r LYNCH NEWS Mrs. Lila Mallory, of Plain view, visited Lynch friends a few days last week. Friend Keeler returned Janu ary 21 from spending a few weeks in Omaha. Mike Pikklap was here from Monowi Saturday. Lucille Keeler spent last Thursday with Mrs. Fred King. Dr. R. E. Kriz made a trip to Omaha last week, where he purchased a new Hudson. Glen and Verne Stewart and families are enjoying new trail er houses purchased recently. John Wike was in Omaha last week. Bud Keim, of Niobrara, spent Sunday in Lynch. According to word received by relatives here, Lester Wil son, of Hollister, Calif., who has been at Guam for some time, spent the holidays at home but now has returned and is at Okinawa where he is employed. Floyd Luber was over from Holt county Saturday. Mrs. Earl Endicott and Mrs. Lawrence Hoy were Creighton visitors Monday. Lloyd Phelps was here Sat urday from Dorsey. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoy drove *to O’Neill January 20 to attend the funeral services for the latter’s grandfather, Sam uel Derickson. Richard Stewart and family expect to move to Ft. Dodge, la., soon, where Richard has purchased an interest in a welding shop. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nemic, of Spencer, accompanied by Mrs. John Cassidy, sr., of Ft. Randall, S. D., called on the latter’s son, who is a patient at the hospital here Sunday af I ternoon. PAUL SHIERK INSURANCE AGENCY ★ INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Truck Insurance a Specialty Fire Hail Windstorm Automobile Life ★ BONDS ★ Paul Shierk - Woody Grim Nebr. State Bank Bldg. Phone 434 - O'Neill Bud Keim accompanied oy Mrs. John Wike and Betty were Butte visitors Monday. Mrs. Fred Wurtz and Mrs. Ralph Wurtz were Sunday af ternoon collers at the Richard Stewart home. Mrs. Fred King and * baby and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mulhair and son were Sunday evening callers at the Friend Keeler home. , , Mr. and Mrs. Fred King had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moody, Berl, Earl and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moody and Vera Hazel horst. , , Mrs. Lettie Combes has re turned from an extended visit at the home of her daughter in Grand Island. Oral Pickering was m Oma ha last week. Mrs. William Pinkerman was here froni Holt county to assist with the. shower for her niece, ^ Mrs. Clarence Moody assisted with the dinner at the G. L " lulhair home, served to el ,ves following the funeial of lharles Mulhair. __ Friday & Saturday UES! * BLUE ROCKS— Per Carton. 2.10 PLUS 1 Carton Blue Rocks 5.75 r MARLIN 6-SHOT repeaters— Each ...— 19-95 r FLOATING MINNOW PAILS— Each. 2.75 SOUTH BEND REEL— Only . 18.50 * BASKETBALLS— Each .4.79 * FOOTBALLS— Each...-.2.89 * CIGARETTES— Per Carton -- 1.80 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES * DINETTE SET Buff et, 4 Chairs, Table; New 99.50 if BEDROOM SUITE— Chest, Dresser & Bed.75.00 * WASHING MACHINE— Electric, Only - -.65.00 if “EASY HEAT” OIL BURNER— New -.- 59.95 if MIRACLE WAFFLE IRONS— Now.8.95 - 11.95 ★ 32-VOLT TOASTERS— Only...4-49 - 8-95 * EMERSON PORTABLE RADIO— • Electric or Batteries* With Batteries.29.95 ★ SHELBY BOY’S BIKE— Only .-. 47.50 Bob's Sport Shop — It Pays To Play — O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 533 SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN Although the hands of this little French girl are cov ered with sores resulting from malnutrition, they hold her cherished doll as tender- ! ly as might any normal child. She is one of the suffering . youngsters overseas who will ' William Dahms arrived on Wednesday from Chicago, 111. for a visit at the Dr. F. J. Fish er home. He and his fiancee, j Miss Emmy Lu Fisher, will de part today (Thursday) for Den | ver, Colo., where they will be j married on February 4. Mrs. Ralph Rickly went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend an administrative meeting of the Presbyterian synod. She will return Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray spent January 17 and 18 in Ains worth with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlin son spent Monday in Butte. Tom Sullivan, Lynus How ard and Ed Hynes returned last Thursday from a business trip to Casper, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. C. r\ Apple gate, of Plattsmouth, arrived ] Saturday for a visit at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grenier were: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peterson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy | Lanman and family. John Sullivan and Ralph Walker returned Friday from ! a business trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller drove to Columbus Sunday to meet Mrs. Waller's mother, Mrs. Ray Snell, who was re- j turning from a visit in San Di ego, Calif. Rev. Earl Dix, of Butte, a returned missionary from Af rica, spoke in the Holiness church Sunday evening. Returning to North Platte on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally after a visit in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson and family. Miss Bernice Uhl arrived on Friday from Sioux City for a visit with relatives here. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Streeter, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jen nings of Miles City, Mont. Mrs. Jennings is Mrs. Streeter’s niece. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney drove to Omaha Tuesday morn ing where Mr. McElhaney at j tended to business matters. They returned by way of Lin coln to bring their daughter, Miss Marjorie home for the in terim between first and sec ond semesters at the Univer sity of Nebraska. O'NEILL TRANSFER ★ Please route your freight O’NEILT- TRANSFER. An O'Neill firm. 4 — TRIPS WEEKLY — 4 Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays O’NEILI—Phone 241J | OMAHA—Phone JA3727 Your Patronage Appreciated l | JOHN TURNER, Prop. benefit through the Ameri can Overseas Aid-Unit Na tions Appeal for Children, a world-wide group supported by the gifts of people from some 30 nations. The drive will be conducted during February. Mrs. Moore Hostess — The Last Minute bridge club met with with Mrs. Leo Moore on January 21. Winners were Mrs. H. J. Hoffman and Mrs. Frank Clements. FREE GLASS If you have COMPRE HENSIVE INSURANCE we will install your glass free. See us for further details. Skalowsky Glass Co. Ray C. Keeler Takes Bride at Papilion LYNCH — Miss Elsie Men king, daughter of Mrs. Helen Menking, of Arlington, and Ray C. Keeler, of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Friend Keeler, of Lynch, were married at Pa pilion January 8. The bride wore a street length gown of turquoise blue with matching hat and black accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias and pink roses and she wore a double-strand of pearls a gift from the bride groom. • The bridegroom's suit was dark brown and striped. Mr. Keeler spent the greater part of his life in Lynch. Since being discharged from the ar- { my in April, 1946, he has been 1 employed in Omaha as piano instructor and musician. The bride has been employed as bookkeeper in the Arlington state bank. Both will contin- J ue in their work. F. E. Parkins spent the weekend in Omaha on busi ness. For greater SAFETY of farm or ranch ownership .. finance your land with a Co-op Land Bank Loan! Long Term Low Interest Repayment Privileges No Commissions No Fees The Former-Rancher Owned Co-op Serve* the Farmer and Rancher Best! SEE YOUR NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Member Federal Land Bank System BOYD-HOLT-WHEELER COUNTIES Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. — O'Neill — THE FRONTIER, O’Neill, Nebr., Jan. 29, 1948—PAGE 3 Use the EASY Way WHEN YOU HAVE BILLS TO PAY • Writing checks at home is much more convenient—and safer, too—than tramp ing around town paying bills by cash. It’s bus inesslike, for your checking account affords you a record of payments (the cancelled checks are your receipts) and in your checkbook there’s a handy register on which to keep track of your balance. Begin enjoying a checking account • in this bank today, for convenience and safety in paying bills it can’t be beat. O'NEILL NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. fits TUNE SPORTMASTER fltmiNf AEHOStOAN FlEETMASTEft SPOUT SEDAN HEtTMASTW CtU» COUCf PUETMASTfR TOWN IIOAN HKtMAtTt* CAMIOIH HIRMAIttl STATION WAOON smtMASTtt SKHtT SEDAN smiMASTf* BUSINESS COUPS smeMAsfe* aw town TOWN SfOAN Midwest Motor Co., Ltd. PHONE 100 “Your Chevrolet Dealer” O’NEILL, NEBR.