The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 21, 1949, SECTION A, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    Official Proceedings of the
Holt County Board of Supervisors
O’Neill. Nebraska. May 25.
349, 10 a. m.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment
411 members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Minutes of the previous meet
ing read and approved as read.
Motion was made by Cronk,
seconded by Frickel that the fol
lowing Claims be allowed and
Warrants ordered drawn on the
Unemployment Relief Fund in
^■yment of same:
Council Oak Store, Ai
kinson $ 12.90
Curly’s Square Deal Mar
ket 50.00
William W. Griffin 19-75
Holt County Treasurer 152.59
K & B Market . 55.00
L. W. McDowell 10.00
Tbad E. Saunders 25.00
Tri-State Nursing Home 184.50
Wilson Drug Store 6-25
Council Oak Store, O
Neill ... .- 24.00
Farmers Union Store 26.07
John Heinowski 30.00
Holt County Treasurer 230.80
Anna Mullen 20.00
P*ker & Spence 30.00
rhad E. Saunders 10.20
Watson Grocery 15.00
Motion was made by Baten
jorst seconded by Frickel that
the following Bonds be approv
Kieth A. Abart, Holt County
Service Officer.
Fred Timmerman, Justice of ,
the Peace, Willowdale Precinct.
Harry Zimmerman, Justice of
ihe Peace, McClure Precinct.
Louis Goeke, Township Clerk,
Pleasant View Precinct.
Clarence Ross, Road Overseer,
Road District No. 6.
Roy Alder, Road Overseer,
Steel Creek Precinct.
Clarence Farrand, Road Over
ieer Steel Creek Precinct.
Motion was made by Frickel,
seconded by Borg that the fol- ,
lowing Assessing Claims be al- ^
lowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the General Fund in
payment of same:
C. Ally, for Assessing $ 57.5U
Raymond E. Bly, Assess
big ..175.JU
★ ★ ★
July 21
James Stewart in
Call Northside 777
Starring Richard Conte,
Lee J. Cobb, Helen Walk
er. Love that roused a ci
ty to action.
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c, To
tal 50c. Children 10c. plus
tax 2c, Total 12c
★ ★ ★
July 22-23
Big Double Bill
It’s An Eye-Thrilling, Ear
Filling Riot of Revelry!
Linda Be Good
Starring Elyse Knox,
Marie Wilson, John
Jimmy Wakely in
Gun Law Justice
Fast riding, hard shoot
ing, laughs galore.
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c, To
tal 50c. Children 10c, plus
tax 2c, total 12c. Matinee
Saturday, 2:30 p. m.
A a a
July 24-25-26
Little Women
Starring June Allyson,
Peter Lawford, Margaret
O’Brien, Elizabeth Taylor,
Janet Leigh, Rossano
Brazzi, Mary Astor. Color
by technicolor.
The World’s Greatest
Love Story! Everybody
loves “Little Women" . . .
and they all love the boy
next door.
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. To
tal 50c—Matinee Sunday
2:30, Adm. 42c, lax 8c, To
tal 50c. Children 10c, plus
tax 2c, Total 12c
★ ★ ★
July 27-28
Wallace Beery, Richard
Conte, and Marjorie Main
Big Jack
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, To
tal 50c. Children 10c. plus
tax 2c. Total 12c.
