The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 16, 1949, SECTION 1, Page 4, Image 4

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    150 Attend 4-H
One hundred and fifty Holt
and Boyd county +-H boys and
girls attended a practice judg
ing and home economics session
here Tuesday. June 14.
The girls were given pointers
on home economics, the judging
of foods and clothing and home
making, by Miss Alegra Wilken,
of Lincoln* assistant Nebraska 4
H leader and clothing specialist.
Assisting Miss Wilken were
five girls from Lincoln. They
were: Eunice Jensen. Maurine
Steyer. Mary Louise Barunzel
la, Bonnie Stewart and Elaine
The boys spent the day go
ing to nearby farms judging
Cattle was judged at the Har
ry Ressel place: saddle horses at
the O'Neill sale barn; hogs and
dairy cattle at the Lloyd Gibson
place and hogs and stocker feed
er calves at the Felix Hendrix ,
University of Nebraska per
sonnel attending the one day
session were K. C. Fouts, exten
sion animal husbandryman, and
Arthur Strumpler, livestock stu
District 4-H club camp will be 1
held June 20-22 at Long Pine
with nine counties being repre
sented. County Agent A. Neil
Dawes has announced.
Holt county delegation will
leave the courthouse at 7:45 a.
m. on Monday. June 20, by truck
and will pick up at Emmet, At
kinson and Stuart on the way
to Long Pine.
Four-H ers planning to attend
the camp and who have not
made application, are urged to
do so at once or bring the ap
plication with them on the de
parture date.
Applications received to date
total 30. Last year 100 attended
the Summer camp.
Another activity today
(Thursday) will be the women's
extension club picnic with the
Scott community acting as host
, to the other Holt county wo
men's extensions clubs at Ford s
park in the Northwest section of
The picnic is mainly a social
event for the get-together of all
of the Holt county extension
On June 29 the county 4-H’ars
demonstration day will be held
in the assembly room of the
county court house.
Demonstration is the explan
ation of how to do a particular
project. It is all part of the 4-H
training, Dawes said.
Mrs. Downs, 62,
Dies Suddenly
CHAMBERS — Mrs. Elmer
Downs. 62, a Holt county resi
dent since 1946, died suddenly
Monday near Chambers at the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Clarence Hansen, located 22
miles South of O’Neill. She had
been iU one day.
The late Mrs. Downs moved
to Chambers from Sioux City
three years ago.
Survivors include: Widower;
daughter — Mrs. Lucille Han
sen; sisters—Mrs. Alice Rash, of
Sioux City; Mrs. Elyn Mercer,
of Whiting, la.; brothers--Har
old Salsbury, of Sioux City;
Frank Salsbury, of Sioux City;
Roy Salsbury. of Richmond,
Calif.; half-brother — Emmet
Reeves, of Sioux City; four
grandchildren and two great
Funeral services will be held
today (Thursday) with inter
ment in Memorial park ceme
tery in Sioux City.
Howard Dean
New Teacher-Coach
The O’Neill district No. 8
board of education recently ap
pointed Howard Dean, pre-war
O’Neill high school athletic |
coach, to the post of high school i
principal and coach for the
1949-’50 school year, according
to Ira Moss, secretary. His school
year salary will be $3,700.
Dean has spent the past year !
completing requirements for his
master’s degree in education
administration at the University !
of Nebraska.
In addition to his pre-war
coaching duties here in O'Neill,
the new coach handled similar
post-war positions at Sargent
high school and at Clarinda. Ia
junior college.
Dean's athletic background
has been at Lincoln Central high
school freshman ball at the
University of Nebraska, trans
ferring to Peru State Teachers
college for his remaining three
years of eligibility.
Tendered Farewell —
PAGE — A farewell party
and miscellaneous shower was
held at the Legion hall Saturdav
afternoon. June 11. for Mrs. Mi
chael Rainer. There were 40 in
attendance. She received many
gifts. A luncheon of ice cream,
strawberries, cake and a cold
drink was served.
Plan Social —
PAGE — The Ring's Daugh
ters are planning an ice cream
social to be held Saturday eve
rung. June 25, at the American
Legion building.
