LETTER BOX Atkinson, Nebr., February 6, 1949. The Frontier, O'Neill, Nebr. Gentlemen: Enclosed find check; send The Frontier for one year to my brother-in-law. W. J. Fegley, West Point. Nebr., starting with the February 3 issue. Please send the February 3 paper to my sister. Theresa lluck. 7627 Dorchester Ave., Chicago 10. 111., one copy of February 3 to my brother, Wm, Solfermoser, at West Point, Nebr. This paper sure has the news. I live 24 miles southwest of Atkinson and no w'ay to get to town since December 20. A fel low has some cattle here and a neighbor hauls the hay. This fellow came out on January 11 and walked across six miles and brought my mail and came out with plane to look at cattle and brought groceries and my mail. I’d like to have county road opened and a track broken to get a truck to bring our some coal. FRANK SOLFERMOSER Amelia, Nebr., February 4, 1949. Dear Sir: , Being snowbound since Janu ary 2 we have been very thank ful for your “Voice of The Fron tier'’ broadcast. It is a fine thing now to have news of the storm over the radio. Our only way of transportation now would be by plane. I would like to have you send me The Frontier for the next year. Please find enclosed $2.50 which is what I think it costs. More power to all of you. Sincerely, MRS. RAYMOND BLY P. S.—Romaine Saunders was a neighbor of ours when he lived on his place here. If you have some back numbers we would like the paper from February 1. ★ Madison, Nebr., / February 7, 1949. To the Editor of The Frontier, Dear Sir: First of all I must write that we enjoy your broadcasting ov er WJAC1. Everything comes in so clearly here at Madison. We are all so sorry to hear that you have had so many bliz zards. I know what the blizzard of 1888 was like. My parents homesteaded in Pierce county in 1878. Too bad about the lose of life and also the livestock. I heard you say over the ra dio anyone asking for a copy of the blizzard of 1949 edition of your paper would receive one. I am enclosing 15 cents for the mailing charges. May I have a copy please? Sincerelv, MRS. FRANK VOECKS. ★ Genoa, Nebr., February 5, 1949. Dear Sirs: Will you please send us five copies of the blizzard edition. We listen to your O’Neill Frontier broadcasts and are so thankful you are getting help. We live right on the edge of the bad area—a country store near us saves a lot of us of get ting low on food. Of course, we have been “snow plowed” out several times and try to make the eight-mile trip to Genoa once in a while before it starts to “blow.” MRS. CARL RUPP. INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your reports, Call on Geo. C. Robertson O'Neill, Nebr. Residence phone 161W if-—-—— ! DRS. BENNETT & J COOK VETERINARIANS — O'NEILL — t Phones: 318, 424, 304 i_J’ r——*-] J DR. J. L. SHERBAHN { CHIROPRACTOR { Complete X-Ray Equipment | } i/2 Block So. of Ford Garage , O'Neill, Nebraska 1__ 1*—*——————-——•’s * william w. Griffin j ATTORNEY t First National Bank Bldg. | { O'NEILL J 1_i W. F. FINLEY, M. D. i OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. | O'NEILL —- 1 • « ! John R. Gallagher | Attorney-at-Law First Nat'l Bank Bldg. i ! O'Neill : Phone 11 J DRS. BROWN & French Office Phone: 77 Complete X-Ray Amelia, Nebr., February 8. 1949, The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sir: We are still having calls for February 3 copy of The Fron tier. That is the one with the ac count of the radio broadcast in it. Will you please send me 10 copies of it. That will include those I ordered when I sent in news. Thank you, LINDSEY’S STORE. ★ Emmet, Nebr., February 5, 1949. Dear Sirs: I am enclosing 30 cents. I would appreciate it if you would send copies of your pap er of February 3 to the names enclosed. Yours truly, DEAN BECKWITH. w Ewing, Nebr., February 8, 1949. The Frontier: I am sending 10 cents for which please send last week’s Frontier to my granddaughter, Mrs. E. L. Winter, Toledo, Ore., A while back she sent me clip pings from “The Oregonian.” One was the street scene in Atkinson during the storm— one of the horse standing by the auto. I like the “Voice of The Frontier.” Listen whenever I can, but as I help haul hay I miss some. Thanking you for sending the paper to Oregon. MRS. FRANK EPPENBACH ★ Stuart, Nebr., February 8, 1949. Gentlemen: Enclosed find 30 cents. Please end three blizzard edit ions of The Frontier to: JOHN SHALD. ★ Inman, Nebr., February 7, 1949. Dear Editor: Will you please send the last issue of The Frontier to: Mrs. Don Tully, Lennox, Iowa. En closing a dime and thank you very much. Yours truly, MRS. JUSTIN BUTTERFIELD ★ Atkinson, Nebr., February 3, 1949. Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sirs: Would you please put this card of thanks in The Frontier for me? I’ll pay you first time I’m in O’Neill—it might be next Fourth of July the way the roads are here. I was flown home from the hospital Sunday, January 8 in a plane sent from Norfolk and the plane has been our only contact with the world since January 2, when I left home. I enjoyed your broadcast on my radio while in the hospital as it kept me informed of con ditions in Holt county and we hope the Army gets out here soon. We have a caterpillar and ’dozer but by the time my hus band gets roads and stacks open ed for neighbors we are snow ed or blowed in again and have n’t been to town for over three weeks with any vehicle—just mail and necessities are flown to us by my brother-in-law, Earl Coxbili, of Atkinson. Sincerely, MRS. FRED E. BOETTCHER, McLean, Nebr., February 5, 1949. Dear Sir: I enclose 50 cents for which I would like to have newspapers on the blizzard and snow pic tures. I believe you said they were 10 cents a copy so that would allow me five copies for 50 cents. I remain, sincerely, E. J. VOLK. ★ Royal, Nebr., February 8, 1949. Frontier, O.’Neill, Nebr. lear Sir: Will you please send me a Frontier to the address below— Thursday, February 3—find the im.' attached. Thank you, HATTIE COLE. ★ Meadow Grove, Nebr., February 9, 1949. O’Neill Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. I would like three editions of the O’Neill snow pictures, for enclosed 30 cents. Certainly hope the supply isn’t exhaust ed. Sincerely, MRS JOHN STOLLE. ★ Parkston, S. D. February 8, 1949, The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Dear Sir: I received the “Blizzard Edition” of The Frontier and want to thank you very much. Please find enclosed 50 cents for which send me five more copies. Thanking you again. I remain, as ever, MRS. PAUL ADKINS. ★ St. Edward, Nebr., February 5, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Gentlemen: Enclosed are four dimes. Please send copies of The FYon tier to the names enclosed. Sincerely, VELMA SHADE. ★ McLean, Nebr. February 9, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Kind Friends: I am enclosing a $1.00 bill for which I thought maybe you could send me a few papers of the snow storms. Some old ones or some new ones are O K. We have had pret ty bad snow here since Novem ber 18. It is so hard to open roads on account of the ice and the railroad has a terrible time, too. Thev are almost here again. Last time they only made a mile a day past here and I guess it is about as bad now. I have taken several pictures of the snow around our place and am going to make a scrap book using dippings and pictures from the papers. It would verify what happened here for the gen eration to come, I suppose, and I hope anything like this will not happen again for years to come. O'Neill being one of the cen ters of operation I thought may be you may have some pictures of the happenings in your pap er as well as a better first hand report. Thanking you very much. Respectfully yours, JESSE HEWITT. Norfolk. Nebr., Rt. 2, February 5, 1949. O’Neill Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Dear Sirs: I would like the paper des | cribing the storm in Nebraska, i 1 am enclosing 10 cents. Yours truly, JOHN TIEDTKE. ★ Orchard, Nebr., February 7, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sir: Will you please send me The Frontier of February 3. Am en closing 10 cents. Yours truly, MRS. ALFRED NELSON. ★ Atkinson, Nebr., February 5, 1949. Gentlemen: Please send copies of the February 3 Frontier to the list of names attached. Enclosed is $1.00 in payment at 10 cents per copy. Yours truly, PAUL FORSYTHE. ★ Redbird, Nebr., February 7, 1949. The Frontier Editor: Enclosed you will find 10 cents in cash for which will you please send your February 3 issue of The Frontier to the following address: Wm. M. Hun ter, 3144 Donnelly, North Bend, Ore. Your paper is improving and we read it from A to Z; you are doing good work; hope you con tinue. One of your readers. MRS. F. P. HUNTER. ★ Neligh, Nebr., February 11, 1949. The O’Neill Frontier, Gentlemen: Please find enclosed 15 cents in stamps and please mail one of the papers of the snowbound territory to C. R. Poe, 4202 Alli son Ave., Des Moines 10, la. If this isn’t enough to pay all kindy let me know and I shall remit same. Yours truly, ED C. JACKSON. ★ Schuyler, Nebr., February 12, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sirs: Please