PAGE 2-A_•_ _ e Frontier Business Office and Plant: 10 South Fourth Street , O’NEILL. NEBRASKA _ ~ Entered the postoffice at O’Neill. Holt county. Nebraska as second-class mail matter under the Act of ‘ 8. 1879. This newspaper is a member of the Nebraska Association. National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. _ Established in 1880—Published Each Thursday _ ' ROMAINE SAUNDERS Editor-in-Chief, Diamond Jubilee Edition ^EVLJWSTONEWART Mechanical Super— CHARLES W. APGAR News Editor Sr Advertising MMiager MARGARET O. STEWART Society Li h m^arvii I E staff Photographer mTrCARET E mCKFY Reporter & Office Manager ^THEr S AS1?ER Linotype Operator f^RRY BOURNE Pressman & Linotype Operator ™RD BA?ELMAN .-.- Stereotyper dr Pressman Special Correspondents: Maude J• 1 Mabel Hammer berg (Celia); Mrs. Fred Zmk (S More • n Cmith (Sandcreek); Florence Lindsey (Amelia), Peter m (Redbird); Elsie Cork (Page); Mrs. James McMahan (Inman); Mrs. F. R Carpenter (Chambers); Mrs. Ewalt Miller (Star); Mrs. F. S. Kerter (Wnch); A S. Evans (Ewing); Mrs. Henry Retmers (De ToTtP Ardith Farrier (Chambers); Mrs. Laurence Storjohann (Atkinson). __ ” Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per vt ar, where in the United States, $3 per year; abroad, rates provided on request. All subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advance, GROSsTdISTRIBUTION THIS ISSUE: 3,219 THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949_ Our Diamond Jubilee Edition "Where there is no vision, the people perish. This week, The Frontier presents with a feeling of pleasure and pride Its long publicized and eagerly anticipated Diamond Jubilee Edition to its vast family of readers in O Neill, Holt cou ty, and the entire territory where it circulates. This edition is an achievement in country journalism which is seldom equalled. It consists of many pages, filled withi inter esting reading matter, timely human interest features and graphic pictures, all of which vividly recreates the story of a typical Ne braska community’s growth and development. It is a story of life and expansion, of struggle and progress, of hardship and success, of ambition and failure, of adventure and aspiration and of a constant forging ahead in spite of handi caps and discouragements. The Frontier is glad to have had the privilege of publishing this big edition in commemoration of the 75th anniversary o the settlement of O’Neill. O’Neill is an outstanding Nebraska city. Its long history is replete with incidents of absorbing dramatic interest and the rousing Diamond Jubilee celebration which is planned ^ Octo ber 12 will be a fitting climax to the steady march of progress which it has made in the past. This edition represents a lot of planning, a lot of cooperation and a lot of hard work and sweat. All the member* of the Frontier *iaff have toiled faithfully for many week* to produce it and they appreciate the a*«l»tance which they have received in *uch generou* measure from the people of O'Neill and Holt county. Without that cooperation, such an edition would have been impossible. "Seventy-five” is symbolic of achievement. When a married couple lives happily together long enough to celebrate their GoW en Wedding, that is considered remarkable; but, when they c ebrate their Diamond Wedding, that is considered extraordinary. The event is unusual and so is the Diamond Jubilee of a community in this new and virgin West. Of course, in the Eas , where civilization is much older, the event would not!oe c apostles and martyrs greet and the less notable of earth, now all citizens of the eternal king dom. For one thousand years the , redeemed of earth are the guests of the Savior of men. Heaven is explored and the | mysteries of eternity fill the minds of all with adoration and praise. Then the gracious invitation, Come, my people, we are taking a journey to an other planet. A multitude ga ther about their King and with the rapidity of thought the re deemed throng traverse the untrod paths of space and as their feet rest upon the fruit ful soil of an unfallen world there gathers a group of majes tic beings who have never known the sting of sin. They bow