Mr and Mrs. William W
McIntosh spent Sunday at the
E. L McIntosh home in Mea
dow Grove.
Sally Ann McCage
Receives Burns
Sally Ann McGage. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs David S.
McGage. of O'Neill, is in St,
Joseph's hospital at Sioux Ci
ty being treated for third de
gree burns she received when
her dress caught fire last
Thursday, June 9.
She was taken to Sioux City
Friday, June 10.
A playmate and Sally Ann
had . fin.shed making mud
cakes when they were going to
"barbecue” them.
The playmate had the mat
ches to light a fire. It was the
first time the playmate had
ever struck a match Upon
lighting it, it startled the play
mate so that he threw the
match away, not looking where
Sally Ann was standing. The
match lit on Sally Ann’s dress
and immediately burst into
Her screams brought her
mother from the house, who
extinguished the blaze by smo
thering the flames in her
The little girl received third
degree burns on the left side
of her body, ■from the hip to j
the knee. Doctors said she
would be hospitalized for 10
days to two weeks and that
she was getting along ‘‘fine.’'
Youth Camp Set
for July 11-15
West of Niobrara, will be the :
scene of th e Pioneer Youth!
camp sponsored by the Nebras- j
ka Wesleyan Methodist church,
July 11 through 15.
Classes will be held in youth
studies life’s choices; youth
studies Bible characters; youth
studies music and youth stud
ies missionary characters.
The camp chaplain and ad
visor will be Rev. C. Buden
j sick, of Houghton, N. Y.; with
Rev. Edward Angell of Milton
ville Kan., camp evangelist;
Mrs Marion Nabnolz of Platts
mouth, song leader, and Miss
Bonnie Hubby of Spencer, pi
Mrs. Allen Hostess —
PAGE — The Bid-or-Bye
bridge club met with Mrs. Ber
nard Allen Wednesday after
noon, June 8. Mrs. Milo Lan
druth and Mrs. Charles Russell
were guests. Mrs. Allen won
high score and Mrs. Landreth
Mrs. M. E Jacobsen and sonj
Paul, expect to move Friday
from Norfolk to their home
WEDS HERE . . . Miss Mary
Lou Butts, daughter of Mrs.
Alexander Kellar, of Cham
bers, became the bride of |
Dwayne Bly. son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Bly, of Amelia, at '
9 o’clock on Sunday, June 5.
The ceremony took place at
the First Presbyterian church
parsonage in O’Neill. Rev.
Ralph Gerber officiated.—O’
Neill Photo Co.
Herman J. Janzing
New Grand Knight
The Knights of Columbus,
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
council, of O’Neill, held its reg
ular meeting on Thursday, |
June 9. The annual election of !
officers was held.
Elected for the coming year
are: Herman J. Janzing, grand
knight; Francis Gilg, deputy
grand knight; H. J. Hammond,
financial secretary; Ray Bosn,
treasurer; Frank Clements,
warden; Leonard Shoemaker,
chancellor; Norman Gonderin
ger, advocate; Andrew’ Schacht,
inside guard; Stanley Holly,
outside guard; James Mullen,
recording secretary Robert E.
Moore, trustee.
The council voted to donate j
$750 to the St. Anthony hos- j
pital fund.
12 Ladies Attend
District Rebekah Meet —
Mrs. Esther Harris, of O’
Neill, was elected treasurer of
the Rebekah lodge at the dis
trict meeting held in Madison
on Jnue 7. Twelve O’Neill la
dies attended the session.
Entertains Merri Myx —
The Merri Myx club met at
the home of Mrs. H. G. Kruse
Tuesday afternoon. Winners
were: Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, high,
and Mrs. H. S. Moses, second
Reverend Bell.
Wife Honored
Tuesday evening Rev and
Mrs. V. R. Bell were honored at
a party held at the Methodist
church. The party was given
in appreciation of their work
with the church.
The program:
Recitation by Connie. John
and Terry Kurtz; vocal duet, by
Jeanme McElhaney and Marion
Moseman. accompanied by Kar
en Bridge; Bible verses, by
students of Mrs W. B Gilles
pie; vocal duet, by Carol Fred
rickson and Mardelle Johnson;
cornet solo, by Perry Dawes, ac
companied by Mrs. A. Neil Daw
es; vocal solo, by Mrs. Don Loy;
piano solo, by Norman Osborne;
vocal solo, by Frances Riemers;
violin solo, by Donna Crabb, ac
companied by Mjss Phyllis Se
ger and Mrs Harold Seger.
