The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 09, 1950, SECTION 1, Page 3, Image 3

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PAGE—Funeral services for
James Carman, 87, who died
Tuesday evening, January 31,
at the farm home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Ed Sterner, were held
Friday afternoon at the Page
Methodist church. Rev. T. O.
Brownfield officiated.
Burial was in the. family lot
in the Prospect Hill cemetery
at O’Neill. Pallbearers were Mi
lo Landreth, Floyd Frahin, Je
rome Allen, Roger Bowen, Ber
nard Allen, Elmer Edmisten,
Laverne VanConett and Ken
neth Wettlaufer.
Mrs. Alton Braddock, Mrs.
Ray Snell, Leonard Miller and
Edgar Stauffer sang, accompan
ied by Mrs. John Lamason. Mrs.
Hester Edmisten and Mia. Milo
Landreth had charge of the flor
al offerings.
James Carman was born
in Sangamon county. 111., and
when he was 2-years-old his
parents moved to Johnson
county. Nebr., where he grew
to manhood.
He was married to Miss Anna
McKinsey at Tecumseh on Feb
ruary 22, 1885. One daughter
was born to them.
The family moved to a farm
northeast of Page in 1911,
where Mrs. Carman died in De
cember, 1933, and where Mr.
Caiman spent the remainder of
his life. After Mrs. Carman’s
death, Mr. Carman lived with
his daughter, Mrs. Sterner.
Mr. Carman suffered a stroke
Jan. 29 from which #he failed to
Survivors include: Daughter
— Mrs. Sterner; one grand
daugnter, Mrs. Glen Stewart; 3
great-grandchildren; brother—
William Carman, of Albuquer
que, N. M.
Other Page News
The Bid-or-Bye bridge club
met with Mrs. Frank Cronk on
Wednesday aiternuon, February
1. Mrs. Robert Gray was a
guest of the club. Mrs. Gerald
Lamason was high score win
ner. Mrs. Bernard Allen won
the all-cut.
Tne Help-U club met with
Mrs. John Finch Wednesday,
February 17, for an all-day
session. A no-host dinner was
served at noon. There were 19
members present. Guests were
Mrs. Joe Asher, of Portland,
Ore.; Mis. Kate Beam, of Riv
erton, la., and Mrs. Kenneth
Heiss. Tne afternoon was spent
playing pitch. Mrs. Heiss held
high score; Mrs. Dale Waring,
low, and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser, traveling. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Roy
Waring in two weeks.
Our Neighborhood club held
its last meeting with Mrs. Alvin
Hesse. Tne afternoon was spent
doing needlework for the host
ess. This club met Wednesday,
February 8, with Mrs. Harlan
Spath. , ,
The Contract bridge club met
with Mrs. Marion Mitchell on
Thursday evening, February 2.
Mrs. Herbert Steinberg won
high score and Mrs. Meivm
Held, low.
Mrs. George F.oet was hostess
to the Just-A-Mere club Friday
afternoon with seven members
present. The afternoon was
spent doing needlework.
A group of friends surprised
Kenneth Braddock Saturday
evenmg in honor of his birthday
anniversary. The evening was
spent playmg cards.
Mr. and Mis. Harold Heiss
entertained at a dinner Wed
nesday noon, February 1, hon
oring the birthday of Mrs. Leo
nard Heiss. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Heiss, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Bon
nie, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
r rench and Richard Heiss.
Miss Audrey Braddock enter
tamed Hi guests at a party last;
week honoring Bill Hartman,
who was leaving for Omana to
enter the army. The evenmg
was spent playing games, it
lunch was served at the close
of the evenmg.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert
and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauf
ler and son, Dale, drove to At
kinson Wednesday, February 1,
wnere they attended a banquet
that evenmg honoring the 4-H
leaders of Holt county. It was
sponsored by the Atkinson Ser
vice club.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman
and daughter, of Clearwater,
were Sunday dinner guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gai
lord Albright. Mr. Albright ac
companied them to their home
where he will spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson,
Shirley and Bobbie, Mr. and
Mrs. Nels Linquist and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Sorenson
and two daughters and Mr. and
Mrs. Junior Sorenson and
daughter were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fuel
berth and daughter and Mrs.
Kate Fuelberth, of Osmond,
were supper guests Sunday eve
ning of Mr. and Mrs. Anion :\is
sen. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher
were evening guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson
went to Plainview Saturday to
visit their daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Russell Sorenson, of Creighton,
who is ill at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lov/ell
i Murphy, at Plainview. They al
so visited with their son, Rus
sell, who had come from
! Creighton. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher and
; son, Jerry, returned home last
Thursday from Los Angeles,
Calif., where they ahd spent
several weeks visiting their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Smoeck, and farm
Guests Sunday at the Emmet
Crabh home were their sons
and their wives, Mr. and Mrs
; Verle Crabb and family, of Wag
i ner, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs.
i Dorrance Crabb and family.
| Mr- and Mrs. Lawrence Ur
ban left Saturday to attend a
wedding in Wayna Sunday.
