The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 02, 1950, SECTION 1, Page 5, Image 5
Margaret E. Hickey Weds Here Today St. Patrick's Catholic church ih O'Neill will be the scene of the marriage of Miss Margaret E. Hickey, daughter of P. V. Hickey and the late Mrs. Hick ey, of O’Neill, to Rex L Horn ar, son of Mr and Mrs Earl G Homer, of Beaver Crossing, to day (Thursday), February 2. The double-ring ceremony will take place at 9:30 o’clock with Rev Alex Onak officiating. Miss Kathleen Flood is to sing "Ave Maria.” Charles Yarnall the "Panis Angelicus,” both ac companied by Sr. M. Flores, of St. Mary’s academy. Mrs Sam Fuhrer, sister of the bride, was chosen matron of-honor. She will wear a white dotted gown of chiffon over sat in made with a sweetheart neckline, a stole effect collar, a fitted bodice and full skirt. Her headdress will be a half-halo of otchid rosebuds and she will carry a colonial bouquet of or chid-colored carnations. Mrs. Delbert Robertson, sister of the bride, is to be bridesmaid. Her gown will be of orchid taf feta made with a rounded neck line', fitted bodice and full skirt. Her headdress is a half halo of white rosebuds and she will carry a colonial bouquet of white carnations. The bride, to be given in marriage by her father, will appear in a gown of white ivory satin fashioned with a sweet heart neckline, a gathered bod ice and long fitted sleeves, which come to points over the wrists. The full skirt falls into a chapel-length train. Her fin gertip veil of net is edged in chantilly lace and is held jn place by a beaded tiara. She will carry a colonial bouquet of pink carnations and snapdrag ons The bridegroom will wear a grey business suit with a white carnation boutonniere. Sam Fuhrer will act as bestman, wearing a blue business suit. Delbert Robertson, second at tendant, will wear a brown bus iness suit. Jack Gatz and Henry Mangan, ushers, will be in blue suits with pink carnation bouton nieres. Immediately following the ceremony a breakfast is to be served to the wedding party and immediate members of the family at the M & M cafe. A reception will be held in the afternoon at the home ol the bride. The bride’s table will be decorated in her colors of orchid and white and centered by the wedding cake, to be baked in the form of a cross and to be decorated in the bride’s colors by Mrs. C. V. Robertson, of Chambers. Mrs Horner is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy with the class of 1946. For the past year and a half she has been employ ed by The Frontier as a reporter. Mr. Horner is a graduate of Beaver Crossing high senool with the class of 1944. At pres ent he is a recruiting sergeant with the army. Following a short wedding trip, Sergeant and Mrs. Horner will be at home at 606 So. Dew ey, North Platte. O'Neill Has 20 Brownies— Brownie Troops I and II pre sented Brownie Seoul pins to 20 at meetings on Tuesday. Troop 1, which has Mrs. E. F. Sullivan as leader and Mrs. M. 1.. Jacdbson as assistant leader, met at the public school and presented pins to: lvonnie KuiNancy 1 ctrow, H i t a Hoehn, Jane Petersen, Sharon idarcells, Jo Ann Searels, Nan ^>ip s, Belly Jean hodman, Sharon Hartronft, Karen Hart ronlt, C. Ann Abu.hnot, Nyia Jas/kowiak and Kathryn Ann McCarthy. This Brownie troop is working on coin purses mud • from old felt hats- They are de signed in the shape of trefoils. Troop II. under the leader ship of Mrs. Larry Johnson and assistant leader, Mrs. Jack A. Arbuthnot, held an investiture ceremony also on Tuesday. They met at the home of Mrs. Johnson. Pins were presented to Mary Jacqueline Arbuth xiot. Beverly Dean, Sharon Heenman, Susan Hickey, Linda Kae Johnson, Marjorie Marcel lus and Paula Heed. Troop II also is making felt coin purses. They also shellacked the plaster of pans models that they had pamted last week. Troop HI. the youngest age croup of the three troops, un der the leadership of Mrs. C. W Apgar and assisted by Mrs. Albert D. Johnson, has not re ceived their pins from head quarters. They, too, will hod a ceremony to present pins their members. This troop, which meets at the Apgar home, made Valentines during their meeting Monday. Girls who have attended four meetings and have paid their registration fee are