WHITING FILLETS Beef Shoulder STEAK Per Lb. SPUARES BACON Per Lb. _ < Assorted LOAVES Per Lb. _ l RING BOLOGNA Per Lb. PURE LARD Per Lb. Ctn. ROAST BEEF U. S. No. 1 Lb. .. LIVER SAUSAGE Per Lb. ‘Fresh Country MILK—Qt. 15C Fresh Homo Milk GILLETS—Qt. -.17c RIPE OLIVES 33C PICKLES — Cross .cut, Pint Jar ~10c Nabisco Shredded WHEAT— 2 12-Oz. pkgs. 29 c TEA BALLS — 3 16-Oz. pkgs. 12c PREM— 12-Oz. Can — 37c POTTED MEAT - 2 3^-Oz. Cans 15c All Popular Brands CANDY BARS. 3_ 13C Roberts MILK — 3 tall Cans 34c PEAS—No. 1 Can --- IOC Nut Brown COFFEE Lb. Can-42 C CANNING PEACHES & APRICOTS LEMONS—Lb_17c APPLES—3 Lbs.— 25 C Large Calif. — ORANGES—Lb. _ 10c CUCUMBERS, Lb. IOC CABBAGE—Lb. 7c | CARROTS—Bunch... 9 c Your Clover Farm Store Phone 33 O’Neill SUPERSUDS Large Pkg. CRISCO Mr. and Mrs. Maylon Price, of Seattle, Wash., arrived Sat A O/ RANCH ’ /0 LOANS Long term No. stock No. comm. Writp • J. 0. Wentworth Wayne, Nebr. 11-14 muiiiitiuiuuiiiimmimi •liinmimuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiiiiii urday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arlo C. Hiatt and Miss Ruth Hoffman. The Prices are former residents of O’Neill hav ing moved away 37 years ago. Miss Constance Pohlmeier and Miss Geraldine Pohlmeier of Lawrence, arrived Monday night to visit for a few days with their aunts, Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Miss Genevieve Biglin. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fioe lich, Miss Nancy Froelich, and Miss Louie Birmingham return ed Tuesday after spending two days in Omaha. illliltui iiimmimiimmiiii'iMmumimi.iiimimmmiiiimmmimui. REDBIRD NEWS Leon Stewart on Monday car ried tht Lynch-Star mail for his uncle, Don Stewart. John Hull is assisting Hals Hull with haying this week. Dale Bessert was in Specer ' visiting friends Sunday. Joe Ahlar had his car fixed at the garage here Tuesday. Albert Stoffer, of Star, is as sisting Harvey Kingman with his gdain harvest this week. :: :: :: “""cases ot Peaches & ’Cots 8 . .. have gone into thrifty shoppers’ h omes because our low prices and quality have been the talk of the community. We are still receiving daily shipments. If you want the best for less call at our store. APRICOTS - Our last shipment of Moor Parks will arrive Friday. Per Lug .... 1.49 PEACHES — Fancy California Elbertas, Per Box ..-. 1.39 All Sizes Fruit Jars, Rubbers & Lids FLOUR SUGAR Mother’s Best - 3.39 100-Lbs.. Now So-Lite __3.29 At __ 9.69 Mixed Box — COOKIES — 5-Lbs. .. 1.09 Maxie Cobb — COFFEE — Per Lb. _ 43c Harvest Specials PEACHES & APRICOTS — QOr In Syrup, Gal._ Spiced PEACHES — Per Gal. _ PRUNES — In Heavy Syrup, Gal. BAKED BEANS — 2 Cans_ 98c 25c PEAS — 2 Cans ..... CORN — 2 Cans ..... | KRAUT & PUMPKIN, No. 2Vi Cans, Only _ SCHULZ :: One - Stop SHOPPING CENTER WE DELIVER 98c 25c 29c 16c STORE PHONE 230 ttttsmstmtttmmmmmsi MRS. LANG Mrs. Lowell A. Lang, the former Norma Jean Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har ley Fox, was married last Thursday at the Holiness chapel. (See page 6-A.) — O’ Neill Photo Co. Mrs. Jack Alderson, Recent Bride, Feted CHAMBERS—A miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs Jack Al-' derson was held Tuesday eve ning in the parlors of the Meth odist church. A program portraying the bride’s life was p.esented in songs, readings and dialogues, sponsored by Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and Mrs. Duane Carson. Those taking part were Mrs. Robert Cocoran, Jean Wonder see, Phyllis Wood, Mrs. Glen Taylor, Mrs. Dean Stevens, Mrs. Elwyn Robertson, Mrs. Ben Med calf, Mrs. Kenneth Werner, Mrs. Frank Spath, Armenta Gleed, Patty Carson, Mary Ellen Gil lette, Doreen Gleed, Lavonne Trorin, Shirley DeHart and Con nie Werner. Mrs. Alderson was presented with a variety of gifts alter which a lunch consisting of fruit salad, cake and icedtea was served by the ladies of the church. INMAN NEWS George Grazier, of Jefferson Cny, xvio., came oum.ay 10 spenu several weens in uie xveanetn bmnn nojne. xvxary bou Sholes, who attends college ai Wayne, spent ihe weekend with her mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mr. and ivks. Oliver Ross and family, of UlMeiil, were visitors Sunday evening ox Mrs. Kate Conard and son, George. Mr. and Mrs. /xrihur Tomlin son left Monday for a several weeks’ vacation through .Caiiior nia, Washington and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Youngs and daughter, of