The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 08, 1949, SECTION 3, Page 14, Image 14

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    ^ S(iL TRADt ^
/ i/s a thTa jTbjRRisutrsf
We will clean and adjust your
okt machine free of charge.
Demonstrations on any ma
chine. See our supply of new
and used machines for sale
$39.50 up- We will Buy—Sell
—or Trade.—Midwest Furn,
A Appl. West O'Neill 31c.
fOR SALE; House, 7 roam* all
on one. floor. Oil heat, electric
hot water heater, fully insul
ated, South front. A real
home for some one — R. H.
("Hay”) S h r i n e r, O’Neill,
phone 106. 30tf
<SOR SALE: 1946 Pontiac se
dan coupe; 1936 4-door Ply
mouth; 1947 Ford fordor Se
dan; 1947 4-door dclux Chev
rolet. — William Krotter Co.
of O'Neill._31c.
fOR SALE: Registered Minne
sota No. 1 boars. Scientifically
developed by the University
of Minnesota for cross-breed
ing. Fast-growing pigs of the
type the packers pay for.—
Flannery Bros., Atkinson, Neb,
fOR SALE: H Spotted Poland
Chinas, eligible to register.
—Floyd Luber, O’Neill. 30tf
fOR SALE:’ 1947 Ford V-8 1%
truck, combination rack, low
mileage, good rubber, very
good shape- — Phone 508-W
or 1 blk North academy, O’
Neill 31-32p70
TOR SALE: 32-volt Seaco 9
ft. refrigerator, can be con
verted to 110-volt.—Charles
Fleming, O'Neill. 26tf.
TOR RENT: Two basement
rooms. — J. V. Johnson, O’
Neill. Phone 390-J. 31c
FOR SALE: About 10,000 feet
of cottonwood lumber. 945
per 1,000 ft.—Otto Retire, 2
auk's South and 2 miles West
of Inman. 30?.
V YOU WANT cheaper insur
ance let me know. I can write
it for you!
O’Neill, Nebr.
FOR SALE: 160 acres improv
ed, EViSWYs & WViSEVi Sec,
20, Twp, 32, Range 13.— P
C. Donohoe, O'Neill 30tf.
See Our Advertisement
Elsewhere in This Issue
For Used
Prices and Descriptions.
Midwest Motor Co. Ltd.
Phone 100 O’Neill
TOR SALE: 60 head purebred
spotted Poland China boars.
Vaccinated both ways. New
blood line—Elmer Bohl. 5*4
miles West of PLainview on
highway 20. 19tf
FOR SALE: Brooder house,
<16xi22. like new, priced to
*11 — Phone 409 W or 4-F
IL^TNeill 30-31p60
Schick. Sunbeam and Rem
imgton electric razors.—Gilles
pies, O’Neill. 26t
FOR SALE: 1 have a number
ef nice home an building
ibts available.—R. H- (“Ray”)
Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106.
_ 24 tf.
FOR SALE: 1939 Ford Tudor.—
Roger Rosenkrans, Dorsey.
30-33-1 lOp
FOR SALE: Improved 120
acre farm, two and one-half
miles South of O’Neill, Neb.
Geo. C. Robertson O’Neill
Nebr. 14tf
New Massev-Harris Machinery
Combines, 7- and 14-ft.
TRACTORS, all sizes, Mas
sey-Harris tractors are the
lowest priced tractors by
horsepower of any tractor on
Manure Spreaders, Discs, 2* |
Bottom Plows, Wagons.
GI Cornshellers, complete
with elevator and cob stacker.
Laterno revolving scrapers, 4
ft. at $79. Bulldozers to fit
any tractor, regular price:
$275, our price: $125.
New Willys Jeeps, Pickups,
Station Wagons, 1 good used
Outlaw Impl. Co.
Tony Asimus
Phone 373 O'Neill, Nebr
FOR SALE: 940 acres of good
hay, pasture and farm land,
13 miles Northeast of O’Neill,
Nebr, 5 miles North of Page;
400 tons of this year’s hay in;
stack on land. Will sell land
or hay separately.—J. J. Har- i
rington, owner, O’Neill, Nebr.
FOR SALE; All prices and
sizes of new and used West
inghouse, Norge, and Servel
gas refrigerators, 110- and
32 - volt. We deliver the
goods. Write for price and
models. — Flainview Farm
Equipment, Plainview, Nebr.
45 tf.
FOR SALE: I have one of our
better large family homes
listed. This place has eight
lots and a wonderful home
for some one with a large
family who wants a real old
modern home. Shown by ap
pointment only. — R. H.
(“Ray") S h r l n e r, O’Neill,
phone 108.
