4 FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE $5,600 SPECIAL Improved 160 acres Vi mile West of Walnut on gravel road and electricity past the farm. 40 acreg cultivated, balance pas ture March possession. BYRON REED CO. 2nd Floor, Farnam Bldg., O* maha 2, Nebr. 39-40c FOR SALE: Purebred Angus bull. — Louis Vitt, O’Neill. 38-41c FOR SALE: Available IHC No. 9 and trail mowers. New Idea and Lundell power mowers.— Plainview Farm Equipmen*, Plainview, Nebr. 6tf FOR SALE: Town house to be j removed from present loca tion; modern without heat-— write: Box S, c-o The Fron tier. 39tf. PEAT MOSS is the best mulch for flowers.—Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 39c FOR SALE: Tombo Band Har monica, key of “C”, $1-75, regularly $2.50. — McIntosh’s Jewelry, O’Neill 39-41c PARTS AND SERVICE for Schick. Sunbeam and Rem ingtoa electric razors.—Gilles pies, O’NeiiL 26t FOR SALE: House, 7 rooms all on one floor. Oil heat, electric hot water heater, fully insul ated, South front. A real home for some one. — R. H. ("Ray”) S h r i n e r, O’Neill phone 106. 39c FOR SALK: 1946 Pontiac sedan coupe; 1936 4-door Plymouth; 1936 Ford tudor; 1939 Chevro let 2-door; 1947 4-door deluxe Chevrolet.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 39c FOR SALE: Montgomery Ward 1,500-watt farm light plant. UBed one year- In perfect con dition. — See or write Wm. Waterman, Plalnview, Nebr. 36-39c For Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE Qna> OvJC . L. G. GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O'NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. FOR SALE: I have listed for $5,800 a home that will be tailor made for someone. It features 6 rooms, gas heat, basement (full), bath, sewer connections, all redecorated and renovated. Inquire: R. H. (‘•Ray’’) S h r i n e r, O’Neill, phone 106. 39c FOR SALE: Spring expansion watch bands, 50c.—McIntosh’s Jewelry, O'Neill. 39-41c VIGORO GROWS green grass . . . 5-, 10-, 25-, 100-lb lots. — Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill. 39c FOR SALE: Your selection of 8~, 9-, 12-foot widths Arm strong linoleum. Save $$$$.— Midwest Furn. & Appl., O’ Neill, phone 346-J. 39c HASTINGS FARM TOOLS CO. 1 BD Cletrac Crawler—near ly new 1 BG Cletrac Crawler—used 3 seasons 1 AD Cletrac Crawler—used 2 seasons 1 MG-2 Army Cletrac Crawl er on rubber 1 705 GMC Tandem Truck 1019 West 2nd St. Hastings, Nebraska FOR SALE: Good Boone seed oats. — Thomas Zakrzewski, 0*1-"i 1. 1 mile North, 4 East, Vi South of Opportunity, or 38 39p60 vUTU UWNEKS IT \ OU WANT cheaper insur ant .* let me know. 1 can write it (<>r you! C EO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: All prices and sii of new and used West in) ouse, Norge, and Servel gu refrigerators, 110- and 32 volt. We deliver the go.” is. Write for price and m. Is. — Plainview Faun Ec pment, Plainview, Nebr. 4otf FOR ~jALE: Your choice of 4 go used sewing machines. A1 have been reconditioned an come with attachments.— M vest Furn. & Appl., O’ Nt . phone 346-J. 39c FOR ^ALE: Improved 120 ac farm, two and one-half mi1 South of O’Neill Neb. Ge C- Robertson O’Neill Ne _ 14tf FOR \LE: 1 have a number of * horn*1 and building lot vailable—R H (“Ray”) Sh r, O’Neill, phone 106. j 24tf FOR LF: 4 Registered Here-I for ti Is. serviceable ate — j F.p Brookhouser. bn h. 37 -38p(i0 1 FOR SALE: 1939 Chevrolet se dan, has good tues, new bat tery, runs good. Will sell cheap.—See at Midwest Furn. & Appl., O’Neill. 39c FOR SALE: Practically new Underwood noiseless portable typewritter. Used very little, has good case. — See Dwayne Borg during business hours at Osborne’s Shoe Store, or call 384, O’Neill. 39c FOR SALE: 1947 Model EGT Mack truck, 3 ton, 145-inch wheelbase, Mona shift, 10 - speed transmission, good rub ber size 10:00 x 20 Ready for use. Priced reasonable —-Str ingfellow Service Station, Oakdale, Nebr. Phone 3. 39-40c FOR SALE: 3 room house, 20x 20, with 5x10 enclosed porch: built-in cabinets and sink. — Dean V Stevens, Chambers, Neb. 39c NOW IS the time to put Vigoro on your lawn.—Ralph N. Lei dy, O’Neill. 