The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 02, 1949, SECTION 1, Image 5

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    Altar Boys
Are Feted—
Last Thursday a truck driv
en by Clarence Hicks took 18
altar boys of St. Patrick’s j
Catholic church to a dinner1
and also weiner-mars'hmalloA\
roast at Hidden Paradise. Their
chperones and guests were Sr.
M. Ferdinand, Sr. M. Flores
Sr. M. Casilda, Sr. M. Jolena,
Sr. M. Rosalie. Mr. and Mrs.
James H. Cronk, Mr. and Mrs.
L. D. Putnam and Mrs. Harry
The boys included: John i
Bauman, James Cronk, Ray- |
mond Donohce, Wayne Dono
hoe, James Froelich, Richard
Graham, Thomas Head, Joseph
Howard. Jerry Hickey, James
Hickey, Danny Putnam, George
Shoemaker, Jerry Schmidt
George Tomlinson, Hugh Tro
shynski and Jerry Wanser.
Bily Cronk and his brother
Jerry and Billy Putnam, were
also guests.
Daughters and Sons
Meet at Wallaces—
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Con
nors and son, Eddie, of Philj
adelphia, Pa., arrived Sunday
for a three - weeks’ vacation
with Mrs. Connor’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace.
Stephen Wallace, a medical
student, returned Sunday tc
Omaha to work in a hospital
for the Summer. Robert, an
other Creighton university stu
dent, arrived Saturday to
spend the Summer with his
parents. Another daughter
Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock, and
Mr. Kersenbrock, joined the
family Sunday.
Reunion at
Protivinsky Home—
Eighteen guests helped to
make the reunion at the J. P
Protivinsky home a success on
Sunday. Mr. Protivinsky came
from Hastings. His daughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs
Claude Johnson, and family, of
Sioux Falls', S. D.; his son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Proti
vinsky, jr., and daughter, saru
dra, also of Soux Falls, and
another daughter, Mrs. Bud
Thomas, and Mr. Thomas, of
North Platte, were guests. Mrs.
Protivinsky returned to Sioux
Falls with the Johnsons.
Newman Family
Gathers Over Holidyas—
Mrs. Vannie Newman enter
tained her family over the hob
idays. Her son and his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford New
man,, of Burwell; her daugh-,
ter and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. William Schiessler, and
family, of Ainsworth: and her,
daughter and her husband, Mr,
and Mrs. James Morris, and
daughter, Mary Beth, of Siou??
City, and her daughter, Mrs
Jerry Babl, and Mr. Babl, of
Stantons Hold
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton
entertained their family over
the Memorial holidays. Their
daughter, Mrs. John G. Cuddy,
Mr. Cuddy and children, came
from Sioux Falls, S. D., Satur
day. Eugene Stanton arrived
last Tuesday from Sioux Falls.
William Cuddy, Mr. Cuddy’s
father, also of Sioux Falls, was
a guest, too. Sunday. The Stan
tons and Cuddys went to Bone
steel, S. D., to visit Mrs. J. P
Ryan, who is Mr. Stanton’s
Mr. Hutton Graduated
With High Honors—
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Hutton and two children, for
merly of Wayne, moved in
with Mrs. Hutton’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Russ, Sat
urday for the Summer.
Mr. Hutton, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Hutton, of Inman,
was graduated from Wayne
State Teachers’ college last
Thursday with high honors. He
received an A. B. in education.
Janousek Family
Gets-Togelher This Weekend—
Mr. and Mrs. Lod Janousek
were visited by their three
children over the Memorial
day holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Beckwith came from
North Platte with their son.
Billy Joe; Mr. and Mrs. George
Janousek came from Omaha
and Mr. and Mrs Edward
Srhmidt from O’Neill.
Mesdames Johnson. McIntosh
and Landis Are Hostesses—
Mrs. Roy D. Johnson was
guest of honor at a surprise
stork shower Fridav evening
at the home of Mrs Olay
Johnson, ir. The other hostess
es were: Mrs. William W.
Intosh and Mrs. DeWavne Lan
dis. The 15 guests played
games and were served re
Arrive from Delaware—
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gobeil
and children <->f Wilmington
Dela. arrived Saturday for a
week’s visit with Mrs. Gobeil’s
narents. Mr. and Mr®. J. L
McParville. sr.. and her bro
thers John oi'i Joseph. ir.
and their families.
Mis<; Hvnes Feted—
The KFAR club and itr
guests honored Miss Margare4
Hvnes at a nre-nuntial shower
Tiie^dav evening at the home
of MLs Margaret Judge 'Die
evening was spent nlavinc
games Refreshments were)
served, v
W.T* G . 730 op vour dial.