Albert Carson. Assessing 83.00
W. H. Crawford, Assess
ing 75.00
C. F. Dallegge. Assessing 173 25
Jos. Dobrovolny, Assess
ing 60.00
i L. C. Genung. Assessing 187.50
Allen Haynes, Assessing 120.57
Herb Jensen, Assessing 82.50
F. E. Keyes. Assessing 215.50
A B Latzel, Assessing 105.50
James Lieb. Assessing 75.00
Omer McClenahan, As
sessing 52.50
Romaine J. Rohde, As
sessing 67.50
Harold Shaw, Assess
i jng 45.00
Wm. Troshynski, Assess
ing 60.35
Joe Winkler, Assessing 71.25
F. O. Zink, Assessing 208.88
John P. Berger, Assessing 75.00
C. E. Cavanaugh. Assess
ing 43.00
Ralph Coburn, Assessing 60.00
Lyndley Crumly, Assess
ing 67.50
Fred Dobrovolny, Assess
ing 190.50
Ernest Durre, Assessing 82.50 j
Harold Gilman, Assess
ing 67.50
Levi Hull, Assessing 82.50
C. H, Johnson, Assessing 112.59
P. W. Kilmurry, Assess
ing 82.50
Robert LeMunyan, As
sessing 150.30
Geo. Meals, Assessing 136.00
J. C. Parker, Assessing 142.50
Art Rouse, Assessing 86.70
B. Thomas, Assessing 02.75
E. A. White, Assessing 120.00
W. E. Wulf, Assessing 286.35
12 Noon. On motion the Board j
adjourned until 1 p.m.
O’Neill, Nebraska, May 25,
1949, 1 p.m.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Applications for Refunds from
the following persons were read:
Wm. Luben, Glen Garwood, Per
cy M. Anderson, M. V. Pock,
Mary Gilg. Jay Crawford, Josie
Maring, Orville Thorson, Crum
i ly Bros., and Fred Cronk.
Motion was made by Hubbard,
seconded by Sterns that the
prayers of these petitioners be
granted and warrants issued
them in the amounts asked.
Motion was made by Cronk,
seconded by Batenhorst that the
following Claims be allowed and
warrants ordered drawn on the
General fund in payment of
The Augustine Co., sup
plies -— $ 7.03
A. M. Batenhorst, May
salary_ 35.00
Axel L. Borg, May sal
ary _- — 30.00
Axel L. Borg, mileage 43.75
Dr. L. A. Carter, mental
hearing . 8.00
City of O’Neill, Water
Dept., Service - 44.75
Andy Clark, mileage .... 25.15
Frank Cronk, May salary 35.00
Ed Dumpert, hauling gar
barge ... . 2.00
Don Dankert, mileage 7.50
Alex Frickel, May salary 30.00
The Frontier, printing &
supplies ... 53.40
Norman Gonderinger,
mental bearing 3.00
Holt County Publisher’s
Assn., tax books 290.49
i Holt Co. Publisher’s Assn.
supplies 433.29
H. W. Hubbard, May sal
ary ... . 30.00
K-B Company, supplies 6.36
Baker Paper Co., supplies 5.35
A. M. Batenhorst, mile
age 39.90
Axel L. Borg, salary 5.20
Ed T. Campbell, premium
on bond 2.50
Dr. L. A. Carter, mental
hearings _ ..... 14.00
Andy Clark, May salary 45.00
Consumers Public Power
District -.... 2.00
Frank Cronk, mileage 43.90
Dept, of Health, Vital
Statistics . 28.75
Ewing Advocate, printing 14.50
Alex Frickel, mileage 32.70
Gillespies, supplies 4.29
Holt County Court, wit
ness fees _ 41.38
Holt Co. Independent,
supplies & printing 93.65
H W. Hubbard, mileage 34 85
Milburn & Scott Co., sup
plies ... 53.05
Milburn & Scott Co.,
supplies 24.60
Norfolk Daily News, sup
N.BW Bell Telephone Co..
service .34.23
Albert Sterns, May salary 30.00
Edwin Thorin, premium
on Ins. policy 20.76
Western Stationers, sup
plies 12.60
H. F. Mullen, premium on
Crystal Ballroom
SUNDAY, July 24
Johnny Mullen
bond 10.00
N. W. Bell Telephone Co.
Service 101.90
Louis W. Reimer, postage 3.78
Albert Sterns, mileage 18.65
Twin State Typewriter
Co., supplies 14.50
Valeo Products Co., sup
plies 31.80
Edgar Jungman's Application
for renewal of his License to op
erate a Dance Hall at Amelia,
Nebr., was read. Motion was
made by Hubbard, seconded by
Borg that his application be ap
proved and he be issued a li
cense to operate a Dance Hall
there for the coming year.