39c FOR SALE: 480 acres, good im provements, close to O’Neill, Spring possession. More land adjoining can be had in 1951. — Alma Drayton, Orchard. 38tf. FOR SALE: 110-volt 1.000-watt alternation light plant, $225. One 32 - volt Delco, $70. — Plainview Farm Equipment Co. 4tf FOR SALE: Adjustable radiator winterfronts for '49 and ’50 Fords- For your comfort and protection. — Lohaus Motor Co., O’Neill. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT: 5 acres one-half mile west of O’Neill.—R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neil! phone 106. 39c SEE ME FOR assistance in filing your income tax return. Prompt, courteous, confiden tial service — R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 39-40c HOG PRODUCERS , . . appreciate your support ix buying more pork and lard Keep up the good work anc encourage breeders. — Franl E. Scott Commission Co. Stock Yards, Sioux City, la BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NOTICE: We are, at this time, offering an opportunity to reliable men and women, any age, to do longhand writing or typing, in their own homes Earnings in excess of $20.0t a week, may be made, i 1 spare time only. This work consists of compiling name: and addresses for nationa and international direct sell ing mail-order dealers. Sene $2.00 to cover our cost ol handing, and we will sene you, by return imaii, com plete details and immediate working data. Your satisfac tion guaranteed or your mon ey refunded, upon the returr of our material. — WYNF MAIL SERVICE, 1009 Cora Street, Tampa 3, Fla. 39-42< GOOD FLOOR SANDER an< edger for rent. Inquire Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill SEWING MACHINE S E R VICE: We repair all makes free estimates on repair, re building, electrifying. W» have a complete line of nev and rebuilt machines f o i sale. — Midwest Fum. 8 Appl. Co , O’NeilL 20t Long Term 4% Federal Land Ban*' L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privilege* ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks. Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. 8tl HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399; O’Neill 43ctf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Call or see: ED T110RIN, Chamber* nr KEITH ABART. O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds CUSTOM CORN SHELLING New M A* truck mounted she ler I bu hour capac ity Mai irrangements for vour o with K C tlimt hint’s Re apping Sr\ te 289, O’Neill 50tf LOST: Set of keys on a chain, name on tag. Reward.—M. J. ' Golden. O’Neill 39c! FOR BRIGGS & Stratton ser vice and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. *ltf. . LOST: Between Sioux City ana O’Neill on highway 20 a 6.00x16 mounted tire, chrome plate full hub cap. — Joe Judge, Atkinson. 39c. JAMES G FREDRICKSON — AUCTIONEER — Ready to Serve You Phone 267-J O’Neill HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf "COKETTS LOCKERS West O’Neill Locker patrons save money with handy, economical sharp-freeze and storage ASK US FOR DETAILS LOST: Blue crystal ear ring. Please leave at M & M cafe. —Tilhe Kestenholtz, O’Neill. 39p3c WANTED __... - ... FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wiring installed by our skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures for a complete job. All ma terial and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs Kelvinator Appliances CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC Spencer, Nebr. 29tf WANTED TO BUY: Alfalfa, sweet clover and grass seeds. —Don O. Lyons, O’Neill, Ph. 421. 13tf HELP WANTED WOMAN FOR office work in O’Neill; good working condi i tions; real future. Opening is no interim proposition. Do not apply unless you are not afraid of detail work, unless you can meet the public gracefully, unless you want a permanent job. All inquiries will be acknowledged. Write Box H, c/o The Frontier. 39c WANTED: Burlap bags. We al low 5c each in trade for stan dard size burlap pags that are free from holes. No salt or other small bags taken. All bags must be in rolls of 20 each and well tied. They may be taken to either the hatch ery or the farm store.—JIM CORK.LE, O’Neill. 