The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 30, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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(First publication Oct. 9. 1947.)
Julius D. Cronin. Attorney
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue or an order of sale issued
by the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, in an action
pending in said Court wherein
Oliver Mating is plaintiff, and
Ma'y E. Maring, and others are
defendants, this being case No.
14350, directing me as Sole Ref
eree to sell the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The South Half of the
Southwest Quarter, the North
west Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, and the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section Twelve, and
the North Half of the North
west Quarter of Section Thir
teen. all in Township Twenty
eight, North. Range Thirteen.
West of the 6th P. M.. in Holt
County, Nebraska.
I will offer and sell said real
estate at public auction on the
13th day of November. 1947, at
1:00 P. M. of said day, at the
front door of the Courthouse in
O’Neill, Nebraska. Said sale to
be subject to all leases expiring
March 1st, 1948. Said sale to
remain open one hour. Said
above described real estate will
be offered in separate tracts or
as a whole tract. Terms of such
sale are twenty per cent cash
on day of sale, balance upon
confirmation and delivery of
22-26 Sole Referee.
First publication Oct. 16, 1947.)
Whereas on the 2nd day of
October 1947 John G. Hoffman,
is plaintiff, duly filed his poti
ion in the District Court of
lolt County Nebraska against
he following named defendants:
«\ C. Hoffman, Mrs. F. C. Hoff
nan first and real name un
known, Melvin Smith, Mrs. Mel
rin Smith first and real name
inknown, A. Anthony, Mrs. A.
Anthony first and real name
mknown, Henry Hoffman and
Livestock 8r Grain
Hauling any Distance
William W. Griffin
First National Bank Bldg. J
r--------- -----
First National Bank Bldg.
Drs. Bennett & Cook
Phones: 318, 424, 304
Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, in Block
4 in the village of Page, Holt
County, Nebraska and all per
sons having or claiming interest
in the above described real es
tate defendant. The object and
purpose of said action being to
foreclose a tax lien for the de
linquent taxes on the following
described real estate situated in
Page, Holt county, Nebraska, to
wit: Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in
Block 4 in the village of Page
with 7% interest per annum
from the 6th day of November
1944, $59.45, from December 13,
1945, $33.15, and from Novem
ber 23, 1946, $33.00 with inter
est on each of said * payments
from date they were made to
gether with the costs, accruing
costs, and Attorney’s fee of 10%
all of which is due the plaintiff
and wholly unpaid and is first
lien upon the above described
property and no action for the
forecloser of said delinquent
taxes has heretofore been
brought, that the defendants be
foreclosed of all equity of re
demption or other interest in
said property and every part
thereof; that the defendants and
all persons claiming by,
through, or under them be' for
ever enjoined from asserting
any right, title, interest or estate
in or to the above described
property and every part thereof.
You are required to answer the
petition of plaintiff on or before
ithe 17th day of November 1947.
23-27 His Attorney
(First publication Oct. 23, 1947.)
Elven A. Butterfield, Attorney
Estate No. 3397.
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, October 21,
1947. In the matter of the Estate
of Minnie Brittell, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that
the Administratrix of said estate
has filed in this court her final
report and a peinion for final set
tlement and distribution of the
residue of said estate; and that
said report and petition will be
heard November 12, 1947, at 10
o’clock, A. M. at the County
Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska,
when all persons interested may
l appear and be heard concerning
said final report and the distribu
tion of said estate.
County Judge.
Returns to Iowa—
Mrs. C. H. Chambers, of Liv
ermore, la., returned to her
home last Thursday after a 10
day visit with her daughters,
Mrs. Homer Asher and Mrs. M.
E. Asher, and their familes. Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Asher drove her
to Livermore and they returned
PAGE—A deal has been com
pleted in which Fred Cronk be
comes the owner of the Roy
Wilson farm and Mr. Wilson the
owner of the Fred Cronk home
in Page, where the Cronks ex
pect to reside.
Dakotan Here —
Mrs. D. B. Lyons and sons.
Richard, pf Winner, S. D., and
Robert, of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
departed Friday after a four-day
visit in the L. M. Merriman
and J. R. Lyons homes here.
Pursuant to an order of the District Court
of Holt County, Nebraska, I will offer for sale
and will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION on
THURSDAY, November 13, 1947, at one
o’clock in the afternoon at the front door of
the Court House in O’Neill the old
described as the SV2 of the SWVi, the NWVi of the SWVi
and the SWVi of the NWVi of Section 12, and the NVi of
the NWVi of Section 13, All in Township 28. North, Range
13, Holt County, Nebraska. Above real estate will be of
fered in separate tracts or as a whole.
