LEGALS {First publication Nov. 6, 1947.) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE or PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3441 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 31st, 1947 In the matter of the Estate of Mary E. Kipp, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Mary E. Kipp, Deceased, and for the appointment of Louis S. Kuhn and Lottie Benedict Wilcox, as joint executors there of; that November 20th, 1947, at 10 o’clock A- M, has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons con cerned may appear and con test the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge COUNTY COURT SEAL 26-28 (First publication Nov. 13, 1947) NOTICE WHEREAS, Orval Elifritz, Convicted in Holt County, on the 5th day of June, 1946, of the crime of Forgery, has made application to the Board of Par dons for a Commutation and Pa role, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 9:00 A. M. on the 10th day of December, 1947, for hear ing on said application, all per sons interested are hereby noti fied that they may appear at the State penitentiary, at Lin coln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be grant ed. FRANK MARSH Secretary, Board of Pardons. RICHARD C. MEISSNER Chief State Probation Officer '•NEBRASKA BOARD OF PAR DONS SEAL) 27-28 ^First publication Nov. 13, 1947.) George W. Dittrick, Attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MADISON COUNTY, N E - BRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEVA WALMSLEY, GUARD IAN OF THE ESTATE OF ROYAL THEATER O'NEILL ★ ★ ★ CLOSES THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 ROAD SHOW You’ll Forever Remember Forever Amber! FOREVER AMBER Technicolor with LINDA DARNELL CORNEL WILDE RICHARD GREENE GEORGE SANDERS Adm. $1.00. plus tax 20c. Tot id $1.20. Children, all times. 46c, plus tax 9c. total 55c. ★ ★ ★ FRI.-RAT. NOVEMBER 21 22 Big Double Bill Michigan Kid In Cinecolor starring JON HALL VICTOR MXAGUEN RITA JOHNSON ANDY DEVINE — also — Rio Grande Raiders starring SUNSET CARSON with LINDA STIRLING BOB STEELE Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. to tal 50c. Children 10c, plus tax 2c. total 12c. Matinee Saturday 2:30 ¥ ¥ ¥ SUN.-MON.-TUES. NOVEMBER 23 - 24 - 25 VAN JOHNSON in a new and different role with lovable JUNE ALLYSON in High Barbaree with Thomas Mitchell, Marilyn Maxwell, Henry Hull, Claude Jarman, Jr. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. total 50e—Matinee Sunday 2:30. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c total 50c. Children 10c. plus tax 2c. total 12c ★ ★ ★ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26 KIRBY GRANT in Lawless Breed with FUZZY KNIGHT, Jane Adams, Dick Curtis, Harry Brown, Karl Hack ett, Charles King. DONALD J. WALMSLEY, A MINOR, FOR LEAVE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order by the Hon. Lyle E. Jackson, judge of the district court of Madison County, Nebraska, made on Jan uary 11, 1947, for the sale of the interest of said minor Donald J W^lmeley in the real estate hereinafter described, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the court house in the City of O’Neill in Holt County, Nebraska, on the 6th day of December 1947, at 3 o’clock P. M. of said day, the interest of said minor in the fol lowing described real estate: The East Half (EVfe) of the Northeast Quarter (NEVi) of Section Thirty-four (34), and the West Half (WMs) of the North west Quarter (NWMO of Section Thirty-five (35), all in Township Thirty-two (32), North, Range 9 West of the oth P. M. in the County of • Holt, and State of Nebraska; and The South East Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eleven (11), and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twelve (12), all in Township Thirty-one (31), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P. M., in the County of Holt and State ol weorasKa, ana The real estate situated in the County of Holt and State of Ne braska, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion Eleven (11), Township Thir ty-one (31), Range Nine (9), West; thence North 30 rods; thence East 40 rods; thence South 30 rods; thence East 40 rods; thence North 45 rods; thence West to the intersection of the Apple Creek Mill race; thence West South and South east along the public road run ning to the mill, down to the town of Omerall in said County and State; thence along said road to the intersection of the Quarter line to a point due Northeast of the Northeast cor ner of the school house in Dis trict No. 4; thence East on the Quarter line to the place of be ginning: Also commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the North east Quarter of Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty-one (31). Range Nine (9), West: running thence West from said corner 234 feet; thence South 144 feet to the intersection of the public highway; thence East along the North line of said highway to the center of the channel of Ap ple Creek; thence down the cen ter of said Creek to a point due South of the place of beginning; thence North to the place of be ginning; And commencing at the Southwest corner of the North east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty-one (31), Range Nine (9), West; thence North 30 rods; thence East 40 rods; thence South 30 rods; thence West 40 rods to the place of beginning. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 8th day of Novem ber 1947. VEVA WALMSLEY 27.30 Guardian CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS November 13, 1947 Council met as per adjourn ment. Present: Mayor D is hner, Councilmen Rooney, C o r k 1 e, Ray and DeBacker. __ AL SIPES PHONE ’07J — O'NEILL Livestock k Grain Hauling any Distance William W. Griffin ATTOHWIT Pint National Bank BM« O'NEILL l i W. F. FINLEY, M. D OFFICE PHONE: M r\ni National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL <4 Drs. Bennett & Cook j VETERINARIANS — O'NEILL — Phones: 318, 424, 304 j GEO. C. ROBERTSON Insurance TV>nds O'Nani Office: Vt-block north of Firct National Bank Real Estate Loan* DRB. BROWN ft FRENCH , Office Phan*: 77 Complete X-Rey Equipment i G lessee Correctly Fitted J KMldenc* j I>r Bro» n, 223 ‘ Whence / Dr P^ench 241 Fire Theft Rents R. H. SHRINER Hail Bonds Plate Glass Lability GENERAL INSURANCE Linstock REAL ESTATE. LOANS, FA 1M SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —Phase 106 Farm Property Wind & Tornado. Trucks Sc Vractor, Personal Property Meeting was called to order by the Mayor. j Minutes of the previous meet ! ing read and approved City treasurer statement read and approved. Motion by Rooney, seconded by Corkle, the following bills were allowed. On the General Fnnd: Chas. Robeck Const Co. - $10,033.25 Collector of Revenue _ Chas. Robeck Co Internal Const. Marcellus Imp. Co. Arbuthnot Oil Co. H. W. Hertford _ W. B. Gillespie City Contingent Fund Lona "" ' laus Motor Co. Wm. Griffin G. E. Miles_ Consumers Pub. Power Dist. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. The Frontie Frontier Hunts Recapping O’Neill Fire Dept. J. P. Hanley Brown McDonald Co. Howard Blacksmith Shop Chet Calkins _ Joe Wert _ Ralph Scofield Roy Lowery Bob Cook 81.30 328.70 2.95 331 1.80 3.50 200.00 97.75 30.00 4.00 231.01 123.16 16.85 25.31 84.00 9.00 15.88 O. D. French 35.25 135.00 123.60 115.70 70.00 140.20 20.00 On the Water Fund: 1 Bob Davidson_$ 150.00 O. D. French _ 75.00 Consumers Pub. Power Dist.__ 20.7* I The Texas Co. 50.05 i Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. _ 6.50 James B. Clow & Sons 61.26 1 Layne-Westem Co._ 3,75000 The vote on the above motion was as follows: All eye. I Motion by Rooney, seconded by DeBacker, to transfer $200.00 from the General Fund to the I Contingent Fund. Motion car ried. Upon motion the council ad journed until December 2, 1947. O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk. Real Estate Transfers (Editor's note: A glossary of he abbreviations follows: WD— warranty deed: QCD—quit alaim ii’i'd The instruments filed at fhc Hoi* county courthouse are listen f nm whom to whom, date -onsideration. legal description.^ WD— James M. Havranek to Mary Havranek 11-10-47 $1- SVi 14-30-14. . t WD — Anna L. O’Donnell to Arthur Doty & wf 11-10-47 $2, 000- WMs 15-32-12. WD—A. F. Duncan to John P. Berger et al 10-27-47 $650- NWY4 6-30-10. WD — Frank Janak to L. G. Graham 11-3-47 $1550- lot 13 & N% 12 Blk 1- Stuart. WD—Martha Sargent et al to Louis J. Vinzonz 11-4-47 $3200 NE«4 5-30-14. WD—Sjrah Y. Thornell et al to R. H. Parker 9-14-47 $1200- Vz Int in SE’4 5-29-12. QCD—Martha Stull to Hazel H. Green 11-5-47 $1- Lot 2- Blk 35- Wixons Add- Atk. WD—Mary Hartigan to Helen Sholes 11-3-47 $3500- Lots 7 & 8- Blk 5 Knapps Add- Inman. WD—Central States Land Co. to Wm. D. Langan 10-30-47 $200 NE«4NEV4 11-32-12. WD—Melvin Richards to Mar garet A. Dobrovolny 9-19-47 $3, 600- Lots 1 & 17- Blk 9- Atkin son. WD—Margaret B. Clauson to Claude Bates & wf 10-18-47 $5, 250- SM> lots 9 & 10- Blk 24 O'Neill. WD—Wm. A. Hayes et al to Lorenzo Herrington & wf 10-28 43 $6340- SEY4SWV4- S%SEy4 3-2 SVfeSWy4 33-25-15 & land in Garfield Co. WD — Wm. A. Thompson to Thos. Thompson 4-25-47 $400 NEVaNEVa 32-26-14. SD—A. B. Hubbard to James E. VanEvery 10-30-47 $185- Lots 16 to 20- Blk 19- Page. SD—A. B. Hubbard to James E. VanEvery 10-30-47 $35- Lots 1 to 6- Blk. 19- Page. WD—Cathedral Chapt Diocese of Nebr. to Christ Evangelieal Lutheran Church 9-16-47 $3000 Lots 20 & 21- Blk D- O'N & Hagertys Add- O’Neill. Homemakers Meet— CELIA—The Celia Homemak ers met at the home of Mrs. O. A. Hammberg November 12 with Mrs. George Beck assisting hostess. A lesson was given by the leaders. The club voted to serve lunch at the Shald sale which will be held November 24- Each , member is to bake pies which will be sold with other good things to eat at the sale. It was voted to have a grab bag at the Chrismas party which will be at Mrs. Joe Hendricks. Mystery sisters will also ex change gifts at this meeting. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from j STOMACH ULCERS duet* EXCESS ACID Fra* BookToOsof HomeTreatmeut t hat Most IMp or It WM tost You Nothing Onr three million bottle* of the Willard Tutrum have been »old for relief ol ajrmptonuofdistreesaristng from Stomach 4nd Duodenal Ulcer* due to Cxcam Add — Post Mention, Sour or Upset Stomach, Canines*, Heartburn, s: as planners, etc., dnn to Eicees Acid. Sold on 16 daya' trial I Ask for “Willard’s Message” which fully explains this tmlmnni free at JOHNSON DRUGS LONG FOOD CRISIS SEEN Sir John Boyd Orr. director general of the U. N. food and agriculture organization, warn ed that the world food crisis will last through 1949, and that “long continued hunger in wide areas will result in increasing ■ social and political unrest. With him in the photo are Lord Bruce, of Australia, (center), chairman of the U. N. food council, and U. S. Undersecre tary of Agriculture Norris E. l Dodd. When You and I Were Young — Conflagration Sweeps Stuart; Fire Defense Needs Cited < 80 YEARS AGO November 17, 1887 Our sister town of Stuart was last week the recipient of a visit from the fiery ele ments, and between $20,000 and $25,000 worth of property was destroyed. We give below the account of the same from the Ledger of last week which was delayed in publication un til Saturday: "Stuart on Friday copad with a visit from the dread fire fiend, and this morning —Saturday—nothing save a blackened mass of smolder ing. smoky ruins mdrk the spot where but yesterday, good, substantial buildings, occupied by business men and families, gave assurance of the property and of their proprietors and occupants. It is a sad picture of dreari ness and desolation." Must O’Neill have another fire before we awake out of our lethargy and organize for some fire protection? Let us take a fresh warning from the fate of Stuart. N. Jones is nicely domiciled in new quarters just one door west of the Elkhorn Valley bank — rooms of his own, where he or his amiable wife may always"be found ready to wait on their numerous cus tomers. The Frontier is called upon to perform the pleasant task this week of chronicling the marriage of one of our es teemed young men and love ly maidens. On Tuesday morn ing at the Catholic church- the ceremony was performed and Mr. James Meagher and Miss Maggie Bowles were the con tracting parties. 25 YEARS AGO November 16, 1922 Engineer Winterstein and his fireman had quite an ex citing experience when a steam valve broke in the cab of the passenger engine three miles east of Royal on the way to O’Ntill Saturday night. Engineer Winterstein had just shut-off the power and was coasting down the hill when the valve blew out filling the cab with steam. He and the fireman made their get-away through the windows and set the air on the front of the en gine. Assistant Train Master Ray Hurbert wat on the train when the accident happened, and at once start ed on foot down the track for Royal where he was able I EVERYBODY HAPPY?! Sure! There’s a thrill in owning your own land ... IF you finance your buy with the loan that gives you SAFETY of farm or ranch ownership. Finance your purchase with a Co-op Land Bank Loan! It's SAFE. It’s LOW COST. It’s FLEXIBLE. You can take up to 40 years to pay—or you can pay as fast as your farm or ranch in* come permit*. No fee*. No com missions. AND you’re doing busi ness with a farmer-rancher owned eo-op that ha* an unequalled rec ord for standing by farmers and -ancher* in time of need. SEE YOUR NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION M«*b«r Fadsral Land task Sptsm Boyd — Holt — Wheeler Counties LYLE P. DIERKS. Sec.