The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 30, 1949, Diamond Jubilee Edition, Section B, Page 2-B, Image 10

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    Teen Tattler —
Teeners’ of Yesteryear Have Jolly Time
in,Doing Square Dances, Having Parties
Hi, Teens! Have a happy,
sale and sane Fourth of Jul>
Do you know that over two
hundred people will be killed
during this weekend
Don’t any of you be respon
sible, if you drive the family
car. Drive carefully. Never
more than three in the front
*eat, don't ever crowd the dri
ver, or don’t do anything to
take his mind off the road a
head. , . , .
The parade Saturday night
was some
lliJUg w W'*
proud of!
Every teener
taking part
deserves con
gratulate n s.
Special con
gratulation s
to the lead
ers — they
did a grand
Sgjrik t » p« i u 1 «*•
_ ante.
fm Nice to see
Brennan Ivalyn Bra
dy back. We missed you, Iva
lyn, while you were in Lin
'coin. I like O'Neill best, too,
and I think most of us do.
The “teens" of 50 years ago
had more fun (some of the
oldtimers tell me) but we en
joy life, too, most of the time.
These are lovely Summer days
for picnics.
In the old day* they had
' lot* of fun at parties, danc- j
ing all the square dances, i
Everyone would be there,
with no one left out, and
they all had a jolly lime.
There are some interesting
books at the library for any of
you boys or gals that like to
read adventure stories. “Bob
Clifton, Elephant Hunter," by
Dock Hogue, is very interest
ing. Also there are: “High
Trail,” by Bibian Breck
"Swamp Boy,” by M. B. M
Cormack, and "The Purple
Tide,” by Leland Silliman, and
“Son of the Valley,” by John
R. Tunis.
Remember, it’s smart to be
safe. I’ll be seeing you Fourth
of July!
1 " . - - - r
Homer Stearns, 38, Still
in Hospital; Son
Is Released
DELOIT—Homer Stearns, 38,
pilot of an airplane that crash
ed on Sunday, June 19, injur
ing both Steams and his son,
Stanley, 15, is still in a Nor
folk hospital where attendants
describe his condition a “fair.”
He is suffering from a frac
ture of both bones in his lower
right leg, both bones in his
lower right arm, a jaw frac
ture, a skull fracture and ex
tensive bruises and lacerations.
His son was released from the
hospital Wednesday, Junt 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Stearns and Mrs. Homer
Stearns visited Mr. Stearns at
the hospital Sunday.
Other Deloit New*
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bartak
were Norfolk visitors on Wed
nesday, June 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rossow
visited relatives at Cedar Rap
ids on Sunday.
Darlene Thomjack came from
Omaha Wednesday evening,
June 22, on the bus to attend
the wedding of her friend, Vi
ola Bowen on Thursday. Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Thomjack took
her back to Omaha Thursday.
Mrs. Jewell, of Dallas, S. D.,
is visiting her daughters, Mrs.
Ralph Tomjack .and Mrs. John
Bowen, jr., and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Venteicher, of
Orchard, visited relatives here
Thursday evening.
Margaret Reimer, of Chica
go, 111. and Mrs. L. W. Reimer,
of O’Neil], called last Thursday
on Glenn Harpsters, Fred Harp
sters and Henry Reimers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hupp
have been visiting relatives
Lois Rossow has been hired
to teach Redtop school at Four
Corners, South of Bartlett.
Ed Urban and Mr. P a d a s
made a business trip to Rank
ton, S. D., Friday.
Plowing for corn was seen in
the country West of Deloit on
Friday. It was still too wet ir
The Clearwater Creek club
held its annual picnic at the
Neligh park on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bartak
were in Neligh Thursday.
Returns to Illinois—
CHAMBERS — Mrs. Omar
Bratten left Saturday for her
home in Mt. Sterling, 111.
About nio«-tenth5 of the
whole human family indulge
in chewing the betel nut.
Scoitville Club
About 60 people were pres
et on Thursday, June 16,
when the Scottville Communi
ty project club acted as host
to the other Holt county ex
tension clubs at a picnic in
Ford’s park in O’Neill.
“School Days" was the
theme carried out in costumes,
lunch and program.
Earl D. Maxwell, University
of Nebraska extension forester,
entertained the group by recit
ing several of James Whitcomb
Riley’s poems.
“Down to Old Aunt Mary’s”
was one of the songs enjoyed.
Following this the women ask
ed Mr Maxwell’s advice on the
care of different flowers and
The remainder of the after
noon was devoted to a "school
program." Six young people
from the Golden Rod club
presented two folk dances.
