The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 18, 1948, Section 1, Page 4, Image 4

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Honors Husband—
Mrs. Jerome Spittler held ■
surprise party for her husban<
on his birthday anniversar:
Wednesday, November 10, a
their home. Twenty peopli
were present and the eveninj
was spent playing cards. Higl
score was won by Jofcn Hynei
and Mrs. Lois Saindon, whil<
consolation prize was taker
by James Kelly. Out-of-towr
guests were Mr. and Mrs. A
E. Spittler. of Stafford, anc
Mrs. Gerald Kleinsmith, ol
Los Angeles, Calif.
CDA in Social Meet—
The Catholic Daughters ol
America, Court of St. Michael,
held a social meeting Tuesday
evening. Bingo furnished the
entertainment. Mrs. E. G.
Price won the door prize. Mrs.
J. L. McCarville, jr, was
chairman of the committee.
She was assisted by Mrs. J. L.
McCarville, sr., Mrs. Leo Car
ney, Mrs. James Carney, Mrs.
Harry Sullivan, Mrs. J. H. Mc
Pharlin, Mrs Max Simonson
and Mrs. Anthony Stanton.
Tomlinsons Win High Honors
at Club Meeting—
Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Harden Anspach were hosts to
the Inman Bridge club. Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson
were high score winners; Mrs.
Kenneth Smith and “Bud”
Hanson were low scorers, and
the traveling prize was won
by two guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Clements.
Mr*. Cole Is Hostess
to Bridge Club—
The MM club was enter
tained Wednesday, November
10, at the home of. Mrs. Guy
Cole, of Emmet. High scorer
was Mrs. C. W. Porter; guest
high, Mrs. L. A. Burgess; low,
Mrs. G Owen Cole, and all
cut, Mrs. A. B. Hubbard.
Mesdames Brown and French
Win at Bridge—
Winners of the Wednesday
afternoon Bridge club which
met Wednesday, November
10, at the home of Mrs. O.
W. French, were Mrs. J. P.
Brown and Mrs. French.
Martez Meets—
The Martez club met Tues
day evening at the home of
Mrs. Ira Moss. Mrs. Charles
Stout and Mrs. J. J. Harring
ton were high score winners.
Dinner was served at the M
& M cafe.
Miss Biglin Is Feted
•1 Shower—
The Martez club honored
Miss Helen Biglin Saturday
evening at a prenuptial show
er. It wds held at the M & M
For Success in 1949
Start Training Now!
December 6
January 3
Write for Free Bulletin
“Sixty-five Years of Educatior
That Pays"
Grand Island. Nebraska
| Auxiliary November
j Meeting Postponed
r -
1 Officials of Simonson post
1 93, of the American Legion
> auxiliary, have urg£4 all
1 members to mark the date oi
1 December 2 on their calendar.
' The regular November meet
1 ing has been postponed until
1 Thursday, December 2, to a
void conflict with the three
day program of the Rural
Youth group.
Additional contributions of
pickles and jellies have been
received since the “pantry
shower." , , „
“Amy Lee,” the chapter s doll
this week is attired in a white
i satin wedding dress and veil
in the O’Neill Beauty Salon
display window.
James E. Bridges
a Frat Pledge—
James E. Bridges, son of
Mrs. Alice Bridges, of O’Neill,
is one of 81 men on the Ne
braska Wesleyan university
campus who have been invited
to afiiliate with campus social
fraternities. Bridges will join
Delta Omega Phi.
Preferences were accepted
following a three-day “rush”
period on the campus last
week. Phi Kappa Tau receiv
ed 33 members, Delta Omega
Phi 30, and Crescent 18.
Californians Honored—
Mrs. Walter Stein, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Stein, of Bur
bank, Calif.., and Mrs. Marcia
Salmons, oI Mercedes, Calif.,
were guests-ofAionor at a din
ner party Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Shoe
maker. Among the guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Miles and Arlen and P. V.
Mrs. Eby Is Hostess
to Project Club—
The Friendly Neighbors Pro
ject club is meeting today
(Thursday) at the home ot
Mrs. Della Eby.
Mrs. Verzal Entertain*—
The 9FF club met Wednes
day evening at the home of
Mrs. Edward T. Verzal.
