The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 07, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Frontier Woman —
Reader-Letters Needed for Department,
But No Poetry - Original or Borrowed
Hi there, all you nice people
Things running smoothly at youi
houses? They aren’t? Then what
a consolation to me — because
that’s the way things go at our
house, too. Just when I think
I have everything running
smoothly, somebody or some
thing throws a wrench in the
works and things unplanned for
start happening.
Oh well, it’s all in a life time,
1 guess! A word to the wives
Blanche Spann
— when you
buy slip cov
ers for the
c h a i r 3 and
davenport —
or make them
— try to get
materials that
are washable
and then
wash them
with the
greatest o f
care. If you
get the kind
which has to
be dry cleaned, you will soon
find that they have been paid
for in dry cleaning bills several
times over. Wash them separate
ly and do it carefully— and you
’ll find their longer wearability
and extra good looks will be
worth all the extra care.
And while we are on the sub
ject of washing and clothing and
such—are you one of those peo
ple who use a bleach for the
white clothes?
Often we want to restore
stained dish towels and such
items to a whiter, brighter ap
pearance anej we use a bleach.
If you use a bleach, use a good
commercial bleach and be sure
to follow the manufacturer’s di
rections carefully. Items you
wish to bleach should be washed
first in the regular way— then
remove them from the rest of
the load and bleach. Then wash
them again, and rinse thorough
ly. Bleach left In clothes goes
right on working and it will
damage fabrics if it isn’t rinsed
out. You can bleach in your
washer after you’ve washed the
elothes —be sure the load con
tains only the articles that are
safe in bleach, no silks or wools,
remember. Fill the washer, add
softener and soap in the regular
way and add the bleach, using
the amount recommended by
the maker. Put in the clothes
and wash the regular way. A
gain, be sure you rinse thor
oughly. In fact, if you use this
method, we strongly advise rins
ing in the washer. Then you’re
sure all the bleach (and odor)
Das been removed.
Do you wash heavy soiled
work clothes properly? Prepare
Auto Financing
Finance your 1946
or later model auto
with us.
Geo. C. Robertson
O'Neill, Neb.
I _l
|^1|-Mp4 *J || I I 'll 1-M ijl > I rf
July 7,8,9,12,13,14,15,18
Post Time 4 P. M.
Doily Double Closes 3:45 P. M.
as for soaking, turn pockets in
side out and shake. Shake loose
dirt out of the cuffs. Close any
slide fasteners. Fill washer or
laundry tub with hot water, just
as hot as you can get it, 140 de
grees to 160 degrees. Build thick
suds, using a good laundry soap.
Soak garments for 15 to 20 min
utes. Extract water from the
clothes and wash in fresh water.
Wash from eight to 15 min
utes depending on the degree
of soil, in water which is soft
and hot—140 to 160 F. Use
three rinses for best results,
two warm 120 degree, and one
lukewarm 110 degrees. Agitate
Now that means you wash the
clothes in very hot water. This
is necessary for the removal of
the greasy soils, even though
water this temperature is too
hot for your hands. Use a
laundry stick with a blunt end
to handle the garments.
There are quite a few “tricks”
to learn about drying clothes
which will make things easier j
for you. Hang garments by their
strongest parts. Shirts by their
tails, dresses by the seams (if
sheer, hanger drying is best).
Shorts and trousers by the
waist. Hang towels and linens
one-third over the line. Sheets
double, with hems together,
saves ironing time. Hang slip
covers and blankets over paral
lel lines. Hanger drying helps
retain the shape of dreses, slip
and such and saves ironing time.
Use ordinary rust proof wire
coat hangers or wrap with a
clean white cloth. A clothes pin
on either side of the hook will
I keep the hanger from sliding, j
Gently shape sleeves and waist,
straighten hem. Seersucker and
chenille garments should b e
hanger dried. The maker recom- j
mends no ironing, except on
[ seams, so dry to shape.
If you are in a hurry for some
garment, hang indoors. Place a
fan on a small table, two or
three feet from the garment. Di
rect the flow of air from an elec
tric fan between the lines,
operating the fan afc high speed.
