The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 23, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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    Father and Son Celebrate
Birthday Anniversaries—
Twenty friends and relatives
gathered October 15 to surprise
Lowell A. Johnson on his birth
day anniversary. After refresh
ments, cards were played. Mr.
Johnson’s son. James, celebrated
his ninth birthday anniversary
Saturday at .a party far 15 class
mates. Winners of games were
awarded prizes. Refreshments
of ice cream and cake were
Darrel Ross Is 7 —
At a theater party Saturday,
Darrel Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Ross, celebrated his sev
enth birthday anniversary.
There were 19 little guests
Come to the
At the *
Thursday Night
October 23
Adm.: 35e & 45c
Regular Social Maul Held—
The CDA’s regular social
meeting took place Tuesday eve
ning at the Golden hotel. High
and low scores at bridge were
Mrs John Kersenbnock and Mrs.
Nora Mullen. Mrs. Grover Shaw
was high at pitch and Mrs. Mil
dred Perry was low. The all
cut winner was Mrs. Harold E.
Luncheon Hosteeses—
Mrs. W. W. Harty, Mrs. W. J
Biglin and Mrs. Jim Berigan, of
Atkinson, were hostesses to a 1
p m. luncheon at the M & M
cafe on Monday. Bridge was
played at the Golden hotel fol
lowing the luncheon with Mis.
C. E. Lundgren winning high
score, and Mrs. J. L. McCarvilu.
sr and Mrs. F. N. Cronin win
ning the all-cut prizes.
Mariner's Club t° Meet
Mr and Mrs. Vern Beckwith
will be hosts to the Mariners
club of the First Presbyterian
church at 8 p.m. Monday. Mr.
and Mrs Roland Coil are in
charge of entertainment
Mrs. Sauers Is Hostess—
Merry Mix pinners Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. R.
M. Sauers were Mrs. H. L .Land
here high, and Mrs. ti. o
Moses, low Mrs. F. I. Moses, of
Wayne, was 3 guest___.
— ELGIN — ’ i
5 4
, . [- . ■ v ^
•• : ■ "U; yM! , 1 4 „«
1st Anniversary
i .... . *M' '• i i' !' • ' “ .! . ■- i'-'.a
•v' ■>
Brins Your Friends . ”1 Join Onr (j^rfebration
icr« *’*'' .4 ^ —JjL/P 1
t Just Installed ! \
£. __ v'-rj'-lV;.A:
PLAN YOUR RalloweW Party at the Old
Plantation Club ... good food ... good
-— i t i *
V- ■ 'Hr- *? '■ . .
• j,,, • ~u.—£-—*»—■ ■ •” ' v-11 ' i
BEEF ROAST Per pound 39C
_____ : • .._, ,_; __. ;
CABBAGE Per Pound — 4c
,v- _•'
50-Lb. Sack.
Clover Farm Store
Dr. and Mrs. F. 3. Kubit
schek are announcing the en
gagement of their daughter,
Corinne Cathryn, to Richard
M. Bogan, of Lincoln.
Miss Kubitschek is a gradu
ate of Duchesne college at O
rnaha, where she was queen
of the 1947 Mardi Gras
Mr. Bogan attended the
University of Nebraska here
he was 4a member of Delta
Tau Delta fraternity. He is a
veteran of three years' serv
ice overseas in World War II.
At present he is in business
with his father, J J. Bogan
The wedding dale has been
sal for November 8 at St. Ce
‘ celia’s Cathedral in Omaha.
Bill BrazziU of Pinedale,
Wyo., left for his homt Friday
after a visit with his cousin,
William Derickson, of Star. Mr.
Deriduon accompanied him to
Pinedale Cor a visit.
Mt*. and Mrs. 5 Rollie Brittain,
of Keystone, S. D.i - visitcd JVi
day at the home of Mrs. Brit
tain’s aunit and uncle, Mr and
Mrs.' David NVLoy. Mrs. Brit
tain Was the former Miss
Blanche Walmer, of O'Neill.
Bed Jones, , of Chambers, vis
ited his sister, Mrs. David N.
Loy. Monday. , 1
Miss Margaret C Hickey, of {
New York City, returned by j
plane Sunday after attending
the funeral of hersjswr-in-law,
•wi —-r -
Vincent'* hospital. .. ....
spent in Chftdron and. Alliance
where Mr. Schaffer amended a
meeting and was on .(business.
Mrs. Anna Jones, of; Ains
worth, visited her twft,, ^nieces,
Mrs. Oliver Ross-and M**
Charles Richter, jr.* from Satur
day until Wednesday.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ru
beck were Mr. and Mrs. El win.
