--22 RECORDED DURING WEEK Temp Varies 71 Degrees; City Water Pipes Freeze O'Neill and Holt county res ( Mints this week bundled into | ibi r warmest winter clothing | because the coldest seige of i winter had struck. The sharpest drop in temp cratures during the sea son came Satuday about noon. During the morning tempera ture* stood at a balmy, spring jgfc/ 49 degrees. About 11 a. m. m cold front aided by strong winds moved in from the worth, the mercury tumbled atari in little over two hours the temperature was zero Lowest temperature recorded that night w&s -12 There was a variance of 71 degrees throughout the week. JLowest reading recorded was ~J3 on Thursday, January 27, and the highest was posted on fwturday morning a*. 49 The cold reached the water ■pipe level in O’Neill on Tues day. According to Mayor H. E Coyne, the city received 12 rails for aid in thawing muni cipal water pipes leading to residences. One property own •«r was said to have 12 homes with frozen water systems. Coyne said the city pressed into action a special portable brat generating unit mounted on a truck to aid in relieving 4t« situation. Heat from the unit is forced into the water mam nearest the home where pipes are frozen. Late Wednes day Mayor Coyne said that two frozen water mains had been thawed out using this method Ten hundredths of an inch of snow fell during"the week. This week’s temperature reading, based on 24 hour per iods ending at 8 a m daily, follows: DATE Hi Lo Preen. January 26 -5 -22 .06 . January 27 6 -22 January 28 1 35 9 January 29 49 -12 January 30 10 -12 .02 January 31 .. 10 -7 02 February l — 15 -7 Emery Peterson Burial At Inman INMAN — Body of Emery I Peterson, 50, was laid to rest | Saturday in the Ininan ceme- ( tery following brief funeral | rites in Biglin Bros, funeral flume. The late Mr. Peterson died Friday, January 20, at 6:45 p m. in Good Samaritan hospi flai in Portland Ore. An em ployee of the Van Fleet Mills at Rani or, Wash., he suffered iat.il burns three days before when his car caught afire. Fumes penetiuting lus lungs •were attributed to the cause of fee; death. Mr. Pd.erson’s widow, Mary, .accompanied the body to O’ Neill for final rites. Pallbearers were Paul Bit ntT, Karl Keyes, William Kel ly, Bert WincheU, Harry Sulli- I van and Fred Moore. The late Mr. Peterson was born in Inman, a son of Rev. ana Mrs. Micnael Peterson. He was employed as a state highway department m e chanic for several years and operated afa automotive re pair shop at Ainsworth until 1348. He leaves widow, Mary; fos ter sister— Mrs. Roland Har ris, of Quillian, Calif.; 2 neph ews and 1 niece. Among those from out-of town present for the funeral were: Mrs. William Swinck, Ray Conard and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Marshall, all of Neligh; lfrs. Anna Jones, of Norfolk; Fred Richardsn and son, Wil liam, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakr aewski Monday attended the Clarence Shaw funeral at Ew ing. Frontior for printing! I ■" g PLEASE NOTICE A | Due to the death oH Charles Manson . . . we will be clos ed from I to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, i February 2. LOHAUS MOTOR CO. * -I--. - ----- ----- - SICK & 1TSJLKKD O'NEILL — Robert Nicholas, high.school speech and dramatic instructor, was ill last Thursday and Fridav with a light pneu ds . Mrs. Henry , ; Mills, w ho was Mui a Ki ash, formerly of O' D Mrs 15c*t.ms suffered a brok en leg in November and has been hospitalized since , , . Miss Jane FroeJicli was operated on in St Catherine's hospital in Omaha Monday. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Froeheh, left Sunday to be with her . , Mrs. Dale Buckmaster has been taking care of her mother, Mrs. Frank Hill, of Neligh, for the past four w'eeks Mr. Buckmas ter’s mother, Mrs. Lizzie Buck master, is taking care of the Buckmaster children Beryl Gerdes was in the Veterans hos pital in Lincoln for a checkup during the weekend . . Mrs. Loren A Nelson left Tuesday, January 24, for a checkup m Immanuel hospital in Omaha . James M. Corkle and daugh ter, Miss Rosemary, went to St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha last Thursday, where they visited Mr. Corkle’s mother, Mrs. Mary E. Corkle, of Tilden, who “is im ii.uving.” They returned Satur day . . John C Gallagher, who suffered a heart attack recently, is able to sit up now “Grand pa” Wytaske is “a Little strong er" . . Mrs.. Gene Wplfe and infant daughter returned Sat urday from Our Lady of gourdes hospital in Norfolk . . Mr and Mrs. Leo Tomjack and Miss Florence Ponton visited A. E. Ponton in Ewing Mr. Ponton has “the flu” . • . Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka was called Friday to Redlield, S. D., by the Matas of her father, John Sell Baby Joyce Ann Janzing, 16 rnionths old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Herman Janzjng, has been ill PAGE — While Emmett Thompson was in the partly Iloored attic at his home North west of Page he accidently step peed off the flooring and broke Jirough the ceiling and receiv ed very severebruises . . Mrs. liarry Park dove to Norfok Tuesday, January 24, to bring Mr. Park home from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital where he had submitted to an operation. Mrs. Gailord Albright and Mrs. Robert Stevens accompanied Mrs. Park to Norfolk. Mrs. Har old Kelly accompanied tnem as far as Tilden where she visited at the Charley Kelly home until their return . , . Friends at r’age have learned that Mrs. Ithoda Decker, of Norfolk, is quite til” in Uur Lady oi Lourdes hospital. The Decker laimly lived al Page many years ago. Wniie here they operated u hotel . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joint oluutfer, sr., Edgar Stauifer and mi... Harry Tegeler drove to bioux City Fnouy where John btaulioi entered the Methodist ospual. Edgar btauifei ana Mrs. Tegeler returned to Page. Mrs. Stauifer remained in toe city to be witu her husband, oaiuiday morning Mr. Staulnr ..uumitleu to a major operation . . . Mr. and Mrs. Laurence May lies and Loiuta, ol O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. P- E. Nissen, oi Page, drove to bioux City Monday where Mr. Nissen went or a medical checkup, ills con dition is reported "good ' . . airs. Myrtle Coon was in Page Monday for the first time since site tell and fractured her arm last tall. After leaving the hos pital she has been staying at uie home of her son-in-law and .aughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey bpangler, where she will con tinue to stay. Mrs. Spangler, who has been suffering witn a severe attack of arthritis for several weeks, is able to walk around the house. CHAMBERS — Al Deirking sufiered a heart attack Friday and was taken to the O’Neill hospital. He is reported "im proving” . . . Henry Walter, and children drove to Norfolk on Wednesday, January 2i», and Saturday to visit Mrs. Walter at the Lutheran hospital. Other visitors were Mrs. C. V- Rob ertson and Mrs. E. It. Carpen ter . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spath, Mrs. Cleo Aldvrson and Mrs. S. Snavlik were in Norfolk Saturday to visit Mrs. Spath’s father, Dr. J. W. Gill, at the Lutheran hospital- They report the doctor’s condition as "good”. DELOIT — Bill Sehi was able to return tiome Saturday from a hospital. He submitted to an operation at Norfolk a week ago . . . Mrs. Sylvester Ven ‘.eicher and her new son, Jerry Joe, came home Wednesday January 25, from a Norfolk hos pital. AMELIA — Mrs. Vern Sag i eser is recovering from a fal which she received recently .. Henry Travers became ill while on a trip to Corpus Christi Tex. Lee Sammons and Mr Travers both returned t< Amelia. BUTTE — William Pod an j sprained his right wrist las’ Thursday while cranking hi; tractor. He was in O’Neill Fri day for medica attention. Mr Podarvy moved last week fron Redbird to Butte, where he pur chased a farm recently. WJAG . . . 780 on your dial ATKINaON - Mr and Mr* Jarol Raymer wer^ in Omaha ast week where Mr. Raymer ad a medical “checkup ” From Jmaha they journeyed to Lin .•oln for a visit with friends . . . .i.rs Edward Rios was in Oma ia last week for medical ( checkup" . . . Mr. and Mrs. J R. Dickerson recently returned .com Lincoln where tney had >- en spending some time with ■ their son, Eugene, who under went major surgery Wednesday, January 25. Eugene is reported ( to be “doing fine.” Future Subscribers FOCKEN — Mr and Mrs. Clarence Focken, of Atkinson, twin sons, weighing 6Vfe and 6 f pounds, bom Monday, Janu- j ary 30, at the Barrett nursing j home in Atkinson. Besides the . twins the Fockens have four sons and three daughters. COLE—Mr. and Mis. Robert Cole, of Emmet, a son, John Ar thur, born Wednesday, January 25, at Atkinson. Mrs. Cole is the former Donna HumpaL aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Humpal, of Atkinson Mr. Cole is the son of Mr and Mrs. Guy Cole, of Emmet. POFF—Mr and Mrs. William Poff, of Boise, Ida , a son, Alan la. den, weighing four pounds iHJin Tuesday, January 17, at Boise. Mrs. Poff is the former Betty Lou Aim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Aim Dus the couple’s first child. ROTHCHILD—Mr. and Mrs. Garold Rothchild, of Atkinson, a daughter, Cheryl Ann, weigh- j ing 11 pounds and 2 ounces, born Friday, January 27, at a Bassett hospital. WALTER—Mr. and Mrs. Mar- ( tin Walter, of O’Neill, a daugh- ( ter, Sharon Kay, weighing 10}* pounds, born Sunday, January 22. This is the couple’s second hild. Mrs. Walter is the daugh ter of Mrs. Ed Olson. DOOLITTLE — Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Doolittle, of Amelia, a sion, born Thursday, January 2t>, at Scottsbluff. Mrs. Doolit- ; tie has been with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Will Dierks. RAYMER — Mr. and Mrs. i Claude Raymer, of Atkinson, a j in, Harold Allen, weighing 8 j pounds, born at Atkinson Thurs ay, January 20. Mrs. Raymer was Marguerite Nansel. FIX—Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix, l' Scottsbluff, a son, Gaylen Frank, weighing 9 pounds, born Friday, January 27, at Atkinson. Mrs. Fix is the former Myrtha Prewitt. She went to the home ,f her husband's parents in wnelia on Monday, January 30. ROCKFORD—Mr. and Mrs. Alton Rockford, of Butte, a laughter, Betty Rae, weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, January 27, at Atkinson. Mrs. Rockford was Mae Scott. ADAMS—Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Adams, of Seattle, Wash, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds b | lunces, born Wednesday, Janu ary 25, at Seattle. Mrs. Adams | was Evelyn Elder, formerly of Atkinson. This is their first child. BURIVAL—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burival, of O’Neill, a daughter, Marilyn Joan, weighing seven pounds four ounces, born 11 i day, January 27, at the O’Neill hospital. HARMON — Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harmon, of