This will save from two to four
hours of drying time.
Mrs. Eugene Wedige
Wins Subscription—
Dear Mrs. Pease;
I am sending a few recipes
that I hope might be of use in
! your column for The Frontier.
Two cups finely chopped cab
; bage, ono cup celery, cut fine,
one cup marshmallows cut in
eighths, one cup crushed pine- j
apple, Mi cup boiled salad dress
ing, Vt cup whipped cream. Mix
cabbage, celery and marshmal
lows and Jet stand for 30 min
1 tes. Combine pineapple and sal-!
ad dressing, mix with the other
ingredients. Just before serving.
i add the whipped cream. This
serves eight.
Two cups orange juice, cup
lemon juice, Vi teaspoon salt,
two teaspoons granulated gela
tine, four tablespoons cold wa
ter, one cup sugar, two cups
milk. Soak gelatine and water
five minutes. Dissolve over hot
water. Cool, add rest of ingredi
ents and pour into tray in re
frigerator. Freeze t o mushy
stage, remove tray and beat
well, return and freeze for 30j
i minutes, remove and beat well
I again. Freeze until stiff. It re
quires about four hours to freeze
this sherbet It can be frozen by
using regular freezer method al
Beat together until thick two
egg yolks, Vt teaspoon grated
orange rind, four tablespoons or
ange juice and ^ tablespoon
lemon juice. Add % cup sugar
gradually and continue beating
with egg beater. Fold in one cup
pastry flour sifted four times
with V4 teaspoon soda and V*
teaspoon salt.
Grease an angel cake pan or
deep round tin and line the bot
tom with greased paper. Pour in
cake mixture and bake 30 min
| utes at 375F. Cake may be
! frosted or it may be split and
; filled with orange marmalade or
a cooked orange filling between
the layers.
Stuart, Nebr.
Mrs. Edward Zach, of Dorsey,
Alto Wins Subscription—
Dear Mrs. Pease:
Well, I’m going to try my luck
at a three-months’ subscription
to The Frontier. My, what a nice
rain we had yesterday. Sure will i
be grand for garden and crops. I
am sending a recipe for quick
baked beans which we like very
much and which is simple to
Two slices of bacon, three ta
blespoons finely minced onion, ,
one tablespoon sugar, 1V2 table- J
spoons catsup, V4 teaspoon salt,
l/4 teaspoon dry mustard, two to
Fry bacon, remove from pan and
three cups cooked dry beans,
bacon fat. Add sugar, catsup, salt,
and mustard. Add beans and J
mix lightly. Pour into baking j
dish, putting bacon slices on top.
Bake about 20 minutes in mod
erate 350 F. oven.
Here are a few helpful hints
I’m sure will be of some use to
your readers. Add a few drops
of vinegar to the water in which
the meat is cooking, it will have
a nice flavor. /
A little baking powder added
to the flour which is used for
making pie crusts, will make the
pastry much lighter.
Roll fruit in flour before put
ting in a cake to keep the fruit
from sinking to the bottom.
Dorsey, Nebr.
Emmet Woman Writes
Gift Winning Letter—
Mrs. Dean Perry, of Emmet,
has been sent our small sur
prise gift for the use of her
Hello, Mrs. Pease and Neigh
Well here I am writing a
gain to thank you for my
three months subscription
that I won last week. I don't
know what I would do if I
didn't receive The Frontier,
I sure would miss it. It will
soon be asparagus picking
time again. We sure like as
paragus, and here is one way
to fix it:
One-third butter, Vfe cup
flour, Vi cup aspargus liquor,
one cup milk, one teaspoon salt,
four eggs, two cups cooked dic
ed asparagus.
Melt the butter, add flavor
and mix well. Add milk and
asparagus liquor and cook, Stir
ling constantly until thickened.
Add salt and pepper. Add tho
hot mixture slowly to the well
beaten egg yolks, stirring con
stantly. Add the asparagus and
allow to cool. Fold in the stiff
ly beaten egg whites and pour
into a buttered baking dish.
Bake in a moderate oven for
about 45 minutes.
