. Mrs. Ray Snell. Mrs. O L Reed and Mrs Anton Nissen at tended an Eastern Star meeting at Ewing Tuesday afternoon, February 2? The HOA Tub met with Mrs Will Neubs-er Tuesday after - rm February 28. with 10 mem >Skrs preset:* Mrs. Red Wood ~d Miss*? Grace a-d Xelle ^.od were vitors. The after oan was soent doing needle >rk. They had their »stponed "alentine ex * vnge of e fts The I hostess sHTei lunch. The Pjikv rTe cub met with Mr. and Mr Herbert Steinberg Saturday evening. February 25 Ren Nickel and Cecil Watter an were high score winners Mrs, Ren Nickel and Bernard Mosel received low. Lunch was served by the committee. REDBIRD NEWS St and Sir?. Bill Wilson were lh Reifc.-d Saturday. Feb ruary 25 St and Sirs. Henry Ladiey. of Gordon Sir?. Anna Carson. St and Slr^ Jack Darnel] children. .>5 Lynch, and Mrs Herman S. rtoilmeyer imi boys were Sunday guests in the Ray WUsnr. hnrr.e Sunday. Febr uary 55 Halsey and Cnancie Hull were in Redr.rd Suniav. fybrua-v 56 Harvey S ragman and fani Oy. of Opp- ’.unity vailed at IV se Store's Sunday. February 2* ; Sir and Sirs. Thomas Hts- j cocks spent the mmna in the Wm Wilson home Wednesday. 1 March l Fdward v urwan and Bewrly ■ were in Rcdbird Monday, Feb ' ruary IT Mrs Florence Harm was here Monday, February ST Lev Welb was in' Redbud Micvto. February |f Arthur Ih^ert was a caller M and Mrs WiUuim Owe heiv Sl.as.iav February ST ard atrv m Redbud Monday, r ohi urn v 2 • Mrv t *..»? IViui iivig waa ' v«\ M .nd . IVbruary ff A I. \ *h Hell and fam.lv mow 4 \t day. Fein via re If, ivom tHc J e Cihlar farm lo * fa.m. . vXVvili Mr, and M * \\u 1xVIHnK HW ed this week oa the fauna just vacated by Mr Pritchett Mr and Mrs. Halsey Hull autoed to Lynch on business Monday. February 27. Herman Schollmeyer, called in the Ray Wilson home Mon day evening, February 27. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Barta were in Redbird Monday, Feb ruary 27. Jack Wilson was here Tues day, February 28 Fred Truax, sr. visited in Redbird Tuesday, February 28. Howard Slack, of near Dor sey, called here Tuesday, Febr uary 28 Mrs. Nick Baker and Mrs. Ray Wilson attended lodge in Lynch Tuesday night, Febru ary 28. Ray Wilson autoed over to near Dorsey Tuesday, Febru ary 28. Eva Truax was in Redbird Tuesday, February 28. W. H. Hart land visited at the Michael Hull home Tuesday, February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihiar were in Redbird Monday. Feb ruary 28. Virgil Wilson accompanied I Guy Hull and friends to a don key basketball game in Nio brara Tuesday, February 28. Tom Hiscocks, of near Dor sey, was here Tuesday, Febru ary 28 L. WeiIs and family, vsited at the William Wells home Wednesday, March 1. Mrs. Bill Wilson, Mrs Her man Scholimeyer and Sirs. Jack Wilson called on Mrs Jack Darnell while shopping in ■ Lynch Wednesday, Mar ah 1. 1 Beryl Bessert was in Redbird ; Wednesday, March 1. F. R Beil was here Wednes day, March 1. Lyle Wells is working at the Ralph and Guy Pnkerman farm near ScottviUe. Dennis Darnell and Bruce Scholimeyer spent Friday night and Saturday, with their uncle, Bill Wilson, and family. Dale Bessert and Mrs. Ar thur Bessert and Eva Truax autoed to O’Neill. Wednesday, March 1. Carl Christensen, of Dorsey, called in Redbird Thursday, March 1. Mr and Mrs William Coo* ard visited friends in Ljrocfc Thursday, March 2. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Lue4t ke were in Redbird Friday, March 3. H. V. Rosenkrans carried tx Star - Lynch mail Friday af ternoon, March 3. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BcjDart left by auto for Ravinia, S. Dl, Saturday. March 4, to visit Mr. and Mrs John Stewart. DR. GILDERSLEEVE. OJX OPTOMETRIST Permanent Office* he Magensick Building Phone 167 O'NEILL NEBR. Eye* Examined . Glaeaea Pitted NEBRASKA DIVISION 1 ** «-*THE GREAT NEW THE OF THE CENTURY •*»»• «rt *• m TUK£-ntACTION TOAD *•»>» IP* *• m FVGKLASHN6 WHTTFWALLS. y r'f*i Htmn mm mnmmt nms> MIDWEST MOTOR CO.. ITT) *Mans — omm i ■ ■'» SHOWN : McDonalds Compare these new men's slacks with wool gabardine slacks! Which is which? Look like wool! ( Feel like wool! Favorite high-waisted style In t m Rayon gabardine slacks Wrtti pi eats and zippers! McDonald-priced tor valval $595 2« to 3t waist What is spring’s moat popular slacks fabric? Gabardine. Mc Donald’s slacks are rayon gabar dine ... with a smart new finish that gives them the look and feel ai wool gabardine. New higb-waisted Hollywood model, with drop beh loops, continuous waist band, pleats and ripper flyv Navy, grey, slate, brown, green, tan. Refuse to wrinkle. M wear and wear. See 'em soon. ^ Rayon? | Wool? . BUT.Tr ' I Light but rugged rayon gabardine in 3 smart "Buck Skein Joe" jackets j Ready for springl With shirred elastic waist, zip belt, saddle-bag pockets $in95 Same style in boys* g m sixes 8 to 30.$9.95 MAS Here's an autxhve jacket you'll go for. Made of rugged wtMkleiVi.is.tant ujvh galvudtne that's dressy and Hvrty, too. Has shirusl elastic waist for trim fit . , , ii.'pet Ivlt buckle with exclusive arrow snap ,,. target roomy saxklhdxag pvU*is In pecan, cocoa, grey, gnety w.n*\ fd\Mk Jacket yen'll wear for yean* puced for teal value Patch pocket sport casual $095 Men * M-44 You’ll be at your casual best in this smart gabardine jack et. Has three large patch Jpockets, pleated shoulders. nvisthl* plaid in pevat* Ctv'os, grey, greet* mm m blue. Sea ’end