O’Neill, a on, Gary Dean, weighing eight pounds, born Saturday, January Id at the O’Neill hospital. RICHARDS — Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Richards, of Emmet, a daughter, Benita Rae, weighing G pounds 14 ounces, oorn Mon day, January 30, at the O’Neill hospital WILLIAMSON — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson, of O’ Neill, a daughter, weighing six pounds eight ounces, born Mon day, January 30, at the O’Neill hospital. OSBORN — Mr. and Mrs. Herman Osborn, of O’Neill, a laughter, Beverly Ann, born Tuesday, January 31, at the O’ Neill hospital. Mrs. Frank Darr Dies at Spencer PAGE — Relatives here re ceived word of the dehth of Mrs. Frank Darr, of Spencer. She died Wednesday, January 25, following a leg fracture sustain ed on Saturday, January 21. Funeral services were held Saturday at Spencer. Burial was n Scottville cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Darr had lived here prior to moving to Spen cer. Mrs. James Carson, of Page, is a niece. To Visit in Iowa— Horny Krier left early today ; (Thursday) for a two-wectks* ' | visit in Iowa with his sister, ! Mrs. Julia Hinze, at Hamburg. I and brother-in-law, James O 1 Donnell, at Riverton Mr. Kri er fell from a wagonload of hay about seven weeks ago and has not been too active during ; j recent weeks. MEMBERSHIP DUE Commander Gordon O. Har 1 j per, of Simonson post 93 of the American Legion, said Wednes day that 1950 Legion member ships are now due. The dues is ! $3.25 per year. 3 incumbents File For Rejection Filings for the coming August primary elect r swelled to 16 this week. Four more have posted their fees with the Holt county clerk They are Ruth Hoffman, of O'Neill, in cum bent, for county clerk, Re publican ticket, Monday, Janu ary 30 Ira H Moss of O’Neill, incum bent, for clerk of the district court, Republican ticket, Mon day, January 30. J. Ed Hancock, of O'NeilL, in cumbent, for county treasurer, Republican ticket, Monday, Jan uary 30 The latest filing for the much- ' sought county sheriffs post is Thomas J Davis of Inman. He 1 filed Friday. January 27, on the Democratic ticket Here is the lineup todate on all primary election filings: For state legislature (28th district): Frank Nelson, of O’ Neill, incumbent; Fred J. Jung man, of Atkinson, Norris W. Coats, of Stuart For county assessor: L. G. Gillespie, of O'Neill. Republican incumbent, Joe Winkler, of Em met, Republican; Thomas Sulli van, of O’Neill, Democrat; Gor don O Harper, A O’Neill, Dem ocrat, For county sheriff. Laurence Haynes, of O’Neill, Republican, I Lawrence Hamik, of Stuart, Re publican, Ben Oetter, of O’Neill, Republican John Kersenbrock I of O’Neill, Democrat For county attorney William W Griffin, of O’Neill, incum | bent, Republican O’Neill Polio Drive Nets $1,500 As the annual March of Dimes fund-raising drive ended Tues day, Mrs. M. E. Jacobson, O’ Neill director, said the total funds raised here would amount to about $1,500 Results from other parts of the county were not available. Holt county’s quota is fivd thousand-doilars Mrs Jacobson said she was pleased with the generous sup port of individuals, schools and organizations aiding in the 15 day drive. Organizations making contri butions were Boy and Girl Scouts; Simonson post 93 of the American Legion and its auxili ary; Lions club; Starlight, Gold en Rod and Elkhorn valley ex tension clubs, Royal theater, St. .Mary’s academy and the O’Neill public school faculty, students md pep clubs, O’Neill gun club; Parent - Teachers’ association; Tom Tom cafe; the businessmen and town people J. A. CARMAN, 87, PAGE MAN, DIES ( ame to Holt County in 