The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 09, 1950, BLIZZARD EDITION, SECTION 2, Page 11, Image 11

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    Meter Installed,
Presto, Electricity!
CELIA—The long anticipated
% day finally arrived. The after
noon of Monday, February 27,
workmen installed a meter on
the yard pole in the O. A. Ham
merberg yard, and, presto, there
was electricity!
The REA line touches a cor
ner of the territory commonly j
called Celia. Only ones from Ce
ia who benefit from it at this
time are the O. A. Hammer
bergs, George Becks, and Alex
Forsythes. It goes west and
north from Forsythe’s corner a
bout 20 miles.
Other Celia News
The bridge club went to At
• kinson Sunday evening for a
* housewarming at the new home
i*f Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmur
ry, and also to help P W. Kil
murry celebrate his birthday
anniversary. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Allard, of Rapid
City, S. D., who had been visit- j
ing in Onawa, la., and who are
on their way home to South,
Dakota. With the Allards is her
father, Mr. Moran, of Little ;
Falls, Minn. They are visiting
the P. W. Kilmurrys and ex
pected to leave for home Mon
day, March 6.
Mrs. Blanche Pease went to
Fremont to attend the first rec
ognition meeting for rural lead
ership for 1950, which was held
1 in Hotel Pathfinder. Mrs. Pease
was guest speaker. Her subject.
“Lines from a Lively Lady.
Mr. and M r s. Lawrence
Smith, Donna and Rollin were
O'Neill visitors Friday, March ;
Mrs. Perry Terwilliger spent
Wednesday and Thursday, |
March 1 and 2, with her par- |
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dis- ,
terhaupt, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beck- j
with, of O’Neill, were Sunday,
March 5, dinner guests at the
Bernard Blackmore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken ;
and Marjorie visited the Jerry
O’Connor family Sunday eve
ning, March 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch and
i father, Steve Bausch were din
, ner guests at the Stanley John
son home Sunday March 5.
Thursday, March 2, Lawrence
Smith, Leonard Chaffin and
Mark Hendricks went to town
: and helped work on the Wes
leyan church. The women went
along and visited Mrs. Asa
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks,
Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Leonard
Chaffin attended the auction
east of Page where the school
house and contents were put up
for sale February 28.
Linford Sweet w'as a caller at
the O. A. Hammerberg home on
Tuesday, February 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gondenng
er visited Mr. and Mrs. Natchel
Rzeszotarski and daughter on
Tuesday evening, March 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Scott and
children, Leonard and Frances,
! and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John
I son helped Ed Bausch celebrate
his birthday anniversary Fri
day evening, March 3. •
Mrs. Clarence Focken was a
! visitor at the O. A. Hammer
! berg home Sunday afternoon,
I March 5. , . ,
Mrs. Mark Hendricks visited
i Mrs. J. R. Jarvis Friday eve
ning, March 3, while Mark and
the children attended the bas
ketball tournament.
Lane Griffin and Frank Hoyt
installed an electric pump, cold
water tank and a hot water
heater for the O. A. Hammer
| bergs Friday and Saturday,
! March 3 and 4. T
Mrs. Mark Hendricks Mrs. J.
R Jarvis and Mrs. Asa Woods
were O’Neill visitors Saturday
afternoon, March 4.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott did
i not move out to the ranch as re
i ported last week. They moved
| into Mrs. Mary Henning’s apart
| ment in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger
I and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwil
i liger were Sunday, March o,
dinner guests at the Jack Win
j nings home. ,
Hans Braun was a visitor on
Sunday afternoon, March 5, at
the Marvin Focken home.
Mr. and Mrs. Connie FricKel,
jr., and family visited the Hen
ry Abrecht family Sunday af
ternoon, March 5.
Members of Hillside Sunday
school and church had an all
dav meeting with a basket din
ner at noon Sunday, March a. at
the Hillside schoolhouse. Mrs.
Lawrence Smith is the pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beck
and son Duane, and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Mlinar were dinner
guests at the Herman Gans
home Sunday, March 5.
Helen Larson was a suppei
guest at the Connie Frickel, ]r.,
home Thursday evening, March
Cub Pack in
First Session—
The first pack meeting was
held Monday in the basement of
the Presbyterian church. Each
den presented -their achieve
ments of two weeks. A movie
of “Cubbing in the Home was
shown. . _.
There were 50 boys present
and a number of parents.
All boys from 8!4 years of
age to 10 are invited to join.
The meetings are held Friday
afternoons at the respective
den mothers’ homes. Any cub
will be glad to take a prospect
ive member to the meetings.