-Trea*. — O'Neill — to call Mike Ford, of this city, who came to their as sistance with the freight en gine. arriving in O'Neill with the passenger train about 5 o'clock in the morning. Engineer Winterstein repair ed the valve and returned to Sioux City arriving there on time the next morning. Mrs. J. J. McCafferty and daughter, Miss Florence, re turned home Sunday from a three-months’ visit with rela tives and friends in the New England states. Checker talk: The club have moved their furnishing to the newly - erected apartments in the rear of the Golden build ing. The club, under the guid ing hand of H. W. Tomlinson, are arranging to put on a lo cal tournament soon. Each member of the club is re quested to meet for practice regularly each week and pre pare for the championship contest that will take place with the neighboring towns this winter. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Shelham ! er and son, Wally, spent the I weekend in Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. R. M Sauers went to Norfolk Sunday to at tend the funeral services for Mrs. H Attel. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney spent Sunday in Orchard. Returning Monday from a vis it with relatives in Lincoln, Omaha and Columbus were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. R. M- Sauers spent the weekend of November 8 visiting at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Spies, in Gilmore City, la. For a Good Time near the OLD PLANTATION CLUB Bgtn N(*br • Rm Food o Diadng O Entertainment Members and their fuests are invited to visit the Old Plantation Chib. CELIA SIDELIGHTS Alex Frickel attended the fu neral of Donald Gilbert Davis, 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davis, in Atkinson on November v. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman called at the Stuart hospital on November 9 to visit Mrs. Jack Wining, who was a patient there. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman were Sunday supper guests of Herman and Alex Frickel. Later in the evening the boys took them to their home. “Come on over for ice cream . . you bring the coarse salt," invited Mrs. Vic Frickel to the Ray Pease family via telephone, on Novem ber 9. The Peases were far from reluctant and toted over the salt, voting it a fair exchange for all the ice cream and cake they could eat. Harry VanFleet and Wayne Mathis were duck hunting in the Celia community a week ago Sunday. They met with a series of minor disasters and got their car stuck. They walked to the Ray Pease home for help and found Peases not at home, so phoned Conrad Frickel, jr. Con nie journeyed to their marooned car and pulled them out with a tractor. Undaunted by their Sab bath troubles, thru came back to ' i ■■ on Armistice day to hunt again Bob Pease was a caller at the Alvin Heiser ranch on November 10 on business. Alvin was pick ing corn with a mechanical pick er. Mrs. L. W. Terwilliger and Mrs. -Alpha McKathnie on November 11 tried to cross the Swingley quarter north of J. V. Johnson’s with their car and got stuck. They were forced to walk to the Ray Pease home, where they found that Mr. Pease had gone after the mail and found Dorothy Scott also had gotten stuck with her car. Lee and Perry Terwil liger came over and pulled Ter williger's car out. Mrs. Alpha McKathnie went to the Stuart hospital November 11 but was not a patient. She will cook for the patients at the hos pital The “flu bug” called at the Conrad Frickel, jr., L. W. Terwil liger and R. L. Pease homes last week. It found a very cold re ception at all three places but stayed awhile at each. Conrad Frickel, jr., and sons, Donnie and Ronnie, and daugh ter, Carolyn, called at the Ray Pease home Friday night. They came to get some popcorn and went home happily looking for ward to a dishpan full of pop corn. Alex and Herman Frickel at tended a party at the Holland B( rry home Friday evening. Mrs. Stanley Johnson went to Fremont Saturday with Mrs. Frank Skrdla, of Atkinson. The ladies attended the annual meet ing of the Federated Garden clubs of Nebraska. Mrs. Skrdla is district director of the Fourth district, and Mrs. Johnson is president of the Celia Homemak ers’ Garden club. Mr. and Mrs. Algot Hammer berg returned home from an BRING OUT THE BEST! is your radio re/eyt4 anQbOO LI&HTK/1N& FLASMS® EVERS' HOUR OF THe DAY-* j •.UCK4LY, ALL. BUT A BAAAUW peacent end in mid-a»«.% { r. " ■ ■■ i■ i iB ii^ |T» Mir. U M« Mil M yoo exactly what ikttikUf really U. Bat modem itlmtl bat discoeered bow to mafco electricity la hate eoan titles and htruest It to aenro to dredi of beneficial mm. Today, thronjh aa offleleat network ot power teaeratinc tad dlttrtbatlaa facilities. He brashant cereed by CoMomera Pwblte Power District, onjoy far treater ose of etertrleity and at tbo lowest totad IB bfctory.