Life Then . . . was a matter of hardship, perservance and an eternal struggle against the elements and the lawless. Life then, in the days when O’Neill was a tiny colony and the countryside was vir ginal prairie, revolved around the log cabin. The logs were hewn from trees along the river bottoms. The sod house was the first and com monest dwelling; the log cabin was a permanent structure and several of them are standing still. Life Today--1949 begins with a New ome... k... . **-. £*. v' * TODAY, the building of a new home is a far cry from the ordeal that it was on the prairie. Today it is fun. It is an experience that every family looks forward to. Often, it is the culmination of a lifelong desire and ambition. BACK IN THOSE good old days things were different. Man had to have a home of his own to withstand the rigors of the plains, to work the soil, to claim a homestead I From almost the very beginning of O’Neill there has been a lumber yard on our corner, and in the memories of those now living are the names.of the late Clyde King and Joe Mann (Galena Lumber Co.) — predecessors to the Spelts-Ray Lumber Co. MANY OF I FIE HOMES and business buildings in O’Neill were provided with materials from our yards, and over the countryside you will find hundreds of farm and ranch homes and buildings dotting the landscape. A great many of the builders secured their lumber and supplies at this stand — the “South Yard.” EVEN THROUGH late post-war years, when procuring materials has been difficult, our patrons have enjoyed the same courteous service, fair prices and quality products. Our years in the lumber and building business, coupled with wholesale connections in every large timber section of the country, have made it possible for us to pass along this service to you. WE, of the Spelts-Ray Lumber Co., are always anxious and willing to discuss building or re pair problems with you . . . whether the job be large or small. ★ LUMBER ★ MILLWORK ★ CEMENT ★ BUILDING HARDWARE ★ STEEL POSTS ★ BRICKS ★ PAINTS & VARNISHES PHONE 74 — O’NEILL SPELTS-RAY mm Lumber Co. mm