M*s. Way man Hostess— - The Golden Rod project club | was entertained October 22 by Mrs. Bessie Wayman. The meet ing featured talks on sanitation by Mrs. Lets Johnson and Mrs. Florence Osborne, and a flower exchange. Mrs. Kenneth Elling son was a guest at the affair. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. June Langan on November 19. _ Mrs. Ray Entertains— Fourteen guests were enter tained on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Hugh Ray at a luncheon at mthe M & M cafe, followed by ^bridge at her home. Mrs. Esther Harris received high score, Mrs Paul Shierk second high, and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh the all 'cut. Country Club Bridge— Mrs. Thomas Greene, Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. Pat^ Harty were hostesses for the Country club luncheon and bridge on Wednesday afternoon. High . score prize was won by Mrs. Ed ! Campbell, and the all-cut by j Mrs. Miles Coyle. Young Adult Fellowship Group Meets— Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz were hosts to the Fellowship group at the Methodist church Tuesday evening. Paul Scott, of at Lincoln, was a guest at the meeting. ^Martez Club Meets— Mrs. M. J. Golden was hostess to the Martez club on Tuesday evehing. Mrs. Pat Harty, Mrs. F. N- Cronin and Miss Helen Biglin received the high scores, locals Guild to Meet — . , The members of the ladies guild of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. Stanley Soukup, Thursday, November 6. SOS Club Meets— Mrs. Anton Toy entertained 12 members of the SOS club at her home Wednesday afternoon. 9FF Meets — Mrs. Dean Reed was hostess of the 9FF bridge club on Octo ber 22. Mrs. Fred Saunto won high, and Mrs. Harrison Bridge second high, while Mrs. Herbert Peterson drew all-cut. Honors Son — Mrs. Virgil Laursen entertain ed 13 little guests on Monday afternoon in honor of her son, Dickie, w'ho wlas 5-vears-old that day. Jeudi Club Tonight— Mrs. John Watson will be hostess to the members of the Jeudi club this evening (Thurs day). n O’NEILL LOCALS George Mlinger, of Broeks bury, arrived Monday at the home of his niece, Mrs. Fred O. Heerman, for an indefinite stay. Miss Mae Hammond, of Oma ha, arrived Sunday to spend a week at the H. J Hammond home. Mrs. Stanley Holly spent the w6ekend in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Ray spent Monday in Sioux City. Miss Betty Harris arrived last Thursday to spend three days with her mother, Mrs. Esther C Harris. Miss Harris, R. N., is at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas en tertained, for the weekend, the Latter’s sister, Mrs. Melvin Han sen, and children, of Ainsworth. Mrs. Marvin Sluckey, of Ar lington, is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Edna Huebert, for a week. Mrs. Huebert left Sun day for Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Karthaus and twin daughters, Elaine and Eloise. of Omaha, visited Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickey returned Tuesday from a six days’ trip to Chicago, 111. Fred O. Heerman l'eceived a telegram from Holyoke, Colo., stating that his uncle, Hemy Heerman. had died Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Kevin Kocina and daughter, Lynn, of Creigh ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs- Kocina’s mother, Mrs. W H. Harty. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chace, Rosemary and fames, of Atkinson, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Chace’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ham mond- „ ... o. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stew art and daughter, Suzanne, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner id family at Geddes, S. D. SUMMERLAND Ewing Sunday, Nov. 2 Music by HARRY COLLINS and His Orchestra — ill. 7L'2£&vlMMMUi Used Items 1—1943 Model B John Deere tractor. » 1—1937 Model B John Deere tractor. 1—1940 Model H John Deere tractor. 1—1945 Model H John Deere tractor. 1_Case Haybaler, on rubber. 