Future Subscribers TIMMERMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmerman, of Em met, a daughter, born Wednes day, May 12. Mrs. Timmerman is the former Annie Ramold. PARKER — Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Parker, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, born Friday, May 14, at the O’Neill hospital. DUCKER — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ducker, of Lynch a son. born Wednesday. May 12. at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. This is their first child. COURTNEY— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney, of Lynch, a daughter, born Sunday, Mny 9. This is their second child. HOFFMAN — Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, of Atkinson, a son, weighing 8 pounds, born Saturday, May 15, at Atkinson Mrs. Hoffman is the former Dorothy Frickel. The average life of a dollar bill is 6 months. Fowncraft* NOW — 2.98 Soiled? Yesl Broken Sizes? Yes! All Colors? No! But every shirt is Town* craft* quality — beauti ful materials, perfectly tailored — the earlier you get here, the more you save! •Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Proof AGAIN ■ f It Pays to Shop IT PH SICK & INJURED O’NEILL — Mrs. Walter Young, who is a patient in the Methodist hospital in Sioux City, is “improved.” She ex pects to return to her home this week. . . . Mike Smith went to Omaha last week where he received medical at tention. . . . Paul (“Slats”) Be ; ha is in the Veterans’ hospital at Lincoln where he is receiv ing medical treatment and will submit to surgery. AMELIA — Mrs. Gerald Teesch. of Fremont, who has been suffering with a nerve | ailment, was able to return home with her mother, Mrs. Art Doolittle. . . Harold Dean Gilman and Joan Adair were victims of the measles last week. . . Tom Thompson was in Chambers Saturday to con sult Dr. Gill. He has not been well lately. . . Venita, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, returned Friday from the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk where she submitted to an adenoid and tonsil oper ation. CHAMBERS—Ralph Adams had the misfortune of cutting his foot severely while wading i in the creek Saturday. He was taken to a Norfolk hospital for treatment. . . . Joan Daas re ceived a cut on her leg in the creek near Glee Grimes Satur day. Dr. Gill took several stitches to close the wound. .-. Mrs. C. M. Eason is a patient at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City where she under went a minor operation re cently. LYNCH—Mrs. Fred Wurtz is recovering from her recent ill ness. . . Miss Alma Knipping. 118, of Anoka, is in Sacred pneumonia recently. . . . Mrs. Heart hospital. She suffered Glen Stewart was admiited Sacred Heart hospital the pas', week for men John Stroh is unable to ecm tinue with his work due to ill ness. Thursday, May 20, 1948 (Prices subject to change) Butterfat, number 1 .75 Butterfat, number 2 .77 Eggs, number 1 .38 Heavy hens .. _ .22 Leghorn hens _ .17 Roosters __ .08 Corn, no. 2 yellow . 2.00 Oats ... 1.00 Barley _ 1.55 j W. F. Finley, M. D. j OFFICE PHONE: 28 j First National Bank Bldg. | £ O’NEILL j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MAID WANTED: Golden hotel, O’Neill. _2c CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank those who assisted us in any way dur ing the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Inez Cleary. Your deeds will never be forgotten. — Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and family, Henry Murray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray and family, and Mrs. Law rence Murray and family. 2c FOR SALE: Spinet piano, slightly used, but just liko new. Pay only balance due in small monthly payments. Exceptional value and bar gain. — Midwest Piano Co.. Grand Island. 2c I TAKE this means of thank ing all the good neighbors, relatives and friends for re membering me with so many lovely cards, letters, flowers and gifts during my 65 day stay in the hospital. My thanks also to those who called to visit me, and to the relatives and neigh bors who did so many kind kindness will long be re membered. MRS. EARL M’CLANAHAN, 2-e FOR SALE Ok LEASE: Mac’s Taxi Service. Write or call: Paul A. Schneider, phone 333, Ainsworth. 2-c CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express our thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, floral offerings, and masses 1 during the loss of our bro ther.—Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godek, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Bazelman and their fam ilies. 2p HELP WANTED: Two girls for Drive-In. — Tom-Tom Cafe, O’Neill. 2c LEGAL NOTICE (Firsi uuo. Mav 20, 194Y, NOTICE OF SUIT To: Otto F. Steinke, Otto F. Clevish, and All persons hav ing or claiming any interest in Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 41, Riggs’ Addition to O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, real names unknown, Defendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 18th day of May, 1948, The Christ Lutheran Church as plaintiff filed its petition in the District Coui^t of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in it, the said Christ Lutheran Church, to the real estate hereinabove specifically des cribed, as against you an^ each of you, and to secure a decree of court that you have no interest in, right or title Hundreds of Summer-fresh m «HESSES Ifer* 8.90 2> Hundreds of lovely H6W dresses at such Jow," kj?r prices! Pretty pastel chambrays with swirling skirts . . . cool bemberg prints ... crease resistant linendike rayons! All sizes 9-50.. to, or lien upon said real es tate or any part thereof, and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of June, 1948. Dated this 13th day of May, 1948. THE CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH. Plaintiff. By Julius 0- Cronin, 2-5 Its Attorney. (First pub. May 20, 1948.) Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL settlement Estate No. 3413 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 18th, 1948. In the matter of the Es tate of /sftnes Morrison. De ceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distri bution of the residue of said ( estate; and that said report and petition will be heard June 9th. 1948, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard con cerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4 (First pub. May 20. 1948) William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS: County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, Estate of S. Pat rick, also known as Sanford Patrick, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, to all concerned: Notice is hereby given that Lois Hartman has filed a peti tion alleging that said deceased died November 28th, 1897, a resident of the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, seized and possessed of Lot 12 in Block 6, Original Town of O’- . Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, in which petitioner has deriv- j ed an interest by inheritance from the decedent herein, praying for a determination of the time of the death, the heirs, degree of kinship and right of descent of real prop erty of the deceased, which pe tition will be for hearing in the County Court on the 10th day of June, A. D., 1948, at ten o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4 HOSPITAL NOTES O'Neill Hospital Admissions: May 13—Baby Cheri Rector, of O’Neill, med. ical, condition “good”; Mrs. Edna Anderson, of Sioux Falls, S. D., medical, condi tion “good”; 14—Donald Van Buren. of O’Neill, surgical, condition “gPod”; Bernard Mullen, of O’Neill. surgical, condition “good”: Mrs. Harlan Parker, of O’Neill. Dismissals: May 15 — Mrs. | .Tames Kelly, of Inman; Mrs. i Milo Gorgen, of Inman; Mrs. ! Edna Anderson. of Sioux j Falls, S. D.; 16—Baby Cheri Rector, of O’Neill; 17—Mr.s Harlan Parker, of O’Neill. In hospital: Mrs. Anna Sau ser, of O’Neill, condition “un ! changed”; Randal Bogseth. of Chambers, condition “good.” ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL Prayer, 9 a. m., May 23 and 30. Guild at Nehoco hotel after noon of May 26. Hostess—Mr James Smith. Summer youth conference at rtoan" '■ollec" O 19. Who may come? Eighth graders thrr-ugh c 11" interested, write or call Mr Cowger. Admit New Members — CHAMRERS — The Luth eran Ladies Aid met Thurs , day, May 13, at the chur"' basement. Several new mem bers were taken into the or ganization. President Grover Cleveland, as sheriff of Buffalo, Erie coun ty, New York, once hanged a murderer rather than assign the unpleasant task to a dep uty. Venetian blinds, 7-day de livery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors. — Brown McDonald's, O'Neill. 