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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
The Frontier Woman — ‘Twould Be a Better World If Busy Bodies Would Let Us L i v e Our Own Lives By BLANCHE SPANN PEASE Hs there, all you nice people! How’s every little thing at your house? Today sort of slipped away from me without any thing too much accomplished. Does that ever happen to you— a busy day — yet you seem to have nothing to show for it. It was Monday and although the big laundry wasn’t schedu led for today, there was a hand wash to be gotten out of the way. It does seem as though Blanche Spann Pease there are, quite a few garments that have to be hand washed, wool boot' sox, nylon undies, ny- | Ion hose for pa, ma. and ! jounior. It’s one of the trivial, time consum ing small tasks that everlastingly has to be done. I did a cotton blouse, too, that I wear with my blue jeans. It’s so pretty and has such fragile looking buttons that I hate to trust it to the washing machine. I bought it in a weak moment and forgot to notice that the buttons might not last as long as the shirt. It’s always the smart thing to do — to notice those things if you want to get the most for your money. Lunch came out of the re frigerator — mostly leftovers from Sunday dining. There were some baked potatoes to be skin ned and warmed in hot bacon grease, slices of pork roast, kraut, gelatin salad. And for dessert there was pineapple tapi oca cream The dessert was a {ready mix affair and I made I a double portion to save time. I I used two boxes of vanilla 1 tapioca mix made up the usual way Then fold in one small -an drained crushed pinapple. Good! Pineapple does do such de luxe things for so many dishes, makes them sort of super. 1 do like to use some of lhe ready mixes to save time and work when I'm awfully busy. White cake mix with pine apple makes an awful good pineapple upside down cake, or use pineapple rings with a ginger mix to make an up side down cake, too. Ever try baking a white cake from white cake mix and using lemon filling made from a lem on pudding mix as a filling? fit’s really very good — and the family will tell you the same thing. —tfw— Subscriptions Winners— We have two winners of three months’ subscriptions today. They are Mrs- G. L. Obcrmire, of Stuart, and the pen name signed to the other letter is "Oh Yeah.” The latter house wife is from O’Neill and she preferred not to have her name mentioned. Dear Blanche: How many times have you read in the paper that Mrs. Blank was pleasantly surprised on her birthday and you read on to the names of who were there? But what goes on? Here’s a highlight from mine which occured long about Hallow’en time. After a bountiful covered dish dinner for 30 was over and the dishes done, the S to 12 year group wanted to make jack-o-lanierns. I was told with all sincereity, ''We'U each take a paper and keep the seeds on it — then wo won't mess up the floor." Yes, each started out this way, but I would challenge any one to find the papers when they had finished. There were seeds inches deep all over the floor, which I swept up, then larefully scattered out-of-doors so I could pick up the knives and spoons which were with these But the struling faces of a dozen happy kids more than repaid me for my trouble. Needless to say, some of the jack-o-lanterns wore worried faces as well as toothy and toothless grins. Every time Billy, age 2Vfe, tried to go through the room he would slip and fall Did you ever try to walk on pumpkin seeds? It was interesting to watch them working so busily, each complimenting the other- Some working independently, others waited for suggestions, some copied, while one little girl just sat and let some one else do the work for her. Have you made any resolu tions for 1950? I think we should all resolve to write The Fron tier Woman more and better letters. This brings up a pet peeve of mine: Whenever 1 have a letter printed ladies look at me as if 1 neglected my family and home. But letter - writing and contests take the place of bridge and clubs for me. 1 don’t think I neglect my family any more than club goers. Give me an hour with a stub of a pencil and some scrap paper, and I can relax and am ready