1_10-Ft. McCormick-Deering power binder. Special on Used Tires FARMERS AND RANCHERS . . . here’s your opportunity to equip your haysleds with * good used 900 x 20, 1000 x 20 tires at a real low < Your Choice of EaC 19.95 THIS IS THE TIME of the year to buy rear tires for your tractor. We have a complete * stock of almost every size in all the popular brands. We also stock the principal sizes in seconds that we can pass on to you at a very low cost. JUST ARRIVED! One new 4-wh*eel farm trailer. # WE HAVE on hand 7- and 8-ft. steel water tanks . . . priced to move. Lloyd Collins IMPLEMENTS — O'Neill — price. • TIRES • TUBES • FLAPS MRS. YANTZI Miss Dorothy Lowery and F ancis Yantzi were married in a double-ring ceremony at St. Patrick’s parsonage here October 22. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mis. Fred Lowery, and the laridegroom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzi. Mrs. Yantzi is an O' Neill high school graduate and is now employed in the super intendent’s office in the O’ Neill city schools. Mr. Yantzi graduated f om O'Neill high " school in 1943 and is a Navy veteran of World War II, serv ing 20 montns overseas. The young couple will make their home in O’Neill where the bridegroom is engaged i n trucking business. —*■ O’Neill Photo Co. MRS. PITCHER The marriage jof Miss Ade line Green, of Omaha, and Pvt. Robert L. Pitcher, of Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., took place on October 14 in Kansas City, Kan. The former Miss Green is a sister of -Lyle Green of O’MnjlJ The bride wore a wine suit with grey accessories for her w' ddin<>. Th‘ young couple. w« attended by fr.ends of the bridegroom. Mrs. Pitcher graduated from t h ° O’Nrill high school in 1942, and was employed for two years in the American Gear company here. The new lyweds will'make their home rn Kansas City, Kan. O’NEILL LOCAI^S Mrs. Rose Jennings of Blue Earth, Minn., arrived* Friday to visit at the homes of her sis ters, Mrs. Emma Lawrence, and Mrs. Fannie Ernst. Frank Biglin and James Gold en went to Omaha Sunday. Mr. Biglin returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kling ler. of Donaldson, la., arrived Sunday to visit relatives here. Martin Phillips, of Harvard, and his fiance, Miss Ardith Sny der, were October 19 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Reed and family. Mr Phillips is a broth er of Mrs. Reed. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Mullis and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lor enz were in Spencer Monday evening and helped organize a Young Adult Fellowship group at the Methodist church there. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Mullis and sons and Mrs. L. W. Reimer went to Norfolk Wednesday to attend the district conference of the Methodist church. Mrs. Mul lis and sons also visited Mrs. Al fred Beehmer in Norfolk. Venetian blinds, two or three weeks delivery, made to mea sure, metal or wood, all colors. —Brown-McDonald's, O'Neill. Guests at the home of Mrs. Letta Sexsmith over the week end were her daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mason, of Omaha. Ralph Taylor, of Gordon, call ed at the H. W Tomlinson home last Thursday. Visitors at Norfolk October 20 were Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and daughter; her mother, Mrs. John Honeywell, of Chambers, and Mrs. Honeywell’s sister, Mrs. Jo seph Sinkula, of Omaha, who is visiting the Honeywells for two weeks. DANCELAND : ! — O’NEILL — { * I 1 JIMMY BARNETT j and His Band Saturday. Nov. 1 ! J Adm & Dance: SI --4 / Mr. and Mrs. C. J Gatz ar rived last Thursday after com pleting a two-weeks' trip in Canada. " Spending the weekend with the Frank Froelichs, were Mr. and Mrs. Beverly .Warner and daughter, Cherie, or wayne.,- The Froelichs’ otlfer daughter, Miss Jean, graduated ~la*t Thursday from a business school in Oma ha and arrived Saturday for an indefinite stay. Accompanied by her four sons, Jerry, Darrel, Harold and Lawrence, Mrs. Arthur Dexter visiting relatives. They arrived spent a week in Mankato, Kan., home Sunday. Rev. Clyde Cress attended the ^utliei'an pastoral conference in loomfield October 22. Miss Gladys Peterson returned Monday to her home in Los An geles, Calif., after having visited her sisters Mrs. A. Cowperth waite, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kar thaus and twin daughters, Elaine and Eloise, of Omaha, were guests Friday and Satur day at the home of Mr. and Mrs ^Bartley Brennan. Arriving Sat urday and departing Monday from the Brennan home were Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Florine, of Wayne. Kenneth Robertson, of Spring view, visited last Thursday un til Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. M. B. Mareellus, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Weather ford spent from Sunday „ until Tuesday in Des Moines and in Sioux City, la., on business. Clem Hahn, of Des Moines, la., spent Wednesday afternoon visiting in the home of Mrs. Vannie Newman, and daughter, Ardis. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mo ses, and son, Steven, of Lin coln; Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moses, and son, Robert, of Wayne; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans and family of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Darling, of Decatur, spent the weekend with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Val Darling. Mrs. Robert Tams and fam ily, of Amelia, spent Saturday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mareellus. Fred Cronk of Page arrived Monday to visit his daughter Mrs. Melvin Lorenz. Mrs. H. J. Lohaus went tc Norfolk Friday to meet hei mother, Mrs. Mary McCloud who had been visiting there and in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellu.1 spent Sunday in Stuart visiting at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. D. B. Mareellus. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kelly left Sunday for a two-weeks’ vaca j tion in Arkansas. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller, of Naper, visited Lynch relatives Sunday. Mrs. M. M. Enders is now at the Clearview home at Omaha | and has written that she would enjoy letters and cards from old Boyd and Holt county friends. Mrs. Fred Wurtz, Mrs.. Ralph i Wurtz and baby, Mrs. Lettie Combes and Mrs. Tommy Court - |ney and baby were visitors Fri day at the Harrison James j home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Malone are here from California visiting relatives and attending to busi ness matters. I Vera Allen, who disposed of the telephone business, has mov ed to her home in the south part of town. Mrs. E'rank Cranford a n d niece, Mrs. Mary Rothfork, of Holstein, la., Mrs. Fred King and baby and Mrs. FYed Wurtz were Sunday afternoon callers at the Friend Keeler home. Mrs. Don Allen and sister called at the Fred King home Sunday. \ Vance Anderson and family i were down from Butte Friday land called at the hospital to see | Mrs. Anderson’s father, F. T. Schrunk. ] Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Craig will spend the winter in Kansas with their daughter - in - law, while their son is in Canada. Lucille Keeler called at the John Wike home Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg accom panied by the latter's 'aged mother, Mrs. James Cranford, all of Norfolk, were Sunday vis itors at the Frank Cranford home. The ladies are mother and sister of Mrs. Cranford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and baby were Sunday dinner guests at the Clarence Moody home. Mrs. Mary Rothfork arrived Saturday for a weekend stay at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Frank Cranford, and family. She had spent a couple of weeks with Winner, S. D., relatives, being called there by the death of a brother, and was enroute to her home at Holstein, la. The Hajek property, which was occupied by the Weber and Brunson families, was sold re cently. The Brunson family has returned to Monowi, there being no place available in Lynch. Mrs. Theo. Norwood and Lila have moved into rooms at the telephone office, where Lila will be employed at the .switchboard. Mrs. Lula VanMeter is im proving her building with a coat of stucco. Frederick King expected to begin work this week on his ga rage on lots recently purchased near the depot. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGinnis and son, George, of Fremont, were October 19 guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sauers. James Kellogg, of Grand Is land, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. M F. Kirwan and Mr. Kirwan. STAR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller October 21. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Laursen, Bob Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Laursen and daughter, Elmer Juracek and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Derickson and son spent October 15 at the William Der ickson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and son are visiting relatives in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller and Lois spent Oct. 19 at Chambers. Neva Miller spent October l'1 with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Boelter. j LnVonn Wqlfi'r; snent b>st weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters. EMMET NEWS | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith spent Wednesday in Norfolk on business. I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dus&tkc and son. of O’Neill, visited at the Henry Benze home Sunday Misses Karmen and Annette Givens of Stuart, visited at the George Babl home last week. Mr’ and Mrs. Carl Lorenz anc Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Ernest anc Evelyn went to Sioux City Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwitl and Guy Beckwith visited rela tives in Neligh last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Pongrat; visited at the Harold Given home at Stuart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatki and son, of O’Neill, were suppe guests at the Joe Babl hom< Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holtz anc Beckwith were guests at the | Virgil and Mr. and Mrs. Guj Carl Lorenz home Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hagel stein and Mr. Haguler, of Wa hoo, visited at the Walter Hagel - stein home Sunday. Vern and Darrel Beckwith visited at Doris Lee’s home in Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little and daughter, Beverly, returned home Monday after spending the weekend with her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell. ! and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Potts call ed at the Guy Beckwith home 1 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loren/ i were Sunday dinner guests at the Ernest Harris home in O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bogner and son, of Oldrich, S. D., are visit mg at the G. D. Janzing home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Potts, Wil ma and Gerald visited at the Henry Grunke home Sunday. Rev. John J. O’Brien, of Platt* Center, called at William Serck i last week. WHEN YOU no longer receiv* The Frontier regularly, youi subscription has expired. ad\ I j CABBAGE Fresh, Solid, Lb. SQUASH Green Individual, ! YAMS 3 Lbs. APPLES Fancy Jonathans, 3 Lbs. ORANGES Juicy Calif.N 8-Lb. Bag TOMATOES Fresh, Ripe. Lb. 29c 69c 21c MILK | — ! CABBAGE Rochester Evaporated Tall Can 100- Lb. Bag X lie 3.Si I : * ! KINSO Large Pkg. WAX PAPER Waxlex, 125-Fl. Roll CAKE FLOUR Dixiana, 2V4-Lb. Pkg. CLOROX Bottle TOMATO SOUP, Campbells Can Buckwheat Pancake FLOUR 3-Lb. Bag Nut Brown ('OFF1 E Lb. Ring MACARONI 2-Lb. Pkg. SPIC & SPAN Large Pkg. 31c 19c 35c 17c 11c 29c 45c 29c 23c STEAK, Tender Sirloin Lb. RUMP ROAST Lb. PORK CHOPS, Center Cuts Lb. WEINERS Lb. MINCEI) HAM Lb. FILLETS HADDOCK Lb. KRAFT DINNER 2 Pkgs. MINCE MEAT 9-Oz. Pkg. BEANS In Tomalo Sauce. 3 Cans 49c! 38c 53c 45c 35c 35c 29c i 25c 29c — Your Clover Farm Store Phone 33 -■*au O’Neill 4-H NOTES i LUCKY CLOVER CLUB By Beverly Ann Carson The club held its meeting at the home of William Podany*« • Friday night. There were 10 . members present and six were absent. Not there were Shirley, Joy, Slack, Lorell Pickering, Al bert Lee, Walter and Margaret Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Chilar, Glen Hiscoeks and Robert Wells were visitors., We had a short meeting and the treasurer paid the news re porter and president for cards sent. We plan to meet in a month. After lunch all departed for home. Visit Pick'town— REDBIRD—Mr. and Mrs. Her man Sehollmeyer and son, i Bruce, Mrs. Vivian Hasenpflug and Sharlene. and Norman lOberle, and Bob White were | sight-seeing at Pickstown, S. D., j October 19. —■ ' Entertain Alkmsonians — Mr. and Mis. Dean Burge en tertained Floyd Butterfield, Of Atkinson, Sunday. JUST ★ 4 — GAS RANGES — 4 1— COMBINATION —1 COAL-AND-GAS RANGE Immediate Delivery ★ I DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE ARRIVED! ivitft <* SKELGAS Yes! Declare your independence from cooking slavery. Enjoy the newest and finest features of an up • to • the - minute Skelgas range See them. Note tfte extra-heavy insula* tion, the finger-tip temperature control, magic-fast automatic lighters, and many, many other features. Nothing Finer than Skelgas Skelgas is clean, eco nomical, swift, and safe. Ask us about it today. Gillespie’s ★ “We Service What We Sell” ) —O’NEILL—