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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
* FOR SALE FOR SALE: About 106 tons of good bottomland hay.—Fritz ,W. Schwager, Ewing, 9 miles straight east of Chambers _ 39-40-60p FOR SALE: 6-room house, all one floor, entirely modem, very good neighborhood, can be shown by appointment.— R H. ("Ray”) Shrjner, O’ Neill, phone 106. 40c $1 ~ NURSERY - $1 SPECIALS Shipped PREPAID Anywhere 100 Senator Dunlap Straw berry plants 1.00 100 Chinese Elm Seedlings, 6/12 inch 1.00 25 Asparagus-Paradise, rust proof -1.00 $2 00 PREPAID Specials 3-APPLE TREES- 7/8 inch caliper, all varieties 2.00 3 - Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart 2.00 Complete stock of Seedlings, Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Perennials. Compare prices. Write for price list. Roselawn Nurseries COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 1 40 & 43c FOR SALE: Town house to be removed from present loca tion; modern without heat— wrr*e: Box S, c-o The Fron tier. 39tf. FOR SALE: Used 1947 Inter national CrawleT TD9 trac tor. completely overhauled, with starter and lights, belt pulley.—Keating Implement Co., Atkinson, Nebr. 39-40 FOR SALE: Tombo Band Har monica, key of “C”, $1.75, regularly $2.50. — McIntosh’s Jewelry, O’Neill. 39-41c FOlTsALE OR TRADE: 1946 John Deere model H with starter and lights, and power cultivator. — E. W. Reed, Spencer. 40-4 lp85 FOR SALE: House, 7 rooms all on one floor. Oil heat, electric hot water heater, fully insul ated, South front. A real home for some one. — R. R. TRay”) Shrinar, O’Neill, phone 106. 40c FOR SALE: 1946 Pontiac sedan coupe; 1936 4-door Plymouth: 1936 Ford tudor; 1939 Chevro let 2-door; 1947 4-door deluxe Chevrolet.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 39c FOR SALE: Montgomery Ward 1,500-watt farm light plant Used one year- In perfect con dition. — See or write Wm. Waterman. Plainview, Nebr. 36-39c lk)R SALE: A 160-acre farm, 5Vi miles from town, REA, on mail route. $75.00 per acre.— Paul Senseney, Brunswick. Nebr. 40c50 FOR SALE: Spring expansion watch bands, 50c.—McIntosh’s Jewelry, O’Neill. 39-41c Eor Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE See: L G. GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O’NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. FOR SALE: I have listed for $5,800 a home that will be tailor made for someone. It features 6 rooms, gas heat, basement (full), bath, sewer connections, all redecorated and renovated. Inquire: R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O'Neill, phone 106 40c AUTO OWNERS F YOU WANT cheaper inaur- j ance let me know. I can write it for you! GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: A locker plant and grocery, new building, 236 boxes, priced low, terms. -- Paul Senseney, Brunswick, Nebr. 40c50 FOR SALE: All prices and sizes of new and used West inghouse, Norge, and Servel gas refrigerators, 110- and 32 volt. '.Ve deliver the goods. Write for price and models. — Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview, Nebr. 45tf FOR SALE: Improved 120 acre farm, two and one-half miles South of O’Neill, Neb. Geo. C. Robertson O’Neill Nebr. 14tf FOR SALE: I have a number of nice home and building lots available.—R H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. - 24tf FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet sv dan, has good tires, new bat tery, runs good. Will sell cheap.—See at Midwest Furn. & Appl , O’Neill. 40nc FOR SALE: 1947 Model EGT Mack truck, 3 ton, 145 inch wheelbase, Mona shift, 10 - speed transmission, good rub ber size 10:00 x 20 Ready for use. Priced reasonable.—Str mgfellow Service Station, Oakdale, Nebr, Phone 3. 39-40c FARM FOR SALE $5,600 SPECIAL Improved 160 acres Ms mile West of Walnut on gravel road and electricity past the farm. 40 acres cultivated, balance pas ture. March possession. BYRON REED CO. 2nd Floor, Farnam Bldg., O mnha 2, Nebr. 39-40c FOR SALE: Purebred Angus bull. — Louis Vitt, O’Neill. 38-41c FOR SALE: Available IHC No 9 and trail mowers. New Idea and Lundell power mowers.— Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview, Nebr. 6tf PARTS AND SERVICE for Schick. Sunbeam and Rem ington electric razors.—Gilles UL 26t FOR SALE: Adjustable radiator winterfronts for '49 and ’50 Fords For your comfort and protection. — Lohaus Motor Co., O’Neill. 39-42c mom MASTER MU jMi a. a. M A- ___ . . YOU WON’T BELIEVE YOUR EYES ...WE DIDN'T EITHER! •hr The First Time Ever PROTECTIVE CURB GUARD Your whitewalls are from >11 grinding, curb scuff «d abrasion. •Nr The First Time Ever EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS —To maintain tba spot iaas b»uty ad your tuaa. •For Tho First Tlmo Ivor TRIFLE TRACTION TREAD To nweep. bit* and bold in all weather in all traaona, ■rm/er and eununer. •For Tho First Thno Ever 3 FULL LEVELS OF SAFETY -Th* rr-teat power in hiatory wUh up te M% ■are ante mile* PRESENT VALUE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES! MIDWEST MOTOR CO., LTD. O’Neill Phone 100 FOR SALE: 480 acres, good im provements, close to O’Neill, Spring possession. More land adjoining can be had in 1951. — Alma Drayton, Orchard. 