The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 11, 1949, SECTION 1, Page 6, Image 6

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    Fhe Washingtoti-Merry-Go-Round —
Johnson Builds Bonfire Under Acheson
Urging Support of General Chiang
Chiang's Friends Helpful
Six state department stenog
raphers were kept busy last
week retyping and toning
down the American white pa
per on China. Hastily censor
ed out were allegations label
ing certain relatives of Gen
eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek as
Inside reason for these sud
den changes was a long and
continuing argument between
Secretary of State Acheson
and Secretary of Defense Lou
b Johnson. For three months
Johnson had been building a
bonfire under the state de
partment urging it to support
Crnang K a l-Shek’s Kuomm
Johnson is a personal
friend and former attorney
for Dr. H. H. Kung. broth
er-in-law of the general
issimo and reputedly
ane of the world's wealthi
est men. At cabinet meet
ings of the super-secret
sessions of the national se
curity council. Johnson con
stantly, continually needled
For a long time there was
no result. In fact, when Ach
eson returned from the Paris
conference, he ordered his
staff to work out a new blue
Cint for American-Chinese ra
tions which was to be
strongly anti-Chiang.
• • •
Acheson Outvoted
That blue print was placed
before the national security
council. After a vigorous de
bate the vote went against
Acheson—about 5 to 1. Those
voting no were Johnson, the
Please route your freight
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An O’Neill firm
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treasury' department and
heads of the armed services.
They favored continued sup
port’ for Chiang Kai-shek’s re
gime no matter how graft-rid
Swinging the decision a
gainst Acheson were two fact
1. A statement by Mao Tse
tung, leader of Red China,
that he was a Moscow-loving
2. First indications that Chi
nese Reds planned rough
treatment for American per
sonnel, as later proved by the
beating up of U. S. Vice Con:
sul William Olive.
Instead of Acheson's pro
posed hands-off policy, the
joint chiefs of staff recom
mending a ring of defenses a
round Red China. This ring
will consist of the Japan
Formosa-Philippines island
chafh. plus Siam, Burma.
India and one small part of
South China where Chiang
Kai-shek will be defended
to the last ditch.
General MacArthur has ca
bled his vigorous support of
this general idea—which, in
i c-identally, will cost a large
' and so far unestimated amount
i of money.
* * *
Pegler Probe
Young Congressman Jack
Kennedy, of Boston, was elec
ted as a fighting, aggressive
champion of labor. He is also
the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, !
ex-ambassador to London, an
admirer of columnist West- !
brook Pegler.
And when Pegler called
labor leaders "despots, crim
inals and Communists" at a
congressional hearing, young
Kennedy resigned from the
sub-committee, after first
protesting the manner in
which Chairman Andrew
Jacobs of Indianapolis, was
I grilling Pegler,
“Why don’t you let some
body else ask some ques
tions?” asked Kennedy. “Rep
resentative Sims (S.C.) would
like to ask a few."
“You’ve got your ideas and
I’ve got mine,” shot back Ja
cobs. “You’ll get your turn
after I get through."
• • •
New York Politics
Former-Gov. Herbert Leh
man and New York boss Ed
Flynn have been playing cat
and-mouse over who will run
for Bob Wagner’s senate seat.
They told two secret hud
dles, during which Flynn tri
ed to get Lehman to announce
his candidacy for the senate
Immediately. Flynn didn't
■*7 *o but, if Lehman an
nounced right away, the way
would be clear for Flynn's
friend. Brooklyn Borough
President John Cashmore. to
be Democratic candidate for
mayoT of the world's largest
Lehman, however, knows
he’ll have a tough fight to win
the senate seat in November, so
he wants a strong candidate on
the ticket with him for may
or—and not John Cashmore.
That is why he refused to an
nounce until assured who his
running mate will be.
♦ * *
News Capsules
Senate office scramble—John
Foster Dulles’ arrived in the
senate has started a scramble
for offices. 25 senators are
planning to trade offices—just
to make room for the new sen
ator from New York. What
happened is that under the
seniority system Dulles is low
man on the totem pole and
not entitled to the choice of
fice vacated by Senator Wag
ner. Next in line is Senator
O’Mahoney of Wyoming.
Quilt Sale Nets
Hospital $293—
Frances Ernst entertained
members of the Eagle Creek 4-H
club at her home Sunday, Aug
ust 7. All members present ans
wered roll call by saying in uni
son the flag salute and the club
Our leader gave us a number
of useful hints for salad combi
nations and nutritious sandwich
spreads, after which we were
taught the proper method of
setting tables, and judged can
ned beans.
