' LEGAL NOTICES (First pub. May 13, 1948.) Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. Estate of Forrest Smith, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, To All Concerned: Notice is here by given that Kennith Smith has filed his petition alleging that Forrest Smith died Octo ber 15, 1944, intestate, a resi dent of Holt County. Nebraska, seized and possessed of some right, title and interest in and to All that part of the North east Quarter of Section Thirty, i n Township Twenty-eight, North, Range Ten, West of the 6th P.M., Holt County, Nebra ska, lying south and west of the Right of Way of the Chica. go and Northwestern Railway Company, containing about 113 acres more or less, and also the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-nine, in Township Twenty-eight, North, Range Ten, West of the 6th P.M., Holt County, Nebraska. That petitioner owns an un divided interest inthe real es tate above described, having derived title thereto by inheri tance. The prayer of said petition is for a determination of the time of death, the heirs, degree of kinship, and right of descent of real property of said de ceased, that he died intestate, and that there is no inheri tance tax, state or federal, due from said estate or the heirs thereof. That said petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 3rd day of June, 1948, at ten o’clock A M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL l-3c (First pub. May 13, 1948.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, pray ing that the following road be vacated: commencing at the Northwest Corner of the East one-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Town, ship 27, Range 9, in Holt Co., Nebr., thence running North west parallel to and south of the Chicago & North Western Railroad tracks to the North line of Section 13, Township 27, Range 10, and there termi nate. That a Hearing be held on this Petition by the Holt County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, May 26, 1948, at 2:00 P. M. at their office in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska. RUTH HOFFMAN l-2c County Clerk (First pub. May 13, 1948.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, pray ing that the following Road commencing at the Southeast Corner of Section 1, Township 31, Range 12 and thence run ning due west for a distance of ten miles be designated a County Road. That a Hearing on this Pe tition will be held by the Holt County Board ot supervisors on Tuesday, May 25, 1948 at 2:00 P. M. at their office in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska. RUTH HOFFMAN l-2c County Clerk (First pub. May 13, 1948.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, pray ing that the following road be vacated: commencing at the Right of Way of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Com pany where it crosses the sec tion line between the South west Quarter of Section eight, Township thirty, Range fif teen, and the Northwest quar ter of Section seventeen* Township thirty, Range fifteen, thence West to the Southwest corner of the Southwest quar ter of Section eight, Township thirty, Range fifteen and to the Northwest corner of the i The Farmer-Kucher Owned CO-OP Seniras tfhe Farmer and Kancher Best Get a CO-OP LAND BANK LOAN for greater SAFETY of farm or ranch ownership! •.*•»*«* SEE TOUR | NATIONAL f FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Mimbtr FaderaT Land tank Syitam BOYD-HOLT-WHEELER COUNTIES Lyle P. Dierks. Sec.-Traas. — O'Neill — O o o Northwest quarter of Section seventeen, Township thirty, Range 15. That a Hearing be held on this Petition by the Holt Coun ty Board of Supervisors on 'tuesday. May 25th, 1948, at 1:30 P. M. at their office in the Court House in O’Neill, Ne braska. RUTH HOFFMAN l-2c County Clerk (First pub. May 13, 1948.