To Our OPEN HOUSE Preview of Toys and Gifts/ Here's your chance to choose gifts for fhe entire family while selections are best. . . before the jostling, crowding Christmas rush begins. And for an extra thrill, bring the kiddies to see ourdo^ding Toy_ WonderlandI 18" CRYING DOIlS 4.98 Roytm coot, bonnet and organdy drner Ha* deeping eyes and a toft SHOWER WITH DOLL 1.39 l>lul rfwwM stall, running voter, jowtvpl fever and plastic M r o KITCHEN CABINETS 1.49 14' cabinet wUh two bbtgod door% pfoy pockogM of food and fo4oo»g» Boys' and Girls' Stories 39* Aduro Books 10* Happy Hour Stories. 59c 365 Bedtime Bible Stories.59c Big Big Story Book.59c 365 Bedtime Nursery Rhymes.59c fairy Tales....59c Easel Desk Black’rdL-3.98 These"!! Delight 'Em Duck Pins 49c Pooih-M-Up Bagatelle _ 89c Friday Evening, Nov. 21 n-riM. • "Ammha”. .. Swvkt tor t * Whattpeld be a nicer gift than a set Ms L lately <|hterware ... graceful floral spray de 3 dgn, ^241 gold ed^Mr permanent gkm. 19.95 1.1* Nr We*. P.yaU* MmiHiV t "Comma” Pattern ... Service for 9 Shell few yo* for giving her this delightful scsnh pottery wars. D>*p blue and rose cosmos «v k*m9bi «n *• «reamy white pro**. 19.95 ( I 1.1S Nr 1 PeyaMe MmI% • "Sun Valley”,,, Service for 9 | Sunshiny yellow OfvA and green leaves sprinkle the creamy white background. It’s a gift family and guests will enjoy for years and years \ • "OeMeit Nbrvut",.. Service for • For lasting enjoyment ., , choose this graceiU pattern—with center spray of spring flowers and gold wheat. It’s a perfect giftl FREE GIFTS A bag of MARBLES free to Each Child | Accompanied by Parents During OPEN HOUSE •L- mt. .« m - - » * « •**" lUUIIJr O WXJUCnPf*®*. Ommtmat G* SEAT COVERS • W»WiB Gift Wrap and Mail Anywlmf •5kop Today — This Eatinr Way A lost minute suggestion that'* the perfect solution to "what to 0"®-” Your whole family will appreciate a gift like this. Smart looking, perfect fitting, longer wearing these seat coven will lend comfort to year round driving. Top quality throughout i.. seat covers are a wonderful gift! OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE 6*95 md up YOU CHOOSE IT—WE'LL WRAP AND MAIL ITI n» tom* fancy tnmmmgt yoS4 mm. bmovtHvOy wrapped with panonaAW cmr4 wdowA SeowW? |mW wl mm » mctii him Jm* bmfvm Chrittmm XMAS CARDS WITH Appropriate Messages Box Of 21- 21C SNEAK UP ON SANTA CLAUS Come to our stove PRfDA^ evening and get an advance peek at our Christmas suggestions. Lovely gift items—just what you want to give Dad Sister Mother Brother Even something for the family pup, if he’s included on your Christmas list. Before you know it, radios will all be tuned in to “A White Christmas”; the entire country, from Maine to California will be covered with tinsel and gaily colored wrapping paper. The Christmas spirit will get you sooner or later. Don’t try to resist it. Come to our Open House I 15* %9ows of Solid Cast \ Altrminvm for Long, Hard Use --- & 19.95 Am bunfm bmtmp .c 1.25 per Wee* d gift Ideal Prediioft taw for An# work, wdh lower and tilting table. f2-tnch Bond Sow* With Titling Toblos 62.50 1.15 |»r W»at ^ - *-» M-*11 royoMi /mwwy laay p