Three cups flour, three tea
spoons double acting baking
powder, lVi teaspoon salt, one
third sugar, lVi cups milk, one
thir<i cup melted shortening,
one cup nuts.
Sift dry ingredients, add nuts,
beat egg, add milk and melted
shortening, add to dry ingred
ients, mix carefully. Turn into
buttered tin and bake 1V4 hour.
Cold oven to start, then 375
degrees F.
Mix one cup seeded whit*
cherries, one cup red cherries,
one cup diced pears one cup
diced pineapple and chill
throughly. Drain well and add
V6 cup broken pecon meats,
add % cup whipped cream ma
yonnaise, arrange on crisp let
tuce leaves and serve with one
eunof whipped cream mayon
Mix and sift Vfe cup flour, V4
* I
Please route your freight j
O’Neill Transfer
An O’Neill firm.
Trips j
O’NEILL—Phone 241J !
OMAHA—Phone JA3727 {
Your Patronage
Prop. J
Lesson: “He smoked a ciga
rette in bed He can't get up be
cause he’s dead.”
If you don’t like the weather
j in this part of Nebraska you can
move somewhere else and not
like it there.
We still think that the Om
aha weather man really pulled
a nifty when he said a good wea
therman could look into a girl’s
eyes and tell weather or not.
If you throw mud you are
bound to spatter some of it on
Ninety out of a hundred men
have troublesome wives. The
other 10 men aren’t married.
teaspoon salt, and one teaspoon
baking powder. Melt Yi cup
butter and stir in one cup
brown sugar, one unbeaten egg.
one teaspoon vanilla and Yi
cup broken nutmeats. Add the
sifted dry ingredients, spread
the mixture in a buttered pan
and bake about half an hour in
a moderate oven or at about
350 degrees.
One cup corn meal, two cups
water, one teaspoon salt, two
tablespoon butter, four eggs,
beaten, one cup milk. #
Stir corn meal into rapidly
boiling salted water. Let boil
one minute. Remove from heat
and beat in butter, eggs and
milk. Pour into nine inch
square buttered pan, bake in
hot oven of 400 degrees F. for
25 minutes.
Mrs. Dean Perry,
Emmet, Nebraska.
Letters Needed for
Frontier Woman—
We need letters for The Fron
tier Woman as we have prac
tically used all those we have
on hand. Each week we give one
or two three months' subscrip
tions to The Frontier for letters
used in The Frontier Woman
department. You may write a
bout anything you like except
that we don't want poetry—eith
er your own or anyone else’s.
Original letters are always in
teresting. We like pioneer sto-1
l ies, embarrassing moments, pet
peeves and such. If you send us
a letter of the household type,
don’t just send a recipe and a
line or two, try to send us a cou
pie of your best recipes and in
clude some of your favorite
household hints.
Send your letter to Mrs. Blan
che Pease, The Frontier Wom
an, Atkinson, Nebr. Be sure to
put The Frontier Woman nota
tion on the envelope.
Did You Know That?
When you are laying a new
linoleum and your floors are
; rough, it will pay you to lay a
plywood floor over your old
than pay for this, according to
floor first? The added wearabil
! ity of your linoleum will more
one of our readers.
Cut roses in the afternoon if
you want them to last longer,
not in early morning. And re
move leaves on the lower part
of the rose stems. Leaves decay
in water and promote growth of
bacteria, which plugs the tubes
and causes the flowers to witl
from lack of water.
Mix the margarine in the cas
serole you plan to bake in that
day. Then the casserole is greas
ed and you don’t waste any eith
Frickel Flome
Scene of Reunion
CELIA—A reunion was held
Sunday, July 3, at the old
Frickel family home. All of the
family were together. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Frickel, Mr. and Mrs. Mont
Spalding, of Yocalla. Ore.,
Alec and Herman Frickel, of
Celia, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
Smith and family, of Butte, Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Marquardt, of
Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Connie
Frickel, jr., and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Frickel and
family, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Hoffman and son and Mr. and
Mrs. George Syfie and daugh
Other Celia News
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Dellman
and children, Lonnie and Jo
Jane, arrived Thursav evening,
June 30. from Nogales, Ariz.[
for a visit with her brother,
Alex Forsvthe Other guests at
the Forsvthe home are Alex’s
sister. Mrs. James Anderson, and
husband, of Villisca. la., and i
brothter. Perry Forsythe, wife 1
and daughter. Carol, of Wal- |
nut. Ta.
