THE FRONTIER. 0’lle*ll. N® .. 0<*. 16. 1HT. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Two lots tn town and a 5-room house north c«f O’Neill —See G. H Geary, phone 32, Inman. E2-83p FDR SALE: 100 tons old hay, about 60 tons old baled hay, and 300 acres choice uncut meadow, 320 acres unused pasture. Feeding privileges About 15 miles northwest of Bartlett —320 Toy Nat'l Bank Bldg , Sioux City, la. 23p CAR OWNERS ATTENTION' Liability insurance on farmers’ cars, $16; town cars, $17, $18.50 and $22.50, accordiag to use Dwelling insurance combined »-year term, $11. Why pay more? — L. G. Gillespie Insur ance Agency, O’Neil!. Stt FOR SALE: Floor lamp, indirect lighting, practically new. — Mrs. Hope Condon. O’Neill 23p FOR SALE: 320-acre well im proved farm. Good buildings, and low price of $17.50 per •ere. Come see it before it is .gone.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 52tf RANCH FOR SALE—4800 acres. Huy 41 $0 ac es at $10 per srca-e. school lease of 640 acres transfc red without cost. We 1 grassed, hard land now carry ing 450 head of stock, cuts 400 to 600 tons of hay. Well wa tered with 8 wells and mills, 3 sets or improvements, elec tric lights. Available to Ains- ' worth or Brewster, 2 good ■trading stores 5 miles. Ranch j 7S miles south of Enders Lake. | For details, see: A B. Hutton, j FOR SALE: Registered Spotted Poland C h i n a hoar, npw breeding, vaccinated and guar anteed— R. M. Black, 3 miles east of Spencer. 23tl STOP POSING YOUR STOMACH S^aSSSSciSfSS^SI chances are if* notyouf Mo®“* but your intestinal tract that's M fault. Sluggish Intestinal muscle* permit waste to accumulate ... ga* ^formed and often you. feel miser able, nervous and out of sorts. For real relief .. • take sure, safe Adlkrika with its new i”|Pr0Y®" taste. It moves waste quickly w*» «ently to relieve constipation and ga*. You’ll enjoy a new feeling of pep and vitality when your diges tive system is in perfect order. Trr Adlekika today and you II learn a hy ever 20,000,000 bottles have MW* gold. Caution: take only as directed. Yew'll olway* bs y*«* "b«n*r >•*" With AOURIKA »n ths »h»H. adlerika FOR SALE: 30 Registered An gus cows, 4-years-old, 10 com ing 2-years-old bred heifers; purebred bull and heifer calves: 9 yearling steers.—Wm. Sitz, Atkinson. 22-23p FOR SALE: White Leghorn pul lets, 6-months-old. — Mrs. A1 Sauser, 2 miles no:th of Sun set lodge, O’Neill. 23p FOR SALE: The following prop erties—A ranch of 1260 acres, located 12 miles east and 1 mile and a half north of O’ Neill and 5 miles and a half north of Page. No improve ments except two 1 a r g* groves Will cut 450 tons of hay. The pasture is good na tive grass and the following tame grasses: brome grass, crested wheat grass, sweet clo ver, timothy, red top, white Dutch clover, mamoth clover. alsike clover and lots of Diue grass. It will carry at least 150 head of cattle the year around in ordinary seasons. Also three desirable lots, well located, and buildings or will sell the lots without the buid- . ings or the buildings without the lots.—J. J. Harrington, O’- ! O’Neill, Owner. 19tf FOR SALE: 160 acre farm, 1 mile sorth of O’Neill.—F. J. Di'hner, O’Neill. 21tf FOR SALE: 240-acres of pasture land, located 10 miles north east of here. See: R. H. Park er. O’Neill._Stf FOR SALE: «40 k r Holt coun ty ranch. 90 acres of farm ground, balance is pasture and hay. Description: Township 28, range 15, section 17. Pos session March 1. It has nice groves, 4 flowing wells, vrind mill and pump at barn, pump al e at house, telephone. This will take care of 90 to 100 head of cattle nicely. Loca tion 14 miles southwest of At kinson in Green Valley. — Nellie Sterns, Dayton, Ore.. Box 437. 22-24p FOR SALE: Business buildine on O’Neill’s mu in street. —P C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 17tf FOR SALE: My 365-acre im proved farm. —- Albert Pospe shil. Venus. 20tf *UU STRAYED to my pasture late in July, one white face heifer calf about six or eight -months old; has end cut off of left; ear. — Homer L. Blain, Mid dlebranch 23-25, FOR SALE: 128 tons of prairie bay, 1 mile south, 2 east and >4 mile south of Spencer pow er dam. $7 per ton. — Lawr . nee Bowers, Spencer, Neb., Star Route. 23-25 SANDING MACHINE FOR ^ENT WORN, BLACKENED flooring can be restored with a dear grain surface by sanding. Do the work yourself. Efficient, easy to operate machine. Cost* very little rental per day. GAMBLES O’Neill 21 tl BIGGEST BARGAINS in used tires ... as low as $1.50,— Lindberg Home & Auto Sup ply, O'Neill. 