33tf REGIS HOTEL All Rooms wilh Bath OMAHA Home of the Popular White Horse Inn and | Cafe Regis CELIA SIDELIGHTS Mrs. Ray Pease spent Moth er’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Spann. They called on Mrs. Mary Spann in Atkinson in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilae came from Sioux City to spend Mother’s day with Mrs. Mary. Spann. Mrs. Charles Wilde is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Spann who recently celebrated her 88th birthday anniversary. nay Pease spent Mother’s day in O’Neill with his mother, Mrs. R. M. Pease. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Wane. Pease and children. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and Mrs. Dell Scott went to the Country club on last Thursday at Mrs. Orville Siebert’s home. Perry Terwilliger and Bob Pease went to Lake Andes, S. D., on Saturday on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg were visiting Lex and Paul Forsythe last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease spent Thursday evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and the children. Bob Pease has been helping his grandfather, Bill Spann, part of the past week. Pease did some work on the roads Saturday, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ld isausch, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson and Hy McKathnie made a fishing trip to Lake Andes, S. D., Sun day, May 2. .rt. pnone employee has been installing dial telephones in some of the homes in the Celia neighborhood this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease, of Celia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease, of O’Neill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease of Emmet Sunday, May 2. Henry Gathje and Miss Min nie Gathje called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease and family Sunday, May 2. The Gathje family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gathje, Henry Gath je and Minnie Gathje, went to Seneca Monday, May 3, where they visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alvo Crawford, for a couple of days. Ma\ and Mrs. Emil Johnson and daughter, Ila Mae, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gathje last Sunday, May 3. Mr. and Mrs. William Spann called on the Albert Spann family Sunday, May 2. They also called on Mrs. Mary Spann in Atkinson. The Lee Terwilliger family vaccinated and branded cattle May 7. Bob Pease and Conrad Frickel, jr., helped them. The Terwilligers have a new brown and white spotted colt, colts are getting to be quite a curi osity even in the ranch country. Rev. W. C. Birmingham call ed on the Lauridsen family May 7 and while there had the oil line in his car break. It was patched up by one of the Laur idsens and Ray Pease using nails, which tickled Rev. Birm_ ingham's fancy. The minister thinks nothing beats the inven tiveness of ranch people. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck made a business trip to O’Neill on May 7. Mr. and Mrs Conrad Frickel, sr., visited with the George Beck family on Tuesday May 4. Lee Terwilligers called on the Ray Pease family on Fri day. , Bob Pease and Perry Ter williger took their boat and motor to the Laurdsen brothers dam on Friday, May 7, and tried it out there. They gave the Laudrisen brothers a spin about the lake, also taking Mr. and Mrs. Terwilliger, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease for a : ride. Don Staples came along j with a car full of relatives from Butte, and Don also was treated to a boat ride in their motor boat. Don’t be without The Fron tier in election year. ( ~ —"r ” " ■"■? ! Drs. Bennett & Cookj VETERINARIANS — O'NEILL — j Phones: 318, 424, 304j DANCE SUMMERLAND E-W-I-N-G ¥ Music by Wednesday, May 26 ELMER HALL and His Orchestra _ WHEN? SATURDAY, MAY 22 2 P.M. TILL 5 P.M. WHERE? TOM TOM CAFE O’NEILL, NEBRASKA WHY? TO SEE and Take Advantage of Our MANY SEALTEST SPECIALS SPECIALS BETWEEN 2 P.M. ANI) 5 P.M. — TAKE HOME PACKAGES — HAND- DIPPED BULK OC Per Pint . _. ^ PER 65c QUART .. SEALTEST PINT PKGS. OCr 2 for AQr Only . • WITH EACH take home purchase, you will be furnished an insulated bag which will keep ICE CREAM for at least one hour. Keep it! Use it over and over! SEALTEST FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Strawberry Whip Cream Soda Made with SEALTEST Real Strawberry ICE CREAM Whipped CREAM — Fresh STRAWBERRIES « SPECAL -j jT ONLY ... X OC I . W-A-T-C-H THIS NEWSPAPER i FOR DETAILS CONCERNING THE — of the — New UNION SUPER MARKET THE DATES: o Friday and Saturday May 28 and 29