ft. Lesal Notices (First pub. Jan. 19, 1950) John R. Gallagher, Attorney LEGAL NOTICE To: Louise Knapp, Edna Price, Helen Crumb Bacus, Robert Crumb, Earl Crumb, Pearl Crumb Benesch, Albert . Crumb, Oscar Crumb, Mar * guerite Crumb, Nellie Crumb, Ome Hood, James F. Hood, Is abel Hood Obennire, Lucille Hood Young, Minnie Hood Rempter, Harry Hood, Delbert Hood, John Hood, Sarah Hood Stroh, Christina Hood Lennin gar, Edwin Hood, Margaret Knapp, and, All Persons Hav ing or Claiming any Interest in the South Half of the South east Quarter and South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 26 in Township 33, North. Range 13, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, Real Names Unknown, Defendants. , You will take notice that on the 11th day of January, 1950, Ellen Pecena, as Plaintiff, filed and commenced a n action against you and others in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and pray er of which is to determine the owners of the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter and South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, in Township 33, North, Range 13, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska; to determine and decree the interest and shares' of the own ers therein, and to quiet the ti tle of such owners, and for a 4 partition of and division of the property according to the rights of the respective owners thereof, or if the same cannot be divided and partitioned without depreciation of the value of the respective shares, that said premises may be or dered sold and the proceeds thereof be divided between the respective owners thereof ac cording to their shares there in. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of Februmy, 1950, otherwise the allegations thereof will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you accordingly. v ELLEN PECENA 37-40c Plaintiff. (First pub. Jan. 12, 1950) SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the Distrct Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein John G. Hoffman, is plaintiff and F. C. Hoffman, et al., are defendants, I will to sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 13th day of February, 1950 at 10 o’clock A.M., the following des cribed premises in Holt Coun ty, Nebraska: . Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in ' Block 4, in Page, Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $168.58 found due plaintff and interest thereon and $68.75 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 5th day of Janu ary, 1950. A. B HUBBARD, Sheriff of Holt County, 36-40c Nebraska. LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Jan. 19, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3322 In the County Court of Holt * County, Nebraska, January 18th, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas J. Griffin, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard February 8th, 1950, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons in terested may appear and be heard concerning said final re A port and the distribution of said * estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge, j (County Court Seal) 37-39 j O’NEILL TRANSFER John Turner, Prop. ★ p Daily Trips Omaha to O’Neill O’Neill to Omaha Irregular Trips O’Neill to All Nebraska Points ★ Telephones: O’NEILL—241-J OMAHA—JAckson 3727 ★ Your Patronage Appreciated --—1 * (First pub. Feb. 2, 1950) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRAS KA. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN, ADMINISTRA TOR OF THE ESTATE OF LAMBERT KERBEL, DE CEASED, FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Notce is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Hon orable D. R. Mounts, Judge of the District Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, made on the 26th day of January, 1950, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described real estate to-wit: Lot Eleven except the South 25 feet thereof, and all of Lot Twelve, in Block Two, Orig inal Town of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska, Said sale to take place on the 24th day of February, 1950, at the hour of ton o’clock a.m at the front door of the courthouse in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. Terms of sale: 20% down pay ment with bid, balance in cash upon confirmation of sale. Prop erty to be sold subject to liens and encumbrances of record. Dated this 30th day of Janu ary, 1950. WILLIAM W GRIFFIN, Administrator of the Estate of Lambert Kerbel, Deceas ed. 39-41 LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Jan. 26, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3631 In the County Court of Holt, County, Nebraska, January 23rd 1950. In the Matter of the Estate of Mame Mellor, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petilion has bedn filed in said Court for the appointment of Esther Mellor as Administra trix of said estate, and will be heard February 16, 1950 at 10 o’clock A M, at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebras ka. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 38-40 r^"".. . Official Proceedings of the Holt County Board of Supervisors ix !■= --- " - .. O’Neill, Nebraska. December 27, 1949. Holt County Board of Super iors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Hub bard, seconded by Borg, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Lloyd Durre was duly appointed as Deputy Sher iff for the Summerland dance hall in Holt County, Nebraska, and he duly qualified by giving a bond in the Western Surety Company of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and acted as such Dep uty, under and by virtue of said appointment and bond, WHEREAS, the said Durre ceased to act as such Deputy Sheriff on or about the 20th of November, 1949. by resigning said office, which resignation was accepted by the Sheriff; further that he has not been act ing in such capacity since No vember 20, 1949, and is not now acting in such capacity, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS BOARD, that there has not been any liability under said bond, either on the part of the said Durre or the Western Surety of Sioux Falls, S. D., by virtue of such appointment and qualifi cation of said Durre, since No vember 20, 1949, and the said Durre and the Western Surety Co. of Sioux Falls, S. D., are hereby released from any lia bility under said bond, as of November 20, 1949. Motion was maae oy uuim, seconded by Batenhorst that the following Claim be allowed and a warrant be issued on the Road-Bridge fund in payment of same: D-A Lubricant Co., oil and grease . $ 12.47 Motion was made by Cronk, seconded by Borg that the fol lowing Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Drag fund in payment of same: Wm. Anderson, dragging roads - $ 25.0t) Edward Mlinar, dragging roads 51.00 Floyd Ritts, dragging roads 6.00 Henry Weber, haying roads 30.00 John W Nachtman, hay ing roads 46.80 Freddie Neibauer, hay ing roads 25.00 Robert E. Thompson, hay ing roads 20.40 Motion was made by Hub bard. seconded by Borg, that the following Claims be allow ed and warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge fund in payment of same: American Coleman Sales Co., signs $ 77.65 Andy Clark, bridge in- ^ spection 1-.50 Alex Frickel, bridge in spection 300 Ed Mlinar, bridge work 7 50 Bennett Smith, bridge work 31900 Carl Wulf, bridge work 27.20 A. M. Batenhorst, bridge inspection 30.00 Axel L. Borg, bridge in spection ~ 20UU Frank Cronk, bridge in spection 1000 H. W. Hubbard, bridge inspection 20.00 Albert Stearns, bridge inspection 1&uu West Lumber & Coal Co., supplies 1-3' Wheeler Lbr. & Bridge Co., culverts 804.31 Motion was made by Sterns, seconded by Cronk that the fol lowing Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road fund in payment of same: Angus Texaco Station, gas --- 31.o7 John Bonenberger, road work 250 Clark & Mattson, gas, oil and repairs 46.74 Dankert Service, gas & oil . 248 30 Highway Eqpt. & Supply Co., supplies 143 :.—- - C. W. Kirkland, road work 78.20 Lohaus Motor Co., repairs on pickup 205.97 j Missouri Valley Mach. Co., repairs ..... 10.87 Eli McConnell, road work 62.05 , Frank Noffke, supplies 5.05 | Pollard Service Station, battery 30.90 Edward Seger, road work 19.73 E. J. Shane, truck rent al 27.20 Albert Sterns, road su pervision _ — 70.00 Axel L. Borg, road su pervision 30.00 Duane Beck, road work 9.00 Andy Clark, road super pervision 17.50 Frank Cronk, road super vision 30.00 Gerald Harding, road work 20.40 LeRoy Hoffman, road work 600 C. W. Kirkland, pickup rental 10.50 Missouri Valley Mach. Co., repairs 33.73 Missouri Valley Mach. Co., repairs 17.47 Lyle McKim, road work 20.40 Blake Ott, gas . — H.20 Lawrence Schneider, road work _ 2.50 E. F. Shane, road work 82.80 Clarence Shaw, diesel fuel 106.20 Harvey Wahl, road work 179.75 Ewing Motor Co., repairs 7.45 12:00 noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P M. O’Neill, Nebraska December 27, 1949 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the i , chairman. Motion was made by