send me a copy of your newspaper, The Frontier, as you advertised over WJAG February 12. You will find 10 cents en closed to cover cost of mailing. Yours truly, JERRY ABRAHAM. TT Creighton, Nebr., February 12, 1949. Dear Sir: I am sending 10 cents* in sil ver. Please send me a copy of the blizzard edition. I thank you very kindly. Send to, SOPHIA GUENTHER. ★ Niobrara, Nebr., February 12, 1949. O’Neill Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sirs: Enclosed find my money. Please send me two copies of your Frontier newspaper. I lis tened to your program this morning and would like a pap er of the special storm edition. Sincerely yours, donna McDonald. ★ Stanton, Nebr., February 12, 1949. The Frontier. O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sir: Please send me one of your copies of the blizzard of ’49. Thanking you in advance. MRS. ALBERT KIRKLAND ★ Stanton, Nebr., February 12, 1949. Dear Sir: Please send me a copy of the blizzard news which was adver tised over the radio. I believed they stated they were seven cents—if it is more please let me know as I’d surely like to have one. Sincerely, MRS. HAROLD ZECHIN. ★ Gibbon, Nebr.. February 12, 1949. Gentlemen: Please send me two copies of The Frontier. REV. J. O. KENNELL. ★ Fremont. Nebr., February 11, 1949. Dear Sir: I listen to your broadcast whenever you are on. I used to live up in that neighborhood and still have a daughter up there on the farm. I am very interested in the broadcasts. I am enclosing a dime and will you please send me The Fron tier with the snowd pictures. Thank you. MRS. E. C. WILBUR. THE WORLD-HERALD j Omaha 2. Nebraska \ 9 February 1949, The Frontier: I just wanted to drop one brief line to thank all of you ] for vour help, hospitality and cooperation during my visit. i John Koffend had the best line to describe it. in his story from Sargent, Nebr. "The big towns have the sinews, the small towns have the hearts " I don’t know when I’ve en joyed a reporting trip so much. , Sincerely, PAUL WILLIAMS. if Atkinson, Nebr., February 12. 1949. I The Frontier, O’Neill. Nebr., ; Dear Sir: We just heard an announce ment over WJAG that you have a special blizzard edition of February 10. Nothing was said about the cost, but if you will send me three copies 1 will be very glad to pay you whatever they are worth. Sincerely, HAROLD 11. REID. ★ Orchard, Nebraska February 7, 1949. The Frontier: Please mail a copy of the storm edition of The Frontier to me. I am enclosing 10 cents to cover the cost. Sincerely yours, MRS. ALFRED CONNER. ★ Norfolk, Nebr., Rt. 3. February 7, 1949. Dear Sir: Would you please send me the paper of the snow pictures? Thank you. MRS. WM. WATERBURY ★ Newport, Nebr. February 7. 1949. Kind Sirs: Find enclosed 10 cents for storm edition. Yours truly, MRS. CLAUDE KELLER ★ O’Neill, Nebr.. February 7, 1949. The Frontier, Dear Sirs: Saw your February 3 issue to day. Please send the issue to the list of names attached. We are snowbound. If you can mail a copy to the names at tached as it will act as a letter from me. If you do not have 10 copies please send to the two i checked, if possible. Will take two copies myself to send to my daughter who is a missionary at Osaka Christian Mission, Japan. Thank you, I am, Respectfully, MRS. R. L. GEORGE. P. S.—Hope to get this in the mail by someone we can catch on way to town, probably by plane. a Amelia, Nebr., February 7, 1949, The Frontier Office, I am enclosing 30 cents. Please send one copy of the February 3 Frontier to each of the names attached. Thank you, CLYDE WIDMAN. ★ Lynch, Nebr., January 15, 1949 Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find $2.50 for which send me The Fron tier and Nowadays for one year. Don’t know when this will be mailed as we’re still snow in here. Enjoy The Frontier very much. Yours truly, MRS. WM. MAHLENDORF ★ » Litchfield, Nebr., February 5, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Dear Sir: Enclosed find 1.00. Please send me this week’s copy of your paper and two back copies that have pictures or good write ups about the storm and the next two copies to be printed. That’s five copies, 50 cents. For the other 50 cents I’d like five copies with pictures and write ups of the storms sent to: Ora Hailey, Box 703, Boise, Ida. If you don’t have any back num bers left send the next five to each address. Yours truly, M F McROBERTS. ★ Chambers, Nebr., February 8, 1949 The Frontier, Dear Sirs Enclosed lind $2.50 for a year’s subs, ription to your pap er and a copy of the February 3 issue sent t> names attached. Enclosed find