Former Resident Returns
After 41 Years—
Volney Phillips, of Raymond,
Canada, a former resident of
the Star community, visited rel
atives there last week. He also
visited Mr. and Mrs. H. w.
Mr. Phillips who lives in su
gar beet country hasn t been
here for 41 years.
Enters 'Med' School—
Deraid May, of Lincoln, has
been accepted in the medical
school of the University of Ne
braska at Omaha for next fall.
Mrs. May is the former Betty
Harris, daughter of Mrs. Esther ,
C. Harris.
“Voice of The Frontier’’ • • • '
, 780 on your dial . . . 9-45 a. m. :
three times weekly.—Mondays. I
I Wednesdays, Saturdays^
31 - HEAD - 31
Art Rasmussen
of Springview
% A. H. Rowse & Son
of Burwell
Will Sell At
— 2:30 P.M.—
Atkinson. Nebr.
Postponed from March 7
on account of blirrard
*4 1 coming 4-yr.-old
2 coming 3-yrs-old
25 coming 2-yr-old
2 coming Yearlings
Livestock Market
— Atkinson —
New ZA Minneapolis-Moline Tractor
New UTU Minneapolis-Moline Tractor
New VAC Case Tractors
New DC Case Tractor
New Grain Drills both Minneapolis-Mo
line and Case
New 14” and 16” Plows both Minneapo
f lis-Moline and Case
New Manure Spreaders; New Idea, Case
and Minneapolis-ivioiine
New Minneapolis-Moline 69 Harvester
New Case and Minneapolis-Moline Listers
Mounted Cultivators for both Case and
Minneapolis-Moline Tractors
New Disc Harrows both Minneapolis-Mo
line and Case
i I
, Phone 531 — O’Neill, Nebr.
I__ !
The Ll club met Wednesday
afternoon. Marcn 1 witn Mis.
Art Kenner. The afternoon was
spent socially and tee nostess
served a lunch at the close of
—e afternoon.
A birthday anniversary party
was given in honor of Emmett
o.amp at nis nome in Inman
xast Thursday, evening, on his
ms 71st birteday. Those atten
ding were: Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Stamp and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Stamp and
iamily, of Ewing; Mrs. Wendell
stamp, of Layton, Ut.; Miss
Mary Lou Stamp, of Fairbury;
Mr. and Mrs. William Stamp
and Iamily. and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Ferris and daughter, ol
Mrs. Wendell King left Fri
day lor her home in Layton,
Ut.. after spending 2 weeks
visiting her parents- Mr. and
Mrs. nmmett Stamp. Mrs. King
was formerly Miss Loralene
Miss Mary Lou Stamp re
turned to Fairbury Friday af
ter spending a few days visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Stamp.
The NEA met Wednesday af
ternoon March 1, with Mrs.
Herbert Rouse for a regular
Dotty Moore and Tom Clark,
students at Wayne teachers’ col
lege, spent the weekend visit
ing in the H. T. Moore and E.
su. Clark homes.
Miss Mary Crouse, of Neligh.
spent Sunday vsiiting her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Pearl Cary.
Lewis Kopecky, sr., left for
Omaha Friday where he will
spend a few days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and
son, Sam, left Friday for Kee
sler Field, Miss., where they
will spend a few weeks visit
ing their son-in-law and daugh
ter Lt. Col. and Mi's. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor, of
North Bend, were in Inman
Saturday attending the funeral
of Mrs. Julia Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rutlege,
of Lynch, came Saturday to
visit in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Gallagher. Mr. Rut
lege returned to Lynch Sunday
but Mrs. Rutlege remained in
the Gallagher home for a long
er visit.
Preston Riley left Monday for
his home in San Diego, Calif.,
after spending several days
here being called by the death
of his mother, Mrs. Julia Riley,
who was buried Saturday in
i the Inman cemetery.
Sunday guests in he country
home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Gallagher and family were:
Mrs. Jack Alexander and Mrs.
Emmet Bartisch, of Portland,
Ore.; Preston Riley, of San
Diego, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Rutlege, of Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mo&sman
returned Friday from Los An
geles, Calif., where they have
spent several weeks visiting
their son and daughter. Robert
and Marjorie Mossman.
Arbutus Rebekah lodge held
its regular meeting at the IOOF
hall Wednesday evening, Feb
ruary 22. After the short busi
ness meeting a benefit social
hour followed. Various games
of cards were enjoyed and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Gray led the.
large group present in a session
of group singing. The ladies had
brought boxes and the high
point of the evening was the
auctioning of the boxes. Over
$40 was realized from the sale
which will go into the fund to
purchase new chairs for the
hall. Mrs. Ermand Keyes, Mrs.