Nuptials Soon
Miss Joan Calkins will be-«
come the bride of Walter
Spangler, of Ewing, at 2:30 p
m. Sunday in Christ Lutheran
church here. Rev. Clyde O
Cress, church pastor, will offi
A prenuptial shower was
held Wednesday, May 26, a1
the home of the bride-elect’s
mother, Mrs. Lottie Ridgewayi
Twenty guests were present
and Miss Calkins received ma
ny gifts.
Installed as Officer—
Clair Jo Pojar attended in
stallation of officers at thj
Business and Professional Girls’
club in Lincoln on Wednesday
evening, May 25, where sh<j
began her office as secreary of
the club. The four newly
elected officers wore formal
sand perormed a “lighting oj
the candles” ceremony.
Miss Pojar, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. J. F. Pojar, of Inman
is treasurer of Miller hall
where she resides in Lincoln.
Mrs. Bud Dailey went to
Grand Island Friday to meet
her husband. They returned
after spending the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reddick,
of Wood Lake, spent Memorial
day at the M. O. Howard home.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Soukup
were also guests.
Little Ben Asher, of Page,
was a guest of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer from
Friday until Sunday. His par
ents. the Ben Ashers, came up
for him Sunday.
Raymond Sullivan, of Omaha,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Sullivan, for the holidays.
Mrs. Sullivan’s brother and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Tarrett, '
cf Council Bluffs, were also
guests at the Sullivan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strong
and son, Teddy, and Miss Anna
Ford spent Sunday in Butte.
They also visited the land slide
near Naper and the White Horse
John C. Watson met Mrs.
Watson in Omafia Sunday. Mrs.
Watson had spent a week in
Wells, Minn., at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Preston. They met Mr. Wat
son’s sister and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. William Slusher,
of Chicago, HI., Sunday in Om
aha and stayed with them un- j
til Monday.
Mrs. Ella Karr and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Worth and family vis
ited the Daniel Pages in Orchard
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray took
their granddaughter, Vivian,
who had visited them for two
weeks, to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. McCoy Rhodes, in Cody.
Miss Audree Nelson, of Spen
cer. visited her sister, Mrs. L.
D. Putnam, Mr. Putnam and
family from last Thursday until
Thomas Hartv, a student at
Creighton university in Omaha,
has completed his freshman
year. His parents are Mr. and
Mrs. P. B. Harty.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellston
spent the weekend at the home
of his parents. Mr. arid Mrs.
Neil Ellston at Burke, S. D.
Richard Minton completed his
first year at Creighton univer
sitq. He arrived at the home of
his parents during the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brennan,
of Omaha, visited relatives and
friends he^e over the weekend.
Miss Bermce Murphy returned
to O'Neitf with them. Miss Mur
phy had oeen in Omaha about
two months.
Roy A. Worth and his sister.
Miss Victoria, arrived at the C
E. Worth home Friday from
Lead, S. D. Miss Victoria had
visited in Lead for three weeks.
Mrs. Benny Wetzler and son
B^nnny Roy, also came from
Lead and will remain for a
Saturday night guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
D. Manson were Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Fuller, of North Plat
Weekend guests at the Donald
A. McKamy home were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Frank, of Norfolk.
Mrs. Dudley Stone and son.
Rex, left for Omaha Monday
morning for a short visit.
Mrs. John H. McCarville re
turned from yisiting her par- j
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Egan
in Ellsworth, Minn.
Weekend guests at the M. B
Marcellus home were: Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Scbweigert, of Dal
las, S. D.. and George Robertson,
of Bassett. Tuesday guests were
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marcellus, of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blinn and
son. Gary, of Gering and Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin McCrary and
daughter. Diane, of Valentine,
were guests Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stuif
bergen. The Stuifbergens also j
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Coyle and daughter, of Grand
Island, Saturday. The Coyles
were formerly of O’Neill.
Try Frontier Want Advs!
Mr. and Mrs. Claude John
son and family, of Sioux Falls.
S. D., visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Johnson
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries, of
Atkinson, spent Friday visiting
at the Ivan Cone home.
Miss Elizabeth Harkins, of
Atkinson, spent the weekend
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Green and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Whit
ney, of Ainsworth, spent Mon
day visiting at the home of the
latter’s brother, L. G. Gillespie,
and Mrs. Gillespie.