Mrs. Don Loy, of the Friend
ly Neighbors, sang two solos,
and the group joined in sing
ing several school and club
Mrs. Gokie, president of the
Golden Rod club, presented a
gift of water glasses to Mrs
Beilin, of the Starlight club,
for the best costume.
Thanks go to the O’Neill P
TA or their thoughtfulness in
having the park in readiness
for the picnic.—By Mrs. Albert
Carson, news reporter.
Nina Staples Weds
Robert Reiser—
BUTTE — Miss Nina Staples,
daughter of Alfred Staples, of
Atkinson, and Robert Reiser, son
of Leo Reiser, of Butte, were
married Monday, June 6, at Sts.
Peter and Paul church at But
te. Rev. C. L. Knippen perform
ed the double-ring ritual.
The bride was attired in a
white slipper satin gown fash
ioned with a long train. Her veil
was held by an orange blossom
tiara. She carried a bouquet of
pink and white carnations.
Miss Marion Reiser was the
bridesmaid. She was in a shell
pink taffeta gown. Her should
er-length veil was held by pink
Jerome Doephide was best
After the ceremony, a buffet
dinner was served by Mrs. Ma
ne Pfeffer and Mrs. John Rein
heimer at the Butte hotel.
The couple left on a wedding
trip to Washington. They will
reside on a farm near Butte.
Society Hears Report
on 'Sudan'—
CHAMBERS — The Ladies’
Mission society met at Mrs.
McElheran’s home Thursday,
June 23. Mrs. Frank Porter
gave an interesting report on
“The Sudan.” Fourteen ladies
were present.
At the close of the meeting,
refreshments were served.
Llk* drifting on a cloud, without o cor*
In th* world. Hotel Lincoln's luxurious
n*w rooms and bofhs or* designed for
r*al rest and relaxation. All with cir
culating ice water. All oir-cooled in
Summer. Next time in Lincoln, try
Nebraska's Favorite Hotel
Wanda Stevens and Audrey
Braddock left Tuesday, June
21, to spend several days at the
Fritz Brandt home at Atkin
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Banta
returned home Tuesday night,
June 21, after visiting their
son, Duane, at Shenandoah, la.,
and with Mrs. Banta’s brother,
Dean Brown, and family at j
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson,
of Randolph, spent Wednesday
afternoon and evening, June 22
and 23, visiting Mrs. Della Ru
therford and Mrs. Gailord Al
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soren
son and Karen and Mr. and
Mrs. Soren Corenson spent
June 19 at the Russell Soren
son home at Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes j
spent Sunday, June 19, and
Monday visiting at the home
of their son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Copes,
at Ainsworth.
Harold Sherwood and daugh
ter, Jeanette, of Randolph,
were visitors Friday afternoon
of Mrs. Della Rutherford ant
Mrs. Gailord Albright.
i * i t « ■*« n »
ivAi. ciiiu mi a. aiaii/ oujfuci,
of Norfilk, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Snyder, of Page, spent
Friday and Saturday at the W.
E. Snyder home at Ainsworth.
They were supper guests Sat- ,
urdav evening at the Victor
Sn.vaer home at Atkinson. i
Holly Hoffman, of Clearwa
ter, spent Wednesday night ]
and Thursday, June 22 and 23,
with her grandmother, Mrs.
Sailord Albright. t
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen
and family, Junior and Bobbie
Sorenson and Miss Lolajean
[ekes v/ere dinner guests Fri- ,
lay, June 19, at the Soren Sor- ,
anson home honoring the
birthday anniversary of Mr.
Sorenson. Dixie Nissen, his
aight-year- old granddaughter,
baked a birthday cake. Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Haynes were eve
ning visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper
spent last Thursday, June 16.
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Storm,
at Royal. Mrs. Maggie Reed, of
Grand Island, who was visiting
at the Storm home came to Page }
and spent the night'at the Allen
Haynes home. They all spent
the evening at the Harper home.
Mrs. Reed returned to Royal on
Ross Rakow, who attended
Santa Ana, Calif., junior college,
returned to Page Friday, June
17, to spend the Summer with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Rakow. He plans to return there
to college this Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stein
berg and Mrs. Elsie Cork went
to Norfolk Wednesday, June 15,
to visit their daughter and
granddaughter, Naomi Stein
berg, who is a patient at Our
Lady of Lourdes hospital.
The Royal Neighbor Kens
ington met with Mrs. Neil
Asher Wednesday afternoon,
June 22, with 12 members pre
sent and one guest, Mrs. Elsie
Cork. A covered dish luncheon
was served.
Mrs. George Rost was host
ess to the Jus?t-a-Mere club
Friday with a dessert luncheon
at 2:30 p. m. Eight members
and two guests were present.