1911; Had Farmed During Life PAGB— James A Carman, 87. a resident of this community for the past 39 years, died late Tuesday night at the home of ms daughter, Mrs Edward Sterner, here. Carman suffered a stroke Sat urday night which later proved atal Funeral services will be held Friday, February 3, from the Methodist church here begin ning at 2 p m Rev T O. Brownfield will conduct the rites. Burial will be in Prospect Hill cemetery at O'Neill Born January 1, 1863, at Springfield, 111.. he, with his parents, moved t o Johnson county at the age of two. On February 23, 1885, he was married to Anna McKinsey at Teeumseh and to them a daugh ter, Carrie, was born During 1911 they moved to Holt county and settled in this community. They farmed seven miles north east of here. Carman had retir ed from active farming a num ber of years ago. Mrs. Carman led December 20, 1933. 4 Survivors include daughter —Mrs Edward (Carrie) Stern r, of Page; a granddaughter, drs. Glen Stewart, and two grandchildren; a brother — William of Albuquerque. N M. % ONeillites Gradualed from U of N— Among the students gradu- ( ating from the University of • Nebraska at midyear com mencement exercises Saturday were three Holt countyans. De gres were conferred on Louis Reimer, jr., son of County Judge and Mrs. Louis Reimer, of O’Neill, Edward F Quinn, of O’Neill, and Wayne W. HLckock, of Atkinson. Quinn received a bachelor of science degree in civil engi neering. Reimer received a bachelor of science degree in agriculture. Hickock’s degree was a bachelor of science in mechancal engineering. -r- 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: About 100 tons of good bottomland hay.—Fritz W. Schwager, Ewing, 9 miles straight east of Chambers 39-4O-60p FOR SALE: Used 1947 Inter national Crawler TD9 trac tor completely overhauled, with starter and lights, belt pulley.—Keating Implement Co., Atkinson, Nebr. 39-40 I STOP - SHOP - SAVE I I BE THRIFTY ■ GET A llfADTU WITH THESE I BIGGER OS WUKln LOW PRICES I - - ___- - --——i—n——— V AT OUR SNACK BAR HOME MADE Chili HOME MADE Chicken Noodle Soup VAN CAMP Pork & Beans, 2 No. 2| Cans 45c | Red Triumph s Locker Patrons Try Our Low Price Lockers We Guarantee All Of Our Work Come In And Ask Us For Details Yellowstone 2 No. 2'/a Cans ? t^fTOTS Caches 53c I GREEN PASCAL CELERY, tb 10c LARGE NAVEL g!&KSES, Lb.10c RED DELICIOUS EPPLES. 2M 23c MOTHER’S BEST FLOOR 50-lb. Bag S3.2S wv m ROASTING PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY OHICKEMS. U» 39c BACON SCUfiRES^n>.19c WILSON'S SLICED Bacon, U>.22c II FRESH - SOLID 4-ID. iKg. BEEF I BUTflBflCOS, lb. 5c Macaroni 29c BRAINS, 5-lb. pail 49c RARE TREAT PEAS 2 No. 2 Cans ' 1 1 Heinz - Tomato Ketchup Me 23c - - - - —- ■ RARE TREAT Cream Golden CORN . 2 No. 2 Cans 23 c DOT BRAND Apricots, No. 10 can 59c ROYAL * ASSORTED Puddings, 3 reg.pkgs. 19c BLUE BARREL SOAP, 2-lb. bars.23c Spaghetti, 2-lb. pkg. 29c CRUSHED Pineapple, No. 10 can 99c Clorox, Qt. bottle.17c 11 SUNSHINE Crackers, 2-lb. box.. 45c CURTISS Marshmallows, 10-oz. 15c Shina-Dish, Reg, pkg. 25c || A f\\T Our 1950 Price On Baby J l\ §-C Chicks Has Been Greatly fc r\ I I I Reduced. See Us Before Placing Your Order I LOWER FEED PRICES NUTRENA 15% EGG CRUMBLES 100-lb. Print 3.79 20% EGG CRUMBLES 100-lb. Print 4.29 33% PLTRY CONCENTRATE with oil 100-lb. Bag 5.39 Usual Quantity Discount CASH FOR EGGS 25c PER DOZEN 25c k'aaBHHMMNBBIBHMnHHNECMnntf Shelhamer Foods PAGE — O’NEILL PHONE S3 PHONES S67S Prices Effective Thurs.-FrL-Sat., February 2-3-4 HIGHEST MARKET FOR CREAM P0!l .TRY RISES We Can Pay 13c Per Pound FOR UNSALTED. UNFROZEN HIDES This Price Subject To Market Change