FOR SALE: A real buy in a 5
room with utility room, bath,
gas furnace, and full base
ment, on sewer. Just finished
reconditioning and painting.
Lot 90x90, on corner, East
front. Priced right. — R. H.
(“Ray”) S h r i n e r, O’Neill,
phone 106.
FOR SALE: Nearly new three
rooms and bath, oil furnace
and hot water. Lot 90x100, on
corner. This is a real good
buy for some one that can
use a small home. — R. H.
(“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill,
phone 106.
FOR SALE~1946 heavy duty
2-ton Chevrolet truck, new
motor, new rubber, two speed
new axle.—Earl DeLong, O’
Neill, phone 408-W. 29-30p65
FOR SALE: Underslungs, com
plete except platform. Auto
steer, soundly and ruggedly
built. Also axles for sale. —
Brady Welding Shop, Atkin
son Phone 8151. 31-32p70
FOR SALE: 110-volt 1,000-watt
alternation light plant, $225.
One 32 - volt delco, $70. —
Plainview Farm Equipment
Co. ' 4tf
TOR SALE: House, 5 rooms &
bath, oil heat, insulated and
a new home, South front.
This place was built for a
home, can't be built for price
asked —R. H. ("Ray”) Shrin
or, O’Neill, phone 106.
TOR SALE: Berkshire Boars,
very choice, state fair stock
—Claude Cole, Star, Nebr.
FOR SALE: Registered Spotted
Poland boars from the best
blood lines money can buy.
. New breeding for old custom
ers. Vaccinated, and guaran
teed.—Roy M. Black, 3 miles
East of Spencer. 25tf
FOR SALE: Used auto parte,
all makes. Tires and wheels.
—Strong Salvage. Inman.
FOR SALE: Available ICH No.
9 and trail mowers. New Idea
and Lundell power mowers.—
Plainview Farm Equipment,
Plainview, Nebr. 6tf
Farm, City and Auto
Estate and Court Bonds
Phpne 218
Don’t wire until you have
our price. Be Safe. Have
your wiring installed by our
skilled workmen. We have
all materials and fixtures
for a complete job. All ma
terial and work guaranteed.
Ten years of REA wiring
experience. Drop us a card
for free estimate. For a neat
joib see us.
Motor Re-winding and Repairs
Kelvinator Appliances
Ralph Simpson
Spencer, Nebr.
29 tf.
VICE: We repair all makes,
free estimates on repair, re*
building, electrifying. We
have a complete line of new
and rebuilt machines for
sale. — Midwest Fum. &
Appl. Co., O’Neill. KRf
New M-M truck mounted
shelter, 1,500 bu. hour capac
ity. Make arrangements for
your shelling with K- C.
Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping
Service, phone 289, O’Neill.
Ready to Serve You
Phone 2 O’Neill
edger for r e n t Inquire:
Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co.. O’Neill
THIS IS a must if a high price
level is maintained for your
hogs and cattle. To be assured
of best prices and overall ser
vice tell your trucker to bill
to Frank E. Scott Commission
Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City,
la. 25tf
West O’Neill
Locker patrons save money
with handy, economical
sharp-freeze and storage
Complete Bathroom Fixtures
2d door West Midwest Furn.
Service Phone 399; O’Neill
43c tf
rent. — S- Zakrzewski, O’
Neill, phone 509-W. 30-31c.
Halva’s Electric Shop
Generator & Motor Winding
New and Used Motors
for Any Job. 25tf
IF YOU want to borrow money
on your farm or your ranch,
or your city residence or
on your store building, I can
loan it to you on easy pay
ments and low interest.—See
R. H. Parker. O’Neill, Ne
braska. 4tf
Long Term
4% Federal Land Bank
Pre-Payment Privileges
Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n.
Lyle P. Dierks, Sec-Treas.
O’Neill, Nebr. 8tf
Complete Parts 8t Repairs
Phones: 415-W & 415-R
LOST: Light tan and white
puppy, part Springer Span
iel, part Dachshund, in pub
lic school vicinity. Answers
to ‘‘O’Toole”. Reward.—Call
512-W, O’Neill. 29tf.
Scouts Prepare
For Yule Party—
A meeting was held at the
American Legion hall for the
Wild Rose troop III on Monday,
December 5. The Girl Scouts
worked on luncheon cloths and
discussed plans for a Christmas
party. There will be a patrol
meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m.
at the home of Mrs. Lowell
Give The Frontier for Xmas!
WANTED: To buy corn. —Call
L. D. Putnam, 204 O’Neill.
WANTED: A used baby bed —
Phone 144-M, O’Neill 31c
FOR BRIGGS & Stratton ser
vice and genuine parts call
at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop,
O’Neill. 41 tf.