Mrs. Finley became a member
at the meeting. Officers elect
ed for the year were Mrs.
George Rost, president; Mrs. )
C. A. Townsend, vice - presi- j
dent; Mrs. J. I. Gray, secreta
ry and treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith,
Carol, Sharon, of Page, and Har
riet and Ronald Wood, of Cen
terville, S. D., and Miss Pegg\
McCathv, of Lennon, S. D., spent
Sunday. June 19, at the home of
Mr. Wood’s parents, Mr. an I
Mrs. Edgar Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Park
and daughter, of Creighton,
spent Wednesday, June 15, with
Mr. Parks’ parents, Mr. and Mrs
R. F. Parks.
Childers Family
Honored in Farewell—
CHAMBERS — A farewell
party was given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle R. Childers
and family and Bobby Green
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Duane Carson, on Monday eve
ning, June 13.
The Childers family is leav
ing Saturday, June 25, for Riv
erton, Wvo.
Thirty-five neighbors at
friends attended the party. R<
freshments were served.
American Legion *
Auxiliary Elects —
PAGE — Election of officers
of the American Legion Auxil
iary, of Page, was held re
cently. Officers elected were:
Mrs. Sarah Sorenson, president;
Mrs. Eula Finley, vice-president;
Mrs. Margaret Landreth, secre
tary; Mrs. Opal Vochl, treasur
er; Mrs. Leila Snell, chaplain;
Mrs. Irene Frahm, sergeant-at
arms, and Miss Viola Haynes,
Mrs. Grosnicklaus,
Recent Bride, Honored—
CHAMBERS— A miscellane
ous shower was held in honor
of Mrs. Duane Grosnicklaus at
the home of Mrs. Wayne
Smith. A large crowd attended
the shower.
A chorus of girls sang and
Mary Jo Roth played several
selections on her accordian.
Mrs. Grosnicklaus received
many gifts.
Refreshments were served.
Entertain at Lawn Partyr
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson
entertained a group of young
people at a lawn supper party
last Thursday evening. The 16
guests spent the evening
The first bicycle was made
in Scotland in 1840.
'Chuck' Fraidy Feled
by Young People—
CHAMBERS--A party spon
sored by the Baptist young
people was held Friday eve
ning, June 24, honoring
“Chuck” Fraidy, who recently
returned from his training base
in San Antonio, Tex. Twenty
six young people were present. :
Pried chicken, iced tea, po
tato salad, sandwiches and ice
cream were served in the
church at the close of the par
“Chuck” is leaving soon to
an air field in Illinois, near
St. Louis, Mo.
Celia S delights
Mr. and Mrs. Butolph, of
Minneapolis, Minn., artuved on
Monday, June 20, for a visit
with their son-in-law, Ed Hoff
man, and grandson, LeRoy
Hoffman and family.
Mr. aad Mrs. Gene Living
ston returned Friday, June 24,
from a honeymoon spent in
the Black Hills.
Me. and Mrs. George Beck
visited her sister, Mrs. Clar
snce Johnson, and family at
Stuart Sunday. June 19.
Duane Beck helped Clarence
Johnson strip blue grass seed
and the Johnsons helped Du
ane strip their blue grass.
Milton McKathnie went to
Oakland on Saturday evenmg,
June 18, and returned Sunday
ivening with his daughter, El
en, wno is retuperating from
i lunsu uperaiiun.
Miss Maxine Stephansky. of
Lincoln, returned home Mon
lay afternoon, June 20.
Mrs. Nilson is papering for
Mrs. Stanley Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKath
lie, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., arriv
;d Sunday evening, June 19,
:of a visit with his mother,
VIrs. Emma McKathnie, and
arother, Milton McKathnie,
ind other relatives.
Ray and Robert Pease strip
ped blue grass for Walter
Pease at Emmet last week.
Connie Frickel, jr., stripped
blue grass for O. A. Hammer
aerg, Alex Forsythe and Frame
Kilmurry the past week.
E. W. Samms was an O’Neill
visitor Wednesday, June 22.
Roger and Rodney Dobias |
visited their grandparents, Mr.
an Mrs. D. F. Scott, Monday
night and Tuesday. June 21.
Ray and Robert Pease strip
ped their blue grass this week,
also for J. V. Johnson and Vic
tor Frickel.
Milton McKathnie and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan McKathnie, of
Ft. Wayne, Ind., left Wednes
day, June 22, for a week’s trip
in the West. They will visit
relatives itn Billings, Mont.,
and Boulder, Colo., and will
visit Yellowstone park, and the
Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Johnson, Ellen
McKathnie and Freida Tinsley
will join the group at Spear
fish, S. D., and they will see
the Black Hills together. The
Johnsons left Sunday, June 26
for Spearfish.