Mrs. Louis Reimers gave a
short talk and presented the
Bells with a gift of money.
In closing two songs were
given by the Young Adult Fel
lowship, accompanied by Mrs.
Howard D. Manson, Congrega
tional songs and benediction fol
The Bells came to O’Neill a
year ago and in the annual Ne
braska Methodist conference at
Scottsbluff last week they were
reassigned to the O’Neill church
for another year.
M rs. Viola Morgan
Feted Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bader, of
Parkdale, Ore., and their oldest
daughter, Mrs. Manvaneta
Flory, and two children, of
Winlock, Wise., are visiting rel
atives in and around O’Neill.
They attended the 86th birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Viola Mor
gan. who is the mother of Mr.
Bader. They arrived Sunday.
Mrs. Phoebe Hicks, of Vetal.
S. D., arrived Monday to attend
Mrs. Morgan’s anniversary
party. She is Mrs. Morgan’s sis
Knights of Columbus
Attend Elgin Initiation —
The Knights of Columbus
council at Elgin held its annual
banquet and initiation on Sun
day, June 12. A crowd of 280
attended the banquet, although
less than 200 were expected.
Those attending from the O’
Neill council were: Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs
Martin Schlekopf. Herman Jan
zing, Tom and Bill Troshynski,
James Diehl, George McCarthy,
Robert Moore. Bill Galligan. R.
F. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Dierks, Mr. and Mrs. John Q.
Rural Youth Hears
About Alaska —
The regular meeting of the
O'Neill Rural Youth was held
at the asembly room of the
courthouse annex Friday eve
F. N. Foresberg, of O'Neill,
presented a talk on “Alaska.”
Sights of special interest were (
discussed and the group receiv
ed many pointers on what might j
be seen on a trip there.
The constitution and bylaws
of the organization were read
by the secretary. Elsie Peter.
Plans were made for the spec
ial meeting for this month. It
will be a jamboree at the Leg
ion hall in O’Neill tonight
(Thursday). Everyone is invited.
The national recreation school
to be held in Kansas City, Mo, ;
the latter part of June was dis
cussed. Several members are
making plans to attend.
Visitors included Demaine
Williamson and Gerald Lampert,
of Orchard. Naioma Steinberg.
Thomas Kelly, Barbara Trow
bridge and Norman Trowbridge,
of Page; Velma Abney, of In
man; Robert Lofquest and Har
| rv Lampert. of Ewing, and
j Stanley Price and Johnny Bo
ham. of O’Neill.—by Helen Mar
tens, news reporter.
Golden Rod
Club Meets —
The Golden Rod project club
I met at the home of Mrs. Rich
ard Minton, on Wednesday,
June 8. The Blue Cross and
Blue Shield were discussed.
The minutes of the county
council were read. An invitation
from the Scottsville community
club to attend a schoolday pic
nic was accepted.
After the business meeting
the lesson on “Clean. Cold" milk
was presented. Mrs. Leo Gokie
demonstrated how to wash a
separator using a time-saving,
efficient method. The next ses
sion will be held at the home |
of Mrs. Mary Uhl on July 13.
Eagle Creek 4 H
Club Meets—
The Eagle Creek 4-H club
met at the home of Betty Cur
ran on Sunday, June 5. After
the business meeting the mem
bers judged muffins, which
were baked and brought to the
meeting. Guests were: Fannie
Ernst, Mrs. Edward Sterns and
children, and Mrs. Arlene
Slaymaker and children. The
next meeting will be at the '
home of Gene O’Neill on Sun
day. June 26 — By Gene O’
Neill, news reporter.
Host at Dinner —
Guests of Montana Jack Sul
livan at a dinner Sunday eve
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
O’Malley. Miss Elizabeth O’Mal
ley, Romaine Saunders and
Mike Horiskey.