Venetian blind!. prompt
delivery, made to measure,
metal or wood, all color*—J.
M. McDonald Co.. ONeilLlltt
Mrs. Alma pby, of Ainsworth,
visited Mr*:. Raymond Eby and
family Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. William Dierks, of At
kinson, spent Saturday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs
De Groff. Mr. and Mrs. De
Groff drove her home Sunday
and spent the day there.
Complete X-Ray Equipment j
V* Block So. ot Ford Garage .
O'Neill. Nebraska
920 Acres, Mostly Pasture and Hay Land
Will be offered as a whole, or in convenient tracts to suit
the buyer, on
9 ■ CM* ^9
On the Premises. 1:30 P. M. — Located —
19 miles north and 2 Va west of Atkinson—or 15 miles north
of Stuart, on Stuart-Naper Read and then 4>/a miles east .Or
l>/2 miles east and 1 mile south of Dustin Store. Holt County.
| Nebproperty Will be Offered as a Whole—920 Acres— or m
th° 280^Acres—SV^of SW**SEtt * NEVi of SWK Se.30
33-14. All good quality pasture land, watered by Big Sandy,
which is spring fed. Lots of trees for shelter and posts.
32i Acres - W*/a of E'/a & SWV4 Sec. 29-33-14. Used as
pasture and have been haying 160 acres of it. cutting around
20 stacks of upland hay.
160 Acres—NW>/4 Sec. 25-33-14. 70 acres of farm land,
balance grass. Good feeding spot well sheltered.
160 Acres—E‘/a of NWVi & W'/a of NW'/4 Sec. 31-33-14.
Improved. Has 4 room house, small horse barn, cow barn
with 8 stanchions, hen house, small granary. Lots vatered Y
a well, pasture by spring fed creeks. 33 acres third year a
alfa. balance grass. , . .
f TERMS: 25% cash payment day of sale, ba ance Marc
? 1st. 1950, when possession will be given. Warranty deed arv
abstract furnished buyer. A long term loan can be arranged
if desired by the buyer.
For further information—or an inspection of the pr p Y
Stuart, Nebraska
ERNIE WEILER. Auctioneer
Atkinson. Nebraska
Telephone 5141, Atkinson ■
Out-of-T owners
At Manson Rites
Relatives and friends from
out-of-town who attended the
funeral of Charles Manson last
Thursday were:
John Chilton, LaVina Man
son, and Merlin Zerfing, of
Hornick, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Doud and family and Mr.
an dMrs. Grant Mott and fam
ily, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs.
G. V. Mott, of Page; Mrs. Claire
Van Hove, Miss Dolores Van
Hove, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arden
Berg, of Bristow; Mrs. Goldie
Liddy, of Lincoln; Thomas Lid
dy, of Columbus; Mrs. Elmer
Hammerlun, of Norfolk.
The rites were held at the
Methodist church, beginning at j
2 p. m. Simonson post 93, of ;
the American Legion, was in
charge of the military ritual
and Rev. V. R. Bell, church pas
tor, officiated.
Mr. Manson died Tuesday,
January 31, after an illness of
4V4 months.
WD - Ann McManus to Ann
McManus & Geneviene Mc
Manus 2-1-50 $1- Vt In*, in So
125 ft lots 17 & 18 Blk 22-O’N
WD-John E Weichman and
Cora Fern Weichman to Karl
A Weichman 2-1-50 $5000-Lots
I 15-16 & 21 Blk 4-Stuart
WD-Irene M Kirwan to Axel
Borg 1-3-50 $l-Lot 4 Blk 48
McCaffertys Add-O’N
WD-Alice E Eidenmiller-ei al
to J H Davis 12-3-49 $13,740
sev4ne4 31-swy, swy«Nwy«
32-29-11 Subj to mtg
WD-Ber'lha A Pock to James
W Galyen 9-28-49 $2750-Part
NW4SW4 33-30-14-subj to mtg
CWD-American Reserve Life
Ins Co to Joseph E Judge & wf
2-1-50 $1-E4 13-29-14
WD-Vi<Jtor C Marquardt to
John David Walker & wf
2-17-48 $275-Lot 1 Blk 4-Ewing
WD-Irene Zahradnicek Freed
to Beulah Thurlow O’Connell
& hus 1-31-50 $300-Lot 1 Blk 2
Ballons Add-Atk
QCD-Paul Head to Peter
Head 10-6-49 $1600-4 Int in
SWV4SWV4 7-NW y4N W V4-S4
NW4 18-29-15
WJAG . . . 780 on your diai.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Horner left
for their wedding trip Friday.