eligi ble for pins. _ Meeting Fiday— Th. rtebekahb will hola a regular meeting Friday evening Frontier lor pruning Mrs. Eby It Hosles To Her Extension Club— The Friendly Neighbors ex tension club met Wednesday, January 25, at the home of Mrs. Raymond Eby. Mrs. Mel vin E. Lorenz was co-hostess Mrs. Eby and Mrs. Lorenz pre sented the lesson, YTk> thing Construction,” t o the eight tnembers present Refresh ments were served. Donna Jonas It 2-Years-Okl— Little Donna Jonas, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Jonas, was 2-years-old Saturday. Her parents held a party for her Sunday. The guests were Mr. md Mrs Ralph Van Buren and family. Mr and Mrs Justin Butterfield and family and Mr Mrs. Laurence Jonas and fam ily. Celebrate Together— Karen Carr and Jean Sulli van celebrated their seventh birthday anniversaries together .Sunday. Their little guests attended the theatre and then were ser ved refreshments at the Sulli van home. Karen is the daugh ter of the Emmett Carr’s and Jean’s parents are the Harry Sullivans. Mesdames Weir and Verzal Entertain Their Club-— Mrs. Edward T. Verzal was hostess Wednesday to the 9FF club. At their last meeting held Wednesday, January 25, at the home of Mrs. Harold Weir, Mrs. Harrison Bridge and Mrs. R. E. Evans were high scorers. Mrs Fred Saunto won the all cut. Mrs. Arlus and Mrs. Miller Are High Scorers— The Duo Dex club met Mon day at the home of Mrs. Dale French. Mrs. Marvin Miller and Mrs. William C. Artus were winners Mrs. McElhaney Is Hostess to Hex Club — Merri Mix met Monday at the home of Mrs. Ted McElhan ey. Winnerrs were Mrs C- W. Porter and Mrs. Fred O. Rob ertson, a guest. Club Plans Party— The Wednesday Afternoon bridge club will hold a party Saturday. Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn will be the hostesses at *he home of Mrs- Burgess. Pinochle Winners— Winners at the pinochle party held Tuesday evening at the home- of Mrs. Don Enright were: Mrs. Stanley Holly, Mrs. F. A. O’Connell and Mrs. Ralph Beck with. To Meet with Mrs. Moses— The O’Neill Woman's club will holds its next meeting Wednesday, February 15, at the home of Mrs. H. S. Moses. Luncheon Held— Hostesses at the Country club were Mrs. L. A. Burgess and luncheon bridge Wednesday Mrs. Edward Wilson. Eastern Star Meeting Is Announced— Eastern Star members will hold a meeting next Thursday, February 9. O'NEILL HOSPITAL NOTES Admissions: January 25 — VI; s. Dick Tomlinson, of O’Neill, m e d 1 e a 1, condition "good”; James Butts, of Chambers, med ical, condition "improved.” 26— Mrs. Glen Gettert, ot O’Neill, medical, condition "good." 27— Mrs. Ed But aval, of O'Neill. 26 -Allred Durking, of Chambers, medical, condition “improved”; Vh. Wayne Harmon, ot O’Neill. JO -Mrs. Raymond Richards, of Emmet; Mrs Anton Kaup, of Mu art; Mrs. Clyde Widman, ot Amelia, m e d l c a 1, condition -improved”; Mrs. Eric Dankert, of Chambers, medical, condition "good", Mrs. Harold Williamson, of O’Neill. 31—Mrs. Herman Os born, of O’Neill; Darvin John son, of Walnut, medical, condi tion "improved.” February 1 James Butts, of Chambers, read mitted, underwent surgery Wed nesday, February 1; Mrs. Alma Farrier, of Chambers, accident, condition, "good”; Mrs. Leo Cleveland of Orchard, medical, condition "fairly good.” Still m hospital: Charles Ve quist. of O’Neill, medical, con uition "good”; Mrs. Bridget Cari, of O'Neill, medical, condition "same.” , Dismissals: January 25—Bany Gail Krueger, of Inman. 26 — James Butts, of Chambers. Mis. Robert Eppenbach, of Ewing. 27—Baby Billy Sitz, of Atkin son. 29—Mrs. Fred Karo, of At kinson; Mrs. Glen Gettert, of O’Neill. 30—Mrs. Dick Tomlin son, of O’Neill; James Whidders, uf Chambers; Alfred Durking, of Chambers. 31—Mrs Clyde Widman. of Chambers. Febru ;iJy i_Mrs. Eric Dankert, ot Chambers; Mrs. Wayne Harmon, of O’Neill. _ MARRIAGE licenses Kex La Verne Horner, o f North Platte Miss Margaret Elizabeth Hickey, of O Neill. January 30 O’NEILL NEWS The Misses Nancy Froelich and Barbara Birminghaim. stu dents at Bar at college. Bake Forest. 111. i-pent the weekend in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Eaward M. Gal lagher left Sunday for a so journ in Florida Enroute, they expect to visit relatives in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Arthur Dexter and Har old, Darrel and Jerry went to Atkinson to visit Mr and Mrs Laurence Rothchild. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse I visited Mrs. Carie Borg Friday Mr. and Mrs Paul Zakrzew ski, and family, of Opportunity and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox, of Orchard visited their par ents, Mr and Mrs. Sylvester | Zakrzewski. and “Grandpa’’ Wytaske Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walling, of Albion, visited Mr and Mrs. L. C. Walling for the weekend. Little Miss Rita Waller and her brother, Gary, were week end guests in Page at the home of thir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell. Their parents, the W W. Wallers drove down to get them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Ario A. iiiau were weekend guests in Lin coln at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson. Saturday dinner guests at the Edward Sutter home were: Mr- and Mrs. C. R. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. McMaster and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. Patrolman Ned Porter, who is stationed in Wahoo, left Tues day after having visaed his parents, the C. W. Porter for tour days. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson and son were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hard ing spent a few days in Sioux City last week. Kir. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack and son and Miss Forence Pon ton visited their mother. Mrs A. E. Ponton and her son in Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tomlin son and Mr. and Mrs. H. W Tomlinson attended the funeral ! of Mrs. George Coventry in In man Tuesday. Mrs. Arlen Kirk, of Spencer, visited her father, Thomas Don lin Saturday. She also visited Mr. and Mrs Mac Simonson. Miss Jane Ford, of near Pa8e> is spending this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strong. Mrs. Hazel Adamson and Miss Marian Pinnt left Sunday _ to i spend a week’s vacation with , Mrs. Adamson’s sister and her ! husband, the James Halks, of 1 Funstown, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Jones at tended a meeting in Norfolk Wednesday of the Central Fin ance corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl MeGlas son and family visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mc Quistan Sunday Mr and Mrs. Milton Krause and daughter visited in Albion last Thursday at the M. B Krause home. Saturday supper guests at uiv home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurtz, jr-. were Mr. and Mrs. George Fick. of Imr an. Gordon Hiatt, son of Mr., and Mrs. Arlo Haitt. has resumed his studies this semester at the University of Nebraska at Lin coln. Gordon had been employ ed getting practical experience. Mr. and Mrs. George Head at tended the funeral of Clarence Shaw in Ewing Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran ek and Dottie Lou visited his parent’s. Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek end her mother, Mrs Dorothy Barrett, all in Atkin son. Sunday. In the evening, they visited Mr. and Mrs. AI HaVranek, North of Emmet. Miss Mabel Jeannette Der iekson, of Star, was a Sunday guest at the home of Mrs. Van nie Newman. Ricnard Perry and family moved Sunday into the house vacated by the William J. Be ! has. , , Hugh MacLeod and Miss Mary Jeffers, of Denver, Colo., left Saturday after having been uests oui lay : tl»e home of Mr. MacLeod’s moth er, Mrs. Mary MacLeod, and his sister and hei husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Lohaus. Loren Loren/, returned Sat urday after having visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loenz, in Inman, for a few days. Mr- and Mrs. Robert lams, of Amelia, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus Saturday. James Merriman, a student at Creighton university in Om aha, returned Sunday to the university from a visit wifh his roommate in Kansas City, Mo. While there he met accidently his next door neighbor. Jack Harty, son of Mr. and Mrs. W H, Harty. Jack is attending col lege. Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. Carrie Borg’s home were Mr. j and Mrs. Roy Cole and Rev. and | Mrs- Melvin E. Grosen bach and ! family. Miss Betty Gallagher, a stu dent at the University of Ne braska in Lincoln, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Edward M. Gallagher. Sunday dinner guests at the Archie L. MeMaster home were Mr. and Mrs. C. R Hill and family._ 170 Holt 4 H Leaders Honored— ATKINSON — Approximately 170 county 4-H club leaders were honored at a banquet here Wednesday sponsored by the At- 1 kinson Service club Featured speaker for the an nual event was W. H. Brokaw, former director of state agricul- j ; tural extension service at the University of Nebraska Brokaw explained the philos I ophy of creative leadership and youth movements in the United States and in Germany Colored 1 slides were shown of post-war i Germany and jts youth. Brokaw I helped in setting up agricultur j al extension work in Germany. Toastmaster was E. C Weller, ; well-known livestockman, and i the welcome was given by D j H. Wilson. Also at the speakers’ table were: Mayor Dr W. J. ! Douglas. James W Rooney, sec j retary of the O’Neill Production ; Credit association. Leo Seger ! and A. Neil Dawes, Holt county | agent. j Featured on the menu was elk 1 meat donated for the banquet I by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boetcher. I who live south of Atkinson. - - . — I PAGE LOCALS Mrs. Alta Lockman, Mrs. j Gardner Gill and sons and Mrs. Lillie Hahn, of Stuart, visited at the liollie Snell home Satur- | day afternoon, January 2L Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes were dinner guests Monday, January 23, ol Mr. anu Mrs. Laurence Haynes at O Neill. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wells during the alter noon. „ Kev. and Mrs T. O. Brown field, Mrs. Allen Haynes and Mrs. Merwyn French drove to Lincoln Tuesday morning, Jan uary 24, where they were to visit for two days. The Brown tields visited Mr. Brownfield’s mother and sisters, Mrs. Hay nes visited her son, Roy Hay nes, and family, at Denton. Mrs- French visited her son, Merwyn, jr., who attends ag eoUege. The King’s Daughters spon sored a kitchen shower in the Methodist church basement Thursday afternoon, January 19, for the church kitchen. There were about 30 present. Many useful and needed arti cles were received. A purs© of money was also given to buy more silverware. Mrs. Robert Van Horn, president of the King’s Daughters, and Mrs. Ed gar Stauffer, president of the WSCS, unwrapped the gifts. The program during the af ternoon consisted of several contests Lunch was served by ; the members of the King's Daughters. Melvin and Lavonne Albright and B y r d i e Ann Parks, ol Wayne State college, spent the January 20-22 weekend at their nomes. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ste wart spent Monday, January i 23, with Mr. and Mrs Ed Ster ner and with Mrs. Sterner’s father, James Carmen, 87, who has been unable to be out for a feew days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss and family entertained at din ner Sunday honoring the 55th birthday anniversary of Har vey Cullen. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. flagvey Cullen and Norma; Mr. and Mis.. Dale Stukey, Carol and Sharon, of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen, Karan and Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prill and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Van Horn attended open house Sunday at the Chris Nel son home near Creighton in observance of the Nelsens’ 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Prill and Mrs. Nelson are sis ters. Misses Barbara and Judith Trowbridge and Gcnelle Park. Dale Stauffer, Ernest Graves. Sterling Albright and Carroll French attended 'a- Met hod is ubdistrict rally at Clearwater Sunday evening. Frank Beelaert returned on Sunday from Lm oln . when he had spent sevr-al days at tending the 4-H leaders train ing; conference- H- was award ed this trip by Ak-Sar Ben in recognition of his work as a 4-H club leader. The HOA club met with Mrs. Calvin Harvey Tuesday after noon with 15 members. Guests were Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mrs. Kate Beam, Mrs. James Finley, Mrs- Robert Harvey and Mm. Kenneth Asher. The afternoon was spent sewing j carpet rags for the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs Edgar Wood. Mrs. Agnes Engle, a teacher in the Atkinson high school, came Friday to the home of hex parents, Mr. and Mm. J. R. Russell, where she is ill with a “strep” throat. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dorr and Vernon and Mr and Mrs. Al- ; ton Braddock and Jo’Ann were j Monday evening dinner guests of Rev and Mrs. T. O. Brown field. Mrs. Don Berg and daughter, of Rapid City. S D., arrived Sunday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Biglin. WJAG . . . 780 on your dial. .. "I & R- H. SHRINER Wind it Tornado. Truck* it Vraeior, I roperiy Liability GENERAL INSURANCE HFAL ESTATE. LOANS. FV1M SERVICE. RFNTALS { Aotomoblla O'Naill Phon* 106 Farm Property j Complete Preparation For REA Current SANDCREEK — The Char les Do bias .family has had their place wired for electri city, and all is in readiness for the first surge of REA power. Sioux City wiremen completed the job on Friday, January 27. The Herbert Sweets are wir ing their farm for electricity this week. A wireman from Bassett is doing the work. Other Sandcreek News Mrs Linford Sweet attended the leader training meeting for project clubs in Stuart Mon day, January 30. Members of the Cleveland Indies Aid met a* the home of Mrs. Lawrence Lofquest Wed nesday afternoon, January 25. to work on White Cross ma terial. Calvin Allyn spent a few days at the home of his cou sin, Dick Sweet last week. Sunday evening, January 22. visitors at the James Doming home were Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Lofquest, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lofquest and Vernon McClurg. James and Robert Deming, Charles Dobias and Merrill Smith he,pod Louis Prang e saw' w'ood on Monday, Japuary 23. ^ — -—-— Mr and Mrs. D. F. Scott and j Dorqthy and Mr. and Mrs. Gone Livingston wore Sunday, Janu ary 22. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias and boys. Mrs. Berlin Mitchell spent Friday, January 27, visiting Mrs. Kussell Hipke and boys. Mrs. Samuel Lofquest was1 an afternoon caller at the llip ke home. NOTICE The RANCH I N WHITE Training and Riding School, Inc., takes this opportunity of announcing: Cal and Ruth Thompson have discontinued their shows for the season ol 1950 and will remain at the ranch to develop and train out students who will be exhibit ing the American Albino horse in the future, catering to guests and develop the Outdoor Pro gressive Educational Youth Program which is now in full charge. Therefore the follow ing equipment is for sale: 1— 1949 Dodge Tractor, 3 ton, like new with a 30 ft stock trailer, good condition. 1—1946 Chev rolet, ton m> tractor, good condition; 28 ft Fruehuf Trail er (closed van), good condition. 1—1946 Chevrolet, long wheel base- 14 ft. stock rack. Tractor with 1948 motor. This equipment is priced to sell and will be sold before Mar. 1, 1950 Call or writrc Ruth Thompson, Bus. Mgr, White Horse Ranch, Naper, ciebi. Phone 23L9. 2.00p,-t. UAHD Ut IHAHK* WE WISH to express our heartfelt thanks to all \v£w expressed sympathy with letters or messages and those who assisted in any wmy during the illness and dead* of our beloved mother, Mi*. Bertha Pritchett- Your k'twA deeds will never be forgpt *cn. Especially do we wanR to thank the choir and Re*. O'Sullivan, the altar boyi*. Biglin Bros.—From the ChU> dren. 38e I — MMere fit Me H/hrfif can /ou Get*** 1 Prices Effective Thur.# Fri. and Sat., February 2, 3 and 4 ^ VAN CAMP NO. 2\ Pork & Beans ^ LUSHUS SYRUP, Gallon.69c IN SAUCE Spaghetti, 2 tall cans 25c APPLE BUTTER, 2-lb. jar 19c FANCY CORN, 3 cans 31c BAB-O. 2 cans.... 23c ARMOUR MILK Can.He 2 lbs. 23c[ SALMON, 2-fc- cans 79c wit n poqt CRACKERS, Lb. pkg. 23c IN SYRUP APRICOTS, No. 21 cn 19c TOMATO JUICE, No. 2 can 10c IN SYRUP PRUNES, No. lh can 19c TOILET TISSUE, 4 rolls 19c IN SYRUP PEARS, No. 1\ can 29c KITCHEN CLEANSER, 2 cans 9c DEL MONTE No 2i v Fruit fedfnil _._ r i GREEN TOP CARROTS 7 bnchs 15c RED LION tFLEty, 2 Mb 35c SOLID - CRISP RADISHES, 3 for jCc MEDIUM JUICE ORANGES, Doz...15 C I HARDING’S j| 1I BUTTER lb. VCj NECK ' RIVAL SLICEDJB RfIKFS 3-lbs. 25c U»- { tALL MEAT | RING BOLOGNA u».39c Headless, Dressed, Scaled Cello Wrapped WHITING iS-ib.pki.79c CUDAHY PURITAN SUMMER SAUSAGE lb..47c LEAN BOILING ih Plenty of Parkin?