Guests Laden with ‘Duck’ Miss Connections CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Chailes E. Chace and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wil son, all of Atkinson, dropped in at the Ft. L. Pease home equipped with all the makin’s for a Sunday supper. The old saw about "you bring the duck" missed con nections, however, as Mr. and Mrs. Pease were away. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spann and Bob Pease were there—the Spanns keeping Bob company while his parents were in Grand Is land. WSCS Meets — CHAMBERS — The Women’s Society of Chaistian Service met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Glen Adams. The presi dent, Mrs. H. B. Burch, conduct ed the business meeting. Plans were discussed for a bazaar and ■chicken-pie dinner to be held on next W^nesday. The lesson, on ‘‘Religion for 1 Our Generation,” was presented by Mrs. J. C. Jorgensen. Re freshments of sandwiches, salad, and coffee were served by the hostess. Youth Fellowship Meets— EMMET—The Bible study of the Youth Fellowship was held at Mrs. D. H. Allan’s home Fri day with eight members pres-1 ent. The meetings will be. held at Mrs. Allan’s every other Fri day of the month. Mrs. Sereldia Johnson, who has been visiting her son, Low ell A., is now visiting another son, Sewell, west of Emmet. CALLAWAY & HOXIE West O’Neill Located Across Street from O’Neill Hotel Open Evenings Electric it Aceiyline Welding Aato Repairing j j ' i r All Work Guaranteed Phone 444J ' j [_/f Celia Club Gives $5 to Hayrack Victims CELIA—The Celia Homcmak- ( ers held a'Yneeting October 22 at the home of Mrs. Mark Hend- j ricks with Mrs. S. V. Johnson as assisting hostess. The lesson was on “Sanitation” and was; given by Mrs. George Beck and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry. The club voted to donate $5 to the havrack fund for the vic tims of the hayrack crash in Omaha. Mrs. Mark Hendricks gave an interesting talk on na tive trees. Resignations were sent in by i Mrs. Edward Heiser and Mrs. j Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Victor Frickel was elected as health leader to take the place of Mrs. Ed Heiser, whose resignation was accepted. Since this club is also now an organized garden club, Mrs. Hendricks’ flowers were viewed and Mrs. R. L. Pease brought; some fire lilies and tiger lilies to the club, giving them to in terested members. Mrs. E. W. Samms was a guest. and was accompanied by her small daughter, Dianne. The next meeting is to be November 12 at the home of Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg with Mrs, George Beck as assisting ; hostess. | , Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kelly and ] daughter, Joyce, were Oct. 19 guests at the home of Mrs. Kel- M ly’s mother, Mrs. Effie McKamy, ; and Mrs. Kelly’s sister and her J husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur j Wiekman, all of Valentine. Mrs. Frnnk Oberle left Oct. 17 1 for a week’s visit in Casper, \ Wyo.. with relatives. c ARE YOU PLANNING TO GO TO PRAGUE FOR THE 1948 SOKOL? ★ There is still a chance to get steamship reservations if you hurry. Or we will make your air reservation for you. There is no charge for our services. ★ For information write: Travel & Transport. Inc. 702 INSURANCE BLDG. OMAHA. NEBRASKA PHONE WE 2338 AIR-STEAMER-BUS-RAIL C/ There’s hardly a man we can’t fit with top quality Capitol White Shirts. And what a shirt! Fine combed, high-count broadcloth, body-tapered, with Cela nese lining in blister-proof fused collar, generous tails, securely anchored buttons. Sanforized. White only 3.95 Mail and Phone Orders Filled BIZI CHABT NECKBAND SUE 13% 14 14% 13 15% 16 16% 17 17% 32 33 32 33 34 32 33 34 82 33 34 33 9* 32 33 34 33 32 33 34 33 33 34 35 33 34 35 33 34 35 33 34 35 y 36 33 33 36 McCARVILLE’S CLOTHING & SHOES CAPITOL WHITES FOR A CAPITAL VALUE SCANDINAVIAN ADVENTURES Led by Thor Heyerdahl (left), Norwegian scientist and explorer, these men floated 4,000 miles across the Pacific j rn a 45-foot balsa raft to prove a theory. The theory: that the South Sea islands of the Poynesian group originally were populated by natives of Central or South America who floated there on the Humboldi current, employing just .such a crude type of raft. CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeHart land family, of Portsmouth, la., ilett October 22 a.ter visiting here about 10 days with his brother, Edgar DeHart, and fam ily and sisters, Mrs. Harry Scott, and family, Mrs. Victor Harley, and family and with Mrs. Earl Doolittle and family, at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. John Albers, jr., Mr and Mrs. Louis Walter and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf drove from Sioux City, la., Fri day and visited their paients, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. MedcaL and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Thorin and Beverly of Neligh, spent Satur day and Sunday in the Ed Thor in home. M ■. and Mrs. Oscar Thorin and Mrs. Clara Thorin returned Sunday from a 3V* weeks’ trip to California. They visited Mr. Thorin’s brother, Duane, of the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Thorin at San Diego, Calif., and other rel atives at Oakland, Turlock and Arcadia. t Mr. and Mrs. George Thom son and Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter and son and Mrs. Letha Cooke were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Backhaus and family at Amelia Sunday. Mrs. John Albers, sr.. Mrs. John Albers, jr.. and Mrs. Gor don Harley spent last Thursday at the Louis Walter home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilken son and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kutcher and daughter, of Sedro Wooley, Wash., have been visit ing relatives and friends here for the past week. They de parted Pndav for Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeHart and girls, of Portsmouth, la., were supper guests in the E. R. Carpenter home October 20. Sunday dinner guests in the Ruben Peltzer home were Mrs. Clara Peltzer, Mr and Mrs. Curt Hill and son. Bill and vNor man Lehmann, all of Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whoeler and daughter, Audrey, of Pil ger; Irvin Peltzer, of West Point; Mr. and Mrs A. A. Wal ter and Raymond and Mr. and Mfs. Wayne Smith and family, of Chambers. O'NEILL LOCALS Willard Claussen drove to Sioux City Oct. 21 to meet his wife and daughter, who were returning from Wisconsin where they had been visiting Mrs. Claussgn’s relatives. Mrs. Virgil L. Laursen and children, Sandra and Richard, were October 19 guests at Mrs. Laursen’s parents’ home, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Ellis, of Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright and Mrs. Vannie Newman were Oct. 19 dinner guests at Star at he home of Charles Cole, whose birthday anniversary was cele brated. _ , On Oct. 19 Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Kurtz and family, Edward Schmitt and Miss Mary Ann Janousek visited in Long Pine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick were hosts October 18-19 to Mrs Kilpatrick’s brother and his son, L. E. Heflin and Gail lard, of Harlan, la. "Tomorrow's income will hove to pay today's loanl" That’s why it’s a wise thing to get a SAFE farm or ranch loanl Get a Co-op Land Bank Loan — from your 100% farmer rancher owned Na tional Farm Loan Association. Payments fit the nor mal earning power of your farm or ranch. You can take up to 40 years to pay. But you can pay up just as fast as your farm or ranch income permits, if you want to. Low interest. No fees. No com missions. AND you get under standing treatment in time of need. SEE YOUR NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Member Federal Lend lank Syrians Boyd — Holl — Wheeler Counties LYLE P. DIERKS. Sec. Treat. — O'Neill — NEW RULER With the “temporary” resig nation of Queen Wilhelmina as ruler of the Netherlands, Crown Princess Juliana (left) will act as regent. Princess Juliana is shown here with her mother. TAKE IT EASY Mrs. John R. Steelman, wife of the assistant to the presi dent, models - “Take It Easy” safety dress, displays AAA campaign poster with slogan, "Go slow and live.” A HERO Three years ago Forrest ("Nubbins”) Hoffman, of Cheyenne, Wyo., had his life saved by an operation after the whole nation helped him celebrate his "last” Christmas in November. Recently he had another operation and once more pulled through against odds. | Spencer guests Oct. 19 at tue James C. Moran home were Mr. |and Mrs. Edward Zahm and Bobby and Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Noal E. Long I were October 19 guests of rela tives in Blair. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS duetoEXCESS ACID FrooBookTells of HomeTreatinentthot Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over three million bottles of the Willabd Tkbatment have been sold for relief ot symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Arid Poor Digestion. Sour or Upset Stomach, Gasslnost. Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., due to Escees Acid. Sold on 16 days trial! Ask for “Willard's Massac*" wlllefc fully explains this treatment—free—at JOHNSON DRUGS PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason took Mrs. Nona Bedford to ‘'ioux City Sunday where she left by train for MitchelviUe, la., for a visit with her sister and niece. The • Lamasons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks, whose son is a patient in St. Vincent’s hospital. Mr. Parks returned home>with them. They stopped at Allen on their way home. Terry Taylor, who attends col lege at Norfolk, spent from last Thursday until Monday at his home here. L. B. Taylor spent from Friday until Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hayne spent Sunday at Pierce with Mrs. Hayne’s mother and broth er and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes and grandson, Richard Wood. left l tor Lincoln October 22 for a few days’ visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and sons, of Fremont, are spending a week with Mrs. Asher’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell, and with Mr. Asher’s mother, Mrs. George Park, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Craig and family, of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. James McNally and family, of Humphrey, were I weekend nuests of the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker were Sunday afternoon guests at the Walker home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Brewster and family, of southwest of Ew ing, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Park. Harold Cork and son, Bernard, I of Spencer, were Saturday sup per guests at the Lloyd Cork home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes returned Friday after spending I two weeks visiting relatives at McCool Junction, Lexington, Co I zad and North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Walker re | turned Oct. 17 from Olivet, S. |D., where they attended funeral | services for Mrs. Walker’s sis 'ter, Mrs. Minnie Spindler. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Banta and family left October 19 for Ains worth after Yeceiving a message Saturday night telling of the ! death of Mrs. Banta’s father, Mr. Brown. Robert Nissen, Soren Sorensen 1 and son, Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen took Bruce Kennedy, who had been visiting at the William Sorenson j , home, back to Ainsworth Sun- j day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soren- j sen, of Plainview, and Junior j Sorensen, of Page, spent Sunday at the Charles Sorensen home at i O’Neill. „ , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clemans, of Creighton, spent Saturday , night at the Hubert Steinberg Jerome Allen, of Page, [rs. J. D. Walker, 6f Ew-, -ove to Norfolk October 18 j ;e their nephew, Johnny r to meet his parents, Mr. | ilrs. Charles F. Walker, of Lincoln, and to return home will then after a week’s visit here. INMAN LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Caster and daughters and Beverly . Smith were October 19 dinner | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, at Page. Mrs. Otto Retke left Oct. 17 for El Monte, Calif., where she ! will spend the next month with her daughters, Lucile, Elaine and Margaret. Miss Marjorie Rouse, a teach er in the Stuart school, spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard, | of Neligh, were Oct. 19 guests Jn the M. M. Crosser home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Colman, of Adams- Wise., spent October 9 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colman. They were en route to Devner, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. Frances Kemp and Miss Helen Harte are here from Po mona, Calif., visiting at the Mayme Harte and Gallagher homes. Miss Loree Hill, of Omaha, re- . turned October 18 after having visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kipatrick, for three days. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Voecks and son, Stanley, of Omaha, were also guests at the same time. HOSPITAL NEWS (O’Neiil Hospital) Admissions: October 24—Mrs. Dale Breyer, of Naper, medical, condition “good”; Mardelle 4 Johnson, of O’Neill, tonsillecto my. 25—Ted Johnson, of At kinson, accident, condition “good”; Delwyn Anderson, of Bristow, medical, condition “im proved”; 26—Randolph Stauffer, of Page, medical, condition, “good”; Mrs. Alvin Clyde, of Page; 27—Robert John Kopejt- . ka, of Page, medical, condition “good”; John Booth, of O’Neill, medical, condition “improved”. 28—Mrs. Amos Kelly, of Malta, Mont., a c c i d e n t, condition “good”; Gerald Potts, of Emmet, surgical; 29—Russell Closson, of O’Neill, surgical; Ben Peters, of Page, medical. Dismissals: October 24—Mar delle Johnson, of O’Neill; Baby Lorraine Benast, of O’Neill; Jtr ome Calvert, of O’Neill; Fritz Kelly, of O’Neill; 25—Mrs. Hi ram Johnson and daughter, of * O’Neill; 26—Mrs. Earl DeLong and son, of O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Breyer, of Naper; Mrs. Cecil Spry and daughter, of O'Neill: 27—Gus Bouwens, of Ewing; 28 —Delwyn Anderson, of Bristow; Ted Johnson, of Atkinson; Mrs. Amos Kelly, of Malta, Mont. In Hospital: Mrs. Cora John son, of O’Neill, condition “fair.” Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and son, Don, were October 19 guests in Verdel at the home of their son, Roy E. Lanman, iiffliilliflM I ROYAL THEATER O'NEILL FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 Big Double Bill Kent Taylor and Virginia Grey in Smooth as Silk with Jane Adams, Milburn j Stone. Danny Morton, John Litel. —also— Johnny Mack Brown in Under Arizona Skies Adm. 42c. Plus lax 8c. Total 50c. Children 10c. Plus tax 2c. total 12c. Matinee Saturday 2:30 p.m. ; SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Paramount presents Welcome Stranger Starring BING CROSBY JOAN CAULFIELD BARRY FITZGERALD with Wanda He ndrix. Frank Faylen, Elizabeth Patterson. Robert Shayne. Larry Young, Percy Kilbride. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. total 50c—Matinee Sunday 2:30. i Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c total 50c. Children 10c, plu* tax 2c. total 12c THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6-7-8 DENNIS MORGAN JANE WYMAN In Cheyenne co-starring JANIS PAIGE and BRUCE BENNETT with Alan Hale and Arthur Kennedy Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. to tal 50c. Children 10c. plus tax 2c. .total 12c. Matinee Saturday 2:30 HinmwMflMlIRIMRBiwiHwNIMMMRHIMHi Our Stock Is Now Complete if Automotive Safety Glass if Double-Strength Window Glass if Table and Dresser Tops, Cut to Pattern or Measure. SEE or CALL: Skalowsky Glass Co. Yz Block South of Bus Depot S. M. BROOKS, Mgr. Phone 186 Cozy Receiving BLANKET Beautifully m a d