CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE: One-story frame 8 ft. high, district 177, 3 miles schoolhouse, 12 ft. x 18 ft. and east and 5 miles north of O’ Neill. Open for bids to and including Noyember 14. Bids must be submitted to commit tee: MRS. LLOYD WHALEY, O'Neill, and WM. HANLEY, O’Neill. 24-2Gp FOR SALE: 240-acres of pasture land, located 10 miles no'th east of here. See: R H. Park er, O’Neill. 3tf CENTRAL NEBRASKA RANCH THAT is n iced below the mar ket. 5520 acres at $8.25 per acre. A good spread, well fenced, arid watered. Build ings only 3 miles from high way, are worth one third of price, have electric lights, and are mostly modern. Don’t de lav on *his. it won’t last long. Write for my list. E J. CORKIN 1916 So. 32nd Ave., Omaha, Neb. 24-25 FOR SALE: 128 tons of prairie hay, 1 mile south, 2 east and '/* mile sou,h of Spencer pow er dam. $7 per ton. — Lawr ence Bowers, Spencer, Neb., Star Route. 23-25 FOR SALE: 2-story brick hotel, fu nished. All steam heated in good South Dakota town.—R H. Parker, O’Neill, Nep. 25-27 FOR SALE: Registered Spotted Poland China boars, new b eeding, vaccinated and guar anteed.—R. M. Black-, 3 miles east of Spencer. 25tf RANCH FOR SALE '800 acres. Buy 4160 acres at $10 per acre, school lease of 640 acres transfe red without cost. We!l grnssed. hard land now carry ing 450 head of stock, cuts 400 to 600 tons of hay. Well wa tered with 8 wells and mills, 3 set" •» • improvement . elec tric lights. Available to Ains worth or Brewster, 2 g o p d trading sto es 5 miles. Ranch 5 miles south of Enders Lake. For details see: A. B. Hutton, Newport, Neb. 24-25 ----—-—————j FOR SALE- 320-acre well im proved farm. Good buildings, and low price or $17.50 pet acre. Come see it before it is gone.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 52tf FOR SALE: Business building on O’Neill's maTri street. —P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 17tf RANCH i1010 ACRES. This is one of the best small places I have ' to offer. In Keya Paha coun ty, Nebr. Lays along river, and on good road. 100 acres subirrigated will grow alfalfa. Another 70 acres good farm ground. 160 acres nay mead ow cuts 160 tons native hay. Has good buildings. Nice neighborhood. $20 per acre. Write for my list. E. J. CORKIN 1916 So. 32nd Ave., Omaha, Neb. 24-25 ; FOR SALE: 160 acre farm. 1 mile north of O’Neill. — F. J. Dishner, O’Neill. 21 tf FOR SALE: Used electric wash I ing machines.—O’Neill Hatch ery, O’Neill. 25c | IMPROVED 160 acre Dixon county farm for sale. Located on county graded road north of paved U. S. No. 20. Undu lating to rolling land. Good set of improvements include 7-room house, barn 32 x 48, 38 acres alfalfa, 25 acres good brome pasture. Can have long term loan with low down pay- j ment if desired. — MAX N. COPPER, Bloomfield. Neb. 25-27 CARS! CARS! See me for that car or pickup for which you have been waiting. Most any make or model you want. — Stanley Soukup, O’Neill, Neb., phone 429. 24-25p I HAVE MOVED my office one block south of the First Nation al Bank. — R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Neb. 49 tf A ^ . _ - ■ ■ - . FOR SALE: My 365-acre im proved farm. — Albert Pospe- j shil, Venus 20tf FOR SALE: Linoleum rugs, all | sizes . . . apartment size bot tle gas stoves . . . bottle gas hot plates . . . wood - coal ranges . . . oil heaters, 10 Vi to 16-in. burners . . . 32-volt % hp. electric motors 7 . • full line of kitchen utensils. — ■ Jonas Furn. Ex.. O’Neill. 25c: CAir OWNERS ATTENTION! Liability insuiance on farmers’ cars, $16; town cars, $17, $18.50 and $22.50, according to use. Dwelling insurance combined 5-year term, $11. Why pay more? — L. G. Gillespie Insur ance Agency, O’Neill. 3tf FOR SALE: 1931 model A 4 dcor sedan; power washing machine, Maytag motor; 8-in. circulator heater, like new.