Motion was made by Hubbard,
econded by Borg that the Holt
County Board of Supervisors ad
vertise for bids for the construc
tion of a bridge, for machinery I
for use by the County and for
steel culverts to be used in this
County. Carried.
On motion the Board adjourn
ed until June 28, 1949, at 10 a.m.
County Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska, June 28,
1949, 10 a.m.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Minutes r.J the previous meet
ing were ’•ead and approved as
Mr. Wulf appeared before the
Board presenting a claim for
rent. Motion was made by Hub
bard, seconded by Batenhorst
that the Claims of Mr. Wulf and
Mr. Keyes for room rental dur- |
ing the assessment period be
paid. Motion carried.
The Finance Committee re
ported that all fees from the va
rious offices for the month of
May had been remitted to the
County Treasurer as required by ■
law. Carried.
Motion was made by Borg, ■
seconded by Sterns that the a
bove report be accepted
Motion made by Hubbard,
seconded by Borg that the fol- j
lowing Salary & Expense Claims
be allowed and warrants order
ed drawn on the General Fund
in payment of same:
Kieth A. Abart, mileage 4.00
Kieth A. Abart, June sal
ary . 216.68
Virginia M. Bennett, June
salary - 100.00
Faye Brady, June salary 38.50
William W. Griffin, June
salary ... —. 141.66
J. Ed Hancock, postage 40 60
L. I. Hamik. mileage — 17.36
Marion I. Harty, June
salary _ — 133.23 i
Thomas F. Hanaberry,
| oil 1*70 j
A. B. Hubbard, telephone I
& postage - 4.22
A. B Hubbard, June sal
ary 175.00
Esther Cole Harris, post
age .. 11 00
Ruth Hoffman, freight &
postage _ _ .... 9 40
Holt Co. Extension serv
ice _.___ 302.03 i
Eldora Lowery, June sal
ary _ ~ - .... 60.00
Ira H. Moss, court costs 74.93
Nora A. Mullen, June sal
ary 150 00 ,
Elja McCullough, post
age 13.27
Elja McCullaugh, June
salary 216.66
Louis W. Reimer, postage 3.75
Claresse Sullivan, June
salary - 150.00
Leonard A. Thomazin,
mileage ~ 18.00
Kieth A. Abart, freight
& supplies - 5.88
Vivian Allendorfer, June
salary 150.00
Elmer R. Bowen, June
salary • 170.00
Phyllis Dale, June salary 50.00
L. G. Gillespie, June sal
ary ____ .... 216.65
J. Ed Hancock, June sal
ary 216.66
L. I. Hamik, June salary 150.00
Thomas F. Hanabejrv, |
June salary 50.80
A. B Hubbard, prisoner's
care 126.75
A. B. Hubbard, mileage 102.40
Susie Hubbard, Matron's
fee _ 74.00
Esther Cole Harris, June
salary 150.00
Ruth Hoffman, June sal
ary .- . 216.66
Marv Joann Hynes, June
salary 110.00.
DeLoris Lowery, June
salary . 133.33
Ira H Moss, June salary 216.66
Mabel McKenna, June
salary - ^0 °0
Elja McCullough, Insti- _
tute Fund _ — — 100.00
Wilma McClure, June sal
ary 110.00
Louis W. Reimer, June
salary 258.33
Leonard A. Thomazin,
June salary 27.60
12 noon. On motion the Board
adjourned until 1 p.m.
O’Neill, Nebraska, June 28, ^
1949. 1 p.m. i
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present. j
Meeting called to order by the ^
j Chairman.
A toad petition signed by Geo.
Wadsworth and others was read.
This petition requests that the
road commencing at the SE cor
! ner of Sec. 15, Twp. 30, R 15 and
running thence due North for 8
miles between Sections 15 &
14, 10 & 11. 3 & 2, In Twp 30.R.
15 and between Sections 34 &
35. 27 & 26, In Twp. 31, R. 15 and
terminating at the NE corner of
Section 10, Twp. 31, R. 15 be
designated as a County road.