Admissions: November 11—
Ralph Wagner, of O’Neill
tonsilectomy, condition “good
Arthur Funrer, of Atkinson,
medical, condition, “good.” No
vember 15— Mrs. Philip Lee
of Ewing, medical, condition
“good;” Ernest Miller, of Star,
medical, condition “improved”;
Owen H. Parks, of Page, ton
silectomy, condition "good;”
Connie Kurtz, of O Neill,
medical, condition “improved.”
November 16 — Miss Jeanine
Waring, of Page, surgical.
Dismissals: November 10 —
Leo Hartland, of Niobrara
November 12 — Mrs. Herbert
Kirschmer and daughter, of
Page; Ralph Wagner, of O’
Neill. November 14 — Mrs.
Milo Gorgen and son, of In
man. November 16—Owen H.
Parks, of Page.
Homemakers Meet—
STUART — The Victory
Homemakers club met at the
horpe of Mrs. Bernard Pon
gratz Wednesday, November
9. All members were present
except one. Mrs. Freddie We
wel, of Newport, was a guest.
A covered dish dinner was
served at 12:30 p. m.
George Stannard, of San Di
ego, Calif., and Mrs. W. W.
i Jones, of Denver, Colo., ar
rived last Thursday to spend
a few days visiting their
mother, Mrs. Margaret Stan
nard, and family.
-~ 1
■ TmfTHrT' ; - *v*rn*** m '
PwS*KrJ m.,
soil conservation laurels in seaarate contests
sponsored by the Omaha World-Herald and I
Sioux City Journal were Harvey Tompkins I
(center) and his father, L. R. Tompkins (right), I
both of Inman. Also in the picture is six- 1
year-old Roger, son of Harvey Tompkins.
Pictured below is Mrs. Max Karo, jr., who lives I
on the prize-winning anch operated oy ivl. .1.
and Max Karo, both of Stuart. Announcer
Jack Elton, of radio station KSCJ at Siojx
City, is pictured at left, and on the right is \.
R. Marquardt, of Lincoln, soil conservationist.
(See story at left.)—Photos courtesy Sioax
City Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Regan
of Inman, left Thursday for
Omaha. They returned Sat
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Henry Se
ger and children left Thurs-1
day, November 4, for Spokane
Wash. They spent five weeks
visiting the Beckwith and Se
ger families here.
Mrs. Emma Mielke left on
Friday, November 5, for Park
Rapids, Mich., where she wil
make her new home.
Jerome Spittler has accepted
employment wi.h the Wm
Kroter Co. and has begun
work there.
Miss Maxine L. Golden ar
rived Saturday to spend a
few days visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden
Maxine is attending St. Cath
erine’s school of nursing in
Omaha. Mrs. Golden accom
panied her to Omaha Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Al
lendorfer, Laura and Loreen
Wetzler were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Wells, of Butte.
Among the guests were Roy
Wells, of Padronai, Colo., and
Howard Wells, o f. Denver
Mr. and Mrs. John Wildes
and daughters were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hamil
Mr. and Mrs. Robe: Lamb
entertained the latter’s mother
and sister, Mrs. Tillie Ander
son and Miss Janet, for the
weekend. Other guests were J
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott i
and family: All the guests re- .
side in Laurel. They also visit- !
ed Mr. and Mrs. Marvin An
Keith Anspach, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harden Anspach, j
has been accepted by a ousi- j
ness college in Norfolk. He |
expects to begin his course
Mrs. Raymond Eby and
children visited in Page Arm
istice day at the home of Mrs.
Eby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Nissen. Mr. Eby was
in Sioux City attending a
Charles Psotta, of Pilger,
was a weekend guest at the
home of his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements.
Robert Clements, their son,
spent the weekend at home.
Mrs. Dorothy Kelly and "fam
ily and Miss Rosalee Summers
were Sunday dinner guests at
the home of Mrs. Lois Sain
Walter Huston (above) is
the former Miss Dorothy
Young, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy E. Young, of O’
Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Young
were married Sunday, Octo
ber. 3, at the Methodist
church. Rev. V. R. Bell of
ficiated. The bridegroom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Huston, ot. Middle
branch. Mr. and Mrs. Huston
are now living in Omaha.—
O’Neill Photo.
Clapper Heads
Antelope CROP
ROYAL— Rev. J. W. Clap
per. of Royal, formerly of O’
Neill, has been named chair
man of the Antelope county
CROP committee collecting
funds for the Nebraska Good
will Train. Rev. Clapper will
be assisted by Rev. Kiel, of
Elgin, vice-chairman, and Ed
Wanck, sr., of Neligh, secre
tary-treasurer. Personal let
ters are being mailed to noti
fy each recipient that dona
tions may be given in custody
to the church of his choice.