check to cover the amount $3.00. Respectfully, H R. HOLCOMB. ★ O’Ni lb Nebr.. February 8, 1949. Dear Frier, Enclosed i nd $1.00 for which please semi , opies of your Feb ruary 3 “Fi ntier” to the names attached. Sincerely MRS. FRED ERNST. Norf Ik, Nebr., Rt. 2. Febi .ary 7, 1949. Dear Sirs: Enclosed i 10 cents for which please send me your paper show ing blizzaid pictures. Yours truly, Ml:S VERNON WOLFF ★ Ethan, S. D., R. R. February 11, 1949 Gentlemen Find eni iosed 10 cents for pa per of storm stories. Cliff Adkins grew up with our family Close neighbors, his parents and us Give him our best regards if you have the opportunity Thanking vou MRS GUSTA BRINK p s._I do hope I am not too late for Frontier stories. Can 11 get more than one? Would like three if I can get more than one. ★ I Atkinson. Nebr., February 9, 1949. 1 Dear Sirs: Please extend my subscrip tion a year. We enjoy the paper very much and look forward to it each week. We inisseed out on the broadcasts as the radio isn’t working, but we have heard plenty of good comments on them. Sincerely, WILLIAM SPANN. ★ Hoskins, Nebr., February 7, 1949. Dear Sir: Enclosed find a dime for which please send me the paper with all the pictures of the blizzard. I enjoy your broadcasts over WJAG'. ‘ Yours truly, MRS. CLARENCE WOOCKMAN. ★ Hartington. Nebr., February 5, 1949. Dear Sir: Please send me a copy of your blizzard edition of The Frontier. Enclosed please find a dime for this service. Sincerely, RUTH LINDBERG, c-o Fred Enquist. ★ Verdigre, Nebr., February 12. 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr., Dear Sirs: Enclosed find 10 cents for a special copy of The Frontier. Yours trulv, WM. G. FRANK. ★ Norfolk, Neftr., 209 S. 2nd St., February 12, 1949 Gentlemen: I was told you had a sheet of snow scenes from around there. The lady told me they were seven cents each. Will you please mail me one and if they are what I think I’ll send for some for my brother and sister. : We lived there about 20 years LOUISE SHIVELY. ★ Ewing, Nebr., February 12, 1949 The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Dear Sir: Please send me The Frontier for six months. Yours truly, MRS. BERT FAREWELL. ★ Tilden, Nebr., February 12, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Gentlemen: Please send me twro copies of your February 10 edition of The Frontier. I am enclosing 20 cents in coin which I hope will cover I cost and mailing. I heard your offer over WJAG this morning, i Respectfully, G. A. ALDERSON. Monowi, Nebr., February 12, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill. Nebr. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find coins for which send me two copies of the February 10 issue as per ad ov er the air. Yours truly, THOMAS J. MATEJCEK. ★ San Antonio 5, Texas February 11, 1949. The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Gentlemen: I have been following closely the weather conditions in your I country, and what I still eonsid j er my country. It hardly seems possible to me that that amount of snow has fallen in one winter, I yes in less than three months. However, what I wanted to ask you this time is will you please send copies of The Fron tier of date January 27, and February 3—one each to the addresses enclosed. I will appreciate it if you will send one each, of those two issues to those addresses. I am enclosing check for 80 cents which I believe covers the eight copies at 10 cents each. Yours very truly, JEAft GRIFFITH JONES - O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed, of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Reed are Mrs. Ba zelman’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harty left Friday for Sioux City. Keith Anspach and Alden Jensen spent the weekend visit ing Keither’s parents. Mr. and Mrs Harden Anspach. Both boys attend Norfolk business col ]000. Mrs. Albert Miller, of Em- j met. is spending a few days at , the home of her sister. Mrs. D. | A. Baker. Try Frontier Want Advs! ———— Mortgage Ix>ans Business properties Farm 8t FHA Home loans^ Term & payments to fit the individual case. Kloke Investment Co. Omaha 2. Nebraska rtttttttttttttttttttttttttttmttttttttttn Perrigo Optical jj « Company | FRED M. PERRIGO, O. D. JJ jj JOHN N. GUNNING, O. D. g Optometrists H « 416 Norfolk Avenue It Phone 330 Norfolk, Nebr. j| , H H «jttttttttttt:Jtnt:::t::tt:ttttt::ttt:ttttti Kiltz Rites Held February 3 CHAMBERS — Funeral »er- ; vices were held Thursday, February 3 in the Methodist church here for Mr. and Mrs. CIVirence L.Kiltz, longtime Holt county residents, who met death