The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 02, 1949, SECTION 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Annual Cemetery
Cleanup Staged
SANDCREEK — A group of
people gathered at the Cleve
land cemetery on Thursday,
May 26, for the annual clean
up job before Memorial day.
Other Sandcreek News
James E. Deming and sc n
Robert, called on Joe Timmer
man on Saturday, May 21, on
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swee'
and children were dinne
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jame
Dsming on Sunday, May 22.
Roger Dobias, son of Mr. an
Mrs. Charles Dobias, jr., cele
brated his seventh birthda
anniversary o n Wednesday
May 25, with a birthday party.
Those present were: Jan:c
and Charles Sweet, Doris, Nea!
and Darrel Smith, Roy and
Keith Hipkie, Alice and Eve
lyn Sweet, Roger and Rodney
Dobias. Mrs. Linford Sweet,
For a Good Time
Elgin. Nebr.
• Fine Food
• Dancing
• Entertainment
Members and their guests
are invited to visit the Old
Plantation Club.
i Mrs. Russell Hipkie, Mrs. El
' sie Sweet and Mrs. Merrill
Smith visited with Mrs. Do
i bias. Birthday cake, jello and
lemonade were served at the
close of the afternoon.
The Misses Jeanne and Dor
othy Scott were dinner guests
at the home of their sister,
Mrs. Charles Dobias, on Wed
nesday, May 25.
Joe Timmerman has been
appointed road boss for the
West half of Sandcreek town
ship after the resignation of
George Keidel, wrho formerly
held that position.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith.
Neal, Darrel and Doris visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lofquest
on Thursday evening. May 26.
Miss Lois Cadwallader is
helping Mrs. William Hoffman
with her housework for a few
WSCS Meets—
EMMET — The WSCS met
with Mrs. Charles Abart on
Thursday, May 26, with 12
members present. Mrs. Rodney
Livings, of Omaha, and Mrs.
Jack Murphy were guests.
Mrs. Wayne Bates gave the
lesson after which lunch was
Ewingite Here—
Mrs Mabel Boise, of Ewing,
is spending a few days visitine
at the home of Mrs. John
South Fork Telephone
. . . will hold a special meeting
Saturday, June 11
8 P. M., at Amelia
to raise funds to construct
and maintain telephone
lines. Please plan to attend
this meeting.
B. W. Waldo,
Vern Sageser,
Ed Jungman.
6 Emmet Seniors
Are Graduates
EMMET — Six seniors from
Emmet graduated at O’Neill
high and St. Joseph’s hall at
They were:
Mercedes O’Connell, of St.
Joseph’s; Leona Serck. Marie
Fox, Ruby Kloppenborg, Ma
rybelle O’Connor and Berni
Grothe, all of O’Neill high.
Graduating from the eighth
grade, of Emmet, were: Norma
Lou Foreman, Lyle Fox, Jim
Puckett, Mary Lou Conard,
Larry Fox and Mardell Hagel
Other Emmet News
Mary Helen Benze spent a
few days last week visiting
Rosemary and Cecila Babl.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley,
of Atkinson, were Sunday din
ner guests at the William
Serck home.
Mrs. Bea Powell, of Denver,
Colo., arrived on Friday where
she will spend several days
visiting her brothers, James
and William O’Connor, and
Mrs. Bob Fox spent Wednes
day, May 25, visiting Mrs.
Paul Newton and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Liv
ings, of Omaha, are visiting
Mrs. Livings’ parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Kee, and other rel
Mrs. Henrv Schaff. of Atkin
son. and Mrs. Joe Winkler at
tended a miscellaneous shower
given in honor of Mrs. Wink
ler’s niece. Miss Marv Ann
Shald. of Stuart, held ih the
Catholic church basement at
Stuart last Thursday, May 2fi
Leah and Leona Serck at
tended the Lutheran Walther
league rally at Clearwater on
Henrv Winkler was a Sun
dav dinner guest at the Joe
Winkler home
Miss Mabel Perkins returned
to her home at Ainsworth on
Sundav after snending a week
vMting her sister. Mrs. James
O’Connor and familv and her
brother. Tom Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foreman
and daughters, Norma Lou and
Jean, visited at the Jack Bai
ley home at O’Neill on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Ken
dall, of Hastings, spent Sunday
and Monday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne For and son, Ste
Mrs. F. E. Foreman and
daughter, Jean, and Mrs. Jess
Wills visited Mrs. Joe Winkler
on Monday.
Lacge Pansies
Grown by Mrs. Borce—
The pansy' corsages that
were presented at the mother
daughter banquet sponsored
by the Girl Scouts on Tuesday,
May 17, were grown in the
garden of Mrs. Roff Borce
Mrs. Borce donated them for
this special occasion.
Need printing? See The Fron
tier. adv
Sunday, June 5
Music furnished by
Sweetheart Mary
and Utah Slim
coming from WNAX
To the . . .
OF Jingle Chef
Each Wednesday,
9:45 A. M.
"Voice of The Frontier
WJAG . . • 7S0 on
Another Phone
Meeting Pianned
AMELIA—A second meeting
of persons interested in the
South Fork Telephone compa
ny will be held at Ameila on
Saturday, June 11. according
to B. YV. Waldo, Vern Sageser
and Ed Jungman, members of
the committee.