James Bridges spent the
weekend visiting his mother,
Mrs. Alice Bridges. James at
tends Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity at Lincoln.
Ann Asher spent Sunday
visiting her brother, Thoma?
Hartigan, and family, of In
man. _ _ ,
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stuif
bergen left last Thursday for
Michigan, where they were
called by the death of Mr
Stuifbergen’s mother.
Mrs. John Hickey and
daughter, Clare, and Joseph
Dufek spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Max Warnke
and family, of Anoka. The af
ternoon was spent hunting.
Nuptials Read
CHAMBERS — Mrs. Coril
Calhoun, formerly of Cham
bers', became the bride of C.
H. Everest, of North Bend,
Ore., at 2:30 o’clock at the
Church of God at North Bend,
The bride was attired in a
green dress with black acces
sories and wore a corsage of
white gardenias and pink rose
buds. She was attended by
her eldest daughter, Mrs. R.
Howard, as matron-of-honor.
Mrs. Howard wore a black
silk dress with black acces
The bridegroom was attend
ed by R. Howard as bestman.
The church was decorated
with gold and white chrysan
themums. The Nelson quar
tette sang, “I Love You Tru
ly.” Mrs. Hans Nelson played
the wedding march.
A reception l!or 75 friends
and relatives was held in the
church parlors. Mrs. Howard
baked the three-tiered angel
food cake.
Assisting at the reception
were Mesdames Russell How
ard, Harold Strine, Ed Elphic
and Robert Cumings.
The couple resides at 1943
Broadway in North Bend.
Oklahomans Here —
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess,
of Enid, Okla.. spent last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Cone. Mrs. Hess and
Mrs. Cone are cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Johnson
entertained guests from
Creighton last Thursday until
Sunday. They were Mrs. Gene
Cromwell and two children.
L. Guthmiller
Half-block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds
of automobile, truck and trac
tor repair. Acetylene weld
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Program & Box
Wednesday, Nov. 24
al 8 o'clock
Please Bring Cups for Coffee
District 80
crank Coleman,
Wife Honored
INMAN — Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Coleman were honored
at a family gathering Sunday,
the occasion being their gold
en wedding anniversary.
The guests brought their
own provisions and dinner
was served from a table cen
tered with chrysanthemums.
Miss Anna Cole and Frank
Coleman were married No
vember 17, 1898, at Page and
have spent the greater part of
their married life at Inman.
Mr. Coleman was employed
for many years by the Chica
go & North Western railroad
as section foreman.
They are the parents' of one
daughter, Mrs. J. J. (Mary)
Hare, and one son, Richard.
A daughter, Amelia, died as
a small child.
During the afternoon cof
fee and anniversary cake were
erved to the guests who call
Mrs. Coleman is 72-years-old
and Mr. Coleman is 78. Both
enjoy “fairly good health.”
Out-of-town guests here for
the occasion were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Hare and son, Jar
rett, of Grand Island; Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Coleman, of Ad
ams, Wise., and their grand
daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. Burhaus, of
Mr. and Mrs. Burhaus, Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Hare and son
returned to their respective
homes Sunday evening.
Mrs. Richard Coleman ac
companied the Hare’s t o
Grand Island and entrained
for California where she will
spend the next three weeks
visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H Shriner
went to Omaha last Thursday,
returning Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hynes,
Pat Hynes and Albert Sipes
were in Du Bois, Wyo., on a
business weekend trip.
Dan DeBacker, a student at
a business college in Norfolk,
spent Armistice day with his
parents, the G. C. DeBackers.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long,
Mrs. Lloyd Collins and son,
Curtis, were in Norfolk Satur
Mrs. Sophia Lashmett, of
Newport, left Wednesday after
having visited her daughter,
Mrs. D. D. DeBolt, and family.
Weekend guests at the
Stanley Holly home were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Thacker, of
Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert O’Bradovich and
daughter, Sharol Linn, of
Council Bluffs, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Heer
mann visited the former’s bro
ther in Wisner Sunday.
Mrs. Alma Eby, of Ains
worth, was a Saturday over
night guest at the home of her
son, Raymond Eby, and fam
Thanksgiving Dance
Thursday, Nov. 25
Music by
Aces of Rhythm
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The Frontier