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in ihe office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, pray ing that the following Road commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 9, Township 28, Range 11 and going Nortn the full mile of Section 9, Township 28, Range 11, also to extend on Northeast of Sec tion 4, Township 28, Range 11, to reach the Highway at that place, be established as a pub lic road. That a Hearing on this Peti tion will be held by the Holt County Board of Supervisors on May 25, 1948 at 3:00 P. M. at their office in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska. RUTH HOFFMAN l-2c County Clerk (First publication May 13, 1948.) I Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3482 - In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 29th, 1948 In the matter of the Es tate of Charles E. Berger, De ceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims agaisnt said estate is September 3, 1948, and for the payment of debts is April 29th, | 1949 and that on June 3, 1948, ! and on September 4th, 1948, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. 1-3 COUNTY COURT SEAL EXPLORER . . . Mrs. Edith Ronne is the first woman to land on the Antarctic con tinent — not that many wo men ever clamored for that honor. She is the \^fe of Gmdr. Finne Ronne^ who conducted the Ronne Ant arctic research expedition. ERP HEAD . . . Paul G. Hoff man, president of Studebak er corporation, has been ap pointed to receive director ship of the European recov ery program, most important government economic post since the war’s end. When You and I Were Young — Flash! Illinois Central to Build Westward 60 YEARS AGO MAY 17. 1888 That another railroad will be built into O’Neill this summer seems very probable from in dications. We have long ex pected this and now we are sure of it. We feel like jump up and kicking the ceiling 3 times in succession with our number is: Enough has de veloped to point to the fact that the Illinois Central co mpany is in the field, prep aring to enter upon a vigor ous campaign in tha exten sion of a line west from Sioux City. Little Joe Henerickson fell from a fence back of Gatz’s meat market and dislocated his collar bone. He is not seriously injured. Messurs. Hazelet and Bosi wick have decorated the in terior of the clerk's office with a lot of fine flowers which they purchased when in Council Bluffs recently. A team and wagon going south Monday on the outskirts of our city was observed to stop, and the driver was using every means to get them to pull the load. On asking what was the matter the dri ver informed us that he had purchased a dollar’s worth of sugar at the St. Louis grocery , store always bring a double team. The demand seems to be somwhat universal that O'Neill should fly the eagle on the glorious Fourth, and to that The Frontier says “amen.” It is getting about that time of year and we should begin to 1 make some preparations. 50 YEARS AGO May 19, 1898 Charley Cornell, of Valentine, was an east bound passenger j yesterday morning. He says that the reports sent out from ■ Ft. Niobrara that the settlers there are afraid of an Indian i uprising are false, and do that section of the state an injus tice: that the Indians are peace a b 1 y disposed toward the whites: that the only fighting they long for is an opportun ity to take Spanish scalps. Advertisement : J. P. Mann I — can sell you — A r^od suit for men at $4.50. Better ones $7.50, $8.75 and $10, and the fineest made at $12 and $15. Sanford Parker was over! from Spencer last Tuesday and Wednesday. He said he did not come over to see the cir cus but could not get through with his business in time to get home until Thursday morn ing. War news is rather scarce these days. The movements and the whereabouts of the Spanish and American fleets are kept secret by the govern ment. They are playing a game of hide and seek. The Span ish fleet is hiding from the American fleets and Sampson and Schley are endeavoring to find it. If they succeed Spain’s list of sunken ships will be greatly augumented. 25 YEARS AGO May 17. 1923 The spring term of the Holt county district court will con vene Monday morning with Judge Robert R. Dickson pre siding. Two hundred and sev enty two cases are on the doc ket, a number of them jury cases. The coal shule force al Inman has been laid off by Ihe Norlhweslern railroad, as the company has replaced all ns iOai ourning engines with oil ourners. The American Legion has decided to have a large Fourth of July celebration. Frank O’- j Connell, Pat Harty and Tom Brennan- were named as a com mittee on arrangements and already are cooking up some great plans for the affair. Thirty-one candidates were taken into membership of the Knights of Columbus on Sun lay. To Become a Nurse— AMELIA—Miss Ardene An derson closed her school term with a picnic, Tuesday, May 11. Ardene expects to enter nurse’s training in August at the Bryan memorial hospital in Lincoln. Ouf-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Vireil McKay md family, of Chicago, 111., ind Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Strue Durg, of Wood River. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE CENTRAL FINANCE CORP. C. E. JONES. Manager O'NEILL : NEBRASKA i ■ FOR SALE FOR SALE: Philco 2'z cu. ft. home freezer . . 159.50 — Gillespie’s. O’Neill 2c 1 LADIES! . . . Just arrived . . . sparkling new Elgin Stain less Steel kitchens . . . 5 drawer utility tables . . . wall cabinets.—Win. Krotter Co., O’Neill._51c FOR SALE: Baby bed and tri cycle. — Phone 54-J, O'Neill. _____ 1.2c FOR SALE: One Thor automa tic washing machine with dishwasher attachment, $100. —Gillespie’s, O’Neill. 50c FOR SALE: 42 Chev. 2 dr., with accessories. — Phone Tom Alder, Dorsey, 2-3p STEEL WIRE (’ABLE —Five-eighths inch —One-half Inch —Three-eighths inch —Five-sixteenths inch GAMBLES . . . O’Neill FOR SALE: Three residential lots and house and lot in O’Neill. This is a good deal, for cash as I am out of town nearly all the lime, write for appointment. — W. C. Han-1 cock, O’Neill. 52tf FOR SALE: Two listers and cultivator for VAC Caso tractor; also lister and cul tivator for SC Case trac tor. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 52e Used Power WASHERS Gambles .... O’Neill FOR SALE: Blue grass strip pers. — Harry’s Auto Ex change, next door to Coun cil Oak, O’Neill. 2c FOR SALE OR RENT: — Large store building and good garage. A good business opening — Fred Truax, Red bird. l-3c JUST ARRIVED: 14_in. Case Hammermill and a 11-in. Fairbanks-Morse Hammer mill. See them at: Wm. Krot ter Co. of O’Neill. lq FOR SALE: Portable corona typewriter, good condition, good carrying case. Priced to sell. — Lyle Benda, Shel hamer Oil & Equip. Co., O’ Neill. 2p FOR SALE: Skelgas table-top stove, walnut gateleg table, i porch glider, porch rugs, all in good condition. — Phone 163, O’Neill. 2c FOR SALE: South front, 45x 170 ft., corner lot, on sewer and water. See: R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill. le FOR SALE: F-20 tractor, new rubber, A-l condition.—-Clar ence Shaw, Ewing. l-2p FOR SALE: Anton Toy resi dence in southwest O’Neill. This is one of the better homes, completely modern, 2 full lots, plenty of shade. See: R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner O’Neill. lc FOR SALE: 1939 Buick, 4t series; also 1938 Cub tractor. — Jonas Finn. Exch., O’Neill. _ lc FOR SALE: Lrosley Frostmas ter home freezer. See this brand new unit now on dis play in our showroom.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. JUST ARRIVED ... big ship ment of SEALEY mattresses. —Jonas Furn. Exch., O’Neill. _ 2c FOR SALE: Pabco linoleum both in yardage and ready cut sizes. Pabco is the best in linoleum — Wtn. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 51c FOR SALE: 320-acre well-im proved farm. Can give pos session right now. Located in a good part of this county. Price: $27.50 per acre. Let me show you this farm.—R. H. Parker, O'Neill. 47tf Public Dance AMERICAN LEGION BALLROOM — O’Neill — Elmer Hall and His Orchestra Tuesday, June 8 Adm.: $1 Per Person, Including Tax 'H ......... ... __ FDR SALE: Model A power sweep car, number 1 shape, new tires.—Ted Tomjack, O’- ! Neill. ' 52-2p ____ j MISCELLANEOUS OIL DEALERS’ ATTENTION OUR SUPPLIERS «T« plan ning on increasing our bulk plant storage u.i .... like to buy some storage tanks that are already in use in O’Neill and surrounding towns. If you have anything available or will have avail able this season please con tact us immediately. SHELHAMER OIl & EQUIP. CO. — O’Neill — FOR BRIGGS & Stratton service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf WANTED TO BUY: 5 old hm ses for wild animal feed. Apply before 10:30 a.m. at ticket wagon. — A1 G. Kel ly-Miller Bros. Circus, Tues day, May 25. l-2p Harry’s Auto Exchange Next door Council Oak USED CAR VALUES , EXPERT REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED Harry Jonas, Prop. 50ti ~CO K E R* s"~LO C K E R S West O’Neill Locker patrons save money with handy, economical sharp-freeze and storage ASK US FOR DETAILS 47tf HEADQUARTERS for Presto pressure cooker repair parts —Gillespie’s, O’Neill. tf FREE GLASS installed in your car if you have com prehensive insurance. For more information see your garageman or call here. — Skalowsky Glass Co., O' Neill. James G. Fredrickson — AUCTIONEER — Ready to Serve You Phone 2 O'Neill WANTED: Used standard size burlap feed bags. — Corkle Hatchery, O’Neill. 