Wilbur Brown, Mrs. Lou Ko
I pecky, jr., and Mrs. Harvey
Tompkins were in charge of the
evening’s entertainment.
The executive council of the
Young Adult Fellowship at In
man met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
on February 23. Proceeds from
the Hiram and Mirandv parties
and the lunches after the bas
ketball games have brought the
money paid on the visual aid
machine up to within about $40
of the total. Plans were begun
for a father and son banquet to
be held in the early summer.
At the close of the evening home
made ice cream was served to
the group by the host and host
Ernest Trowbridge returned
Monday from Rio Hondo, Tex.,
where he spent several weeks
visiting relatives.
75 Attend
Legion Card Party—
Approximately 75 people
Sunday evening attended the
Simonson post 93 of the Am
erican Legion card party here.
Winners for games were:
Pitch — Alex Borg and Mrs.
Agnes Ross; pinochle — Harry
Sullivan and Mrs. F. J. O’Con
nell; bridge — George Head
and Mrs. Pat Harty; door prize
— Mrs. Harry Landsworth.
Legion post spokesmen said
they planned a similar party
at a later date to be announced
in his paper. In addition to the
party lunch will be served.
Feted on Anniversary—
Mrs. Richard Farrier was
hononed Wednesday, March 1,
at a dinner in honor of her
birthday anniversary. The din
ner was served at the home of
Mrs. Farrier’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. De Bolt. Other guests
were Mr. Farrier’s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Farrier and
Dean and John Lee, of Cham
Mrs. John Cuddy and ehil- :
dren and Eugene Stanton, all of |
Sioux Falls, S. D, spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr
and Mrs. Anthony Stanton, and
Miss Eileen.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo
and family, of Amelia, were
Sunday evening guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell A.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer
visited the Robert Fox family
Sunday on their new farm
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hav
ranek and daughter and Mrs.
Dorothy Barrett, of Atkinson,
visited in Wynot Sunday.
Mrs. Grant Wilcox, of Clear
water arrived Monday to visit
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hartronft,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kurtz, of
Long Pine, were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kurtz and family.
Venetian blinds, prompt
delivery, made to measure,
metal or wood, all colors—J.
M. McDonald Co» O'Neill, lltf
The Misses Carolyn Hiatt,
Barbara Bennett and Verle Ral
va were guests of Miss Shirley
Tietsort in Omaha from Friday
until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilcher,
of Butte were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill.
Mrs. Stanley Holly and Carol
left Sunday for a visit in Sew
Jack and Bernard Janzing
and Miss Lottie Babl visited
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing
Ed Walker, of Page, visited
the George Hartfords for a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren
and Mrs. J. P. Brown went to
Omaha Monday.
The past noble grands of the
Rebekahs plan to meet Friday 1
at the home of Mrs. D. H. Clau
I Mr and Mrs. Henry Ladley,
of Gordon, were visitors last
Thursday at the homes of
friends and relatives including
the H. W. Tomlinsons and the
Joseph Schollmeyers.
R. L. Bauman, of Worland,
Wyo., visited his sister, Mrs. J.
P. Protivinsky for five days. He
left Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dexter,
of Amelia, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Dexter Friday. Law
rence, Darrel and Jerry Dexter
returned with their grandpar
ents for the weekend,
Mrs. Ella Karr returned Mon
day from Spencer where she
visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr
for a couple of weeks.
Miss Maxine Golden visited
her parents, the M. J. Goldens,
Saturday apd Sunday. Miss
Golden is in her last year of
nurse’s training at St. Cather
ine’s hospital in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh
went to Lincoln Sunday to
meet their daughter, Mrs' Ed
ward Hilderhoff, and children,
of Pittsburgh, Pa. The Hilder
hoffs had visited her brother
and his wife Mr. and Mrs. John
Osenbaugh and family, of Lin
coln, since last Thursday. The
J. D. Osenbaughs also visited
their son and family the John
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCar
ville, jr., and son drove Mrs.
McCarville’s mother, Mrs. Ma
ry Horak, who had been visiting ■
them, to Winnebago Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty,
of Madison, visited their son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William W. McIntosh, and fam
ily Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Laursen
i and Jeanine, of Venus, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Laursen
last Thursday.
A group of relatives and
neighbors had a surprise house
warming for Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Beckwith Friday eve
ning. A social evening of games
were played. The group pre
sented the Beckwiths with a
floor lamp. Sandwiches, pickles,
cake and coffee were served.