— Dan Troshynski, O'Neill, >3] blocks west of PO. 25p All-Wool Coverts MEN'S TOPCOATS * 29.75 Rugged - weave coverts in substantial coat weight! Tailored for easy wear. CUNAPAC TOPCOATS Alpaca - wool outside, sturdy cotton backing inside! Well - tailored! Camel, brown, teal. SANFORIZED’ TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS Real woven-in patterns (no prints!) in your ^ A favorite coUar style! Clcan-cut stripings- / •olid colots, too! Full-cut and Sanforised! Rich Silk and Rayon Ties! New .Winter Patterns! 1.49 MEN’S ALL-WOOL SLACKS. Real worsted suitings, new Barathea weaves, Bedford cords, snort serges. .Well tailored! 11.75 { MEN’S SHOES. Sturdy double-soles (leather or rubber) in new Golden Harvest .and Boulevard. Brown tones! Goodyear welt, 6«50 4 FOR SALE: 1940 Chevrolet truck, motor recently over hauled, good tires,: 14;1t. grain and Stock box.—Al Sipes, O - Neill, 207J, or inquire Lohaus Motor Co. 25tf FOR SALE. Conn sax, gold plated. Excellent condition. Two refrigerator doors, 3x4 and 3x6, also several hun dred feet ammonia coils.— Merri Dr. Pepper Bottling Co., O’Neill. 25c FOR SALE. Thor mangle, very good condition. — Mrs. R. E. Armbruster, O’Neill._25^ RANCH IT ONLY requi:es $85,000 cash to buy 2320 acre ranch, locat ed on good road, 6 miles south of Kilgore, Nebraska. The price is $14 per acre and balance will be financed so it can be paid from operation. 3*4 percent interest. It has good buildings. Is near school. 300 acres in cultivation. Some hay. This place has always made money. Write for my list. E. J. CORKIN 1916 So. 32nd Ave., Omaha, Neb. 24-25 .’OR SAi.E: Six-room residenct property. See: R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Neb 35tf MISCELLANEOUS LOST: Ladies’ lapel Clinton watch late Sunday in O’Neill. Finder please return to The Frontier. 25tf 1ELP WANTED: Girl to assist with housework. — Mrs. Fred Saunto, O’Neill. 24tf MULLEN’S GUARANTEED Ra dio Service, 1 blk. west and \y .1 Weekend guests from Dean, Mont., at the Frank Clements home were Mr. and Mrs. Evo Vandersnick. # IAMBLES can insulate your home now Call for FREE es timate.—Gamble's, O’Neill. 4tf WANTED TO BUY: Used type writers and adding machines. Call VIRGIL L A U R S E N, phone 480W, O’Neill .25-26 11 HAVE money to loan on farms and ranches and city property, See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. tf NEW FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire : Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill, 32tf CARDS OF THANKS WE TAKE this way of express ing our heartfelt thanks to the many friends for the beautiful acts of kindness that helped soften the blow that struck us so hard in the sud den death of our beloved hus band, father, and brother. Al so for fine floral offering. Mrs. Della B. Eby, Robert D. Eby, Mrs. W. B. Gillespie (Helen), brothers and sisters. 25p .. mO$T EXCITING SALE IN AAf£p/*m fl/el!55e value* 'ail for only «19 c I V* ^ ONE SET TO A CUSTOMER -YOU GIT ALL THIS COME EARLY I THE SALE MAY NEVER BE REPEATED I Harry! Thf tupply If Ilir'ItWI Tw* hardy, lively Ooldfith and «*mpl«t« of 2 Hardy Goldfish . . 20c Modcraisttc Bowl 7'. 15c AquriM iowoH. .*? 10c GrtM Plaits . . y< 10c T»fa( Value 55c ftMarketi Thursday. October 30, 1947 (Pi ices subject to change) PRODUCE Butterfat, number - 65c Buttrfat, number 2 62c Eggs, farm run 38c Heavy hens 17c Leghorn hens . 11c Heavy springs 18c Lefhorn springs 14c Roosters 38c GRAIN Yellow corn, number 2 1.90 Wheat 2.40 Oats . . 1.00 Barley * 1.55 Rye ... 2.10 SICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Ralph Coburn was dismissed from a Norfolk hos nital and has returned to his home north of O’Neill. His mother, Mrs. Lr S. Coburn, re mained in Norfolk during his stay in a hospital there. . . . Mrs. Leo Carney went to Sioux City Monday to receive medical attention. . . . Fred Lowery it ck'^d a few ribs in a fa'l this week. INMAN— Mrs. Emma Kivett, who has spent the past month in the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Gallagher, recuperat ing from a recent illness, re turned to her home Sunday. Hex daughter, Mrs. C. A. Rutledge, of Lynch, came Sunday to spend a few days with her. PAGE—E. A. Chichester was called to Sioux City because of the serious illness of his wife, who has been a