Omaha, spent the weenend in the Cheste. Youngs and A. M. Butler homes Mr. and Mrs. Vere Butler and children, of Neligh, spent Sun day visiting Mr. butler s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler. Mr. and Mis Charles Kelley and childien and Lyle Jackson have returned to their home a. j St. Paul. Minn., after vis.ting in the William Kelley, sr., home. Arthcr Clark, of Burwed, vis ited his daughter, Mrs. Robert Stevens and his son Norbe t last Thursday. He was accompanied back to Bui well by his mother, Mrs. Anna Clark, who will visit there for a few d; ys. Mr. and Mrs. Haivey Tomp kins and children left Sunday for Utica, where they will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Caldwell. Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Beat rice, came Monday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ezra Moor. Mrs. Frank Roper left Tues day for her home in Indianap olis, Ind., after spending sever al weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Moor. Mrs. Kate Smith returned on Tuesday from Iowa where she had been visiting her sons, Clin ton and Gordon. Mrs. David Morsback and her daughters, Mary and Lois, have returned from Omaha where they were visiting relatives. M. L. Harkins spent Tuesday in Sioux City on business, Miss Marjorie Mossman re-' turned Monday from Lincoln where she has been visiting rel atives. The L. L. club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Ren ner. lc Sale COLGATE TOOTH POWDER Large size only lc when you buy Giant Size at 40c—BOTH for 41c 1 BOWJEN’S BEN FRANKLIN STORE — O’NEILL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pribil, of O’Neill, visited in the Levi Clemens home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Calvin attended chil Iren's day services in the Keller church near Chambers Sunday. i THE FRONTIER, O'Neill, Neb., Thursday, July 31, 1947. C A' Joan Clemens is spending the week in the Julius Belus ho^f near Chambers. Marlon Belus returned Home after spenmng last week in the Levi Clemens home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland and *i Is, and Mrs. Ragland had Sun day dinner in the Charles Cool ldge home near Chambers Sun day. PROUD! As Are Countless Other Thrifty House wives, of the Way She S-T RET-CHE-S HER FOOD DOLLAR AT @yneiL Oak ‘WHERE QUALITY and THRIFT WALK HAND IN HAND* CA JFORKIA LATE ELBERT A PEACHES - lbs. 29c Special Price By the Crate Thompson Seedless GRAPES, lb. Red Malaga GRAPES, lb. Red-Ripe TOMATOES, 2 lbs. 16c 19c 25c Ripe Juicy PLUM*. large basket $1.09 Pink Meat CAN- AA. T A LOUPE, l lbs... £96 Juicy Valencia ORANGES. 8 lb. mesh 1 A. bar . .WC Guaranteed Ripe WATERMELONS, lb. 3c Red Triumph 4Q. POTATOES, 10 lbs. 496 CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS, wrapped and sized. 2 lbs. CALIFORNIA GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, for eating or sauce, 2 lbs.• •. WASHINGTON MOORPARK APRICOTS See Us for Lowest Market Price 25c 25c CHOICE PEACHES Halves In llt'nvjr Syrup. No. JV4 Cnn BARTLETT PEARS Morning Light. No. *V4 Can _ LEMON JUICE “Kmilrraon”. lit-of.. Glass _......_ LIME JUICE “Rsallme”. 8-o*. Glass .._..... APPLE SAUCE Y. It. Old Fashioned. No. S Can 280 390 270 210 170 TOMATO JUICE Hritlth by th« Glims. No. 3 {'an .— DILL PICKLES Crisp, Delirious. 40 Count. Gal._ QUEEN OLIVES Everoyal S-ol. Jar ... Mil *0 CLAMS Makes a Soup Ton'll Mkp. OH-oc. PERK DOG FOOD 2 _ 110 *1.50 ‘ 290 350 Caramel Cake COOKIES 11 to 12-Lb. Box..........3.89 Ocean Spray CR’NBERRY SAUCE 1—16-Oz. Can .. 25c 6 Cans ______ 1.49 12 Cans _____... 2.89 ROBB-ROSS ANGEL FOOD CAKE FLOUR PKG. 29c CORNED BEEF HASH Van Camp’s, 16-os. can ... CHICKEN FRICASSEE Swanson’s, 16-os. tin . 26c 45c BONED TURKEY Swanson’s, 6-os. tin SPANISH SALTED PEANUTS igc Kemp’s, 8-os. vacuum glass * ROASTS and CHOPS DaHaloM wbra mnd M END CUTS, lb.45c READY TO EAT HAMS ££» 65c 5£V 63c PORK SAUSAGE In Balk, round .. SUMMER SAUSAGE * Mnenrliner Style. Found .... BACON SQUARES Tasty, Kronomlral. Fonnd... PORK HEARTS Ho Waste. Fonnd___ PORK BRAINS Surra wilt Herambird round_ BEEF SNORT RIBS Tasty and Thrifty. Pound_ AMERICAN CHEESE Loaf. Found ..... LONGHORN CHEESE Tnnvy Flavor. Pound_ — BACON ENBS % BIG BOLOGNA Lb. ..43c LIVER SAUSAGE Pickle-Pimento Flavored ★ Lb. ..39c Tender WIENERS Lb. . .41c RING BOLOGNA Coarse Groud ★ Lb. ..39c Frab *' GROUND BEEF i Lb. . .39c YOUR FRIEND^^AT MEALTIME AUGUST 1ST AND *ND CONGRATULATIONS T0 GAMBLES