L. Guthmiller
Half-block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds
of automobile, truck and trac
tor repair. Acetylene weld
WANTED: Baby sitting Thirty
five cents per hour plus
transportation. — Mrs. E. J
Eby, O’Neill. Phone 437-W.
Insurance of All Kinds
hundred bushels of ear corn.
— Claude Kellar, Newport,
Neb., phone 7F110. 30-31p60
sweet clover and grass seeds.
Don O. Lyons, O’Neill. Ph.
421. 13tf
No Cow-in-Silo But
Calf Climbs Stairs
ROYAL—This village has no
cow-in-silo to make front page
news, but it does have a stair
climbing calf. For a week Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Roberts, living
in the Burlington depot, heard
the plaintive tones of a bawling
calf but were unable to locate
from where the sound came.
Finally, Mr. Roberts, tiring of
the monotonous cries and be
lieving that possibly the crea
ture was in distress, decided to
trace the sounds which appear
ed to come from an old storm
cave, which had not been used
for some time. Opening the
door, he was somewhat taken
aback when a calf climbed the
steps leading from the under
ground prison to freedom.
Investigation proved that the
calf had fallen in through the
roof which had caved in when
the animal attempted to walk
over the top. The animal be
longed to Clarence Geers, who
owns considerable stock and
had not missed it. Mr. Geers
gave the calf a small amount of
dry fed before permitting it to
have water. He stated that he
believed it had lost nearly 100
pounds in weight, but otherwise
it seems none the worse for its
solitary confinement.
Feeder Pigs Bring
$18 Top at O’Neill
Nine hundred and seventeen
hogs and 314 head of cattle
December 1, sale at the O'
were sold at the Thurrsday,
Neill Livestock Market here.
In the hog market, butcher
hogs sold from $14.60 to $14.70
with packing sows going for a
tp of $13.25 down to $12.75.
Feeder pigs sold about $2
per hundred higher than the
I river market December 1. In
'O’Neill feede pigs brought $18
' down to $15.50.
The bulk of the steer and
\ heifer calve*, in the cattle
market, cleared at $24, with
a few good Angus heifers hit
hundred-pound short fed heif
ting the top of $26.10. Eight
errs brought $22 while stock
cows sold at $12 to $15 and
some canners and cutters
brought $13 to $14.
This was the first sale un
der the direction of Leigh and
Veryne Reynoldson, who re
cently became managers o f
the O’Neill market. Formerly
it was designated as the Fred
rickson Livestock Commission
The Reynoldsons were “very
pleased’’, they said, with the
reception accorded them in
was especially large because
the first sale. The hog run
there was no sale in O’Neill j
during Thanksgiving week
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf,
of Chambers, entertained Sun
day in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Avard and daughter and
Max Medcalf, all of Shreve
port, La.
Mrs. Clyde Streeter spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and
Mrs- Bernard Mathews, of Lin- I
coin. Mrs. Streeter and Mrs.
Mathews are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole
and Mr. and Mrs- Art Humpal, |
of Atkinson, left Monday for j
Sioux City. I
‘Miss Holt’ Now
Successful Model
ATKINSON — Miss Laquita
Parsons, whose parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Parsons, has hit
the big time in Kansas City.
Mo., modeling circles.
La Que, as she’s known at the
Kansas City branch of Patricia
Stevens, was recently chosen
the “spotlight” girl of the Kan
sas City models and for that
honor was interviewed on radio
station WHB’s spotlight o n
glamour program She also ob
tained an eight-week tour for
Betty Rose coats and suits and
visited such cities as; Detroit,
Mich.; New Orleans, La.; Dallas,
Tex.; Jackson, Miss.; St. Louis,
Mo.; Biloxi, Miss.; Chicago, 111.;
Omaha and Sioux City.
While in Chicago, Miss Par
sons took a refresher course in
television modeling.
The future looks very |
bright” for La Que, agency of-,
ficials say, because of her ex- j
periences which include mod-,
eling for the Chamber of Com
merce in Kansas City, the flow
er shows, Borden’s, and the Ap-,
parel association.
The Apparel association is
composed of 90 garment manu
facturers and distributors in;
ready-to-wear. One out of ev
ery seven women in America
wears Kansas City-made gar
Miss Parsons was elected
“Miss Holt County Legionnaire”
in 1947 in a beauty contest spon
sored by Simonson post 93, of
the American Legion, at O’Neill.
She was a candidate for state
honors. Miss Parsons left Atkin
son later to begin her modeling
Angus Breeders
Set Sale Date
Members of the Holt County
Aberdeen-Angus Breeders’ as
sociation met Monday night
at the courthouse annex build
ing here and fixed February
7, 1950, as the date for their
annual Spring sale.
Officials said 45 bulls and
20 females would be bileld.
