The Frontier .... O'Neill, nor. CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher Entered the postoffice at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska M second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3 1879. This newspaper is a member of the Nebraska I ress ’ Association and the National Editorial Association. Established in 1880—Published Each Thursday_ Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per year, else where in the United States. $3 per year; abroad rates provided on request. All subsc iptions are strictly paid-in-advance. jpRAIRIELAND ! ROMAINE ! ... TALK SAUNDERS j LINCOLN — Women who pioneered on Holt county prair leland , wtith their men had courage. So have the women of a later generation, courage of a different sort. They no longer need to align the sights of a Winchester or brave the perils of frontier life, or act the part of ministering angel to some helpless tenderfoot whom the wilderness had well nigh overwhelmed. It was early Spring in the year 1875. Mrs. John O'Con nell held aside the flap of her tent and stepped out in to the open. The tent was a white dot in the vast wil derness of the upper Elk horn where the good town of Atkinson now takes care of the needs of a thrifty com munity. Two starved, footsore, un shaven and disheavelcd men came stumbling crawling out of the northwest toward that tent. And Mrs. O’Connell, a lone at the time. John having gone down the valley for sup plies, watched the painful and uncertain approach of these strange figures. She had given food to a party of Indians the day before and ordered them to clear out. The Indian paid little heed to what this squaw might say, so she said nothing but he had wholesome respect for a plucky white woman. So do most men. Her visitors this day were two disillusioned gold seekers who had come from the Black Hills country, a restricted dis trict under military rule. Gold seekers got in there at the risk of their wagons, horses and other possessions being taken from them and being sent to military prison for a short time. But gold seekers take risks. The 2 men, whose names have been lost in the fogs of the past, had walked and crawled the entire dis tance from the Black Hills to this lonely camp on the Elk horn. Mrs. O'Connell put hot cof fee into them at the start and little by little revived them with substantial food. In recounting their experi ence to the pioneer woman, they said they were at the point of dropping to earth and give up thought of sur 23 TONS OF BIBLES FOR DISTRIBUTION . . . How does the Gideon International asso ciation, manage to get Bibles in all the hotel rooms of the nation? It’s a big job, and one that sometimes gives rise to spectacular scenes such as this which was arranged in Miami Beach. A gigantic cross composed of hundreds of Bibles was erected in front of the North Shore hotel in Miami.Beach where the Gideon International association held its annual convention this spring. Total weight of the great stack of Bibles was 23 tons, h'he volumes were distributed in hotel rooms throughout Miami and Miami Beach. viving when a white speck in the distance arrested their attention and revived hope. Under this inspiration, they pushed on. After a few days in camp the men moved on down the valley, and some years later ; the O’Connells heard from one of them who had given up the r idea of prospecting for gold and had become a resident of Grand Island. < * • i Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii — j in the scope of Uncle Sam’s j possessions — are said to be I the most promising fields for the young lady who would be pleased to hear the wedding bells. Or maybe still greater opportunities in this respect in the Far East where unattached men from America are plenti ful. And the government is in need of 5 thousand young wo men right now for jobs in Ja pan, the Philippines, and other far eastern outposts at salaries ranging from $2,700 to $10,000 a year with travel expenses and inexpensive living. That a husband will be thrown in to boot is not exactly promised but chances along that line are hinted. • • • As of the date of this writ ing, the rampage of Nebraska university students has resul ted in the forming of a com mittee of highbrows to make an “investigation” of the park ing situation at Nebraska’s classic halls of learning and football acheivements. I “Against the background of blue May sky and the soaring capitol tower” began the story of a Lincoln reporter to his paper to inform the town pa triots that 350 matrons had taken the pledge of reaffirmed loyalty to the country, one of the features of this freedom week. Yes, the May sky was the usual blue, but we are wondering whether the “soar ing capitol tower” was an ex pression inspired by exurbent patriotic thrill or the newspap er compatriot had taken on something which put the capi tol tower in a whirl. * • * The official count of the Republican primary vote gives Mr. Stassen 80,979; there were cast for the other 6 republican candidates a to tal of 98,111 ballots. Gov. Dewey receiving 64,242 of these and carried 7 counties. • • • According to Mr. Truman, there are government records which are sacred to a chosen few and says he will veto any measure congress passes which would bring these records in to the open. The congress is the peoples’ representative and enacts all laws. But the idea has been growing among cab inet officers and heads of burets that they can make laws independent of the con gress. • • • When workmen drop the tools and walk out on strike they have quit the job. If personal liberty means any- ! thing it means that other men who want work can take over. And they do so under the unionized stigma