in adoration before the Lord, then ask, Who are these you have brought to our world? Ah. here they are, he replies. This is why 1 went down to earth and tread the path way to the cross. These have been redeemed from among men out of the one tragic wreck that shall never more mar eternity's ages. A visit with those of an unfallen world—not a fantastic but a precious thought. Eternity rolls on, and then from the hand of the Creator comes “a new heaven and a new earth,” to which the great glittering city with its immor tal citizens descends. Home at last. “That unchangeable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands— The King of all kingdoms for ever is He And He holdeth our crowns in His hands.” State Capitol News LINCOLN — It was a quiet week at the statehouse. Summer arrived and with it, j stenographers shed their stock- j ings to display suntanned legs j and there was the usual quota j of vacation-vacant desks. Even Gov. Val Peterson’s , massive, carved desk was J cleared, as he attended the , governor’s conference in Colo rado Springs’ swank Broad-, moor hotel. There, the chief executive held forth on his favorite top ic: highways. “Boxcars on rubber tires,” he told fellow governors are not paying their share of highway maintenance and construction costs. He waxed warm as he blasted the lobby opposed to 1 higher highway taxes. “There seems to be a na-, tional pattern of petroleum and trucking interests to fight gasoline tax inccreases,” he said. In his own state, there it a counter weapon to the pe troleum and carriers lobby. It's the Better Nebraska As sociation formed to sponsor Peterson's highway program. At least one busy place in rm,iM ao>K« momi to MOTUCB! IWOWl *AC« ' ANOTMIft DAT *U**'H# Ovtft That UIvOwtin* V L-P (PROPANE) GAS CAN BE OBTAINED OF... Ralph N. Leidy... O’Neill • t the capitol was high in the tower, where the state head quarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars pushed the cam paign to suspend rent control. Attorney General James An derson last week approved the form of the petition to be cir culated by the VFW and that set the wheels spinning. A kick-off meeting at Omaha last weekend was called to corre late the strategy to secure it, 634 valid signatures before 5 p.m. on August 24. (Earlier reports said the deadline was August 27, but the secretary of state’s office pointed to attorney general’s opinions that August 24 will be 90 calendar days after ad journment of the legislature.) Try Frontier Want Adva! ★ AT COUNCIL OAK LOW PRICES * * oscar |lf|C||FDC Tender- Jui°y> jp_ MAYER VI 1C IIC If 0 10-Oz. Can. tK)C ' RAINBO CUPS 14c PICNIC PLATES »814c DITCCII ADC Wooden Spoons or A_ III I Coil Hi C Forks, Pkg. of 12 . 9C BING CHERRIES for Canning Cantaloupe, lb. .. 10c Lemons, doz.53 C Carrots, 2 bunch. 17c Lettuce, 2 for ... 25c Watermelon - Plums Corn -Celery- Cucumbers CHARMIN WHITE ★ PAPER NAPKINS O IQ* Soil as l inen. M In Package _“ pkg*. ■ W V ★ FRUIT COCKTAIL O 8» (1 Deliclon* on Ice Cream Too _IP Cans tg I SUPERB ★ APRICOT HALVES 0 no . AO* In Henry Syrup__ mm Can* TVV MORNING LIGHT ★ PORK & BEANS 3 no >«AQ* Good Hot or Cold . IP Cans fvy SUPERB WHOLE KERNEL ★ GOLDEN CORN 0 19o. 01* Vacuum Packed .. an Cans IPIv PHENIX ★ CHEESE SPREADS *0. 01* Pimento, Pineapple, Ollve-Pm., Relish. Jar Mm IV OLD LONDON ★ CHEESE SANDWICH OC* Crisp Wafers with a Cheddar Filling. Phg.«WV SUPERB PURE ★ STRAWBERRY PRESERVES OQ* Chock Fnll of Red-Ripe lierries. 12-os. larwWV KELLOGG'S ★ RICE KRISPIES 1 An Ask About the Plastic Jet Racer, rkg. SALAD BOWL ★ SALAD DRESSING AC* Makes Any Salad Better. Quart Jar_"wlPjP FOR DELICIOUS COLD DRINKS ★ ZEPHYR NECTAR 0 80. 1C* Assorted Fruit Flavors_Mm Bottles IqPv FRESH FROBTBD ★ DEVIL’S FOOD COOKIES 00* I ‘Riiarema with Lea Cream'. 1-Lb. Cello. Bag WfcV COHN Bl.OHHOM AB IIAI/fM A WHOM •< Tw BE A DY-TO-SEBVK vI1IwIVIL|a| chl<-k»»- *-I** C*a ^ I f9 HA BBOWIT SWEET n|Al/| PINT OC WLL-ICIOU8 rlUiVLtD JAB_WVC 1 DILL PICKLES Quart Jar .... 35c j QUEEN OLIVES S3?. 37c SUPERB CATSUP 2 %L3k 28S- GELATIN 4 19c WAXTEX ^VT^AXPAPBE:..2l„43c "'*'**~**'i*iVv r**i“rwiTftWiiiWAftftiVirn'~• rr-~ -’-'-'lyfr'.viftf-*-* — « QSZk A "Starch” I "Star