Twenty-five persons were pre
sented, including Leigh and
Verne Reynoldson, new man
agers of the O’Neill Livestock
Ray Siders, of O’Neill, is
president of fthe Aberdeen
Angus association, and Leo T.
Adams, of Chambers, is sec
Plans were also discussed
for a banquet to be held on
the eve of the sale. The film,
“Angus Trail’’, will be shown.
Celebrates Anniversary—
Miss Patty McKenzie
Miss Patty McKenzie, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc
Kenzie, entertained 16 friends
at a theater party Saturday af
ternoon in honor of her fifth
birthday anniversary. Follow
ing the movie lunch was served
at the home of the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bech, of
Niobrara, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C: E. Melena last
Jerry Verzal, of Atkinson,
spent the weekend visiting at
the home of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn.
~orn Yield Is
Reported Average’
Unseasonal mild weather has
prevailed in the O’Neill area
as virtually all farmers have
completed their conrpicking.
Throughout the county, farm
ers estimate that the com is
yielding about 25 bushels to
the acre According to Holt
County Agent A. Neil Dawes
over a 20-year period, the coun
ty average yeild would stand
between 15 and 17.5 bushels
per acre.
E. A. Morgan, who lives
Northwest of O’Neill, said his
com yielded about 30-bushels
per - acre. This, he said, was
Clarence Ernst, who owns
1,300 acres near the Emmet
community, said all of his
crops yielded good this year
with the exception of the small
grain. Here the aphid infesta
tion did such extensive dam
age, that in some places the
small grain crop was neglig
Meanwhile, a good rain is
needed to send the Winter
wheat and rye crop into the
Winter in good shape. If mois
ture fails to come before the
freezing and severe weather
sets in, there is a possibility
of the crop drying out. How
ever, observers were unable
to agree on the amount of
rain the county needs. Just a
good" ram, most people sa^ 1 i
Many rural people in th %
O’Neill region continued t ®
employ the ndgid Winter rule j§
vo.untarily set up because o ■
last year’s unseasoned snow *
storm. Fuel, and food stuffs
continue to be stocked as a if
guard against a Wintry blast 1 -
that is overdue in North-Ne- W
braska. |
This week temperatures rang
ed from a low of 10 degrees
on Wednesday morning to a
high of 60 on Saturday afto
i noon. Low' veloicity winds have 1
(contributed to the low tem
peratures during the early
morning hours. But, after mid
day temperatures range in th#
40’s or 50’s. jpr <
Week’s weather summ A to
based on 24-hour periods ( ?5C
ing at 8 a. m. daily, follow $
Date Hi -o'
December 1 56 26 sat
December 2 45 29 V|
December 3 60 33
December 4 45 21
December 5 __ 47 15
December 6 45 18
December 7 50 10
Sunday dinner guests at th«i
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Sipes were Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Tomlinson and son, Veldon
of Star. |f.
Drs. Brown & French >
Eyes tested, glasses fitted,
broken lens replaced in
24 hours
Other repairs while you wait
Complete X-Ray
Gerber’s Baby Food, 3 cans 25c
Delsey Toilet Tissue, 7 rolls $1.00
Calumet Baking
Powder. 1-lb. can 21c
Cream of Wheat
Large package 3QC
Fargo Brand, Fancy Red
Salmon. 1-lb. tall can_ ggr
IGA Fancy Whole Grain
Golden Corn. 1-lb. can _ jg^
Stokely’s Diced Carrots, 1-lb. can 17c \
--_- ]
IGA Fancy Kidney Beans, 6 No. 2 cns 89c
1 *
1-lb. cello package_23®
Red Triumph
Potatoes, 10-lb. bag_39c
Marsh Seedless
Grapefruit, lb._ge
Fresh Pascal
Celery, lb. 1QC
Pinl •‘in-85c ;
Bosto 1 Style
Pork Coasts, lb._39c
Mild S %ar Cure
Sliced a icon. 1-lb. pkg. 45c
Swift’s Premium Spiced
Luncheor Meat, lb. 47*
_ _ _ ... _j'fc. Ji
IGA Paddle Jar Mustard, 8-oz. jar 11c ^
Cream of Rice, 18-oz. package 29c
* We take this opportunity to express our thanks tor «
the splendid reception accorded us last Thursday,
December 1, in our first sale at the O’Neill Livestock
Market. We were pleased, indeed, to have consigned 917 'i
head of hogs and 314 head of cattle in this our first sale.
More important, it was a good market.
* As time progresses we hope to meet and know all of
you and we hope that we can work with you in ful
filling your particular needs. Again let us say “thanks”
for the splendid reception!
Leigh & Verne Reynoldson
Phone 2 O’Neill