38-41c L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and trac tor repair. Acetylene weld ing. — O’NEILL — WANTED: Good, clean cotton rags without buttons. — The Frontier, O’Neill. 39c ATKINSON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. Slattery re ; turned Saturday, January 28, from their wedding trip in the West Oliver Shane and his brother in-law, Carlton Davis, returned Monday from Beaman, la, where they attended tne funer al services for Smith Thomp son, a former Atkinson resident. Mr. Thompson was married to Marie Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Davis, about 30 years ago. Mrs. O. Shane, who has been with her sister for some time, remained for a long er visit. It is expected that Mrs. Thompson will return with her when she comes home. Jack Judge, who has been stationed at Alamagordo, N. M, until recentlyl, is visi ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Judge. He came Sunday, He and his wife spent some time at the home of Mrs. Judge’s mother, Mrs. Fern DeWitt, in Chicago, | 111.; with his aunt and unde, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Revord, and his sister, Jo Ann, all of Chic- i ago. Mrs. Judge remained with her mother for the time being but will join her husband over seas as soon as he is permanent ly located He leaves San Fran- j cisco on February 7 for over seas duty. Mrs. Fred Kolschmidi enter- j tnined members of the Priscilla lub at her om T u suay. in ladies sewed fn- the hostess duing the afternoon. Francis Moore, woo has be- n : at *he home of h's aunt Jnde ’ Maring, moved to O'Neill Fri t-ri: y 27. where he has employmi nt | I Many Deloiters At Shaw, Daniels Rites DELOIT — Many from the Deloit community attended the Clarence Shaw and Albert Dan iels funerals held Monday in Ewing. Both men, who were killed in an airplane accident, were* well and favorably k^own in this community. Other Deloit News Mr- and Mrs. M. B. Huffman and family were guests Friday evening at the Stanley Huff man ranch home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sau ser, of O’Neill, were visitors Sunday at Venteicher’s and made the acquaintance of their new grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Bell Schindler and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schind ler and son were calling o n friends in Ewing on Saturday. Mr- and Mrs. H. D. Manson called at Henry Reimer’s on Saturday. Marlene spent the weekend at home. Judy and Mrs. Louis Renner and Frances attended the grad uation of their son. Loui-s. irom the University of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs- Glenn tlarpster and son were supper guests at Henry Reimer’s on Monday eve. rang. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leahy and family, of Go them berg, spent j last week with relatives here- j Mrs. Sidney Anderson spent ' the week at the Howard Man son home in O’Neill convales cing from the flu. Marilyn Funk spent Satur day in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fuller were Norfolk shoppers on Fri day. 2 Ladies Feted On Anniversaries AMELIA — Mrs. "Lou Back aus was pleasantly surprised when a few of her neighbors came to her home Tuesday eve ning, January 24, to help her celebrate her birthday anniver sary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston and Mr. | and Mrs. Howard Berry and family. The ladies had prepar ed sandwiches, cake and ice cream to take with them. A few neighhor ladies called on Mrs. Link Sageser Thursday, j January 26, the occasion being ' her birthday anniversary. C .f Those present were Mrs El mer Coolidge, Mrs. Julia White, Mrs. Ralph /Reis, Mrs. C. F. Small and Mrs. Vern Sageser. Mrs. Vern Sageser prepared ice cream for lunch. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo entertained a number of friends at a pitch party last Thursday evening. Mrs. Delia Ernst is enjoying a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman, who arrived this week from Moline, 111. Edgar Peterson and Dunk Peterson are driving new cars. Mrs. Fannie Riley is enjoy ing a visit from her sister from Albion. Mrs. Helen Pokarny and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cool idge and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland and family were dinner guests at the Elmer Coolidge home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and Janice and Mrs. Julia White were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Etta Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett and girls were Sunday din ner guests at George Fullerton’s. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and fam ily went to Atkinson Sunday to visit her daughter and new grandson—Mrs. Gale Fix and Gaylen Frank at a nursing home there. WJAG . . . 780 on your dial! a ' %f w W tm— J If* V s* ** ♦ Eagle Creek Club Plans Talent Night'— Sunday, January 29, was the regular monthly meeting of the Eagle Creek 4-H club at the Frances and Vincent Ernst home. All the members were present except Harold Peter son, who was ill. The day was begun with a delicious covered dish luncheon at noon. This event is usually one of the highlights of the day. Next catme the bu sines* meeting with the following members elected as officer*: John O’Neill, leader; Theresa Ernst, assistant leader; Doris Sterns, president; Galen Hull, secretary; Betty Lou Cuiran, news reporter. A discussion was made as to whether any members would take part in the public speak ing contest to be held in O’ Neill February 11. The club is planning a “talent night” program aaid box socifti to be held in the near future. A definite date and place was 1 not set. The next meeting will take place February 26 at the Betty Lou Curran home.—By Betty Lou Curran, news reporter. 77 Registered Herefords. Holt County Hereford Breeders' as sociation sale at O'Neill, Satur day, February 18. Write for cat alog. 39-40« Frontier for Printing. ★ ★★★★★★★★★************ ^ * Thursday STAR Specials! * HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone 4 a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day 8 STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS I I Calves and Feeders Coining • The cattle market today (Thursday) Is expected to bo strong. Offerings will include 21 grain-fed calves and nine grain-fed heifers. These heifers will weigh about 800 pounds each. These two parcels are of choice quality and worth coming to see. In addition, we have several good consignments of calves and yearlings. • The hog market today also should be strong with the usual run of feeder pigs, butchers and sows. • If you're in the market for good cattle or choice hogs be J the O'Neill Livestock Market today. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON, Managers (Formerly Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.) Phone 2 O’Neill j Mi, * LLOYD COLLINS I IMPLEMENTS O’Neill Phone 365 FARMERS... j Here 8 An Off-Season Bargain 1946 Model A John Deere Tractor It has lights and starter. This JD tractor j has been Reconditioned and is READY TO GO! THURSDAY ONLY A Real Of f-Season Bargain! $1475 * ..*........ r* riSBORNE’Q Du Family SluaStort VaJ | 10% SHOE REDUCTION I On All Ladies’ iii and SELBY Styl-EEZ THURSDAY ONLY! All styles and sizes Come early and choose yours from our large stock! M — « | LOHAUS MOTOR CO. I O’Neill Phone 16 j ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * 1946 CHEVROLET 2-TON TRUCK f • 14-ft. Flat Bed • Heater a • Prestone • New Paint on Cab •j !| | Good for farm or commercial use J #nlv $700 f I A $200 D^wn Payment Will Take It •« .... ..*... a I Bp * ... »••••«•..*^ MONTGOMERY HOWL — O’NEILL — * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * White Cups Ransom or St. Denis Pattern 5c EACH Dinner Plates to Match 2 for 25c Attend Blue Rock Shoot Sunday, February 5, at O’Neill Gun Club - .... ..||ll|i:i|rnmu:n::^::i:nii:::::uu:m:l:,iimm;nmir..WH»n,^ THURSDAY’S STAR SPECIAL EVER\ A ] I ic has its white ele phants. It may be a white ele phant to you but a good buy to someone else! fc THURSDA t ONLY you can order a For Sale. Swap or T r a d e classified ad m The Frontier and rei eive an extra insertion without !; charge. j * - i, j j °FFER IS O 'O for transactions made on Thursday, February 2, only, and <>. must accompany order for fir*- • .rtinn ^mti:rrrnTT~t:rn:r:::r::r- .. Jr /