RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Exhibitors, with the exception of open class livestock, will be furnished with an exhibitor’s ticket without cost, which will let them enter their exhibits, but which will not be good for admis _____ _ ... -. . Ship Your Livestock to OMAHA ¥ ¥ < - THE “CORN BELT” MARKET , # World’s Second Largest Livestock Market and Meat Packing Center X X WHERE OPEN COMPETITION FROM PACKERS, FEEDERS AND ORDER BUYERS ASSURES YOU MAXIMUM RETURNS * * v.' sion to the grounds. 2. Exhibitors in open class livestock will be charged a nominal en try fee of $1.00 and issued an exhibitor’s ticket which will admit the exhibitor to the grounds. 3. Membership tickets are good for one year. 4. Only half premiums will be awarded on anything not listed in this list. * 5. All stock must be entered on or before Wednesday, August 31, 1949. 6. Entries of cut flowers will be accepted for entry until Thursday, September 1, at 10:00 a.m. No other entries can be made after 5:00 p.m., August 31, 1949. 7. The books will be open for entry articles one month before the Fair, and blanks for the entries will be mailed on application to the Secretary of the Board. 8. Proofs of breeding of all purebred animals must be furnished If required. 9. No animal or article shall be allowed to compete on more than one premium, except on sweepstakes and special premiums. 10. An exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges, will be promptly excluded from the competition. 11. Diligence will be used by officers of the Board to prevent injury to animals or articles on exhibition, but they will not be respon sible for any damage that may occur. 12. Exhibitors and visitors will take notice that the society will not be liable for any damage or accident that may occur to anyone, or for the loss of property, but officers will use due diligence to avoid any accidents and afford protection. 13. The association reserves the right to call any or all races off on account of bad weather, or any other unavoidable cause. 14. Any article or animal on exhibition shall be removed from the grounds until 4:00 o.m. of the last day of the Fair will forfeit any premium moneys won. 15. All agricultural exhibits shall be displayed with other exhibits of like kinds — corn with com, wheat with wheat, etc. 16. Tn cases where no person is competing, the judges will award first, second, or no premium, as they deem best. 17. The manner of awarding premiums for best displav will he by computing premiums and the one having the most will be de clared the winner. 16. Two red ribbons are enual to one blue ribbon. 19. The age of the animal shall be counted from the last' day of the month in which it was born. 20. All stock must be owned by the exhibitor at least 30 days prior to date of entry. 21. Anv article or animal fraudulently entered or shown, that wins a premium, if satisfactory proof is shown the Board of Directors, the premium shall not be paid. F armers STATE BANK of Ewing ★ ★ ★ Capital Stock & Surplus $45,000 ★ ★ ★ S. W. BRION, President M. B. HUFFMAN, Vice-President L. J. SPI'FI LER, Vice-President M. W. RUTLEDGE, Cashier DOROTHY SOJKA, Assistant Cashier MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION