METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Sunday - school, 10 a. m., Neil Dawes, general superin tendent. Classes for all ages. Worship, 11 a. m. Inter mediate Fellowship, 5 p. m. Senior MYF, 7:30 p. m. The official board met Mon day evening for the regular monthly business meeting. The Sunday-school workers conference met Wednesday evening at the John Watson home. The junior choir met Wed nesday evening, Occtober 27, for practice, ioilowed by a so cial time. They sang a special number for Sunday-s'chool on Sunday morning. The Girl Scout Troop also had a part in the worship service at bun day-school as this is Girl Scout week. The senior choir will prac tice on Thursday evening at the church. . , , Circle 1 met Wednesday af ternoon with Mrs. Harold Lindberg. „ The WSCS will meet Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Lari Rodman. This is a week ear lier than usual. Circle II will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Melvin Lorenz. . ' p Let us keep pushing our at tendance up in Sunday-school. Mr. Dawes reported Sunday morning that we had had an average atendance m October °f The8 Intermediate MYF will have a sack supper together at 5 o’clock next Sunday eve ning, followed by the worship service, showing of some films, and a period of games and fun. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. J. G. Hamburger, pastor Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. Sunday-school, 10 a. m. Lesson text. Is It Ever Riiht To Do Wrong?” 35-1-19, Sunday, November 7 is world temperance Sunday. Spiritual Sunday-school taught hy spir itual teachers will help build character in your boy or girl that will be a credit to any community. Bring your chil dren to Sunday-school. Worship, 11 a. m. ‘Evening evangelistic service with special music ana song, 8 o’clock. . , .. . . . The pubUc is invited to at tend all services. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday, 8 p. m. KELLAR PRESBYTERIAN (Chambers) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Services for Sunday, Novem ber 7: Sunday-school, 1:30 D. m. Ray Hoffman, srupermtend CnWorship service, 2:30 p. m. sermon by the pastor. _ W. F. Finley, M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor. November 5, 8 p. m.— The ! regular midweek prayer meet ing. November 6— The Elkhorn Valley Holiness association meets with us. Morning ser vice at 10:30, basket dinner, afternoon service at 1:30. These days are special days of fellowship and we invite you to join us in the feast of good things. November 7— Sunday-school at 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11; evening service at 7:30. You are welcome to our ser vices. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday-School, 10 a. m., John Harbottle, superintend ent. Worship service, 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor. The Ladies’ Guild will meet on Thursday afternoon, Novem ber 4, at the home of Mrs. L. C. Walling. The program will be a musicale in charge of, Mrs. Roy Sauers and Mrs. Earl Ralya. The choir will meet for re hearsal on Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) Rev. C. Donald Vogel, pastor Bible school, 10 a. m. W. L. Shrader, superintend ent. Worship, 11 a. m., sermon: “The Embarrassing Words.” Youth Group meets, 7:30 p. "^Thursday and Friday, No vember 11 and 12, members of the Missionary Society and the pastor will attend” Foreign Missions’ rally at Lincoln. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. M. H. Grosenbach. pastor November 7—Morning wor ship, 10 o’clock; Sunday-school at 11; Sunday evening service at 7:30. We invite you to at tend these services. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday night, 8 o’clock. LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. L. A. Dale, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. The young people of the Lutheran churches of Cham bers, Clearwater and Orchard held a Hallowe’en party at the church in Chambers Wednes day night, October 27. BAPTIST (Chambers) Rev. L. M. McElheron, pastor Sunday - school, 10 a. m., Vernon Smith, superintendent. Worship, 11 a. m. Young peo ples’ meeting, 6:30 p. m. wor ship, 7:30 p. m. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. Langley, of Oakdale, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; Clair Grimes, superintendent. Youth Fellowship, 7 p. m. Here from Omaha— Paul Schmidt, of Omaha, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmidt Member Firms of the O’NEILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Will Be Closed All Day — on — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 in Observance of ARMISTICE DAY O’NEILL ROLLERDROME ★ We have organized a Skating Club and we have selected each Monday night as Club Night. This will necessi tate changing Beginners’ Nights to the second Tuesday of each Month. The next Beginners’ Night will be Tuesday, November 9. ★ Any person between the ages of 16 and 25, inclusive, is invited to apply for Skating Club membership. ★ Wednesday evenings are reserved for parties if requested at least one week in advance. CHARLES CHAMBERS, JR., Prop. O’Neill Phone 247-W I'he Frontier ★ ★ * North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper VOLUME 68—NUMBER 26 O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1948 3 Emmet Candidates for O’Neill Royalty EMMET—Among those from | Emmet attending the O’Neill high school carnival on Mon day, October 25, were: Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor and Ma ry belle; Marie and Robert Fox, J. McConnell, Donnie Wagnan, Henry Kloppenborg and Ruby and Donnie and Norma Lou Foreman. Among the candidates from Emmet were: Donald Wagnan, junior; Donnie Kloppenborg, sophomore, and Marie Fox, se nior. Other Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kramer and Bobbie, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and Melvie were Sunday eve ning supper guests of Mrs. Bob Fox. , . , Frank Strashien, of Sioux. City, visited at the Charles Abart home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Olson, of Palm Beach, Fla., visited at the W. R. Tenborg home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Strong and family, of Omaha, spent the weekend visiting at the Cecil McMillan home. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard spent Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Olson and family at Wayne. John Joe Uhl, of O Neill, spent Saturday visiting Gerald Wills. . . .. Dercy Abart attended the stock show at Grand Island last Thursday. Robert Fox and son, Dick, took Mr. Fox’s mother, Mrs. Myrta Fox, to her home in Miller on Sunday after she had spent some time visiting relatives here. They returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klop penborg are spending several days visiting Mrs. Kloppen borg’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Lindimann, at Spring ranch. _ _ , Misses Mary Lou Conard and Jean Cole spent Friday visiting Mary Lou’s grandmo ther, Mr. and Mrs. Rommie B. South, at Inman. Bobbie Dean Allen and a friend, of Topeka, Kans;, arc spending a few days visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Allen, and other relatives. Mrs. Cal Tenborg visited Mrs. Geary Enbody on Tues day, October 26. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart went to Norfolk on Tuesday, October 26, on business. amelia news Miss Barbara Friedrich and fiance, Ed Viscio, of Omaha, spent the weekend visiting and hunting at Lloyd Waldos. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fnedrich and son, Kirk, of Omaha, spent the weekend at C. Small’s. . , _ Misses Gloria Ott and Char oi Watson attended teacher s institute at Norfolk last Thurs day and Friday. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Cool idge, Ed White and Delia Ernst were in Neligh last Thursday. Mrs. Ernst visited her brother, Tommie Cearns, WMr6 andreMrs. Ed White and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland were in Grand Island on bus iness Friday. Mrs. Lewine Wickham re turned to Valentine after spending a few days visating her daughter, Rae Dee, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. . ., o Lynn Prewitt spent the weekend at home. He attends school at Curtis. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence spent Sunday at Norden vis iting the P. L. Strenger fam ily. It was the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Strenger. . „ Lee Sammons and Kaymona Wickham returned from Per ry ton, Tex., last week. They are working on Arthur Hiatt s house at the present. Mrs. Lee Gilman and family were in Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman, Sandra and Dean were Nor folk callers last Thursday. Mrs. Frank Hoyt, of Atkin son, spent the weekend visit ing her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Withers, and family. Mrs. Mamie Sammons spent the weekend visiting home folks. . , Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser spent Sunday at Vern Sages er’s. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pri bil and Patty Ruth, of O’Neill, visited at the Levi Clemens home Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Earnie White were dinner guests at the Ed White’s Sunday. Mrs. Belle Widman, Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia Ruth and Miss Alice Fancher, of Ainsworth, spent last Thursday at Ed White’s. ..******* * ■*— Graders in Hallowe'en Party— AMELIA—The Amelia grade school participated in a Hallo we’en party Wednesday, Octo ber 26. The high school had its party Monday evening. To Meet Armistice Day— AMELIA — The Helping Hand club will meet with Mrs. Link Sageser on Thursday, November 11. EVENING WAVE ... For evening wear the Navy’s wo men will blossom out in this revolutionary uniform — a floor-length evening gown of navy blue wool. The ensem ble has a white silk blouse under a bolero-type jacket. Hat is a small, close-fitting, crescent-shaped diadem of navy blue felt piped in black. Officers and enlisted person nel will wear same dress, ex cept for insignia of rank. HOSPITAL NOTES Admissions: October 28 — Keith Anspach, of O’Neill, ton silectomy, condition “good.” October 29—Mrs. Lester Woods, of Ewing, medical, condition “good.” October 30 — Leo Hartland, of Niobrara, surgic al, condition “satisfactory.” November 1—Silas Coy, jr., of Atkinson, medical, condition “improved.” Mrs. Willis Griev es, of Winner, S. D., accident, condition “satisfactory.” Dismissals: October 29 — Kieth Anspach, of O’Neill, tonsilectomy, condition “good.” October 30—Mrs. Lewis Bar tos and daughter, of Star, con dition “good.” October 31— Mrs. Verne Reige and dauggh ter, of Page, condition “good." Entertain Chamber* WSCS at Amelia— AMELIA—The WSCS enter tained members of the Cham bers WSCS Friday at the Am elia Methodist church. There were 17 members, 11 guests from Chambers and four oth er visitors present. After a short program, Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Harold Fullerton and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett led the lesson on “China.” A luncheon of salad, sand wiches, pie and coffee was served. 'Hallowe'enie' Party Held— EMMET — The 3 L’s cafe gave a “Hallowe’enie” roast for the Emmet high school students with nine in attend ance on Saturday, October 30. Games were played later in the evening. Made Choir Secretary— AMELIA—Miss Ardene An derson, of Amelia, a student nurse at Bryan Memorial hos pital in Lincoln, has been elected secretary of The Bryan choir. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonas and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Jonas and Dickie spent Sunday at the Woodrow Gau ghenbaugh home near Valen tine. _ -=— 1 Better Used Cars AT LOWER PRICES 1946 Chevrolet Aero-Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan | 1946 Chevroet 34-Ton Pickup 11942 Chevrolet Sedan 11941 Chevrolet Town Sedan SPECIAL 1937 Ford “85” Tudor, $333 Midwest Motor Co., Ltd. _ O’Neill — I WSCS Serve Election Day Dinner— EMMET — The WSCS met with Mrs. Leon Beckwith on Thursday, October 28, with 10 members and two visitors present. The regular business meeting was' held at which plans were discussed for the election day dinner which was held in the Methodist church basement. A lunch was serv ed. Betty Perry’s Costume Wins First Prize EMMET — Miss Helen Mar tess and pupils of district 20 held a masquerade Hallowe’en party at the school on Tuesday evening. October 26. Games were played after which costumes were judged. Many clever costumes were carried out with Betty Perry winning first prize. There were nine guests Jtresent. A lunch was served ater in the evening. MYF in Hallowe'en Party— EMMET — The Methodist Youth Fellowship gave a Hal lowe’en party in the Methodist church basement on Sunday evening, October 31, with 15 in attendance. Games were played after w'hich a lunch was served. Kw-DENOMA Diamond A ever c/epreciafes ~~~7n Ifalue/ Make this a SILVER Christinas... 1PEM0MA SHOP EARLY A Most Cherished Gift for Her . •. A new shipment just ar rived . . . shop early for our exquisitely designed Gold BULOVA. Knife & Key Chain A full lines of Men’s Tie Clasps, Key Chains, Gold Knives, Rings . . . Your Man's Choice for Chrisimas . . . A WRISTWATCH ★ HAMILTONS ★ BULOVAS ★ ELGINS if DENOMAS OTHERS We have Automatic, Shock proof, Calendar Watches m Waterproof Cases. We fea ture the biggest selection in North Nebraska! A 19.50 and Up! McIntosh Jewelry “Where Price and Quality Meet” Phone 166 O’Neill if Holmes & Edwards 52-Pieces, Service for 8 __ 9&S0 if Community, 52-Pieces, Service for 8-99.75 if 1847 Roger Bros., 78 Piece, Service for 12 _94.75 if 1847 Roger Bros., 52-Piece, Service for 8-64.75 if Wm. Rogers, 50 Piece, Service for 8--—— .33,50 if Tudor Plate, 53 Piece, Service for 8 ... 38.75 ★ Roger Bros., 52-Piece, Service for 8 34.50 it R. W. Wallace & Sons, 34-Piece, Service for _ __ 23.50 (No Federal Tax on Above Items)