38tf. FOR SALE: 110-volt 1,000-watt alternation light plant, $225. One 32 - volt Delco, $70. — Plainview Farm Equipment Co. 4tf MACHINERY FOR SALE A full line of Massey-Harris farm machinery. Combines: 7-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-foot. Tractors all sizes — Plows — Listers - Manure Spreaders Mowers — Drills — Culti vators, Etc. New 1950 Kaiser-Frazer Cars New 1950 Willys Jeeps—Pick ups — Station Wagons. Used Willys Jeeps. 4 Wheel Drive Willys Pickups Used Cars and Tractors. Our prices are low. We trade. It will pay you to see us be fore you buy. We carry the largest stock of parts in North Nebraska for Kaiser-Frazer Cars — Willys Jeeps — Pickups — Massey Harris Farm Machinery. I Outlaw Impl. Co. Phone 373 O’Neill, Nebr. 40-41c | FOR SALE: 32-volt wind charg er with 35-foot tower, in good condition. Contact—John F. Storjohann, O’Neill, phone 455-J. 40-50p MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Fairbanks-Morse 110-volt, 3,000-watt light plant, in A-l condition.—Mark Mutf, 1 block west and 1 south of the state garage in West O' Neill. 40-42p80 HOG PRODUCERS . . . appreciate your support in buying more pork and lard. Keep up the good work and encourage breeders. — Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la To Car and Truck OWNERS WE ARE VALUING cars., trucks and trailers, using val uations prepared by the State Tax Commissioner for 1950. Come in and check your valuation and prevent a pos sible error, where the vehicle can not be properly identifi L. G. GILLESPIE Holt County Assessor 40-4lc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NOTICE: We are, at this time, offering an opportunity to reliable men and women, any age, to do longhand writing or typing, in their own homes. Earn mgs in excess of $20.00 a week, may be made, i n spare time only. This work consists of compiling names and addresses for national and international direct sell ing mail order dealers. Send $2.00 to cover our cost of handing, and we will send you, by return mail, com plete details and immediate working data. Your satisfac tion guaranteed or your mon ey refunded, upon the return of our material. — WYNN MAIL SERVICE, 1009 Coral Street, Tampa 3, Fla. 39-42c GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’NeiU. SEWING MACHINE S E R VICE: We repair all makes, free estimates on repair, re buildjng. electrifying. We have a complete line of new and rebuilt machines for sale. — Midwest Furn. St Appl. Co , O’Neill. 26tf Long Term 4% Federal Land Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass'n. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. 8tf HUNT ’ S PLUMBING St HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399; O’Neill 43ctf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Call or see: ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’NeiU Insurance of All Kinds WANTED —— __ STEADY HOUSEWORK WANTED HELEN SCHRADER Atkinson, Nebr. 40p55 FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have our price. Be sale. Have your wiring installed by our skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures for a complete job. All ma terial and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs Kelvinator Appliances CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC Spencer, Nebr. 29 tf WANTED TO BUY: Alfalfa, sweet clover and grass seeds. —Don O. Lyons, O’Neill, Ph. 421. 13tf WANTED: Burlap bags. We al low 5c each in trade for stan dard size burlap pags that are free from holes. No salt or other small bags taken. All bags must be in rolls of 20 each and well tied. They may be taken to either the hatch ery or the farm store.—JIM CORKLE, O’Neill. 38-41c | LOST: Ladies’ white shoe ice) skate, size 6, near the Sand wich Shop in O’Neill, Tues day, January 31. Reward for return. — Roy Lowry. O’- ; Neill. ' 40p50 | L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds , of automobile, truck and trac tor repair Acetylene weld ing. — O’NEILL — WANTED: Good, clean cotton rags without buttons. — The Frontier, O’Neill. 39c * Thursday STAR Specials! * HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone * a real moneysaving bargain for rhursday shoppers in O’Neill.' Tune in to the “Voice of TTie Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of I Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! • - 3 Registered Herefords Bulls • S. E. (Ed) Dexter, of Amelia, has consigned 3 »«gislered Hereford bulls for the sale today (Thursday). In addition, 8 extra good Black Angus slock cows that will calve in April have already been consigned for the sale. • There are also several consignments of stock cows along with good feeder steers and heifers. • The managers of the O'Neill Livestock Market will start the sale at 12:30 p.m. with the hog run. This is earlier than usual—a new schedule. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET LEIGH 8c VERNE REYNOLDSON. Managers (Formerly Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.) Phone 2 O’NeilP ^»»iiiiiiiiiiiiiuii,,i,niiinumm::iniiniimmmniiiuiiinmmutKo4[ * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * I 1941 HUDSON — AS IS — § $150 2-DOOR SEDAN § M • South Wind Gas Heater • Defrosters 11 • Good Radio | • Sealbeam Headlights • 2 New Tires | 1 LOHAUS MOTOR CO. f °’Neil1 Phone 16 | ■ ^ ttJTOmpmaaiwmmaaaatmwaacaaOTJaammmaK:::: T I * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * I __ I I Used Singer ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE j • Beautiful Walnut Console Case • You Can’t Tell It From a New One; | • 5-Year Written Guarantee THURSDAY ONLY | $139.50 ] Compare Prices and Save Dollers At | MIDWEST TURN. & APPL. I West O’Neill Phone 346-J | •• tmci^m«tOT«ca»»mmmmm;nmin»iiiH»iiiiiiiH»i»Hi^ •ft - THURSDAY’S STAR SPECIAL j EVERT ATTIC has its white ele- j phants. It may be a white ele phant to you but a good buy to someone else I | THURSDAY ONLY you can order a For Sale, Swap or T r a d e classified ad in The Frontier and receive an extra insertion without charge. OFF ER IS GOOD for transactions made on Thursday, February 9, only, and cash must accompany order for first insertion. FOR BRIGGS & Stratton ser vice and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41 tf. JAMES G. FREDRICKSON — AUCTIONEER — Ready to Serve You Phone 207-J O’Neill HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf ' COKER’S LOCKERS West O’Neill Locker patrons save money with handy, economical sharp-freeze and storage , ASK US FOR DETAILS CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted she Her, 1,500 bu. hour capac ity. Make arrangements for your shelling with K- C. Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping Service, phone 289, O’Neill. I 50tf. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SERVICE We have a new "Bear” wheel; alignment machine. Also wheel balancing mach ine. For all makes of cars. Also car-truck . tractor re pairing of all kinds. 3 factory trained mechanics. Good work, reasonable prices. Phone 373, Harry Sullivan for appointments. OUTLAW IMPL. CO. West O’Neill SEE ME FOR assistance in filing , your income tax return. Prompt, courteous, confiden- 1 tial service.—R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 39-40c REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire, all work guaranteed. — CHAS. CHAMBERS, O’Neill, phone 247-R. 40tf Bethany Aid to Pm chase Chairs— On Wednesday, February 1, the Bethany Ladies Aid met at I the Fred Tucker home. Twenty two ladies and six children were present. Mrs. Leonard Peterson, vice president, had charge of the meeting. The group sang “Bles sed ’Assurance” and Mrs. Jim Gibson read the 23d Psalm. It was decided that the Aid buy folding chairs for the church to be used also for Aid meet ings, etc. iThe dinner fund from the last ! Aid meeting which was $8-20, j was given to the March of Dimes. After the meeting Miss Sny der opened her many lovely | gifts.—By Mrs. Bob P. Sum merer, reporter, Martha C® mm unity Club To Meet February 18— Martha Community club held its monthly card party Friday evening, February 3. Wayne Hoffman and Rose Chipps re received high scores; Mark Gribble and Vera Krause, low in pinochle; Ed Pavil, high, and Arthur Urban, low, in pitch. Next meeting will be Febur aiy 17. Carl Lambert, Jim Gib son and Lawrence Chipps are in charge of the program. Lunch will be sandwiches^ pie and coffee. Everyone is wel come. j Storjohanns Move To O'Neill— Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stor | johann, formerly of the Phoenix community, Saturday moved in to their recently completed new home in O’Neill. Mr. Storjohn, well known Holt county randi er, will continue to operate his ranch in the Phoenix ccmmuai- < ty • .1 — - Need printing done? Prompt deliveries . . . The Frontier, adv. GILLIGAN & STOUT The Druggists" OPEN EVENINGS O’Neill Phone 252-W • - 1 ' " - ■ ---. < FOR HER VALENTINE j| Heart-Shaped Boxes of PANGBURNS “The Candy Delicious” ^ SEASONABLE FARM INSECTICIDES Goodbye Cattle Grubs! ( attle Grubs Are Easy to Kill With • Rotrate and • Dustox 25% active inqredients including 5% Rotenene and Derris Resins. Use 5 to 7 pounds Rotrate to 100 qallons of water. A wettinq aqent is added which causes it to wet the hide and kills the grub easily. ROTRATE Wettable Powder 3 lbs. ... $1.95 DUSTOX Can be used as a dry dusting powder or wet 1-lb. Can_59c BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE F°r Control of Sarcoptic Mange and Blue Lice. 1-lb. Jar_ 98c We Give S & H Green Stamps