James Golden, of Omaha,
spent the weekend visiting at
the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Golden.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen
spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting in Norfolk and at the
home Mr. and Mrs. Jerry God
king, of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dexter
spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Art Lehman, of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Duck
worth are expecting the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Wellette, of Trenton, to
spend the weekend.
Mrs. Della Eby and Mrs. W
B. Gillespie spent Monday at
tending a family reunion held
at the home of Mrs. Frances
Stuart, of Stuart .
rars. tari naum, rar. unu
Mrs. Don Enright and son,
Jimmy, and Mrs. Marne En
right are leaving Friday for
Vancouver, Wash., where they
will attend the wedding of
Miss Janet Enright and Earl
Bauld on June 11.
Fred Cronk, of Page, arrived
Monday to spend, a week visit
ing at the home of Mr. ana
Mrs. Dale Fetrow. Mr. Cronk
is the father of Mrs. Fetrow.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hend
riccks, of Omaha, arrived Fri
day to spend a few dpys vis
iting here. Mr. Hendricks re
turned to Omaha on Monday
Clifford Clausson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Clausson, is
spending Summer vacation at
the home, of his sister, Mrs.
James Finley, and family, of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, of
Atkinson, and Ralph Taylor, of
Gordon, were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mrs. Vi
ola Morgan and son, Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser
and children, of Wayne, spent
the weekend here visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Froelich. Mrs. Wanser
is a daughter of the Froelichs.
Mr. and Mrs. McGrail and
daughter, of Lincoln, spent
Sunday visiting at the L. G.
Gillespie home.
Mrs. Gene Sanders and chil
dren returned last Thursday
from Fremont, where they had
been helping Mrs. Sanders’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P
Applegate, open the Empress
Robert and John Shoemaker,
of Omaha, spent the weekend
visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Shoemaker, sr. Miss
Mary Ellen Linnenman, of
Omaha, was also a weekend
Mr. and Mrs. LeKoy Bussey
of Omaha, were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Sanders and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pitcher
I of Council Bluffs, spent the
I weekend visiting at the home
I of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green
Mrs. Pitcher is a sister of
Mrs. Green.
Mrs. Mabel Tomlinson and
daughter. Mrs. Esther Raplay
of DeBoise, Wyo., spent last
Thursday visiting at the home
of Mrs. Viola Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Ross
and son, Elmer, were Monday
dinner guests at the John Ross
home in Atkinson.
Jean and Jane Froelich, of
j Omaha, spent the weekend vis
iting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Froelich.
Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Gro
enbach entertained five eighth
grade graduates, members of
the Wesleyan Methodist church,
and their parents to a weiner
roast Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dexter and
Ben Turek of Amelia, spent
Friday visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dexter
•Terrv, Darrell Laurence and
Harold Dexter returned to
Amelia with their grandpar
Miss Genevieve Biglin left
last Thursday for Salt Lake
City, Utah, where she will spend
an extended vacation.
Mrs. Leo Mullen visited in
Greeley over Decoration day.
Mr. and Mrs P. B. Harty and
on. Tom, and Mrs. C. F. Mc
Kenna spent Tuesday in Sioux
Mrs. W. H. Harty and daugh
ter, Helen, will leave Fr
*or Kansas Citv, Mo, to vj-i*
the former’s son, Jack, who at
tends Rockhurst college ther°.
Dr. and Mrs. L. A Burge
drove to Sioux City Sundav to
meet their daughter, Joanne
whd had flown there from j
Phoenix, Ariz.
Admissions: Mav 27 — Ellen
Rauman. of O’Neill, burns,
condition “improved”; Shirlev '
Mathis, of Atkinson, medical j
condition “imnroved”; Jimmv j
Cleary, of Atkinson, medical
condition “improved.”
Still in the hospital Mrs.
Marv Mullen, of O’Neill, con
dition “good”: Mrs. John Ker
senbrock. of O’Neill, condition
“improved ”
Dismissals; Mav 27 — Mrs
Harlan Parker and daughter,
of O’Neill. Mav 29 — Jimmy
Clearv. of Atkinson; ShiHev
Ma+his of Atkinson- Mrs. Ber
nard Dusatko and son of O’
Neill. May 30—Charles Neiman.
of O’Neill.
Frontier for printing!
Alfred L. Pearson
Burial Made Here
Alfred L. Pearson, 57, of Ne
ligh, died late Saturday at his
automobile repair shop in Ne
ligh as a result of a heart at
tack. He was the husband of
Naomi Harnish Pearson, form
erly of O’Neill.
Masonic funeral rites were
held Tuesday afternoon at Ne
ligh with burial in Prospect Hill
cemetery here.