a week earlier during the height of a blizzard. Rev. Ralph Gerber, of O’ ! Neill, officiated. A quartette, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Adams, Mrs. Letha Cook and Ward Smith, sang several of the couples’ fa vorite hymns: "The Old Rugged Cross," "Ivory Palaces,” and “Fairest Lord Jesus,” accom panied by Mrs. Robert Adams, who also played other selections including “Perfect Day." Serving as pallbearers were: Leo T. Adams, Glen Adams, Glen Taylor Wiliam Turner, Stanley Elkins, Bernard Hoff man, Steve Shavlik, Ed Thorin, Donald Grimes, William Thom son, Harlen Dierking and J. W. i Walter. Mrs. Melba Spath and Mrs. S. W. Walter were in charge of the floral tribute, and the Metho dist ladies served lunch to the family following the services. Mrs. Kiltz was born in Fre mont, on October 21, 1890, a daughter of Andrew and Christina Landeen. She was educated in Fremont and came to Holt county in 1913 to teach in district 65. It was at this time tharl she met Mr. Kiltz and they were married on September 15. 1914, at Fremont. Clarence L. Kiltz was born January 19, 1886, a son of Ad ; die and Fredrick Kiltz in Un ion, 111. In infancy he accom panied his parents to Holt coun ty where the family homestead ed seven miles northeast of Chambers on the same farm where he and Mrs. Kiltz were to spend the more than 34 years of their married life. They were prominent in church, school and community projects. Both were members of the Kellar Presbyterian church. Survivors include: Daughters —Mrs. J. C. (Doris) Schipper, jr., of Denver, Colo.; Thelma, 1/Lt., ANC, stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tex., and Robert, of Los An amitos, Calif. Mr. Kiltz’ moth er—Mrs. Addie Kiltz, of Cham bers; his two brothers—Clyde, of Chambers, and Burton, of Shreveport, la.; his sister—Mrs. T. E. (Anna) Alderson), of Chambers; Mrs. Kiltz’ sister— Mrs. Henry (Alma) Nielsen, of Uehling; Mrs. Kiltz’s brother— William Landeen, of Tekamah. All except Mrs. Nielsen and Mr. Landeen were able to be present for the rites. " ~ - PAGE LOCALS Rev. and Mrs. T. O. Brown lield returned from Lincoln on Wednesday, February 2, after a ■svisit relatives there. Mr and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman and daughter, of Clearwater, ,J with his parents, Mrs. Gailord Albright. Lonna Haynes, of O’Neill, is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Nissen. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hay nes and daughters, of O'Neill spent Sunday with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. Allen Haynes Mr- and Mrs. Dick Knapp, of Orchard were guests Feb. 6 of Mrs. Knapp’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuart. Rev. and Mrs. George Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrell and Mr. and j Mrs. Ernst Graves spent Friday, Feb. 6 at the G. V. Mott home. They surprised Mr. Motto on his 70th birthday. The self-in vited guests brought lunch. Mrs. Archie Treadway left on Feb. 4 to return to his home at Yukon, Okla., after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Jen nie French. She was called here by the death of her brother-in law, Wallace French. Roger Schmidt returned to Casper, Wyo., February 3 af ter spending three weeks with his family at the O. B. Stuart home. Mrs. Frank Clements return ed Friday from Pilger, where I she had spent two weeks vis iting her sister, Mrs. Ed Psotta. Helen Gallagher left Friday 1 for Omaha to meet her uncle, Dr. Erwin Gallagher. Dr. A. H. Penrod Optometrist Abova tha Fair Stora Rishop Bldg., Norfolk, Neb. ' PHONE 141-W QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS ■>"t to EXCESS ACID Fi ceBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing < >ver three million bodies of the Wilpaho Treatment have been sold for relief of ■ymptomsofdlstressarising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Encess Add — Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach. Gastlnets, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Escess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for “Willard’s Message" which fully explain* Shi* treatment—free—at JOHNSON DRUGS Can You Sow? Wont to Loom How? Start now with this odorablo . quick... and oasy*to«sow... \ y cunJi . APRON An ADVANCE PATTERN Don’t miss out on this February surprise from Penney’s to YOU! Here you see it made from Penney’s own thrifty Rondof! Conte in today for your free pattern! tReg. U. S. Pat. Off. ♦Hit song in the Paramount Picture “The Paleface” starring BOB HOPE and JANE RUSSELL Famous Music Corporation. at Penney’ 1 .. —. i