Borg, ' seconded by Frickel that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the : General fund in payment of same: Keith A. Abart, Decem ber salary $216.68 A. M. Batenhorst, Dec ember salary 37.00 Beckwith Oil Co., mobil m ease 2.10 j Axel L. Borg, mileage 28.74 ! Andy Clark, December salary 45.001 | Francis Clark, labor on I Co. garage 9.00 Coroners Jurors & Wit nesses, inquest for Stevens & Heck 25.00 ; 1 Julius D. Cronin, mental hearing fee 5 00 Frank Cronk, December salary 45.00 James Davidson & Sons, repairs and supplies 45.34 P. C. Donohoe, premium compensation insurance 497.16 Dr. W. F. Finley, salary as Co. Physician 200.00 Alex Frickel, mileage 21.90 Victor Halva, repairs 7.50 I Harley Produce, sup plies 6.30 j H. W. Hubbard, mileage 20.58 Milburn & Scott Co., supplies 35.00 j Northwestern Bell Co., service 117.13 Plibrico Firebrick Co., supplies 12.60 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., lum ber 13.58 Stephenson School Sup ply Co., supplies 12.79 Albert Sterns, mileage 22.02 Western Surety Co., bond premiums 517.50 j Wheeler-Welpton Alex ander Co., premium compensation ins. 341.51 * Keith A. Abart, mileage 3.60 A. M. Batenhorst, mile age 57.78 Axel L. Borg, December salary 20.00 J Dr. L. A. Carter, mental hearing fee 10.00 Andy Clark, ( mileage 21.84 1 Consumers Public Power, service . 129.57 ; i Co. Veterans Service Of ficers Assn, of Nebr. supplies 6.00 Coyne Hardware, repairs 27.06 Frank Cronk, mileage 61.86 I R. Dickerson, bond i ->remium 2.50 E. E. Fike, furnace re pairs 107.80 Alex Friekel, December salary 30 00 The Frontier, printing proceedings - 56.70 J. Ed Hancock, taxes er roneously paid 18.05 H. W. Hubbard, Decem ber salary 40.00 K. -B Company, sups plies 20.19 Norfolk Daily News, sup plies 20.42 Omafia Printing Co., sup plies . 12.19 Geo. C. Robertson, pre mium for bonds 65.00 btute Journal Printing Co., supplies 87.14 Albert Sterns, December salary 15.00 Treasurer, State of Nebr., retirement fees 30.00 Moore-Noble Lbr. & Coal Co., supplies 302.64 Motion was made by Cronk, seconded by Friekel that the Van Horn' road petition be tabled because due to the ex- ; eessive damages asked the cost will be too high for the amount of benefit to be derived from it. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cronk, seconded by Batenhorst, that the /allowing Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment Relief fund in payment of same: ■rs. Brown & French $ 10.00 1 Dr. F. G. Dewey - 5.00 Holt County Treasurer 170.73 Margaret Howard 7.08 Pelcer & Spence - 20.00 John Seger - 10.00 K B Market 32.00 Council Oak Store, At kinson 12.00 John Heinowski 1500 Holt County Treasurer 280,40 Anna Mullen 20.00 Psychological Clinic, Lin coln 5.00 Watson Grocery 15.00 On motion the Board adjourn ed sine die. RUTH HOFFMAN, County Clerk. ANDY CLARK, Chairman. Eagle Hustler's 4-H Club Reorganizes— The Eagle Hustler’s 4-H club met at the home of our former leader, Frank Beelaert, on Tues day evening, January 24, to re organize the club for 1950 The business meeting consis ed of deciding on club name, which remained the same, and ! electing leaders and officers. Dale Stauffer was elected as- j sistant leader. Officers were elected as fol fows: Jack Hartman, president; Lionel Ickes, vice - president; Robert Beelaert, secretary-treas urer; Thomas Kelley, news re porter. Six regular members and two new members were present at this meeting. The remainder of the meeting was spent discus sing projects. After the meeting a lunch was served by the host. Next meeting will be held February 17, at the home of Thomas Kelly. — By Thomas Kelly, reporter. Steven T. Buck Is 2-Years-Old— Little Steven Terry Buck, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Buck, celebrated his second birthday anniversary Sunday with a party at his home. The guests were his grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. P. J- Wirth and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Weight and daughters, all of Orchard. NOTICE All persons interested in se curing a telephone on North Coleman township be present at a meeting to be held Mon day, February 6, at 7 p m., at the district 14 schoolhouse. Or ganization plans will be dis cussed 39p40 ART DOTY PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday and son, Richard, left Satur day for Pascagoula, Miss., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs- H. L. Brumtmett and daughter. Mrs. Brummett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Holliday. They will also visit Mrs. Holliday’s