Motion was made by Frickel,
seconded by Cronk that a Hear
ing be held on this petition on
i July 27, 1949 at 1:30 p m.
A Road Petition signed by S.
R. Robertson & others was pre
sented to the Board. They are
petitioning to have the road
commencing on Highway 281
and running one mile East be
tween Sections 13 & 19. Twp 31,
R. 11 in Paddock Precinct be es
tablished as a public road.
Motion was made by Borg,
seconded by Frickel that a Hear
ing be held on this petition on
July 26, 1949, at 1:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. This was the time
set for the Hearing on Orville
Siebert’s road petition A group
of men met w'ith the Board. Af
ter discussion, motion was made
by Frickel, seconded by Sterns j
that this road be designated a
County road if the Township
Boards of Atkinson, Rock Falls
and Pleasant View will contrib
ute $125.00 per mile for each
mile in their precinct to help
build the road, and if the par- ^
ties adjoining the road will ac
cept the center of the present
road as the center of the new
road without having it surveyed.
Motion was made by Borg,
seconded by Friekel that the fol
lowing Claims be allowed and
warrants ordered drawn on the
Road Fund in payment of same:
Delbert Addison, gas &
fuel _ . 29.35
Loyd Angus, gas & fuel 57.69
Beckwith Oil Co., fuel 153.26
Ed Brandt, repairs . 2.35
Central Supply Co., re
pairs . 73.10
Continental Oil Co., fuel 123.26
Frank Cronk, road super
vision 15.00
D-A Lubricant Co., oil 18.05
Donald Dankert, spraying
roads HO 00
Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co.
repairs .... - 6.14
Chas. Ford, road work 22.50
Norm Galleher Lbr. Co.,
repairs .... . - 56.84
Gerald Harding, road
work 259.70
Highway Eqpt. & Supply
Co., repairs - 66 43
Highway Eqpt. & Supply
Co., repairs 136.35
Inter-State Oil Co., gre
zerator . 21.56
Harry Keeler, sand and
gravel - 43.17
I C. W. Kirkland, pickup
rental . .— 4.50
Fritz Kohle, hauling do
zer to Omaha —. 55.00
Wm. Krotter Co., gas &
repairs _ 84.89
Nebr. Tractor & Equipt.
Co., repairs - - 17.86
Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt.
Co., grader rental . 440.71
(Continued on page 7-A)
Teen Tattler —
Valentine Ump-pah-pah Helps in
Rehearsal and Band Sounds Swell
Hi guys and gals! Here’s a re
minder that your precious Sum
v a c a t i o n is
now half over.
I know i t
doesn’t seem
like it, but
it must have
been that
part - time
job you had
or all the cx
1 a - little -
things you’ve
had to do.
All-in - all,
school is just
six weeks a
way, but don’t
let that get you down (which
I’m sure it won’t) for there are
a million things on schedule be
fore the Summer ends.
Atkinson Hay Days are Au
gust 17 and 18, and does anybo
dy know who Mr. Hay is? Hay
Days in Atkinson is something
not to be missed.
Burwell and Valentino ro
deos are also things to be re
considered. Then there is the
great Holt county fair in
September. That should keep
us busy al least until school
starts again.
Two sub-teen-agers, Mary and
Judy Ryan, were heard on the
NBC “Welcome Travelers” pro
gram on July 9.
Patty Beha has been visiting
Nancy and Merilyn Beha for the
past week or so.
Speaking of Nancy Beha, it
seems that the main attraction
around town these days is Slats’
drive in. There you’ll find Barb
and Sharon Hancock and Kath
dyn Judge hard at work. Some
times they get so hard up they
have to have Marde Birming
ham on the job.
A fairly famous foursome seen
at the movies last week were
Donna Davis, Dan DeBacker, |
Quentin Cavanaugh and Helen
Saturday the O’Neill band
was honored to have Lee Kjel
sen, of Valentine, conduct. Mr.