A. G. Johnson left Saturday
for business in Iowa.
The Wesleyan Missionary so
ciety held a work meeting at
Mrs. Carrie Borg’s home Mon
Henry Vequist and Raymond
Vequist went to Omaha on bus
iness Monday.
Fred Appleby and James Sul
livan went to Norfolk Monday
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. D- D. De
Bolt were Sunday dinner guests
at the senior Brady home.
Mrs. Grover Lange, of Atkin
son, visited Mrs. Hazel Boat
man from last Thursday until
“Voice of The Frontier” • . .
780 on your dial . . . 9:45 a. m.
three times weekly.—Mondays,
Wednesdays, Saturdays.
Miss Betty Johnson spent
Sunday in Jamieson with
Permanent Offtcee th
Hageneick Building
Phone 167
Eyet Examined . Qlaeeee FltWd
Boy Scouts of Troop 210 (O'Neill)
A Member of the Covered Wagon Council... Sponsored by O’Neill Chamber of Commerce
K John Bauld
■ Benny Ba^elman
I John Bowen
I John Brady
Rooert Carroll
P James A. Cronk
I James DeBacker
Donald Donohoe
Wayne Donohoe
Davey Eby
Fred Fetrow
Paul Fetrow
Gene Fredrickson
Robert Hynes
James Kelly
LeRoy Knepper
Robert Knepper
Ted Lindberg
Billy Lyons
Bill Malloy
Bruce McElhaney
Billy McElvain
James McKenny
Don Petersen
Dale Strong
Larry Tibbetts
Edward Tomlinson
George Tomlinson
Duane Weier
Darrell Weingartner
Paul Shelhamer
Gene Seger
LeRoy Asher
Warren Seger
Edward Gatz
Richard Gaskill
Richard Graham
Wayne Strong
Wayne Osborne
James Tomlinson
Gary Waller
Frank Fetrow
Kenneth Taylor
Richard Davis
Harold Dexter
Kenneth Fleming
James Johnson
Gerald Schmidt
James Rodman
John Smith
Richard Taylor
Jimmy McGlasson
Michael London
James La Frenz
Norman Osborne
Robert Lawrence
Skippy McKenna
Richard Kay
Jerry Wheeler
Richard Jonas
Charles Asher
Carroll Grenier
I ★ ★ ★
Boy Scout week, observed
from February 6-12 this year,
commemorates the 40th anni
versary of Boy Scouting in
Boys who are Scouts TO
DAY, make better men of
Scout troop 2 1 0, of O’Neill,
affords op»portunities for
camping, hiking, living out-of
doors. 1 n addition, summer
camps, overnight hikes, camp
orees and jamborees are af
forded O’Neill Scouts.
The O’Neill Chamber of
Commerce will send a Scout,
all exlpenses paid, to the Na
tional Boy Scout Jamboree at
Valley Forge, Pa., in July,
1950. This trip includes a 3
week sightseeing tour, a nev
er-to-be-forgotten experience.
it ★ it
Citizens of O’Neill be PROUD OS
universally beneficial—so truly American
in spirit is worth your whole hearted sup
D. R. Mounts, District Chairman
A. L. McMaster, Scoutmaster
R. A. Perry, Assistant Scoutmaster
J. R. Lyons, Assistant Scoutmaster
J. Ed Hancock, Ass t Scoutmaster
Rev. V. R. Bell, Explorer Advisor
M. E. Jacobson, Troop Committee
Chairman I
A. Neil Dawes, Committeeman
Albert H. Sipes, Committeeman
C. R. Hill, Committeeman
J. E. Davis, Committeeman
For His Home . . . For His Community
For His Nation . . . For His World
The O’Neill Boy Scout
Is Out In Front!
Phone 1 O'Neill
Invest in Young America! Get
Behind the Scouts of Troop
210 in O’Neill
The O'Neill Scouts Are Sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce
Congratulations O’Neill
_ O'Neill —
”A Scout Is Healthy”
Our Fresh Bake Goods and Balanced Mpal*
Helps Mothers Maintain A Healthful Diet For
All Members of The Family l
' M&M Bakery & Cafe
O'Neill Phone 20
Gel More
With A Spring Tuno Up |
Midwest Motor Co., Ltd.
O'Neill Phone 100
Official Distributors of Scout I
Clothing fe Shoei ^
— O'Neill — I