Rubeck and family ahd Mr. ana
Mrs. Ivan Johnson and two chil
dren, of Wakefield. Mr and
Mrs. Johnson drove back Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeck from
Wayne Sunday, where the Ru
becks had been on business
since FYiday. „
Miss Loretta HicKey, n.
returned by plane Monday to
Hollywood. * Calif., after attend
ing the funeral of her brothers
wife, Mrs. P. V. Hickey
Mrs. C. W. DeVall and son,
Ronald, returned to their home
in Portland, Ore., after having
spent three weeks as guests of
Mrs. DeVall’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Schelkopf. The
Schelkopfs drove them to Grand
Island Friday. c.
Mrs. Joe Brewster of Stuart
was a guest on Tuesda/ after
noon of Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak.
Mr. and Mrs. C. & JoPe*
spent the weekend in Columbus
with their son and wife Mr.
and Mrs C. V. Jones, and with
Mr. Jones’ sister, Mrs. Willard
Lindberg. in Polk.
Guests at the home of Dr.
and Mrs O. W French on Fri
day and Saturday were Dr.
French’s brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford French, of
Lamberton, Minn., and his sis
ter, Mrs Merle B rouse, of Val
entine. ___
Ralph N. L
TWO Estate Heatrolas ego
EACH ...-.-.-V
ONE Apt. Size Gas Stove §119
ONE 6-In. Oil Heater
. ONLY _____—
Old Neighbors Help
Atkinson Pair Celebrate
CELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Black, of Logan la., arrived in
Atkin on October 12 to help Mr.
and Mrs. W. F Spann, of Atkin*
son, celebrate their 40th wed
ding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs.
Black were neighbors of Spanns
many years ago, living on the
nlace where Gene Karr, of At
knison, now resides.
Mr. and Mrs Spann, who
we e mafried at Loup City, re
ceived about; 60 cards of con
gratulations vm' their friends.
While hefe the Blacks and
Snanns drove up to visit the
Rav pease family, as the Blacks
wanted to see the “Little House”
■md renew their friendship with
Mrs. Pease, whom they knew
when she was a freckled faced,
big-eared little girl.
Al.o calling to help the
Spanns celebrate their anniver
sary were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Raymer and Claude Raymer,
who happened in at the right
The BlacKs also waniea uj
visit the Kliment place as this
was1 Mrs. Black's home many
years ago. This was the old Pet
erson place as Mis. Black was
the former Elsie Peterson. The
Petersons put the buildings on
this place.
Mrs. Black’s brothers, Hans
and Sophus Peterson, also lived
on the place now occupied for
manv years by Mr. and Mrs F.
W. Kilmurry and his son. Frank,
and family.
Visits Daughter in
Grand Island
Leaving Wednesday for a
five-days’ visit in Grand Island
was Mrs. David N. Loy, who is
visiting her daughter and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs H. L. Layton.
Mr. Loy will drive down Sun
day to bring Mrs. Loy back.
Visit Son in SL Louis—
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich and family and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E; Stout are departing
tomorrow (Friday) for St. Louis,
Mo., where they will visit Wil
liam Froelich, who is a student
at Florrisant Jesuit seminary.
Mrs. Wisiehell Feted—
Mrs. Leo- Carney, Mrs. Loret
ta Hynes, Mr$. Connie Schaffer
and Mrs. Harry Sullivan were
cohostesses at a miscellaneous
shower given Monday evening
for Mrs. Butt Winchell.
-----— ■ ■j.rrr.^
Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosen
bach attended a meeting Mon
day evening at the Wesleyan
Methodist church in Atkinson. |i
Guests at the Marvin Hall
home on Saturday were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny and
children of Atkinson.
Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson returned
Sunday from a few days' visit
at West Point with her son,
Ralph, and family. She also
visited her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Bruhn, and family, in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence NJs- i
sen spent Sunday with Mrs.
Kate Fuelberth at Osmond.
Guests of Mrs. Edna Huebert
and at the Bert Ott home over
the weekend were Mrs. Albert
Erb and Mrs. Sam Oswald of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young,
of Ravenna, spent Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aus
tin Hynes.
Dinner guests on last Thurs- !
day evening of Rev. and Mrs.
Melvin Grosenbach wrere Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Page,, and
daughter, Barbara Ann, of Spen
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan rrencn, oi
Wahoo, left for their home on
Friday after a visit in the home
of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. O.
W French.
James Golden spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
M. J. Golden.
Rev. G. M. Hubby, of Spencer,
Mrs. Howard Rouse, Mrs. Carrie
Borg and Miss Marvel Borg
spent October 14 and 15 in
Sioux Falls, S. D., visiting Mrs. j
Borg’s brother, David Hanson,
and family..