brother at Houston, Tex., and other relatives on their way home Mr. and Mrs. George Park left Saturday to visit relatives at Norfolk and Fremon* and Council Bluffs and Woodbine, la. CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our rela tives and many friends for their acts of kindness and sympathy, the many beauti ful floral offerings, the spirit 1 ual bouquets and the dinner served by the Ewing Altar so ciety during our recent be reavement. — MRS CLAR ENCE SHAW AND GROVER, MR. AND MRS. GROVER C SIIAW, MR. AND MRS. AM BROSE V. ROHDE, MR. AND MRS. K. C. HUNT. MR. AND MRS RALPH E. SHAW. 39p I WISH to thank friends for the kindnesses shown me at the time of the burial of my hus band. Emory. MRS. MARY PETERSON. 39p50 I WOULD like to thank all my \ friends who remembered me with cards and letters during ; my stay in the hospital. Your ! kindness is appreciated. 39c MRS. EARL BAULD. | Real Estate Transfer: WD-Iva Deseive to Manuel Krieger & wf 1-23-50 $150- Lot 10 Blk 47 Pioneer Townsite Co 1st Add-Atkinson. WD-Cora Fern Welchman to Albert A Hoffman 12-23-49 $4, 500- Lots 18. 19. 20 & 21, Blk 15, Hallocks 2nd \dd, Stuart. WD-Kosalia Jansen to Clar ence E. Spence & wf 11-18-49 S2900-Lots 15 & 16 Blk 6, At kinson. WD-Robert A Montgomery to George E Montgomery 10-18-43 $200-1/5 int in W>4SEV« 25-27-9. WD-George E Montgomery to T Howard Montgomery etal 4 24- 44 $1- 2/5 int in W^-SEVi 25- 27-9. WD-Frank W Montgomery to T Howard Montgomery 12-3-46 >3000-1/3 int in WVSEV4 25 27-9, subj to mtg. WD-Hugh M Montgomery to T Howard Montgomery 1-4-50 $3000-1/3 int W>2-SEl4 25-27 9, subj to mtg. WD-Mary Wiezgocki to Cath erine Kollman 1-24-50 $4000 - Lots 4 & 5 Blk 38, Wixsons Add, Atkinson. WD-Katie Jensen to Corda Lieswald 5-7-36 $64t)0 NEi4 14 25-12 subj to mtg of $3800. WD-Anton Weichman to Wm & Thomas Troshynski 1-18-50 $400-Part SE'4NWV4 32-30-14. WD-Andrew Larson et al to Maitha L Johring 1-14-50 $1 - SE'i -SW'4-S^NE‘4 33-SWVi NW'4 -NW‘4SW‘4 34-32-11. Aged Aunt, 93, Dies in Idaho CELIA — Mrs. Jennie Whit taker. 93. of Sand Point. Ida., aunt of Mrs. Edna Hendricks, died at her home in Sand Point on Tuesday January 24. Death was caused by virus pneumonia. The late Mrs. Whittaker, will be remembered by early Atkin son residents as a visitor years ago. Mrs. Whittaker was quite active until her death. She had managed her own home. Other Celia News Merrill Smith called at the O. A. Hammer berg home Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons were guests at the Marvin Foc ken home Sunday afternoon, January 29. Mr. and Mrs. D. F- Scott vis ited the P. W. Kilmurry family Friday evening, January 20. Alex Forsythe visited the George Beck family Sunday evening, January 22. Francis and Charles Chaffin visited Markitta Hendricks Sun day, January 29. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin visited the Mark Hendricks family Sun day evening, January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and family visi'ed the Harry Mitchell family Sunday, Janu ay 29. In the afternoon both families visited Mrs. Len Ax toll. who has been in Lynch hospital for sometime. Ray Pease visited his parents Mr and Mrs. R. M. Pease, in O’Neill Thursday, January 26. Alex Forsythe visited the Hammerbergs Monday evening, January 23. Mrs. Bob Cearns assisted with the work af the Mark Hend ricks home from Monday to Thursday, January 23 to Janu ary 26. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilli ger visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank) Disterhaupt, Sunday, January 29. Friends were sorry to hear ol the death of Smith Thomp son at Beaman, on Wednesday, January 25. Mrs. Thompson is the former Marie Davis, of At kinson, and a number of years ago taught the Celia school. - Milton McKathine visited Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Johnson Sun day afternoon, January 29 Mr. and Mrs. Verne Beck with. of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Thane Humphrey and son, Toby, were Sunday guests at the Bernard Biaekmore home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John son were supper guests of Mrs. Amelia Hoffman and son, Ed Hoffman. Friday evening, January 27 Mr and Mrs. Geo. Beck and son, Duane, spent Monday, Jan uary 23 with her brother, Ed ward Mli.nar and wife. Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Hoff man and sons, Roger and Gary, visited the Thilo Possenecker family Sunday afternoon, Jan uary 29. Mr and Mrs. Mark Hend ricks went to Atkinson Mon day, January 30, to help move his mother, Mrs. E. Hendricks, from the Mrs Mary Henning apartment to a home 2 blocks South of the Stoekirnan hotel. The Percy Andereson family which is moving out of the house is going *o go to O’Neill where he has a job with the Beckwith Oil Co. The Ander son family will live in the J. V. Johnson basement apartment in O’NeilL 4 ,v MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill * : Nebraska Fox Family Moves Into New Home - EMMET —- Mr. and Mrs Charles Fox and family moved last Thursday into their new home in West O’Neill. The home was purchased recently from Mike Higgins, who buiit it at the corner of First and Douglas streets. The house is located one bl(x.k east of the Outlaw Implement company. The Fox family has furnished the new' home with many new items. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and sons moved the same day to the farm home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Other Emm'S News Mr. and Mrs. Doan Beckwith and son, Gary, Tom Perkins, Mary belle O’Connor and Nor-' 111a Lou Foreman went to Stuart Sunday evening where they saw the Sioux Travelers play the Stuart town team in basketball. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth, of Chadron, arrived Friday to spend some time visiting at the Wayne Fox home. Ed Winkler, of Butte, and Bob Winkler spent Sunday and Monday in Lincoln on business. Sunday afternoon visitors and supper guests at the Joe Babl home were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Babl and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko, of O’Neill. Miss Helen Martens was a last Thursday evening supper guest at the Paul Newton home. Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Winkler home were Ed Winkler, of Butte, and Henry Winkler. Miss Anna Gerhart was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the Joe Babl home. Mrs. Joe Babl and son, Wen dall, and Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Janzing and Mrs. John Pruss were among those that attend ed the funeral of the late Clar ence Shaw at Ewing Monday morning. Jimmy Dusatko was a week end guest at the Joe Babl home, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martins were Sunday evening visitors at the Leon Beckwith home. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney enter* tained on Thursday afternoon, January 26, the Ladies Aid. Four members were present and the lesson was given by Mrs. Charles Abart. Lunch was ser ved by the hostess. Miss Helen Martens and pu pils of district 20 were enter tained on Thursday, January 26, by Mrs. Jess Wills in honor of Arthur Wills’s 7th birthday an niversary. Lunch of ice cream and cake was served. Jeanie Aay Fort man was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock entertained 30 members of the Rural Youth at a skating party at at s lake Sunday evening, January 29. Later in the eve ning cards were played and square dancing was enjoyed at their home. Refreshments were served by the Misses Helen Mar tens, Twila Whaley and Leona Ferne Beckwith AMELIA news Mr. and Airs. George Fuller ton entertained a few friends at Pinochle Friday evening. Those *ere: Mr- and Mrs. Beth d m Fulle‘;ttm> J°an and B_.. . t —-- . - - - - ——. ■ . 4; j g I William w. Griffin j „ ATTORNET | First National Bank Bldg. { O'NEILL | DBS. BENNETT & I COOK VETERINARIANS — O'NEILL — Phones: 318. 4K 3M We Guarantee TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON TRACTOR FUEL By simply installing an inexpensive Garretson Carburetion System on your present tractor we can make this fuel cost savings guarantee. LP-Gas not only substantially reduces your fuel costs but also gives you many other exclusive advantages — longer oil life — no dilution — smooth power — no knock or engine ping — no sludge or carbon — longer engine life — less strain on the crankshaft and bearings. It costs you nothing to get all the facts about the new Garretson Carburetion System. Contact us for a demonsration. Of course, there is no ob ligation. (SOME USF.RS REPORT AS MUCH AS 50% LESS FUEL AND OIL COSTS SINCE THEY HAD US INSTALL THEIR 3ARRETSON SYSTEMS. The Modern Fuel It costs you nothing to get all the facts about the new Garretson Carburetion System Contact us for a demonstraton. Of course, there is no obli gation. Investigate the new Garretson Carburetion System TODAY ! ! Cut Olit and Mail Today ! ! i j • i • Please tell me where and when 1 can see a demon • stration of the Garretson Carburetion System. I NAME . _ 1 ! t ADDRESS . I 1 DIRECTIONS TO MY HOME _ , I l p L.. RALPH N. LEJRY