Letters to Editor
Dear Sir:
Please send me this paper for
one year.
1840 S. E. 7th Ave.,
Camas, Wash.
Stuart. Nebr.
March 2, 1950
O’Neill Frontier
O’Neill, Nebr.
Please extend my subscrip
tion to your paper tor one year.
Enclosed is a check for $2.50. We
find much of interest in The
Frontier. Sincerely,
Stuart, Nebr
Sioux City, Iowa
February 27, 1950
The Frontier:
Enclosed please find one dol
lar for which send me a copy of
the Diamond Jubilee edition.
Thank you.
2303 Dace street.
Omaha, Nebr.
February 27, 1950
The Frontier
O’Neill, Nebr.
Dear Sirs:
Enclosed you will find check
for two dollars and fifty cents
($2.50) for one year’s subscrip
tion to your paper.
Yours truly,
1610 N. 35 street.
Girl Scouts Make
Wall Plaques—
Regina Hynes opened the
meeting Monday at the Ameri
can Legion hall lounge by hav
ing several of the girls sing the
round “Row, Row, Row Your
Troops 1 and 2 worked on
belt trefoil coin purses. Troop 3
worked on scrap books to be
sent to a children’s hospital.
Troop 4 made wall plaques.
Grand Island People
Visitors Here—
iVirs. Belle Fauquier and Dav
id and Nettie, of Grand Island,
were Sunday guests at the home
of Charles Fauquier and his
daughter, Mrs. Margaret Elkins.
Thursday March 9
The Big Picture!
MGM presents Walter Pidgeon,
Ethel Barrymore, Peter Law
ford, Janet Leigh, Angela Lans
Adr". *2c, plus tax 8c, Total 50c
Children 10c. plus tax 2c
Total 12c
Friday - Saturday
March 10-11
Big Double Bill
Drama fills the night with terror
as death rides the
With Charles Russell, Virginia
Christine, Gary Gray.
Johnny Mack Brown in
Adm. 42c plus tax 8c. Total 50c
Children 10c, plus tax 2c.
Total 12c
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Sunday - Monday - Tuesday
March 12-13-14
New Thrills in Technicolor
Starring Edmund Gwenn. Don
ald Crisp, Geraldine Brooks and
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. total 50e
Children 10c. plus tax 2ci
Total 12c
Matinee: Sunday. 2:30 p.m.
I Attention Farmers! I
We will have a carload of Fertilizer on track this week at the following
prices, off car:
0-20-0.$40.50 Per Ton
4-16-0..$49.95 Per Ton
10 - 20 - 0 ..$79.10 Per Ton
Reserve your fertilizer requirements today. The supply is short due to
strikes at the mines.
Corkle s 18% All Purpose Mash (for Starting, Growing, or Laying Chick- ■
ens.) It does the job for less. Only _$3.95 Per 100 8
Cooper s Best Chick Starter Crunchies, Dress Print Bags _ $4.75 Per 100 2
Cooper s 18% Egg Crunchies_ $3.70 Per 100 I
Cooper’s 20% Egg Crunchies_ $4.20 Per 100 8
Cooper’s 26% Poultry Supplement Crunchies _ $4.50 Per 100 B
Cooper’s 32% Poultry Concentrate Crunchies_$4.85 Per 100 §§
Cooper’s 44% Hay Supplement Pullets _ $5.00 Per 100 8}
Cooper’s 41% Cattle Cubes_ $76.00 Per Ton 8
Cooper’s Lucky Lasses Lumpets, for Cattle _ $60.00 Per Ton 8
Peat Moss large bales, only ____ $4.25 Each §
vv e allow 25c each, in trade, for dress print bags (clean and free from 8
holes). We can accept only bags that have been purchased from us. 8
We now have Baby Chicks ready to go out every Tuesday and Friday. R
All our Chicks are U. S. Approved, Pullorum Controlled. pi
Prices on Baby Chicks are $4.00 per 100 anrl up. I
We will start your chicks for you for only k per day up to two weeks old.
We stand any death loss.
Our chicks are sexed by Expert Sex ors from the National Chick Sexing
association with 97% accuracy guaranteed.
Yes, we are paying 18c per lb. for heavy breed hens delivered our store in |
trade for Baby Chicks, lc less if we pick them up at your farm.
We are paying 30c per dozen for A grade eggs, delivered our store, lc less 3
picked up on route. If our route trucks do not already stop at your farm, con- j
tact us by phone or mail. You will like our service and prices.
The Place to Sell Your Cream, Poultry & Eggs
I Corkle Jbarm Store I