patient in St. Vincent’s hospital since October 22. . . . Ronnie Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Park, was tak en to St. Vincent’s hospital at Sioux City last week where he submitted to an appendectomy. His condition is “favorable” and he will return home this week. . . . Mrs. Harry Harper is suffer ing from an injured arm receiv ed from a fall at her home last week'. . . . Mrs. W. W. French is confined to her home because of sickness. * AMELIA—Mrs. Devere With ers was able to return Saturday from the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk where she had been a patient. . . Miss Arlis Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Edwards, submitted to an ap pendectomy October 22 in the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk. .. Harold Fullerton received two broken ribs October 21. CHAMBERS— Lloyd Hilligas went to a Norfolk hospital Mon day for an appendicitis opera tion. . |. Mrs. G. H. Grimes has been on the sick list for the past week. . . Duane McKay re turned October 22 from a Nor folk hospital where he had been or an appendicitis operation. LYNCH— F. T. Schrunk is a patient in the Lynch hospital. . . Leo Baker, who has been a hos pital patient for many months, has been dismissed from the hospital. During his confine ment he submited to a series of operations. Mire Subscribers CLYDE—Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clyde, of Page, a daughter, Con nie Lee, weighing 8 pounds, born Sunday, October 26, at the O’Neill hospital. FLUCKEY—Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fluckey, of Arlington, a son, born Friday, October 24, at Arlington. The parents are known at Chambers. SOULEK—Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Soulek, of Verdel, a daugh ter, born Wednesday, October 22, in the Lynch hospital. RAGLAND — Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland, of Amelia, a son, Royvin Edward, bom Thursday, October 23, at Amelia. The Rag lands have two daughters, Mr! Ragland is the former Lillian Coolidge. PAGE—Seventeen members of the RNA Kensington, of Page, met with Mrs. Anton Nissen, of O’Neill, for an all-day meeting on Wednesday. M s. Raymond Eby was a guest of the group. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon and the after noon was spent playing games. Mrs. Jest irville, jr., and infant i L. Mc Carville III, were released Tues at Sioux City. day rom hospital BARGAIN DAYS At Your UNION STORE ! FRIDAY, SATURDAY & MONDAY—OCTOBER 31, NOVEMBER 1 & 3 ? ; • WE ENJOYED such a splendid response from our advertising last week that we arc again offering many of these it?ms at the lowest prices you'll find anywhere. Ue invite your comparison of prices and quality. GERBER’S BABY FOODS Strained, 12 Asstd Cans 93c DEL MONTE PEACHES Case of 24 No. 2l/> Cans SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar 7.63 24c CORN—Cream Style Case of 24, Only. 3.47 TOMATOES—Fancy Pack Case of 24, Only. 3.69 NEAR-GALLON PRUNE-PLUMS Each .47C Case of 6..2.6S OATMEAL—Jack Sprat 3-Lb. Tube, Only 27c Orange and Grapefruit — BLENDED JUICE — 46-Oz. Can Case of 12 23c 2.52 Chocolate or Butterscotch PUDDING 4 Pkgs. ..10c BEANS with FRANKS — Phillips. 10-Oz. Can . 10c C-Z WAX — Self-Polishing — 1-Qt. Two beautiful GLASS TUMBLERS free! 89c DAVID HARUM FLOUR 50-Lb. Bag .3.89 SEA MUSSELS Per Can Bar Harbor — 15c GELATIN DESSERTS — All Flavors — 1Cf 2 Pkgs. for . ™ ™ UNION STORE Phone 56 :: 2 Deliveries Daily MEAT DEPT. Featuring Cudahy’s « Fancy Beef Beef by the Quarter. See us for your locker meat . . . best quality, lowest price. it*- W MINUTE STEAKS Tender, Juicy Per Lb. 59c PORK CHOPS End-Cuts Per Lb. 49c* PORK ROASTS Pork Loin Per Lb. .... 49 C PORK SAUSAGE Per Lb. . 49c ROUND STEAK Per Lb. 59c BEEF ROASTS Per Lb 43 - 39C* AMERICAN CHEESE 2 Lbs. 99 c 5-Lb. Loaf 2.35 TANG 12-Oz. Can 39 C ★ FRUITS & VEGET'S. Special Orange Deal 5-Lb. Bag Calif. ORANGES — and 2—GLASS TUMBLERS Both for . 55c Neb. Red Triumph — POTATOES — 0 AO 100-Lb. Bag Lfll For Saturday . 1000 Lbs. B-A-N-A-N-A-S # No Limit!