UNESCO to Be Discussed
in Extension Meeting
ATKINSON — The June ses
sion of the Atkinson extension
club was held at the home of
Mrs. C. G. Shellhase. Mrs. John
Silverstrand was co-hostess.
Mrs. Albert Spann, who had
charge of the program on “Farm
Safety," was unable to attend
so a substitute program was
Mrs. Warren Marr is a new
member. The guessing prize was
won by Mrs. Roy Ries.
The subject for the July meet
ing is "UNESCO.” Mrs L. T.
Genung *will have charge. The
hostess will be Mrs. James Beck
and it will be a covered dish
Brady New Salesman —
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dale are
leaving today (Thursday) after
residing here for the past two
years. Mr. Dale has been a
salesman for the Cudahy Pack
ing Co., out of Sioux City. Dur
ing the next few months the
Dales will be in Chicago, 111.,
Sioux City and Omaha. C. L.
Brady, formerly of Dorsey and
Plainview, will succeed Dale in
the O’Neill territory. The Dales
will not move their household
goods until a later date.
Forthcoming Nuptials
at Atkinson Announced
ATKINSON — The engage
ment and approaching marriage
of two of Atkinson’s young la
dies have been announced by
their parents.
Miss Jean Scott, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
Scott, will become the bride of
Gene Livingston, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I. L. Livingston.
Miss Mary MeClury, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McClurg,
will marry Roger L. Hawthorne,
of Hastings.
Both weddings will take place
sometime in June.
Carole Johnson
Is 10-Years-Old —
Carole Johnson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson
was guest of honor at a party on
Friday at the home of her par
ents. Carole celebrated her 10th
birthday anniversary. There
were 16 guests. After games, re
freshments were served.
Paul Moseman, a student at
the University of Nebraska at
Lincoln, spent from Friday un
til Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman.
He will be employed in Lin
coln this Summer.
Sunday Evenings _ General Public
Monday Evening ... Party or Closed
Tuesday Evenings_ Special Night
(Ask for Details)
Wednesday Evenings ... Party or Closed
Thursday Evenings .. Club Night
Friday Evenings __ Bargain Nighl
Adults-25c Each
Children_2 for 25c
Saturday Afternoons, Temporarily Closed
Saturday Evenings_ General Public
Sunday Afternoons Temporarily Closed
★ ★ ★
Skate for Fun! Skate for Health!
\ d as a u a i» : ar . a vr se - •" j
Montgomery |
Croslev DeLuxe
Regular 163.95
Thursday Only.119.95 I
★ 4 Burners — 2 of which i
Are Simmers
★ Light and Minute-Minder
★ Waist High Roll-out Broiler
★ Robert Shaw Automatic
Heat Control
★ White Porcelain j
Phone 16 O’Neill j
Thursday Only . . .
Seat Covers and Heater
_ bi
[ HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone
a real moneysaving bargain for
Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to
the Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes
I day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the
| next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch
The Frontier each w’eek for the page of
Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! !
250 Cattle, 500 Hogs Today!!
• For our reqular Thursday sale today. June 16. we will
have 250 cattle and 500 hoqs. You will find some of
all kinds of cattle to pick from. The runs are liqhter and
the market possibly lower. Hiqh now may be the time to
lay in a few cattle. They will creep up in price again
as soon as the field work slows down a little.
• If you need feeder sows or piqs we always have a
good supply of 200 to 300 head to pick from. We have
one consignment this week of 70 head of Spotted weaning
Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.
* Phone 2 O'Neill
w. W eeeeeeeoe^. ..... I
If Someone Doesn’t Buy This Today,
I’m Going to Put It in My Own Home
Used DeLuxe
Deep well cooker, backsplasher lamp, auto oven ij
timer control, salt and pepper shakers, two con
venience outlets, warming oven. S
Don’t Let Joe Wert know you stole it ij
from us for only . . .
119.95 |
Hoffman Electric
General Electric Combination
Cabinet Model
Regular Price 129.50
Thursday only.87.50
... .....
Bring in Your Barrels
Per Gallon.12 9-10c
30-Gallon Lots
Per Gallon.13 9-10c
Gasoline at lowest price in North
Nebraska; oils and greases at bar
gain prices.
— West O'Neill —