Mr. Pierson had remarked to
a customer that he was “not
feeling well”. About 11:30 p. m.
that night the customer return
ed and found Mr. Pearson sit
ting in his office chair, dead.
Alfred Leander Pearson was
born in Sweden. At the age of 19
ne came to the United States,
living in Illinois and South Da
kota before coming to Nebras
ka. He served with U. S. troops
during World War 1.
Survivors include: Widow—
Naomi; daughter — Ruth Jean,
11; son—James Alfred, 13; a
j brother and a sister in Swe
Mrs. Pearson is a sister of
Miss Ruth Harnish, and daugh
ter of Mrs. J. C. Harnish.
Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Marcellus and family visited
relatives in Stuart.
First Rand Concert
Slated for Saturday
First concert of the Summer
series by the Municipal band is
scheduled for Saturday evening
at the bandstand.
Program, announced by Di
rector Ira George, follows:
National anthem. “Star
Spangled Banner”, by Key;
march, "The Thunderer,” by
Sousa; waltz, “Cruising Down
the River", by Tollerton; selec
tion, “Tea for Two”, by You
man; march "Wings of Victory”,
by Ventre; popular, “Lucky in
the Rain”, by McHugh; selected
vocal selection, by Miss Nancy
Beha. soprano; overture, “Early
California", by Choate; hymn,
“Abide with Me”, by Monk;
march, "National Emblem”, by
Beginners’ band rehearsal will
be held at 9 a. m. Saturday and
advanced beginners’ band re
hearsal will be at 10 a. m. Satur
day, Mr. George said.
Sale of poppies in O’Neill Sat
urday netted $216.90, according
to Mrs. Dean Streeter, chairman
of the poppy sales committee
of the American Legion. Pro
ceds will be used for rehabilita
tion work among war veterans.
Glenn Custer to
Be Feted at Dinner
The annual meeting of the
Holt county chapter of the Red
Cross will be held on Wednes
day, June 8, at the M & M cafe
at 7 p. m.
The annual reports will be
read and election of officers will
be held. The public will be in
vited. Mrs. C. V. Sullivan will
be in charge of reservations.
This dinner is given in honor of
the departure of the region di
rector, Glen D. Custer, and will
introduce the new area Red
Cross representative.
O'Neill Firemen Get
Holiday Summons
Members of the O’Neill fire
department were summoned
from their Memorial day din
ner table to extinguish a blaze
in North O’Neill.
An abandoned chicken house
on the place occupied hv Lind
quist & Sons was afire Smoke
bellowed from the scene, caus
ing many citizens to believe
the fire was of considerable
importance. The building was
practically destroyed. The tar
paper roof accounted for the
volume of smoke.
FOR SALE: Never been used
1948 Westinghouse range,
price $235. — Duke Kersen
brock, O’Neill. 4-5c
FOR SALE: 1947 4-door Stud
ebaker Commander, 19.00G
actual miles.—Phone 387, O’
Neill. 4a
FOR SALE: 1944 Farmall H
tractor with 1948 25-V mow-,
er and a 238-IHC cultivator;
all in A-l condition. Mowel
has worked only 40 acres.
Can deliver.—Gordon Fulton,
6 miles South and 'i-mila
East of Creighton on high
way 13. 4-6p 1.00
FOR SALE: 110-volt 1000-watt
alternating light plant, $225,
One 32 - volt delco, $70. —
Plainview Farm Equipment
Co. 4tf
Widows to Picnic—
CHAMBERS — Widows of
Chambers and vicinity will
meet Wednesday, June 8 for a
coveted dsh picnic dinner in
Tibbets’ cabin park. M *d >mes
Doherty, Honeywell. W nder
see, and Fairbanks will be
hostesses. _
Gap Atfvartiw'i £*>•»**• k IM|
Fancy s
Near Gal.
3 No. 2 cans
2-Lb. Pkg. I
Large Pkg.
PINEAPPLE 2 cans 25c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-o?. can 25c
SYRUP Gal. 63c
Campbell’s Tomato Soup 3 cans 32 C
ELIS CHILE can 29c
TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25 C
JAMS & JELLIES 2 Jars 45 c
LUX SOAP 3 Bars 25c
KOOLADE 6 Packages 25 C
Armour Pork & Beans, 2 No. 2 cans 25 C
Lean PORK STEAK Pound 53 c
Iceburg LETTUCE 1
Red Ripe Tomatoes
Lb. 15C
Cal. White Shafter
100 POUNDS - 4.29
1 C E
2 - 14-oz. btls.
2 Lbs. |
25c i
Plenty of
Parking Space