This place is located five miles south of Emmet and
seven miles west and three and one-half miles south of
O'Neill. The improvements consist of a two-story seven
room house in good condition inside and out, except that
it needs paint. Chicken house and milk house in fair con
dition, with a barn in poor shape. Place has new well and
windmill. The improvements are protected with a fine
grove, including splendid evergreens. Approximately 1G0
acres of good hay land and the balance in pasture and
trees. Approximately 12 acres under cultivation.
Terms of Sale: 20% cash on day of sale, bal
ance upon confirmation and delivery of deed.
Sale is subject to all leases expiring March 1,
Atkinson, Nebraska
JULIUS D. CRONIN, Attorney, O’Neill, Nebr.
Marking “the beginning of
a new era in Naval weapons,”
the United States Navy fired
a captured German V-2 rocket
from the flight deck of the
45,000-ton aircraft carrier USS
Midway on September 6, 1947.
This was the first time in his
tory such a bombardment
rocket has been launched
from ships or a moving plat
form. The primary purpose of
the experiment, held at sea
several hundred miles off the
East Coast of the United
States was to ascertain if
large bombardment rockets
could be fired off modern air
craft carriers without modifi
cations affecting flight opera
tions. The rocket traveled six
miles and exploded.
When You and I Were Young —
Babe Ruth, Bob Muesell
Greeted by Large Delegation
October 27, 1887
The First National bank
block is assuming proportions.
O’Neill will make a good
showing on improvement this
year. Every day she puts on
more city airs and assumes
metropolitan ways.
It is a pleasant duty we are
called upon to perform this
week in announcing the mar
riage of one of O’Neill’s most
popular and highly respected
young gentlemen. On last
Wednesday, Ed. Kelly, the
well-known cashier of the
First National bank of this
city, was united in marriage
to Miss Carrie Young at Sag
inaw, Mich., and the happy
couple arrived in O’Neill Mon
day evening.
The Stuart Leader is au
thority for the statement that
a man in that vicinity has a
field of corn that will yield
1,000 bushels to the acre. Ver
ily, corn is kind in Nebraska.
A bright, baby boy was
born to Mrs. A. Potter last
October 28, 1897
William Stortts and Miss
Ida Hershiser were married
Wednesday at the residence of
the bride’s parents by Judge
McCutchan. The Frontier ten
ders its congratulations and
wishes them joy unlimited in
their journey through life.
Ewing Advocate: Walt
Smith and Jas. Trigg, of O’
Neill, have secured the con
tract for painting the new
mill at this place. O’Neill
made a fight for the mill to
be built at that place, but
having lost that they conclud
ed to take second best, and
arranged with the manage
ment to do the painting. The
bovs are thoroughly compe
tent workmen and will com
plete the work with sati fac
tion to all concerned.
It would be a good idea if
some of the lady bicycle rid
ers would be a little more
careful when they are out
riding. One of them ran in
to M. M. Sullivan last evening
bruising him severely.
October 26, 1922
Babe Ruth and Bob Meusell,
members of the New York
Yankees, were met by a large
delegation of O’Neill baseball
fans when they arrived here
last night over the Burlington
at 11:30 and departed over the
C. & N. W. for Deadwood, S.
D. , where they play ball to
day. *
The community was shock
ed Tuesday afternoon when it
became known that George,
two year and eight months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Kelley, had fallen from a
wagon and had been so badly
crushed that he died a short
time later.
J. C. Harnish, of O’Neill,
was accorded high honors at
the state grand meeting of the
IOOF at Lincoln last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crabb
returned Sunday from Omaha
where they had spent several
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson
left Wednesday for Alliance to
visit relatives.
Mrs C. F. Rockwell, of Kear
ney, has been visiting in the
home of her daughter, Mrs. H.
D. Remy, and family since Oc
tober 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborne
were dinner guests Sunday eve
ning in the Maurice Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva
drove to Verdigre Friday to at
tend the golden wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Pavlik. Mrs. Pavlik and Mrs.
Halva are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray spent
the weekend in Ainsworth with
Weekend visitors in Trenton
were Mr. and Mrs. James Duck
worth and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson
went to Omaha today (Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Remy and
Mrs. Remy’s mother, Mrs. C. F.
Rockwell, spent Sunday in Ho
mer visiting F. M. Church.