E. W. Samms went to Sioux
City Thursday afternoon, June
23. and returned the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frick
el, jr., and children and Victor
Frickel visited the Hammer
bergs on Thursday afternoon
June 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias
jr., and Mr. and Mrs. E. W
Samms went to Sioux 'City or
Monday evening, June 20, and
returned the next day.
Blanche Pease spent Father’s
day with her father and moth
County Agent to
Study for 3 Weeks—
County Agent A. Neil Dawes
and family left June 18 for
Ft. Collins, Colo., where Mr.
Dawes will attend Summer
school for a period of three
weeks. He will be taking ad
vanced work in 4-H and older
youth programs and extension
Ft Collins is one of the five
colleges in the United States
to offer Summer training for
extension workers.
The department of agricul
ture officials from Washington
make up part of the instruct
ing staff at this college during
the Summer and it is an op
portunity for agents to do
some advanced work either for
a degree or for professional
improvement. Classes started i
June 20.
Mr. D^wes reports that the ^
office will be open as usual
and that persons who desire
information should contact the
office. There is a possibility
that an assistant wifi be in
the office part time. The agent
week of July 15.
LaPraths Are Hosts
at Chicken Dinner—
Mr. and Mrs. Owen LaPrath
entertained at a chicken din
ner Sunday, June 19, at their
home. Their guests were Duf
fy Balorad and his orchestra.
There were 15 guests present.
Native flowering plants of
foe United States number from
12,000 to 15,000.
Auto Financing
Finance your I 946
or later model auto
with us.
Geo. C. Robertson
O’Neill. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bazelman
went t o Omaha Saturday,
June 18, and spent the week
end at the H. E. Godek home.
Benny Bazelman returned to
O’Neill with his parents. He
had been visiting there for two
Miss Meta M. Martin spent
Friday visiting her niece, Mrs.
Elenor Haynes, of Bassett.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wett
leaufer and son, Gary, were
overnight guest Saturday at
the home of the fqrmer’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Wettleaufer, of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and
Loreen and Laura Wetzler
were Sunday supper guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lau
rence Hoy, of Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva
visited Sunday, June 19, Mrs.
John L. Pavlik/ of Verdigre
who was a patient in the Luth
eran hospital in Norfolk. Mrs.
Halva and Mrs. Pavlik are sis
Mrs. Eugene Stanton and
children, of Sioux Falls. S. D
arrived Friday, June 17, for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
iviis. 3. j. weexes iett Jbrcday
for her home in Omaha after
spending an eight-day visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C
Walling. |
R. H. Walker left Sunday for
Omaha where he will spend a
few days on business.
Mrs. R. G. Goree, of Long
Pirje, spent the weekend vis
iting her lather, L. A. Simon- !
s'on, and other relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Leo Tomjack
and son spent Sunday visiting
Mrs. Anton Tomjack, who is
ill at her home in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ross |
and family spent Sunday visit- 1
ing at the Lyman Purcell home i
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grenier :
and family were June 18-19
weekend guests in Verdel at
the Roy E. Lanman home.
Mrs. Ernie Nelson and
daughters, of Denver, Colo.,
spent the June 18-19 weekend
visiting relatives and friends
here. Mrs. Nelson is the for- :
mer Helen Reardon.
Miss Darla Davis left Satur
day, June 18. for Glenrock,
Wyo., where she will spend a
week’s vacation. Mrs. Desta
Davis, of Glenrock, accompani
ed her, after an extended visit
Misses Clara Tomjack and
Rachel Burke, of Ewing, visit
ed at the Leo Tomjack home
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young
were June 11-12 guests in Ewing
at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Carol Summerer, and Mr
Misses Nan Sullivan and
Delores Kalhoff left Saturday
for Denver, Colo., where they
will spend a 10-day vacation.
MM Club Meets
at Shierks—
Mrs. Paul Shierk was host
ess Wednesday, June 15, to
the MM club. After dinner at
the Tom Tom, the guests play
ed bridge at the Shierk home.
Winners were Mrs. Alice
Bridges, Mrs. Arlo Hiatt, and
Mrs. John Conard, of Emmet.
iMirrnnirimy n .. .
Henry Luth returned home on
Friday. June 10, after* a few’
weeks’ visit with relatives at,
Misses Norma Lou Foreman
and Lois Puckett were Thurs
day. June 9, overnight guests of
Kay and Jeanne Johnson.