Mrs. Albert Erb and son. Al
bert, jr., and Mrs. Sam Oswald
and son, Ralph, all of Omaha*
visited in the L. A. Ott and Ed
na Huber homes over the week
end. Mrs. Erb is the sister-in
law of Mrs. Ott, both Mrs. Erb
and Mrs. Oswald are sister-in
laws of Mrs. Hubert.
After spending the weekend
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Campbell. Ed
Campbell returned to Omaha
Sunday, where he is a student
at Creighton university.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich
1 returned home Tuesday from
New York City.
Mrs. Vernon Craig left Sun
day for her home in Kearney.
Dinner guests on Sunday of
Mr. and Mr6. Dick Dolan were
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zahm, of Spen
cer. w_,_
. •. ..
. v, i
,»»•«* Jt 1
A v- 4 :mm»
, 4,.. (Kb > .<•*. *•*. •. * '
I' £._■ : ; ;
(Regular Price 19c)
. ‘ • • t- t ; ■,
V ■ : ; •
(Regular 59c)
’ • ;V ‘ -
* ’* ; '* %v.. ■ .
. • “*>iJ" ■niilNimlii-i.lillUh.iiUllMtlmltHUjUl l.i■■ ilm.i lHiit ■!
Hay & Farm Land j
The North Half of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 5, Township 28, North, Range 11,
in Holt County, Nebraska.
This is extra good bottom hay land, about two
and one-half miles from O’Neill.
The Southwest Qua iter of Section 20, in
Township 29, North, Range 11, Holt County
This farm adjoins O'Neill <n the Northeast.
Improvements in fair corn!it on. All can he
farmed, hut part is now in pasture. When
permanent Highway 20 is built, it will join
this farm along the south side if present rout
ing is followed. This place contains many
choice sites for filing ^ tations, cafes and other
businesses catering to tourists.
• 1
For Details and Price See:
O’Neill, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Buss Cavanaugh
departed Monday for Oregon
a’here they will make their
iome. The Cavanaughs recent
ly disposed of their personal
property in a public auction.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chace
and children of Atkinson, spent
Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Chace’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H J. Hammond.
Attend Charivari —
Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Stoffer
and son, James, and Raymond
Noble motored to the Roy Walda
home for a charivari held foi
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Waldo, of
Neligh. Eighty attended.
Rolland Hall and Mr. Mona
han, of Neola, la., were guest*
Tuesday and Wednesday in tha
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thom*
Regular 2.83 ,
Sale Price - 1.89 .!
if All-Metal
★ Chrome-Plated Trim *
★ Top lifts off to r*- ^
move ashes from x
stand. ,
The friendly Store
Outlaw Stores
A fresh truckload of potatoes arriving
every 3 days. Fancy No. 1 Loup Val
ley irrigated potatoes.
In New 100-Lb. Bags
nuu uuu uul -- i’*'" ~ ^ |
KAYDEE or AMERICAN Mineral Blocks
The gain on your, stock p$ys you at least five
times what,'the minerals cost;you.
50-LB. BLOCKS.».149
CANNED, GOODS Bargains f
* Large cans <& Early J»m Peas u . i "kabb/s
Brown Beans ... . Honjiny I Kpaut . / Pork
and Beans . . . Spaghetti ijt Tomato Sauce
Red Beans. . v ■.
7—15c Cans for ..v."1:.;.-V;,S1
Pilot Brand —
PEACHES—Gal. Cans % 1 79c
:.?*> ' .5
The ceiling goes off SUGAR on NoV
vember 1. What the price will do no
one knows.
100-LB. BAGS— 959
PEARS & APPLES—flood Quality 0 A9
In Bushel Bag
SYRUP—1-Gal. Tin Pails 89c
WE NEED EGGS ! 2c Per Dozen Above
Market Price Is Paid Here
RAISINS—New Crop. Fancy Seedless 07C
2- Lb. Baff
3— 5c Pkijs. IVV
Asimiis Bros. JmpHent Co.
We’re out of cornpickers, but we’ll have
20 more within 10 days. Get your order
in now.
Two used Jeeps. ' . '
, 10 new 14-ft. FLEXIBLE DISCS . . .
the only really flexible disc in the world.
Look them over. You will buy one.
i 4-Wheel Trailer wagons—Each — $99 t
, 4-Ft. Rotary Tumble-Bug Scraper . . .
sells regularly at $110. Our price .$79 :
Flare-Top wagon boxes.
Feed Grinders.
2 New Diamond T Trucks.
Freuhauf Trailers, any size.
2-Way Discs.