34tf For Any Type of AUCTION Write or Call ED THORIN Auctioneer Chambers. Nebr. WANTED: Used or new B-flat tenor saxaphone.—Roy Shel hamer, O’Neill. 2c NOTICE: I just returned to my office and have mon ey to loan on farms, ranch es and city property.—R. H Parker, O’Neill. NEW FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill _52tf WANT TO FLY? Fly Cesna, the pilot's airplane. Free demonstration. Also used planes, new guarantee. Flight instruction, plane parts, re pair service. A & E mechan ic. See, write or call: KOIN ZAN Flying Service, Auth orized Cessna Dealer, Elgin, phone 132A or 51B. 38-40tf FOR RENT: Let our Johnson’s electric floor polish wax polish your floors. You mere ly guide it with your fingers . . . the whirling brushes do the work. Rent it for a $1 a day. — Bowen’s Ben Frank lin Store, O’Neill. 50tt CAR OWNERS ATTENTION! Liability insurance on farm ers’ cars, $16; town cars, $17, $18.50 and $22.50, according to use. Dwelling insurance I combined 5-year term. $11. Why pay more?—L. G. Gil lespie Insurance Agency, O’ Neill. 3tf IF YOU are interested in buy ing a home see: R. H. ("Ray") Shriner, O’Neill. 48c FOR RENT: Tank type vacuum cleaner with all attachments. —Gillespie’s, O’Neill. tf MULLEN’S RADIO SERVICE is now located directly across the street west from the Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. Prompt service, pickup and delivery'. Telephone 415W Residence 415R. 28tl POWER SPRAYING SERVICE Barns — with D.D.T. Cattle—with D.D.T. and Rotenone Weeds—with 2. 4D Weed Kil ler; Poultry Houses—with In sect Oil. We have the latest type equipment that develops up to 600 lbs. pressure. CORKLE HATCHERY Phone 19 O'Neill. Nebr. WE CARRY a complete stock of window glass, Libby-Ow en Ford brand—the best on the market. — Skalow-ky Glass Co.. O’Neill. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? We will have an expert, roof ing crew in O'Neill starting May 19 Will inspect and repair all flat top roofs with asphalt or tar & gravel. If you have a roof that needs repairing let us figure with you. Call 66 O'Neill now and make an appointment. — Shoeneman Roofing Co. of Sioux City 2c FREE USE of electric floor polisher. Simply leave your name with us and take it with you for use in your own home.—Midwest Furn. & Appl. Co., O’Neill. 51tf HELP WANTED CLERKS WANTED: We ha\<* several openings for women clerks. Apply: Ned Allen dorfer, Union Store, O’Neill. 52c HELP WANTED: Woman for general housework. — Mrs. C. F. McKenna, O’Neill. 2tf * HOUSEWIVES: Do you find it difficult making ends meet today? We have part time income plan to help you. Neat appearance and a few spare hours will qualify you. Write at once: Mrs. C. * W. Wren, P. O. Box 114, Nor folk, Nebr. 81p2 SALESMEN WANTED: RAW-' LEIGH dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity. Write at once. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NBE102-105, Freeport. 111. 27p-2 LOST & FOUND FOUND: Infant’s gold ring; had been lost for sometime block from business district. Owner please claim at Fron tier office by paying for this advertisement. 2c LOST: Bulova watch at com mencement exercises, May 13.—Reward: Mrs. Dale Fet row, O’Neill. 2c CARD OF THANKS I WISH to take this opportune ty to thank those who so kindly sent flowers, cards and letters during my re cent stay in the hospital. 2p MRS. WALTER YOUNG Sunday evening a group of seniors from St. Mary’s acad emy and O’Neill high school held a skating party at Neligh. New Improved Models New Lower PrkvS COME SEE THISI NIW AND DIFFERENT BENDIX WASHERS I They’* e just arrived in our store! Many new features never seen before . . . they can even put in their own soap! COME save AS MUCH AS *1201 , r * Imagine! The world’s favorite automatic washer for as much as $120 less than other automatics . . . just a little more than ordinary, hard-work washers! NEW BENDIX GYROMATIC Automatic toap injector extra 5299-9S NIW BINDIX STANDARD *229” NIW BINDIX Dl LUXI Automatic soap injector extra oral* UNDIX moanU 41 COW 41 f j 99 ** Price/ include normal installation f/RSTCQMC, fiRSrmVSDAT