to tackle a big ironing. I say stub pencil, because that’s all that is left after my school goers are off. Everytime I get a pen, some one says: “Mam I lost my pen, may I use yours?” Of course, I say, “Yes” and hope to replace it soon. Best wishes to you and yours and all the readers. MRS. G. L. OBERMIRE Mrs Obermire, bless your heart, I have had people look at me that way, too. Grin. Now. I am of the opinion that while I aim definitely not the best housekeeper in the world — I am about average—-and I man age to do a wee mite of writ ing each week — about 10 thousand- words — and I think my family is as well fed as most. I even snitch some time now and then to read, too. I am al ways one to think — and say so, too — that each of us should be allowed to have our own hob bies. If some women want to cut up cloth and make quilts, okey, I used to love it. If some w'ant to sit and embroider, fine, I’ve seen some beauttrul pieces of work. If some folks want to spend all their moments clean ing, scrubbing and polishing, well, that’s their life and more power to them. I like reading and writing and I squeeze in time to con test when others might waste it. I have contested under the dryer, in tte car while I waited for the men, while the dinner finished cooking, and after the family has gone to bed. If folks want to listen in on a party line, okey, I say let ’em! But while they listen I can manage to get a little writ ing done. Each of us has her own life to live and this would be a better world if the busy bod ies would just let us live it. Dear Mrs Pease: Friday the 13th and you are asking for letters. With a com bination like that you’re sure to be lucky you’ll have a whole basket full. Some folks believe this to be a very unlucky day They’ll watch out for a cat crossing their path, gasp in horror if they spill the salt, go a mile around rather than walk under a ladder, and not go within shouting distance of a mirror for fear it will break. It’s beyond me how other wise normal, intelligent people ever get such ideas so firmly embedded in their minds. To me one day is no luckier or un iuckier than the next. Happen ings may make them seem so, but everyone has their joys and sorrows in life and making the besf or the worst of what comes yqur way is enMrely in the handS of the individual and has nothing to do with black cats, broken mirrors, and Friday the 13th. Enough about superstitions. I noticed in your column | you mentioned several prizes ' you have won in contests and some being electric would certain y come into their own with REA due to arrive at your door- This should make us a common bond for, like you, I have been looking for ward to the arrival of REA and, definitely, I have been bitten by the contest bug. No contest is too great or too small to send me scurrying for pen and paper and start rum- | maging through my collection | of box tops and wrappers for the qualification enclosure. My winnings have been on the min or scale but never the less they 1 are all thrilling results of my enjoyable past time. This being Friday, the 13th, I just couldn’t resist the urge to try for one of your three- i months’ subsciptions. Of course, ; that won’t make any difference at all, you see I’m not the least j bit superstitious. "OH YEAH” Well, fummadilly, that makes three of us in this issua that like to contest. I’ll bet there are a lot more who like to enter contests and who win occas ionally, too- Maybe some of them will write and tell us about it. Contesting is a game of skill that requires persistence and while is can also be hard work, it is fascinating. “Oh you lucky person you!” folks say when I win a nice RAILWAY CAR BURNS . . . The photograph (above) shows the combination baggage and mail car on the Chicago & North Western train 21 being consumed by flames. The fire oc curred about 8:10 p. m. Saturday, January 28, about 3 miles west of Spencer. The car and much of the mail were destroy ed. Four persons were hospitalized at Lynch for minor injuries. A broken rail was blamed for the accident.—Photo by Raymer Studio (Butte) through courtesy Norfolk Daily News. prize or “You just happened to win, that’s all just luck!” Can you hear Mrs. Pease .