We learned from our leader
that the proceeds from the
chenille bedspread which we
raffled off for the benefit of the
St. Anthony’s hospital building
fund amounted to $293. Mrs.
Charles Karel held the lucky
number. We wish to thank all
who helped to make this raffle
a success, especially Mary Ann
Mickey, Deloris Jilg and their
helpeprs, La Vonne Miller, Rita
Jilg, Shirley Ross, Joan Hickey,
Patty Tomlinson and Mary Tur
ner. They did a real job of sell
ing tickets.
Our next meeting will be
with Harold and Lois Ann Pet
erson on Sunday, August 28.
By Gene O’Neill, news reporter.
Midshipman Edward Condon,
USNR, who is at the University
of Nebraska at Lincoln, arrived
Saturday to spend about a
month with his mother, Mrs.
Hope Condon, and family.
The woman's extension clubs’
food sales, which were held Sat
urday, July 30, and Saturday,
August 6, were “very success
ful.” The response from the pub
lic was most gratifying, officials
Miss Viola Golson, of Brew
ster, was a weekend guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Klingler.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mills and
son, Herschel, and Mrs. Ralph
Pearson, of Washougal, Wash.,
arrived Friday to visit Mrs.
Mills’ son, Fay Pearson, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Marcellus and the
Raymond Eby’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O’
Malley, of Chambers, were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Edna
f '■ ” ■" "■«v
9ta bumble at atl II
to keep. mtf. >ux+uje,
dean, 'ccutie iti a
xyHtuftc Ckef
"See how streamlined It is in de
sign—no sharp corners—no cracks
or crevices to catch and hold
dirt The smooth, white porcelain
enamel finish makes cleaning no
task at all.
"And, the top burner units are in
one piece. They catch spillovers
and can be lifted out and taken
to the sink for washing, just like
a plate.
"The Swing Out Broiler can also
be lifted out easily for washing.
The oven has nice rounded
comers inside that can be wiped
clean in a jiffy.
See It On Display At
"Yes, for easy cleaning, plus delicious
cooking, give me a Magic Chef gas range!”
LEIDY’S in O’Neill |
By George
“Why don’t you bring the boy friend around some time?
What’s the matter, are you ashamed of him?”
Tense Scene Noted
in Doctor s Office—
By A. Stroller
It was a tense, dramatic (
The doctor was late.
Generally, he came to his
office promptly at 9 o’clock,
but this morning he was con
siderably late and there were
a number of people in the
waiting room.
The doctor’s office was not
located on the principle busi
ness street of the town nor on
any business street for tha1
matter. As a mater of fact, it
wasn’t in the business section
at all, but in the residential
section. It occupied what was
originally a barn and, then, a
garage and the building had
been completely remodeled. It
now includes several modern
rooms, the waiting room, some
consultation rooms, offices, etc.
It is roomy and up-to-date.
And this doctor, who has
only been in the Nebraska
town for a few years, has a
large practice. He has ability
and an agreeable personality
tnd his business has grown.
Every morning the waiting
( -oom begins to fill up long be
fore 9 o’clock, when the office
hours start.
It reminds one of that saying
of Emerson's about people
“beating a path” to your door
if you have something to of
fer which they need. People
have literally beaten a path to
this physicians’s door and you
can see automobiles parked
out in the street very early in
the morning.
And that day the doctor
was late and the wailing
room was rapidly filling up.
There were a number of
seats in the room and most
of them were occupied. A
table was piled with maga
zines and various pai Lents
j were looking at them and
nervously turning the pages,
hastily glancing at the pic
tures and doing a little read
in here and there.
them really knew what they
were reading.
One was impressed with the
variety of the patients as well
as with the number. There
were old men and women,
middle aged men and women, ^
young people and children.
There were well-to-do people,
poor people, cripples, expect
ant mothers and many other
kinds of patients, all nervous
and anxious', waiting for the
door to the inside office to
open and admit them.
Finally, a pleasant faced girl
in a spotlelss white uniform
did open the door and the
waiting patients started to en
ter one by one in turn.
It was an interesting scene
and suggested that not all the
dramatic episodes of life occur
on the crowded streets or in
the noisy, colorful places of
business and amusement.
(Next week; An Aeed Con
It is doubtful that any of pie).
American Legion Ballroom.... O’Neill
Admission: $1 (tax included)
■■■ I ■ I ■■■■■■ ■ .. ■ ' Mil I■ ■ ■■■■■! ■■■ |,
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