Returning Tuesday to their
home in Hot Springs, S. D., were
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lilyard,
following a week’s visit in the
homes of Gilbert Strong and
M s. Emma Jardee.
Hazel Adamson and Edith
Castleman spent Monday i n
Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andreson
and 'children, of Sioux City,
spent Sunday and Monday visit
ing Mrs. Andteson’s sister, Mrs
Glea Wade, and family.
Mrs. M. P. Sullivan spent the
weekend in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strong
and children spent Sunday in
Butte at the Jack Ford home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mat
thews, of Lincoln, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mrs. Teresa Murray visited
over the weekend with her
niece, Delta Bealhart, in Or
chard, and in Page with her sis
ter, Mrs. Joe Bend, and broth
er, Andrew Wettlaufer.
Mrs. Stanley Holly returned
Monday from Omaha where she
had spent several days.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Strong were Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Jenkins, of
Meadow Grove.
R. E. Calvert, of Norfolk,
spent the weekend here visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Welch, of
Omaha, arrived Sunday to visit
Mrs. Welch’s mother, Mrs. Ter
esa Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. George McCar
thy, Mrs. Ralph McElvain and
Mrs. Leo Carney spent Monday
in Sioux City.
I Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan
spent the weekend in Omaha
and Lincoln. Mrs. M. R. Sulli
van returned with them after
attending a national postmasters
convention in Los Angeles, Calif,
i Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer
and daughter, Kay, and Mrs.
Mike Smith and daughter, Doris,
spent last Thursday in Norfolk.
Guests at the Gerald Smith
home last Thursday and Friday
were Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Strong, of
Ainsworth, and a sister-in-law,
Mrs. Lawrence Smith, and chil
dren, of Nisland, S. D.
Weekending in Inman at the
Harvey Tompkins home were
Mr. and M s. Lorenz Bredemeier
and family. They were joined,
at Sunday dinner by Mr. and
Mrs. A. Neil Dawes and family.
The Bredemeier and Dawes
families returned together.
Mrs. Carrie Borg and daugh
ter, Miss Marvel, were guests
at dinner Sunday at the Harry
Page home.
Mrs. William J. Biglin. Mrs.
O. W. French and Mrs. Law
rence Storjohann returned Sun
day from Omaha whe e they
had been for four days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W Deerson
returned to their home in Oma
ha after having spent three
weeks with their daughter, Mrs.
H J. Hoffman, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. D A. Baker en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Boettcher, of Atkinson, last
Weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Armbrus
ter were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Kuhn, of Wayne, and Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Dobney, of Norfolk.
Attend Convention—
AMELIA — Misses Marjorie
Ann Sammons and Gloria Ott
attended the teachers’ conven
tion at Norfolk last Thursday
and Friday. On their way home
they stopped to visit Mrs. Je
rome Krutz (nee Hilda Frahm)
near Stanton.
Insurance Bonds
* O'Neill
Office: %-block north of
First National Bank
j Real Estate Loan*
Office Phone: 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment !
Glasses Correctly Filled J
| intiorntf » i>i Brown, 223 i
{ Hhonra | l»r K-enrh 2«i
• -—-————- - - . - -4
„,_^u warn, »e8msw|
ttca! Estate Transfers
(Editor’s note: A glossary of
bp abbreviations follows: WD—
• *arraitv dt-ed; QCD—quit claim
deed The instruments filed at
the Holt county courthouse are!
hair'd from whom to whom date i
consideration, legal description.!
WD—Joseph F. Arens to Walt
er Fick 10-13-47 $1480- NW V4 9
WD— Constance F. Biglin to
O. D. French & wf 10-22-47 $1-1
Part SENEYt 30-29-11.
WD—Oscar W. French to Mer
wyn <S. French & wf 10-11-47
SI- WM-NWV4 24- WM»SWy4 13
QCD—Charles P. Cadwallader
to Merrill Anderson 8-22-47 $1-;
Lots 1-2-3 & Part 4 Sec 5- SWMi
SW»4 5- Part E&NEViNEVi 7
N^NEy4- N%Nwy4- sEy4
nwv4- E',iswy4- w^w%SEy4
WMiSWV4NEy4 8- Twp 32
Range 10.
WD — Victor L. Harley to
Thelma F. Adams 10-20-47 $475
Lots 5-6-7-8 Blk H- Park Add
WD — Lola G. Humrich to
August Kramer & wf 10-10-47
$250- Part Outlot N-. Hallocks
Add- Stuart.