In an earlier meeting the
committee was appointed to
study costs and requirements
in older to provide facilities to
serve the community and to
link up with other exchanges'.
Amelia has been without tel
ephone service for almost a
YVith the coming of REA, the
committeemen feel that com
plete metallic circuits will
have to be built. Previously
the single-strand was employ
ed with the ground used to
complete the circuit. The sin
gle-strand method is regarded
as non-workable with power
lines in the vicinity.
Mr. Waldo says that the
committee is anxious for every
past patron or prospective pa
tron to be on hand for the
Leona Serck Wins
Commercial Laurels—
EMMET—Three Emmet girls
had the honor of winning scho
larships to various colleges.
They were: Mercedes O’Con
nell, valedictorian of 5t. Jo
seph’s (Atkinson), winning a
scholarship to Atchison, Kans.;
Marie Fox, of O’Neill high,
winning a scholarship for four
years to a Nebraska state
teachers’ college at either
Wayne, Chadron, Kearney, ol
Peru; and Leona Serck, of O’
Neill high, a two-years’ scho
larship to Norfolk junior col
Miss Serck ranked eighth in
the nation in the 80-words per
minute division in shorthand
in a commercial contest con
ducted in April by the Modesta
junior college, of Modesta, Cal
if. She received one of thd
eight medals awarded to high
Medals and certificates were
sent to Miss Esther Kinnier
j commercial instructor, last
week for distribution to the
winners. More than five thou
sand students representing 90
schools from 40 states partiei*
Is Hostess Monday—
Winners at the Duo Dex club
meeting held May 23 were the
Mesdames Dale Kersenbrock
and John H. McCarville. The
club hostess was Mrs. William
Cattle Market Brisk
at Fredrickson’s
Two hundred cattle and 475
hogs were marketed Thursday,
May 26 at the regular sale at the
Fredrickson Livestock Comm.
Co. in O’Neill.
The cattle market was very
brisk with most all classes show
ing some advances over last
Most of the yearling steers
sold from $27 on down to $25.
The heavier kinds ranged
around $24. Yearlings heifets
sold from $23 to $25, mostly $24
and up.
Cows were scarce. Fat cows
ranged $17 to $20. A few heifer
ettes brought around $22. Feed
ing cows were mostly $17.50 to
$19 and canners and cutters $15.
50 to $17. Bulls went from $18.
50 to $20.50.
Fat hogs topped at $20.70 with
heavier weights spread on down
to $18.50. Sows under 400-pounds
around $16.50 to $17; 400-pounds
and up, from $15.50 to $16.50;
weaning pigs $13 to $18. Some
125-pound shoats at $25. adv
Ex-Gov. McKelvie
Honored Guest
vie, of Valentine, former gov
ernor of Nebraska and speaker
at Atkinson high school com*
mencement exercises Friday,
May 20, was honor guest at a
6 o’clock dinner served at the
OK inn, preceding the exer
Frank Brady was host. Other
guests included: Eli McCon
nell, Dr. N. P. McKee, and
Farmer Withers, all members
of the board of education:
Coach Randall Smith, Supt,
John Ward and Wayne Galyen
Outline Plans
for Year —
Officers and members of the
Holt extension board met Mon
day, May 23, to discuss plans for
board’s new fiscal year. Pres
ent for the session were: Ora
Yarges, of Stuart, president;
Charles Mulford, of Stuart, vice
president: Mrs. O. A. Hammer
berg, of Atkinson, secretary;
Glen White, of Amelia; Ray Si
ders, of O’Neill; George Rost, of
Page, and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer,
of Page. Also present were J.
P. Ross, of Lincoln, extension
supervisor, and County Agent A.
Neil Dawes.
Stag Party Held—
A stag party was held Mon
day, May 23, at the Country club
—attended by 40 male mem
bers and their guests.
Try Frontier Want Advil
For that busiest
day of your life ...
will halp you plan
for your wadding
day witaly and thor
oughly. Don't bo
without this invalu
abla guida. Call for
Tha Columbia Dia
mond Ring Brida'*
A l 111.VttH*** I
Now we can supply these lovely,
useful pieces in Holmes & Edward*
patterns. Own them today!
"Where Price and Quality
New Low Prices
|^k V WM J| -,'^'v'i B SB K&sRftOS
o,,“ Tsiu**’
Usts i°MOt*
the fa*oU*
_ it today • • • . eat obout
but neV * <>ra*iUteU.yi_ gystetn
mddon ov-e- freest? “* -
r nt B«uPYet . «,orry(ree
£eI ’ ff in adent, «
pay* oS m _ and col*
£ortnt\nCServe\ ®»VeB Sg part* at
Only Sej any tnovmR v ^ n0
without ua«»g tor, no tb»t
piston or P^ get n0isy.
c0rl TtaaU lon«er- neVtf food-*®**
adent- . eVery n ^frig***
\ouUbn thenewOa* com.
ing Yeal^e \ big £r0lC{n ^ cubes.
at°r- lo^t plenty o£ d {or ^
foods. Come
Ralph N. Leidy