23c I HAVE money to loan on farms and ranches and city property. See R. H. Pa ker, O'Neill. tf NEW FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire; Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 52tf I HAVE MOVED my office one block south of the First Nation al Bank. — R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Neb._ 49tf MULLEN’S GUARANTEED Ra dio Service, 1 blk. west and 1^ blks. south of State ga ro"c Prompt servi e, pi'kup and delivery. Phone 415. r— John J. Mullen, O’Neill, 9tf GAMBLES can insulate your home now Crll for FREE es timate.—Gamble’s, O’Neill. 4tf LOST: A cameo pin on O’Neill main street. Finder please noti y Mrs. Anton Shavlik, Ewing. j 23-24c LOST: 18-in. steel pulley be tween O’Neill and Joe Kubik’s farm near Dorsey, on Tues day. October 14. Reward.— Kellv Well Service, O’Neill. 23c “power spraying SERVICE Barns — with D. D. T. Cattle — with D. D. T. and Rotenone Weeds — with 2. 4D Weed Killer Poultry Houses—with Insect Oil We have the latest type equip ment that developes up to S00 lbs. prsssure. CORKLE HATCHERY Phone 19 O'Neill. Nebr. CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to extend our sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to our neighbors and friends and relatives for their many eats of kindness in our recent bereavement in the loss of our darling son and brother, War ren James. We want to thank the third and fourth.grades of St. Mary’s and the Sisters for the beautifu] singing. It all will be so well rrnembered.— Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka, Helen and Mao Louise. 23p WE WISH to extend our sincere thanks to our many kind friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness during the illness and death of our loving mother and wife and sister. For all the deeds of kindness, for the floral trib utes and for the words of sympathy expressed, we want you to krow that we are deeply grateful. Elwood (“Beck") Wallen and Family. Brothers and Sisters. WE WISH to express our deep est thanks to our friends and relatives for the numerous ex pressions of sympathy shown us during the recent loss of our brother and brother-in law, Joseph Harrison. Espe cially do we wish to thank the Masonic lodge for the floral offering. — Mrs. Nellie Stevenson and family, of Val entine; F.dson Harrison and family, of Chadron; Mrs. Fred E. Harrison and family, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Orville Har rison and family, of O’Neill. LEGAL NOTICE (First publication Oct. 16, 1947.) LEGAL NOTICE Whereas on the 2nd day of October 1947 John G. Hoffman, as plaintiff, duly filed his peti tion in the District Court of Holt County Nebraska against the following named defendants: F. C. Hoffman, Mrs. F. C. Hoff man first and real name un known, Melvin Smith, Mrs. Mel-1 vin Smith first and real name unknown. A. Anthony, Mrs. A. Anthony first and real name unknown, Henry Hoffman and I/ts 11, 12 13. 14. 15, in Block 4 in the village of Page, Holt County, Nebraska and all per son'? having or claiming interest in the above described real es tate defendant. The object and purpose of said action being to foreclose a tax lien for the de linquent taxes on the following described real estate situated in Page. Holt county, Nebraska, to wit: Lots 11. 12, 13, 14, 15 in ptock 4 in the village of Page with 7% intfctfest per annum from the 6th day of November 1944, $59.45, from December 13, 194.1 $33 15, and from Novem ber 23, 1946, $33.00 with inter est on each of said payments f om date they were made to gether with the costs, accruing co ts. and Attorney’s fee of 10% all of which is due me piainuti and wholly unpaid and is first lien upon the above described nroperty and no action for the forecloser of said delinquent taxes has heretofore been brought, that the defendants be foreclosed of t® equity of re demption of otHer interest in said p.operty and every part fhoreof; that the defendants and all persons claiming by. through, or under them be for ever eniomed from asserting anv right, title, interest or estate in or to the above described property arid every part thereof. Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The O’Neill National Bank of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on OCTOBER 6, 1947 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including re serve balance, and cash items in process of collection United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed -.. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) Loans and discounts (including 469.36 over drafts) Bank premises owned $3,000.00 Other assets Total Assets . $ 983,391.06 1,994,399.99 6,831.60 3,000.00 152,292.15 3,000.00 1.07L16 3,143,985.96 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United* States Government (includ and postal savings) Deposits of States and political suddivisions _ Deposits of hanks Total Deposits 2,981,176.46 Total Liabilities . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $50,000.00 Surplus Undivided profits ----* Total Capital Accounts Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts 2,586,617.75 ] 88,154.92 ; 158,219:13 ' 148,184.66 2,981.176.46 50,000.00 50,000.00 62,809.50 162,809 50 3.143.985.96 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities for other purposes - 297.500.00 State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss; I. J. B. Grady. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. GRADY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of Oct ober, 1947. ALICE E. BRIDGES. Notary Public (SEAL) My commission expires July 25, 1950. Correct—Attest: Julius D. Cronin, F. N. Cronin, E. F. Quinn, Directors. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (This bank carries no indebtedness to officers or stockholders.) • You are required to answer the petition of plaintiff on or before the 17th day of November 1947. JOHN G. HOFFMAN Plaintiff J. J. HARRINGTON 23-27 His Attorney Try FRONTIER want ads> &MarhgtJ Thursday, October IS, 194T (Prices subject to change) PRODUCE • j Heavy hens . 18c j Light hens __ 12c 1 He**y springs Leghorn springs - Roosters - Cream, number 1 Cream, number 2 Eggs --- GRAIN Com, No. 2 yellow Oats . Barley —,-— — 21c _ 2. If _ 1.08 . 1.86 » * Which wey would YOU handle these party Rue problems? If someone were talking when you lifted the receiver, would you (2) Jiggle the receiver up and down to show you’re in a hurry, (2) Join in the conversation, or (i) Hang up quietly and wait a few moments? If someone broke in on your conversation, asking to put through an urgent call, would you V (2) Go rtgAf on talking, (2) To// him to write a letter, or (3) End your conversation at once and hang up? If yo« had a number of calls to make, would you (1) Make each call last as long as possible, (2) Let the receiver dangle while you look up numbers, or (3) Keep all calls short with intervals between? If you’ve chosen number 3 each time, you’re like thousands of other exper ienced party-liners who know that tele phone courtesy is no different from any other kind and that it pays off in better use of the line for all. To those on party lines who prefer to have individual lines, we assure you that we are doing our beet to get caught up so that we can again provide promptly whatever type of service you prefer. NORTHWESTERN KU TEKPHONE COMPANY Serving Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Meat Department Featuring CUDAHY’S Fancy Beef BEEF by the QUARTER — This week we will have a special on Fancy Hindquarters . . . 24 quarters to select from . . . come in and let us save you money with the best! BEEF STEAK — Fancy SIRLOIN JJj Lb.. Beef ROASTS Fancy, Lb. Kraft Velveeta CHEESE 2 Lbs_89c The best buy of the Week Beef HEARTS Lb... Beef BRAINS Lb.: 25c 14c Fresh Home-made Pork SAUSAGE 4Qf Xtra Lean, Lb. Cudahy’s Ready-to-eat PICNIC HAMS Only 55c Lb. Fruits & Vegetables Truckload POTATOES — Northern Grown Red Triumph and Ohio Potatoes for your Winter’s Supply APPLES — Jonathan and Delicious Fine Apples Priced Very Low ★ LETTUCE, Lb.. 16c if CELERY, Large Bunch . 19c ★ APPLES, Fancy, Lb.1... 13c ★ Porto Rican YAMS, Lb. 12c if We will have 20 V^-Bushel of Date PRUNES, at. 1.99 The sweetest Prune on the market. Bananas ALL YOU WANT ! SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar Only .. 54c ★ ★ it Cream Style CORN 2 No. 2 Cans.29c Case, of 24, Only 3.47 ★ ★ ★ Extra Fancy TOMATOES No. 2 Can, Each ...... 17c Case of 2A.1 3.69 Libby’s MILK Tall Cans Case of 48.5.79 Milk has advanced 10%— buy before the price ad vance. ★ ★ ★ BOYSENBERRIES Near Gallon Only ... 1.09 ★ ★ ★ Jack Sprat PORK & BEANS No. 2 Can Each . 17C Case of 24, Only 3.89 PEAS No. 2 Can Each . 12c Case of 24, Only 2.49 ★ ★ ★ Folger’s COFFEE 2-Lb. Jar, Only.97C ★ ★ ★ Omar, David Harum FLOUR At Less Than Wholesale Ask of our 4- or 10-Bag Lot Price UNION STORE PHONE 56 2 Deliveries Daily iiimiiiiimnwmituti'imittiMhiiimiiiinmiHiMmn'iiuitmmiiiiiiiiiiiiimi imtmininiiniimK.iiitiiuttiii