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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
BUY NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 9-10-11 k I Cudahy Pure LARD lb. llC Lufthus Orange JUICE 46-oz. can 29c Carnation MILK Can .lie GREEN TOP CARROTS, bunch ... 5c PINK GRAPEFRUIT, 10 for 49c SOLID CRISP RADISHES. 3 hn 10c SOLID CABBAGE, 3 lbs 11c KITCHEN Cleanser, 2 cans. 9c LUSHUS Syrup, Gallon 65 C BROWN OR POWDERED Sugar, 2-lbs. 25 C GENUINE Jello,3pbs. 19c LUX Soap, 3 bars 23C Fishers CHEESE 2-lb.pkg.63c VEL-DUZ OXYDOL fkg.24c COMO TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 19c I PITTED DATES Lb. 19c AJAX CLEANSER 2 mb 23c I_ ■ ARMOUR , PORK & BEANS 2 N. 2;> cns 33c | STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 1 Lb. Jar 29c LEXINGTON CREAM f FLOUR 5-ibs. -37 c I Creamery BUTTER lb.61c --— — - I PIGS FEET .. 3 Lbs. 25c Sliced BACON ENDS 2-lbs.. 39c Lean | BOILING BEEF u>29c Solid Pack OYSTERS Pint.59c Ring Liver SAUSAGE Lb.33c PIECES OF HALIBUT STEAK . . Lb. 19c While It Lasts! Blue Barrel SOAP Bar T He Miracle WHIP Quart.... 55 c tfigiiu Rites Here Tuesday (Continued from page 1) Miss Margaret Schmitz, and Mrs. Anna Carpenter, all of -ioux City; Dr and Mrs. Milton ynch and Mrs M. R. Boler, of jackson; Frank Waters and Vin cent Waters, both of Cherokee, la.; Mrs. L J. Marowally, of Chicago, 111.; Miss Anne Waters and Miss Mamie Cullen, both of Omaha; Mrs. Etha Biglin and Richard Biglin, both of Hastings; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pohl meier, of Lawrence. Members of the funeral di rectors’ fraternity who were al so present: Leo F. Seger, of At kinson, who assisted Robert Clinkscales in the arrangements; Jack Marshall, of Tilden; Mr. and Mrs. D. B Raymer, of Butte; John Mackin, of Omaha and W. O. Samuelson, of Oma ha, secretary of the Nebraska Funeral Directors’ association. Father O’Sullivan led in the rosary rite conducted at the Big lin home on Monday evening. Burial was in Calvary cemetery in the family plot. Mrs. Tex Beckwith and Mrs. Guy Beckwith, of Emmet were visitors Monday at the E. W. Kramer home. CATHERINE KOPP, 93, STUART, DIES STUART — Funeral services will be held here today (Thurs ; day) beginning at 2:30 p. m. for Mrs, Catherine Kopp, one of the oldest residents of Holt county. The rites will be con ducted in the Federated church and burial will be in the Stu art cemetary. Mrs. Kopp died Tuesday at 12:30 a. m. at the home of a son, Harry. She had been in failing health for five years and ' her advanced age contributed j to her death, doctors said Mrs Kopp had been a resident of Holt county since July 3, 1881, when she and her husband settled on a farm Southwest of here. Born May 1, ,1856 at Castle on the Rhine, France, Catherine Baehr’s mother died when she was still a youngster.' Prior to the time she came to the Unit ed States, she worked as a slave servant in the Saar basin. Dur ing 1872 she, with a girl friend, came to America and settled at Pittsburg, Pa. There she met and married Phillip Kopp on July 3, 1881. To them 10 chil dren were born. Seven died in infancy. On July 3, 1881 she with her husband and two eldest sons, Hariy and Phillip, jr., home steaded Southwest of here they ranch-farmed until 1923 when they retired and moved into town. Mr Kopp died in 1925 at | Stuait. Suiviv'ors include: son, Harry, of Stuart; daughter, Mrs. George Shu beat, of Rose «nd grand children. Phillip, jr., died when he was 38-years-old. Wednesday, February 1, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sturek, of Bea ver Valley, were guest: of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krause. M. B. Kraimer, of Albion, was a guest Monday and Tuesday Legal Notices (First pub Feb. 9, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3588 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, February 4th, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of Michael E. Mullen, Deceased. All persons interested fa said estate are hereby notified that the joint administrators of said estate has filed in this court their final report and a petition for final settlement and distri bution of the residue of said es tate; and that said report and petition will be heard March 1, i9o0, at 10 o’clock A M at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons in terested may appear and be heard concerning said final re port and the distribution of '••aid estate. LOUIS W. reimkr, ! ,n . _ County Judge. > County Court Seal) ^ J (First pub. Feb. 9, 1950) SHERIFF'S SALE v,r?ni1CVS hereby «iven that by sii?H t °f arl °rder °f SaIe r£?ri5 by the Clerk of the Kric c°urt of Holt County. Nebraska, m aa action pending in said Court wherein Harry il’ Moore, is plaintiff and T. M r nee’ aU- ^ defendants, I wiR sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebras °n. .13,tl? day of March, 1950 at 10 o clock A.M., the fol ^wing described premises in Holt County Nebraska- ^ The North Half of the South east Quarter of Section Twelve, in Township Twenty f‘x- N,°r,th’ Ran«e Eleven, West of the 6th P.M., m Holt County, Nebraska, •to satisfy the sum of $44.62 round due plaintiff and interest thereon and $50.37 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 6th day of Febru ary, 1950. \ }. A. B. HUBBARD, Sheriff of Holt County, Nebr. _ 40-44c LOWEST PRICES I Shop With Us — Our Shelves Are Always Filled With High Quality Merchandise I And Always the Lowest Possible Price IDELRICH OLEO Lb.33c GOLD HILL PEARS 2 No. 1\ Cans.55c DAVID HARUM FLOUR so*, bag $2.09 LOCKER Patrons OUR RENTAL RATES ARE NO HIGHER THAN BEFORE THE WAH. WE HAVE LOCKERS AVAILABLE NOV/. You Can Own a Locker as Low as 60c per Month Modern Freezing Equipment SEE US FOR DETAILS JUICE Oranges 5-lb bag 39c YELLOW„ LARGE SIZE Onions 3 .25c SNOWHITE Cauliflower lb 17c RED - DELICIOUS Apples bu. box... $3.19 MEATS Finest duality. Take Advantage of Our Tie-In With CUDAHY'S BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE CUDAHY'S Wicklow SLICED BACON, lb.29c BACON SQUARES, lb........... 19c CUDAHY'S Ready-To-Eat PICNICS, 4-to 6-lb. aver., lb..... 35c MINCED HAM, lb..35c SIRLOIN STEAK, Ib.ZZZ59c I SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lb. cello 29c SPRY - OR - CRISCO 3-lb. can /St Oregon - Dark - || Sweet y CHERRIES 8 2 No. 2 cans 43c I I QUAKER - QUICK - REG. OATMEAL, Ige. pkg.32c WAVY BEANS, 2-lb.ceMo.. 23c I I Yellowstone CORN 2 No. 2 cans 33c RED TRIUMPH POTATOES AT WHOLESALE PRICES Yellowstone 9 PEAS I 2 No. 2 cans 33c I PET EVAP. MILK, 3 tall cans „ 35c BETTY CROCKER Reg. Pkg. Apple Pyequick.. 37^ -- - DOT BRAND Apricots, No. 10 can 59c 25c EGGS 27C £ 25c I BRING YOUR EGGS TO OUR STORES AND RECEIVE MORE! I I DON’T FORGET WE ARE PAYING 1Per Pouiri For Unsalted - Un^roren BEEF HIDES We Also Solicit POULTRY CREAM BUSINESS BABY CHICKS REMEMBER We can save you money on your 1950 BABY CHICKS. OUR PRICES are LOWER. Chicks guaranteed. SHELHAMERI FOODS PAGE O'NEILL P^one 53 Phones £6-78 Prices Effsc’ive Thursdav-Friday-Salurday. February 9th. 10th. lllh FEED PRICES ARE COMING DOWN SOY BEAN 100-lb. sack $3.79 NUTRENA FEEDS 15% Eqg Crumbles 100 lb Print Bag _ $3.69 20% Eqg Crumbles 100 lb. Print Baq 54.19 33% Poultry Concentrate