-miffing gals? If those people knew the hours of work I some irnes put in to win a pHze they wouldn’t think it was just luck! Or would they? Grin —tfw— Send Us a Letter— Now here’s a chance for all you readers to enter our Fron tier Woman contest and see if they can’t win a three-months’ subscription to The Frontier. Each week, we print two letters in The Frontier Woman and award the writers a three months’ subscription for their fforts. We like original letters, but welcome chatty letters of the household type, too, that are full of good recipes and house hold hints- Don’t write sending just a recipe, send us a couple of good ones and include three or four household hints. Send your letters to Mrs. Blanche Pease, The Frontier Woman, Atkinson, Nebr. Southfork 4-H Club Reorganizes— The 212 Southfork 4-H club melt at the Roy Backus homne Friday night, January 27, for reorganization. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Holcomb are leaders; Joellyn Backus, pesident; Eu gene Ermer, vice - president; Donald Strong, secretary; Jen nie Vee Halsey, news reporter; 4 Kenneth Backus, game leader; Joe Hoffman and Jeanene Bac kus, song leaders; Lois Strong and Marlene Ermer, to help in the year book; Jeanene Backus, historian. Six new' members were tak en in. Darold Ermer, Joe Hoff man, Bonnie Peterson, Demaris Strong, Keith Halsey and Jen nie Vee Halsey. We decided Ito t meet the Last Friday of each month The next meeting to be held at the Willie Ermer home. Gary and Gail Holcomb were absent as they were having a siege of ehickenpox. After the meeting Joe played the quiiar and sang, then we were served a nice lunch by Mrs. Backus.— By Jennie Vee Halsey, news re porter. Go To Convention— Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker and daughter, Roberta, attended a cleaners’ convention at the Fontenelfe hotel in Omaha over 9 the weekend. Saimuel Grasmick was on business in the capital building in Lincoln Wednesday, Febru ary 1 and last Thursday. NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA HEREFORD ASSOCIATIONS BOLL SALE Bassett, Nebraska SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 71 BULLS— 2 COW Watch Next Week’s Issue For List of Consignors Sandhill Sal When your neighbor wins he’s just the luckiest ever; but when the jackpot falls to you, it s just 'because you’re clever! When your husband says he wants some nourishment he doesn’t mean he doesn’t want tiie potatoes done. Never judge a woman by the cake she sends to the church sale; take a look at her upstairs bedroom. Many a man says he hasn’t much to say when he gets up to speak and then takes an hour to prove it. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jonea, Manager O'Neill » Nebraalca SifiGER SERoRE DONALD KIRSTINE... Phone 404-J • New Machines • Repairs 9 Conversions • Electrical • Vacuum Cleaners Appliances BONDED SINGER REPRESENTATIVE Located in O’Neill J McCarvilles’ W * ★ ★ C CLOTHING & SHOES ■ O’Neill Nebraska C 0 NEILL CLEANERS W Modern Dry Cleaning I Alterations & Repairs 1 PHONE 30 f For Daily Pickup and Delivery! I COYNE HARDWARE Is Headquarters For Hardware - Paints - Household Supplies Dexter Washers - Monarch Ranges O’Neill Phone 21 • Groceries * Meats # Fresh Vegetables Always Grocery Shop at Plenty of Parking West O’Neill Benefit Basketball! i SPONSORED BY O’NEILL LIONS CLUB Thursday, February 16th O'NEILL PUBLIC SCHOOL GYM. — O’NEILL, NEBRASKA — Main Event: HUHER, S. I., ACES VS. O’NEILL IRISH These two teams, under auspices of the American Legion posts in their respective cities, will gi ve sport fans an opportunity to see two fast semipro cage team s in action. Don’t miss it! Preliminary: Clearwater Town ers vs. O’Neill Irish Seconds Preliminary Starts 7:30 P.M. Main Event Starts 8:45 P.M. Admission: Adults 75c (Incl. Tax); Students: 35c (Inch Tax) BLUE ROCK SHOOT O’Neill Gun Club SUNDAY, FEB. 12 MdNTOSH JEWELRY ‘Where Price and Quality Meet" -r- O’NEILL — ELGIN — HAMILTON BULOVA WATCHES Fine Jewelry of All Types Across from the Royal FOX ICE CREAM SHOP 11 , — O’Neill — I • Cones # • Pints 3 • Quarts 9 ... and MORE! f THE APPAREL SHOP f * ‘The Shelf) of Finer Fashions” S O’Neill, Nebraska 9 ★ ★ ★ 3 Your Style Center for 5 Thrilling 1950 3 Ladies’ Fashions! If