Donald Kazada, of Ewing,
spent a few days visiting Jeff
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kramer and
son, Bobbie, of O’Neill, and
Mrs. Bob Fox were Wednesday,
June 8, dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Newton.
Duane and Twila Hamm, of
Osmond, spent last
week visiting their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hag
eistein, and Mardell.
Mary Coleman, bf Atkinson,
spent Sunday night and Mon
day, June 11 and 12 visiting
Maureen Murphy.
Misses Anabel Larsen and
Carol Johnson were Thursday,
June 9, supper guests at the Se
well Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillian
spent Sunday, June 12, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillian
and family at Newport.
Mi*, and Mrs. Billie Perry and
family, of O’Neill, were Sunday,
June 12. dinner guests at the
Dean Perry home.
Dick Heerten and Mabel Per
kins, of Ainsworth, were June 12
visitors at the James O’Connor
Miss Bernice Grothe is now
attending Wayne State Teach
ers’ colleee
Mr. and Mrs. Dever Fox and
son. Eldon, of Atkinson, were
Sunday evening, June 12, visit
ors at the Charles Fox home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Matson
and Sally, of Clay Center, and
Mrs. DeWitt Lang and Linda, of
Grass Valley, Calif., were June
11 and 12 visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Matson, jr., at the
Henry Patterson ranch.
Mrs. Leona Langeson, of Ft.
Worth, Tex., spent the weekend
of June 11-12 at the Charles
Abart home.
The South Side Improvement
club met with Mrs. Henry Pat
terson on Wednesday, June 8.
Mrs. Leonard Dustako and
daughters visited Mrs. Bernard
Dusatko and sons at O’Neill on
Thursday, June 9.
Mrs. G. D. Janzing visited at
the Joe Babl home Friday af
ternoon. June 10.
Mrs. Charles Abart attended a
family reunion at the park at
Atkinson on Sunday, June 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Serck and
Linda attended Rev. Vernon
Harley’s talk on his missionary
work in Argentina, Paraguay
and Uruguay, S. A., held at the
Lutheran church at Atkinson
on Sunday afternoon, June 5.
Try Frontier Want Ad vs!
--- -I
Southern Fried
Chicken Dinners
All the Trimmings
Saturdays & Sundays
Hinshaw Cafe
13 Fields Being
A. Neil Dawes, Holt county
agent, reports that 13 fields of
small grains, bromegrass and
sweet clover will be inspected
for the production of certified
seed in Holt county.
Inspectors, hired by the Ne
braska Crop Improvement as
sociation. and who have been
trained to do this work, were
to start in Southeast and South
Central Nebraska on or about
June 16. It is anticipated that
all inspection work in the
state will be completed by Ju
ly 5 or earlier.
Applications for the certifi
cation of alfalfa, red clover,
soybeans, sorghums, safflower
and Sudan grass are due on
August 1 and inspection of .
these crops will start soon af
ter that date.
Records indicate that the fol
lowing farmers in Holt coun
ty have applied for certifica
tion of crops this season; To
ny Asimus, of O’Neill; Homer
Ernst, of O'Neill; M. G. French,
of Page; E. J. Re veil, of Star;
C. & E. Sobotka, of Inman,
and Raymond Sobotka, of In
man. *
WJAG . . . 780 on your dial.
Rapid Transit Lines
R. G. Tomlinson & Edwin J. Dagendorfer. Mgrs. O'Neill, Nebraska
Read Down Read Up
Dly Dly Dly Dly Dly Dly
pm pm am am pm pm
3 2 1 4 5 6
9:00 1:45 7:30 Ly NORFOLK, NEBR. Ar 11:30 4:45 8:00
9:25 2:15 BATTLE CREEK 11:00 4:20 7:30
9:45 2:35 8:00 MEADOW GROVE 10:40 3:55 7:10
10:00 2:45 8:10 TILDEN 10:30 3:45 7:00
10:15 3:00 8:25 OAKDALE 10:15 3:30 6:45
10:30 3:15 8:40 NELIGH 10:00 3:15 6:30
10:50 * 3:40 9:05 CLEARWATER 9:35 2:50 6:05
11:10 4:00 9:25 EWING * 9:15 2:30 5:45
11:30 4:25 9:45 INMAN 8:50 2:15 5:20
11:45 4:45 10:00 Ar O'NEILL, NEBR. Lv 8:30 2:00 5:00
Connections at Norfolk for Lincoln. Omaha, Sioux City, Wayne. Yankton.
Connection at O'Neill for Ainsworth, Gordon, Valentine, Chadron.
O'NEILL, Phone 249. NORFOLK, PHONE 600.