Mr. and Mrs. E W. Samms
and daughter, Diane, were i
Sunday, June 26, guests at the
Charles Dobias, jr., home. Mrs
Samm and Diane stayed until
Wednesday afternoon to help
Mr. Dobias as she is recover
ing from a tonsilectomy.
Donald Focken and Duane
Anderson, of Omaha, visited
' the Clarence Focken family on
Friday evening. July 1.
Clarence and Marvin Fock
en helped their brother, Don
ald, put down a well Wednes
day, June 29.
E. W. Samms was in Sioux j
City Monday and Friday of j
last week.
Sunday, June 26, guests at
the Mark Hendricks home were
Mrs. Hendrick’s aunt, Mrs.
George Peabody, sons, George,
jr., and Milford, also her
daughter, Mrs. Gayhart Manke,
and children, Marilyn an Jer
ry, all of Dallas, S. D. Mrs. J.
R. Jarvis was a guest also.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms
and Diane visited the George
I Beck family Wednesday eve
ning, June 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKath
nie left Thursday, June 28,
for their Summer cottage on
Lake Michigan. Ivan will go
to his business at Ft. Wayne,
Mrs. Edna Hendrick spent
last week with her son, Mark
Hendricks, and family.
Mark Hendrick and sons,
! Robert and Leon, were O’Neill
; visitors Saturday, July 2. Rob
ert obtained his driver’s li
Mr. Asa Woods and Mrs.
Mark Hendricks, Markita and
Arlin, visited Mrs. Ray Elder
Saturday, July 2, n also went
to O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John
| son, Ellen McKathnie and Frei
I da Tinsley returne Thursday,
| June 30, from a trip through
i the Black Hills.
Milton McKathnie and broth
er, Ivan McKathnie, and wife
returned Monday, June 25,
from a trip to Wyoming, Col
orado and South Dakota.
Mrs. J. R. Jarvis spent the
weekend with her granddaugh
ter, Mrs. Mark Hendricks, and
Thursday. June 30, guests at
the Mark Hendricks home
were Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and
children. Mrs. Clarence Focken
and three daughters, also Bon
na and Brenda Margritz.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson
and Mrs. Alpha McKathnie
were Friday evening, July 1,
guests at the Stanley Johnson
Mark Hendricks and sons,
Robert and Leon, and Bernard
Blackmore assisted Leonard
Chaffin three days the past
week in digging a basement
under part of the house and
will build a new enclosed
porch over part of the base
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson
went to Oakland June 24 and
returned July 1. Their daugh
ter, Mrs. Alpha McKathnie, re
turned with them for a visit
with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John
son are enjoying a visit with
her sister, Mrs. D. R. Eckard
and daughter, Madaline, of Los
Angeles, Calif.
Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Smith
and Donna and Rollin were
Sunday, July 3, guests at the
home of his mother, Mrs
Charles Smith. Mrs. Stella
Bede, of Chicago, 111., was also
a guest. She is Mrs. Charles
Smith’s sister-in-law.
Mr. and Mr. Jack Winnings
took their uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs. Lou Francis, who
have been visiting some time
in Holt county, to their home
in Denver, Colo., the past
For a Good Time
Elgin Nebr.
• Fine Food
• Dancing
• Entertainment
Members and their guests
are invited to visit the Old
Plantation Club.
it's a WHALE of a SALE!
Tremendous Savings in Air Step, Life Stride
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Sale Starts Thursday, July 7th
Weekdays 8:30 A. M. - 5:30 P. M.
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Green and Biege Alligators; Black,
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Fine Calf Skins in Pumps, Straps and
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Our Loss is Your Gain on This Lot
Free X-Ray Sborne’C Mail Orders
Shoe Fitting The Family Shoe Store LhJ Filled
Service O’NEILL Promptly