of "scab" or "rat." Great indus tries could settle strikes by saying "all right boys, we are locking the doors and going fishing. When you are ready to go to work let us know and we will open up." * • • Senator Wherry, something of the so-called isolationist himself, led the procession in the late lamented primary in a number of counties, Holtf one such. And in the light of the senator’s vote in the state the claims of the one-world dreamers that Nebraska has gone all out against isolation look pretty silly. [MAY 251 thru JULY 5 I Omaha, Neb. flj No racing on Sunday and ip Monday except Holiday ■ Mondays, May 31, Jdly 6 ®: 8 RACES *DAILY I ADMISSION 75c 1 (Including Stale and Federal Tax) I LADIES' DAYS 1 TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ■ (Admission (or Ladies, .Hoc in* I eluding tax and service charge) vl NO CHILDREN ADMITTED!^ Are You Prepared for These Bills? If Not. See: lister J. Jonas Your Friendly EQUITABLE Man — O'Neill — Before You Buy Get Our Prices On ★ 2>/rhp Air Cooled ENGINES if TIKES —Passenger, Truck and Tractor ★ STOCK TANKS if WHEELS —Ford and Chevrolet, passen ger and truck ★ Cultivator SHOVELS and SWEEPS ★ Lister BOTTOMS and LAYS SHELHAMER OIL & EQUIPMENT CO. — O’Neill — 4 Our Big Clearance Sale Continues Thru May PRICES REDUCED UP TO 50% • We’re making room for remodeling . . . and all small items in our store must go at a sacrifice price. Unbeatable bargains in cook ing utensils, lamps, dishes, household needs, small tables, pictures. JONAS FURNITURE EXCHANGE — O’Neill — FOR SALE New KOHLER LIGHT PLANTS 110-Volt AC & DC Delco Light BATTERIES BOB TOMLINSON — Star — Phone: 48F02. Page Exch. LOOK at America s Leading Trucks H UROLET Advance-Design TRUCKS Today, American business that looks ahead looks to the leader’s line of Advance-Design trucks for higher standards of value on the job. Today, Chevrolet trucks bring you the features of tomorrow— Advance-Design features—at the lowest prices in the volume field! Look ahead and look at them now —on display in our showroom. ‘-lar* air ha*ti*0 al*d toting tytfam and roar comar vtodowi c&tioool at aatra coft. 1 ■ New heavy-duty Chevrolet 4-speed Synchro-Mesh Truck Transmissions and Splined Axle Hub Connection • New Advance - Design Gearshift Control and Foot-Operated Park ing Brake in 3-speed transmission models • Improved Valve-In-Head Engine • Exclusively designed • Brakes. From headlight to toil light, new Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks bring you the future’s streamlined appearance in every feature of body, cab, fenders and hood) Only Advance-Design trucks have the famous Cab that "Breathes! * Fresh dean, cool air is drawn in and used air forced out! Air is heated in cold weather. The Cab is Flexi-Mounted, cushioned on rubber, with a fully-adjustable seat and all round visibility with rear corner windows.* Only Chevrolet offers you the lowest t prices in the volume field! Here are trucks with comparable equipment and specifications that list for less than competitive makes—some models as much as $150. r Midwest Motor Co. Ltd. PHONE 100 O’NEILL Real Estate Transfers (Editors note: A glossary of the abbreviations follows: WD —warranty deed; QCD— quit claim deed. The instruments filed at the Holt county court house are listed from whom to whom, date, consideration, le gal description.) WD — Mabel H Hevnen to Nick G Schmit 11-26-47 $450 S»i lot 6- All lots 7-8-11-12 & 13 & So 20Ms ft lot 14- Blk 1 Morningside Add- Atk QCD — Patricia Marie Don ohoe to Arthur Joseph Berger and w'f 7-15-46 $240- Lots 1 & 2 Blk 49- McCaffertys Add O’N WD — Marvin Anderson to 'Margaret Anderson 5-11-48 $900- Lots 14 & 15 Blk F O’ Neill & Hagertys Add O’N WD — Fred J Dobrovolnv to Fern R Warren 4-23-48 $350 Lot 8 Blk 26- Bitneys Add Atk WD — Susan H Porter to Edwin H Hubbard 1-14-47 $1500- Lot 4 Blk A Fluckeys Add- Chambers QCD — Mary Katherine Pfeiffer to A J Kubitschek 6 5-44 $1- Lot 4 Blk 7- Atk QCD — Ruth Leone Haskle man et al to A J Kubitschek 5-8-48 $1- Lot 4 Blk 7 Atk QCD — John D Kuitschek to A J Kubitschek 5-30-44 $1 Lot 4 Blk 7- Atkinson WD — Benj Bachmann to Wilma B Crane- Opal B Burge & Orville C Bachmann 3-13-48 $1- NW',4 30-28-12 EV4NE% 25-28-13- Reserves life estate WD — W J Douglas et al ' to Thomas G Slattery 4-27-48 $6250- Lot 5 Blk F- Neeleys 2nd Add Atkinson W D — Loretta Hynes O'NEILL AUTO REBUILDERS 5 Blocks North of Bus Depot SPECIALIZING IN BODY & FENDER ★ Repairing ★ Repainting LINDQUIST & SNOS PHONE 133 to R M Kurtz 5-20-40 $1- Parti SEt4SWV4 27-32-12 WD — Leola G Tracy to I James A Tracy 2-16-34 SI Lots 1 4 & 5 Blk 21- Bitneys Add Atk 1 WD — Minnie Bav to Jessie 1 A Kaczor & Alberta M Hubby I 5-14-48 $6500- East 114Ms ft j lots 20 & 21 Blk 37- Riggs Add- O’Neill WD — Old Line Ins Co to Wm K Shaw 4-27-48 $2000 NWV4 23-28-12 WD — N D Frady to Steve Shavlik 2-28-48 $260- Lots 19 & 20 Blk G- Adams Homsite Chambers WD—Ethel Chittick to S Lor ena Chittick 5-11-48 $1- Lot 13 Blk 4- East 26 ft of Lot 11 Blk 7- Hallocks Add -Stuart * WD — Ethel Chittick to S Lorena & Ethel Chittick 5-11 48 $1- Lots 5-6-7 Blk 5- Hal locks 2nd Add- Stuart SAND YOUR OWN FLOORS • Renew floors yourself * Save % the cost Floor wear Is only skin deep. Renew and beautify your floors with our low cost rental plan. Do it yourself, save % the cost. Easy to operate. Rent a sano'er todayl » * CAPPS FULL*MEASURE clothes You see it. You feel it. The smooth, flowing drape of their fine fabrics ... the true fit and wearing comfort—that FULL*MEASURE Tailor ing brings to each suit anc coat made by J. Capps & Sons, Ltd. Worsteds and other favorites in the latest styles. OTHER SUITS AS LOW AS ~ T $39.75 McCARVILLES’ — CLOTHING — o Shoes for the Entire Family