Kjelsen said that O’Neill has
one of the best bands in the
state and that he thought it a
great honor to get to conduct ,
this band. Thank you, Mr. Kjel- !
sen, for both the compliment
and the splendid conducting.
At a band rehearsal a few
weeks ago, some 15 teen-agers
came down from Valentine to
help with the rehearsal and
they sure helped fill in. What
we couldn’t do with them, too!
The band sure sounded swell.
Tonight Bob Calume and his
orchestra will be at the Legion
club, so I’ll see you there.
Beautiful Valley
Club Is Formed
CHAMBERS — A group of
ladies met Thursday, July 9, at
the home of Mrs. C. V. Robert
son to organize a garden club
Mrs. Skrdla, of Atkinson, was
present to help organize.
The name chosen was
“Beautiful Valley club.” Mrs.
C. V. Robertson was elected
president, Mrs. K. N. Adams,
vice-president, and Mrs. Frank
Spath, secretary-treasurer.
The hostess, asisted by Mrs.
H. C. Walter, served refresh
ments of ice cream, cake and
Second meeting for the new
ly-formed club was held Tues
day at the home of Mrs. K. N.
To Return to Wisconsin—
CHAMBERS — Miss Phyllis
Kiltz, who has been attending
the University of Iowa, arrived
home Thursday, July 14, to
spend the remainder of her va
cation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Miss
Kiltz has been on the faculty
of the Jamesville Wise., high
school and will return there
next Fall.
Lodge Heads Installed —
CHAMBERS — Mrs. Bertha
Kubart, deputy district presi
dent and staff, of Atkinson,
were in Chambers Friday, July
9, to install the following of
ficers of the Winona Rebekah
lodge: Mrs. Elizabeth Taggart,
noble grand. Gladys Smith,
Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Clifford
Opper left Tuesday, July 12,
for Kesler Field, Miss., after vis
iting Mrs. Opper’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira L. Watson.
The Harmony club met Tues- [
day afternoon, July 12, with
Mrs Clifford Sawyer.
Mrs. John Gallagher is visit
ing relatives hi Omaha this
George Sobotka and son, Rob
ert. and daughter, Georgella,
left Thursday for Cando, N. D,
where they will visit their
daughters and sisters, Mrs. Cal
mer Halverson, and family and
Henrietta, Elizabeth Ann and
i Shelia Jean Sobotna.
Mrs. Sherman Mapes, of Fre
mont, spent Thursday and Fri
day* July 14 and 15, visiting Mrs.
Mina Coventry.
The Coffee club met Friday
iWSCS hall for a regular
meeting. Mrs. Harry McGraw
and Mrs. Rommie South were
Miss Vivian Stevens, of Nor
folk, spent the weekend visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs E»-l
Mrs. Earl Miller and daughter,
Mrs. Fay BritteU, spent last
Thursday in Sioux City visiting
thei rson and brother, Elmer
Crosser, who is in a hospital
Mrs. L. B. Pyle and daughter,
of Santa Barbara, Calif., are vis
iting Mrs. Pyle’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Reimers. Mrs.
Pyle was formerly Bonita Rei
Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan
left Saturday on a two-months’
vacation throught Canada and
Western states.
WJAG . . . 780 on Your Dial
model ^5515?/
Orti gross and weeds...fasti
Mulches as it mows, no rak
Mg. light weight. Fully,
guarded cutting base. Pow
•red by famous 2 H P.
POWER-PAK gasoline motor i
odth silent-type muffler. Built
for years of reliable
f®*- Come in —let ui
demo nitrate.
Sm H Todqp
Radio — Electric — Radio
Phone 114 O'Neill
there's a ford truck
r _
d >
From half-ton Pickups to 145-horsepoWer BIG JOBS. Conventional and
Cab-Over-Engine types. Stake, Platform, Panel, Express and Pickup bodies.
★ Priced with the lowest ★ Biggest trade-in
allowances in town ★ Immediate delivery on all
hut a few models.
Lohaus Motor Co. JSzU.