WD—Julia E. Parker to Joel
E. Parker 6-10-36 $1- WMs lot 4
All lots 5 & 6 Blk K- Fahys
Park Add- O’Neill.
WD—Oscar W. French to Ha
zel M. Brouse 10-11-47 $1- 1-3
Int WMiNWVi 2-27-10.
WD—Loretta Hynes to Erwin
W. Kramer & wf 10-21-47 $4500
Part SEViNE% 30-29-11.
WD—Janet N. Carney to Lor
etta Hynes 10-16-47 $450- East
10 ft of So 125 ft lot 19 All lot
20- Blk H- O’Neill & Hagcrtys
Add- O’Neill.
WD— John Wrede to Merrill
R. Anderson & wf 6-16-47 $9000
Lots 1-2 & 3 & SWy4SWV4 5
Part EVfeNEVi 7- N % N E y4
NEy4Nwy4- Nwy4Nwy4- e %
swy4- wy>w^sEy4r w%swy4
NEy4 8-32-10.
QCD—Merrill R. Anderson to
Merrill R. Anderson & wf- 10
21- 47 $1- WVfeSWtt 8- EttSEY*
WD—Fed Land Bk to James
M. Havranek & wf 9-24-47 $5,
200- SMs 14-30-14.
WD—Marne Mellor to James
C. Parker & wf 10-20-47 $1
Lots 1-11 & 12- Blk N- Fahys
Park Add- O’Neill.
Cronin et al Tr to James C.
Parker & wf 10-20-47 $1- Lots
10-11 & 12 Blk N- Fahys Park
Add- O’Neill.
Returns to Portland—
Mrs. J. C. Applegate left Fri
day for her home in Portland,
I Ore., after a visit with her
niece, Mrs. Gene Sanders, and
I family.
Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, O. D.,
Optometrist from Crawford,
Neb., will be in O’Neill on:
at Hotel Golden
Eyes Exam’d - Glasses F t'd
Page Doctor, Wife
Married 42 Years
PAGE— Dr. and Mrs. J. E.
Bild observed their 42nd wed
ding anniversary Sunday.
They were honored by a card
shower arranged by a business
firm. One hundred and two
cards were placed in a box of
flowers Dr. Bild had ordered
for his wife and was a "com
plete surprise” to both of them
when the box was opened.
Dr. Bild brought his wife to
Page in 1905 where he was
practicing. In 1919 they left
Page, locating in Wausa and
later in Ireton, la. They re
turned here about three years
ago where he has continued his
practice since.
AMELIA — Mrs. Leeder, of
Creston, is to be the new tele
phone switchboard operator
here. It will be several weeks
before she takes charge.
The Public
Approves This
Kind of
taverns are decidedly improved
over that of several years ago.
Most Nebraska tavern owners,
today, keep their places clean
and wholesome, and operate in
; an orderly, acceptable manner.
The present-day beer retailer
goes out of his way to avoid
any practice or condition that
may be displeasing to the gen
eral public.
Violations of the law such as
sales to minors or to intoxicat
ed persons are constantly
guarded against, and tavern
owners refuse to tolerate noise
or boisterous conduct.
These improved conditions are
largely the result of the Ne
braska Committee’s program
of self-regulation. This pro
gram, now in its 1 Oth year, has
been so effective it has won the
approval of the public. Its ac
tivities will continue with un
abated vigor.
United States
The conditions in the state’s
[ Charles E. Sandall, State IXrectos
7«o Vim Nut luk atSf., Liacala
Great Offering
Saturday, November 8
Show in Morning — Sale at 1 o'clock
89 Bulls -- 18 Heifers
List of Consignors
C. V. Robertson, Chambers; C. M. Hereford Ranch, Ew
ing; Floyd Arrowsmith. Newport; F ancis Haugen, B.ocks
burg; Walter M. Peters, St. Libory; Vernon W. Hixson, El
gin; Floyd Burkinshaw, Herrick, S. D.; H. A. VanHorn,
Page; Charles H Mo ton, Duff; C. W. Kops, Bassett; Max
J. Nicholson, Springview; Irvin D. Nicholson, Springview;
Donald F. Sampson, Central City; Frank W. Schoettger &
Son,, Burton; J. Hall Dillon, Long Pine; F. E. Wentworth,
Mills; E. R. Nelson, Springview; N. D. Nelson, Springview;
W. E. Ripley, Springview; B. T. Buell, Rose; H. L. Buell,
For Catalog, Write
Tug Phillips, Sec’y
Bassett, Nebraska